FBI Agent accidentally shoots someone while break dancing

Title says it all.

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Ebin, and these are the cunts who told us that 10mm was too powerful. They're obviously just poorly trained.

not smart but could have been avoided with better holster
could have been avoided by not being retard.

What the fuck was he thinking? What a fucking idiot.


I am surprised he didn't call in his buddies in the agency saying someone else fired on him so they could burn them all alive.

We are here to question you about the incident

Picking it up by the trigger shows he is retarded, but why didn't he also have the safety on for the gun if he was drunk and doing something dangerous like a backflip.

Unless it's actually something else and I'm just retarded.

How can you fuck this up ?

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Itr's something about a federal agent that causes you to be retarded.

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This is the people that will "protect" you when they take all of your funs.

i wonder if Breakdancing is part of FBI training
The agent looks suspiciously like martin shkreli

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i unironically dont get why you would prefer a shitty trigger pull over just cocking it and switching a manual safety on. it takes exactly no more time to get your gun up and on target when you pull it and flick a paddle safety with your thumb and then you have a good trigger upll for your first shot



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It's a crutch for shoddy training just like most weapons and modifications the military and law enforcement have been adopting since the 80s.


don't you dare fucking reply to me with shadman you pleb
get out of my sight

the absolute state of federal agents



Shadcuck is abhorrent because he's basically the Matt Groening of the porn world, he hasn't improved his "art" one bit since he started drawing years ago.
He also has a bad case of sameface and every single female he draws looks exactly identical to the next.

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Alright. Here's the real thing

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Isn't that the case with all cartoon artists?

I like how media is treating this like it's some kind of accident. Stupid isn't an accident. It's not a stroke of bad luck he picked it up by the trigger.

It would be like someone picking up a kitchen knife by the blade and calling it an accident.

Underrated post.

That's not true, the face on the Hillary Clinton porn he did looks very different from say this
image. There are some similarities, but there are limits to art styles when it comes to drawing comics.

Not always. It's a sliding scale of detail. More details takes more time to draw which is a problem in something like animation, but less detail means that differences between characters have to be less subtle to create variation. When it comes to comics on one end you have Kingdom Come which approaches photo-realism, on the other you have XKCD where the only thing you have to differentiate characters is hair and hats.
However just because there's a lot of detail doesn't mean that same-face will be avoided it's still up to the artist to add variation.

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Even if you were too busy gargling toothpaste to read the watermark in the corner, you must have been able to notice all the anons reeeing loudly about the artist's name. Surely it can't be so difficult for you to put two and two together and find the source for yourself.

I think he's talking about the real picture.


Retarded amerimutt here, don't mind me.

Would you be interested in working for the Federal Government?
if so, report to Stare Kiejkuty blacksite 100% legal US consulate as soon as possible.

I always knew CIA, FBI and pretty much every other burger organization was overrated worthless retards LARPers. This isn't the first time FBI or CIAniggers fuck up in stupid ways.

Proving operators DO carry condition 0.

Very interesting…

Some, not all, but Shadfag's is extremely obvious, every single fucking girl he draws other than specific circumstances where the character looks odd in the first place, all look 100% identical.

That's because it's a loli, he draws lolis a bit different than adults.
It's also a crypto-caricature, so he drew it to look extra like Shillary.

That's hilarious.

Oh yes.

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lol ok.

You're complaining about cartoons, being a reduction in complexity of the real world, looking similar. Worse you're complaining about one artists cartoons being similar. It's not even a style where a lot of detail can be used, its an adaptation of the anime style where there are entire dubgenres drawn by hundreds of artists that still arr rook seme.

Come on now.

lol ok.

And being simple doesn't necessarily mean that everything has to be identical. Most animes or western animations/cartoons have much more differentiated faces for the characters, and the artstyle of anime and cartoons is usually much, much more simple than Shadfag's "art". He puts in so much extra detail compared to japshit and cartoons, it just always happens to be the same details for every character.

OK then I'm sure you know the faces of these two popular Cartoon Network characters. And don't even get me started on the anime.

You're not even good at lying you little bullshitter.

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Differentiated =/= instantly recognisable, especially since I never watched cartoon network.
Shad, is that you?

send me your picture i'll include it somewhere

Kek, I don't know where you get the idea that I'm butthurt from, probably just projection.


1. Bad trigger discipline.
2. Ineffective/unsafe holster (for the type of activity he was doing).
3. Poor judgement on the type of activity he was doing.
4. Poor judgement on carrying a firearm while [probably] intoxicated.
5. [Probably] broke a law (carrying a gun while intoxicated).

At the very least, this man needs to be stripped of his license to carry.

You mean hot? I wonder if that kind of hoodie is available so real thicc chicks will wear them?



one of these glowniggers walked into satancucks
all pompous and WASPy
our govt is seriously incompetent

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IIRC the reason the NYPD has an insanely large trigger pull on the Glock is because they were too lazy/cheap to retrain officers who were issued revolvers at the time.