Is it possible to get a Thompson in my country and if yes, what do I need to do to get one?
Is it possible to get a Thompson in my country and if yes, what do I need to do to get one?
No, fuck off retard
I don't think Aquafresh ever made Thompsons
Full auto? You would need collector licence, so good luck with that. You may reconsider and buy nice Zastava M70 - only 500 euroshekels in Molenbeek
Unless it's some sort of a honeypot operation, you can technically own PM-63 RAK or better yet a 1918 Maxim with a standard firearm permit.
Downside being the Police will have all details of your purchase
I don't want any of that gay shit. I want a Thompson, nothing else.
You fucking swamp german you take that back this instant! The Maxim is the embodiment of European imperialism, it shows others you're able to kill anything in grass skirts at up to 600 rounds a minute. Instead you want the gun used by gangsters and fruit merchants.
That's the point, Europe is gay. I don't like living here.
You can always kill yourself, in that case.
While you are right that Europe is pretty gay there isn't really anywhere better than your homeland at this point. We burgers have quite a lot of internal matters to settle before we can once again open up shop as the place where any Europeans of note move to. While still better than you in terms of rights we aren't better than you by enough, and as the bongs and other euros who are simultaneuously more cucked and more white than us are quick to point out we are only 56% white.
Have you heard of Article 13? The fact that that is even considered is already a testament to how fucking awful the EU is. Besides that, my country's political parties are all garbage and the only one with decent ideas is ran by a kike and is probably a trojan horse anyway.
The USA is still a better country than Europe. I would like to move there if it wasnt for me being in financial trouble.
Ah, so that's where the burgers get it from.
I've changed my mind, the protestant Belgians are now the worst Euros
Ameriga is best in the world many fredums :-DDD
I am telling the truth but it isn't that my country is good it is that everywhere else somehow manages to be worse.
Really you guys in general just need to ride the tide of euroskepticism so the EU never becomes a country. As more and more nations either leave or disregard it the EU will become a UN tier irrelevant figurehead
Give it a few decades of the productive countries leaving and the unproductive staying, that will change. What will save the west in the end will be the combined weight of all of the retarded decisions collapsing it allowing hard men to rise out of the ashes.
The EU is bretty much a country; with their own army, soon. How's that secession going Jefferson Davis Britain? Remind me: what is the french shorthand for United States.
É-U which stands for États-Unis or les États-Unis d'Amerique
Guess its better than the time /b/ got a Dutch kid to blow the roof off his house and die by flushing a MK2 pineapple down the toilet.
You do realize that the 56% meme was made up as a joke by calling people of Irish and Italian decent as non white right?
No it wasn't newfag, the "meme" came from your national demographics data, it's years old. It used to be >60% back in the day, but it's already dropped 4%. I don't see how it's related to taigs or wops at all.
The 56% face image came from some Norwegian shitposter after all the Yankposters kept screaming "WHITER THAN U, MOHAMMAD!" at every single European poster. It's referring to a mix of the fact that the US is only 56% white, yet calls other nations non-white, and mostly that you have extremely low standards for what is considered white, with people often calling North Africans, spics, quadroons and other horrible mixes "white", which is pretty much unique to Americans. North Africans are even counted as "non-Hispanic white" in the official census if I remember correctly.
>implying that the taigs and wops are white anyway
Are you telling me you didn't know Belgians are concentrated evil, I mean their entire existence is a sham like the EU. They're on the level of kikes.
Well I'm more saying the Dutch are the worst, seeming as the Belgians are merely Catholic Dutch subjects I was degrading him by flipping it around. After all, being called a Belgian is the worst insult to someone.
I thought it came from some Polish mudshark and her half-breed kid
No, 60%posting has been going on for years before that square-headed Pole's mutt, kek, especially on Brit/pol/ and stuff. The actual "le 56% face" image was made by some Norwegian user on /int/ or Zig Forums in 2015 I think, but don't quote me on it.
It's years old, but all the T_D newfags that imkikey invited here haven't been exposed to it before, so they overreacted massively and started screaming about "MUH SOROS, MUH CIA, MUH CTR, MUH ADL, MUH SHAREBLUE FORCING D&C MEMES! SPICS ARE TOTALLY WHITE YOU GUIZ!!!"
At first I was annoyed by them appearing everywhere, then I shitposted with them while insulting people (mainly /ck/ by saying Americans have no cuisine and insulting Americans in general.)
Those 56% memes are pretty good in training to spot complete mutts, though.
Yeah, kek, you could spot who was a civic/mutt from how they reacted to it.
It's a shame they got super popular and got spammed everywhere to the point of boredom though, it was devilish to just casually slip in the originals back in the day and get a ton of (You)s from Yanks, kek.
All things aside I'm kind of impressed, bitch was so goddamn white that her genes overwrote even a nigger to produce a blue eyed blonde niglet. That's almost magic from a biologists perspective.
I honestly don't know why'd anyone want to muddy up their gene pool with spics or niggers. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Oh well, still fun to piss off the civics and mutts.
I have an inkling
I have seen US ZOGbots in Poland. 56% face is real.
Britcucks have no right to have an opinion, your people get spied on, get treated worse than muslim subhumans and get arrested for 'illegal opinions'. If you haven't moved out of the UK, you have no right to talk.
Why would I be upset at the most cucked country in the world?
t. 77%
Since you're europoor you might have a bit of chance finding a ww2 thompson in someone's attic… break into houses and check attics till you get lucky user
But I don't want a butchered WW2 model, I want the original.
then quit your bitching, you're like a child that wants a lolipop but its parents can't afford it. Either learn how to make a copy of a thompson yourself or suck it up like everyone else
You have fucking visa free travel to USA. Quit whining, go there, get married or find h1b job, became illegal and wait for amnesty. ffs
Get a map of the places (preferably muddy areas) americans and germans clashed in '44/45, a metal detector, a shovel and luck.
This is the way Europe ends
This is the way Europe ends
This is the way Europe ends
Not with a bang but a shitpost
Why do you keep fighting so? You raised Japan by being our rivals in the Asia Pacific region
European Colonialism made us stronger as a race by making us work around it and fight it
*We miss you Europe**
>We miss you Europe
I will come live with you in trade for a yugoslav jacket. Then you may observe kraut autism in person forever and ever.
the early blish lock thompsons are far better finished and the blish lock has a much smoother operation as well as a much more usable rate of fire
Yeah, okay Blish, you can go back to your grave now
We miss you too Hideo, think of the day when we will all be in Beijing again friend.
Even those will be made illegal by next autumn. Basically any semi-automatic weapon that has magazine bigger than 5 rounds is going to be illegal.
Citizens of European Union will be allowed to have bolt-action rifles, but even that requires a hunting permit, and requires that you give up your basic human- and citizenship-rights.
If only someone figured out that you could buy tons of legal ammo for an illegal gun before you need to register, sign ,report, stick up your ass every single bullet you buy…
You'll inherit the Earth, along with some other, undesirables.
Why aren't you shooting politicians?
How did you let it get to this point without shooting politicians?
You might be familiar with the term boiling the frog.
In Poland it's 30 years too late for that and all politicians that need killing are CIA/Mossad/BND or rarely KGB operatives.
Even we shoot politicians tbh most of them have a security detail now-a-days, Tony Blair has a £3m a year detail around him at all times, paid for by the EU tax payer
Nah, just a man who didn't want his public garden to be closed down
That's a nice knife
There's no need to miss us, this entire place has been cucked even worse than the entirety of asia.
A shovel and a backgarden I'd wager.
Self-loading weapons are completely banned for civilian use in the UK?
Limited to 3-5 rounds iirc, hand guns completely banned in GB (legal in NI) unless it's from before 1900, the guy made a bolt action pistol in his shed though, wasn't a registered firearms owner.
No, we can have self loading .22s and shotguns, so stuff like the 10/22 or saiga 12 are legal. The reason he made on obrez is because he needed something compact so he could assassinate his MP.
If unlicensed butter knives are banned, I'm pretty sure that is banned as well.
Why not import angry savages who want to kill you or not pass policies that anger the general population so that you don't need 3 million pounds/year security to sustain your life?
I'm just spitballing here though.
Shooting politicians usually isn't as effective as it looks, they're just figureheads for the serious power anyway so all you do is provide them with an easily replaced martyr. You need to go after the donors etc who fund these fucks.
Not that they don't deserve to be shot mind, I'm just saying that focussing on the elected retards who only last ~10 years is silly and that to some degree playing up their role is a tactic used to stop you seeing those who are really in charge. It's the same reason why the American public is pushed to obsess over the President when he has very little domestic power and is weakened by a term limit.