Zig Forums Which rifle triggers liberals more the AR-15 or the FN FAL?
Zig Forums Which rifle triggers liberals more the AR-15 or the FN FAL?
The fucking Sgt44.
Get a G3, or better, an PTR91 i.e. americanized teutonic master race.
Still I think no gun will scare communist then MG42.
Too bad they will never sell a semi-auto MG3 (dunno how that works).
AR or the AK, obviously
they probably have no idea what the FAL is or looks like, same with the G3. They would probably just call them AR's.
There's a Yugo semi-auto version I've seen in the US in 8mm. It can be converted to .308 with some German parts.
MP40 and MG42.
MP40 because every movie depicts every single German soldier in an entire battalion armed with an MP40 and killing innocent civilians for shits ans giggles, and the MG42 because American historians won't shut up about how terrifying it was to their beloved veterans and how it was literally Hitler's buzzsaw
And last probably any of the German pistols because the evil nazi Auschwitz officers used them to genocide 6 gorrilion jewish children just like the marcist teachers told them at school
MP40 does make sense, though it's funny now you can get a MP40 SEMI-AUTO pretty easy.
though most likely getting a Glock or an USP would get the libs mad.
(Fully semi-)Auto Rampage 15 (children murdered per second)
Former ;_; Existence of Rhodesia and white-owned South Africa triggers them more than a gun.
They don't know what a FAL is.
They don't really know what an AR-15 is either
I'm rather sure they'd believe you if you told them that the AR-15 was made by nazis who were smuggled to the USA by the Catholic church. Of course, its ammunition was developed in Dachauswitz, because they tested it in LBTQ transjews to make sure the rifle will be good for genociding POCs.
Are you a bigot or something???
For Nazis: Fuhrer Adolf Lieben
I showed a liberal friend my FAL with wood furniture and no magazine in.She thought it was a hunting gun.
They think anything with wood on it that isn't an AK is a "hunting rifle".
They also think that hunting rifles are less powerful than AR-15s for some reason, despite ARs only shooting .223. I mean, hunting rifles are specifically designed to kill deer and stuff, why would they be less powerful?
Then again, if leftists had any amount of brain cells, they wouldn't be leftists in the first place.
It is for hunting commies
the fal made commie ian shut his video down on it, but i think libshits are more terrified of ak's and ar's tho
OYY VEYY how dare you. My muff mate was holocausted by gorillions of of those 15 calibur sexual assault clips with those large extensions that force me to be moist down there. It was terrible like that time I went to a deli in upstate new york but was assaulted by the image of a happy pig trying to shill me some bacon. I was quickly overcome by the images of my other pussy pal being fed into the loin grinder as the blades licked her cum soaked haunches drawing blood and about 30 gallons of Gefilte fish oil per drop of blood that was then refined and used to fuel the tiger tank that ran over my black but totally aryan son. OHHH the horror as he screamed "Schieeeeeeeeeeeesse" at the top of his angelic little lungs that he would have used for making a speech at his college graduation.
It was actually 8 million. I can't believe anyone could forget the 12 million. So many dead people 15 million dead, so sad.
AR-15 of course. Most of them probably can't name FN FAL when they see one while AR is the "scary" one because of media.
The black one.
Out of those they fear the AR more because it's black, woodless and literally stands for Assault Rifle
that's a joke ArmaLite spergs
Seconding PTR91. Just make sure to get lighter handguards.
Has gun Jesus become gun Judas?
AK select fire machine-gun. Oh wait it triggers Zig Forums as well…
I've heard a lot of bad things about the PTR, how do you like it?
The FAL, since most of them are closet communists.
I like it just fine. Took that one out to 650m the other day. Obviously with a different optic, but with the right ammo, you can hit man-sized targets at that range, easy.
What bad things have you heard?
Liberals are by default normies, so both trigger them equally as they don't even know the difference. However, there are jews, certain ledditors and woke leftypol types that you encounter on the internet who are triggered more by the FAL because they know it is worshipped by rhodesiaboos.
Low quality materials, bad iron sights, and I just don't like the look. I feel like if I bought it I would think "man I should have gotten a FAL or M1A" every time I look at it.
Materials are just like the original, the iron sights are pretty good, and the look is personal preference. I quite like it. I would get an M1A over an FAL though. Get that EBR look.
Why couldn't South Africa design and produce their own main battle rifle?
Why would they?
Broomhandle mauser or p38.
I meant Rhodesia, sorry.
BR, I hope that puke is from being drunk as fuck during a weekday. EBR is pretty cool.
Nah, pretty sure he's puking because the EBR looks like something that'd make you puke, and to be honest he's right
If it's pistols the Luger is the ebil Nazi pistol that Adolf Hitler himself used when he'd line up ten Jewish children in a row and shoot through all of them with one shot
They're also just as likely to call it a Ruger.
If you read the OP, he said "rifle". MP-40s, Lugers/Walthers, and MG42s are not rifles, they're submachine guns, handguns, and machine guns, respectively. Now, they have rifled barrels, but they're not "rifles".
And this.
AR, it's the only one that most actually know the name of. Majority of gun owners I know don't even know what an FAL is.
Not sure why this thread was bumped, but if anyone wants to help me create a convoluted story about how the AR-15 is related to the Nazis I'd appreciate it. I'm thinking we go the line that the AR-15 was inspired by the AK which was in turn based on the StG-44 and then make up some fake survivor story about how they tested the ammo on the inmates or some such nonsense.
Wasn't really a point. FAL was in common use, did the job well, and they could get parts and weapons from South Africa who also fielded the rifle. The Rhodesians did have several home-grown firearms but with the import restrictions putting a lot of material towards their construction just wasn't a top priority when what they had worked well enough.
Well, anyone except that guy that spergs out about the EM-2 rifle.
Maybe in the US, but in Canada and Australia the FAL was standard issue with their respective armies and widely known.
Also banned for that reason :(
Liberals can't into history and thus don't grasp the significance of the FAL. Kike media portrays the AR as a child killer, I've never seen journalists talk about Rhodesia or anti-communist action from the cold war.
The FAL was overhyped. It was paraded by FN as the "right arm of the free world", only to be used in a few minor conflicts here and there before being quickly forgotten about when intermediate cartridges became popular. It was only really prominent in Rhodesia.
You're objectively wrong.
Except it was the most adopted (by number of nations) battle rifle, you lying kike.
It hasn't been in any major conflict of importance. In fact, for an "arm of the free world", its track record is virtually just a handful of third world shithole conflicts. You fucking idiots.
Also if you're gonna post an M14, post the wooden finish version instead of that hot piece of vomit EBR.
EBR is a superior rifle, fag.
Honestly, why do BRs insist on being the shittiest country on the planet?
ok I was with you until that, gas yourself
Fuck off, mallninja.
To the fucking old M14? Yes, it fucking is. It has a proper chassis instead of fucking glass bedding that's going to fuck itself over, has a better barrel, and a nicer action. If you don't think it's better, it's because you've never handled one.
The actions are all original, though?
no, just go full balls to the wall and say that eugene stoner was brought into the country in operation paperclip and that the small caliber is designed for an old American plan to exterminate unarmored third world subhumans so that marxism would be denied a vector to spread through.
>A conflict where the FAL was only found in the hands of some terrorist units, smuggled from who-knows-where
Explain the IDF terrorism case though. Haven't heard of kikes using FALs. I remember them using soviet weapons during the Six Days War because commies supplied them so they wouldn't get gangraped by muds.
EBR is not only an aesthetic tumor, but it's also heavier (+1kg when fucking unloaded), needlessly longer (while somehow losing barrel length) and even more of a goddamn maintenance pig than the OG M14.
Get fucked, lardo.
The FAL was virtually not present in the Gulf. It was used by like, what, 2 minor middle eastern countries? Not even widely used by them, either.
I don't particularly care about kikes and their hot garbage military who are only "effective" at slaying mudslime civilians. and using american weapons to bomb retarded terrorists with the press of a button. Not worth much attention.
To be fair, they're also exceptional at killing Americans.
AR since most of them have no idea what the FAL even is.
Not hard to kill someone who mistakenly trusts you as an ally and turns their back to you
there haven't been any major conflicts since WWII, just regional sparring. Vietnam and Iraq are the larger ones, but the FAL has been in practically all of the rest
In the more than 60 years of use worldwide, the FAL has seen use in conflicts all over the world. During the Falklands War, the FN FAL was used by both sides. The FAL was used by the Argentine armed forces and the L1A1 Self Loading Rifle (SLR), a semi-automatic only version of the FAL, was used by the armed forces of the UK and other Commonwealth nations.[39]
Mau Mau Uprising[40]
Vietnam War[2]
Congo Crisis[41]
Bay of Pigs Invasion[2]
1965 & 1971 Indo-Pakistan Wars[42]
The Troubles
Araguaia Guerrilla War
Six-Day War[2]
War of Attrition[28]
Yom Kippur War[43]
Portuguese Colonial War
Angolan Civil War[44]
South African Border War[28]
Rhodesian Bush War[28]
Shaba II[45]
Falklands War[2]
Lebanese Civil War
Gulf War[46]
Bougainville Civil War[47]
Burundian Civil War[48]
First Congo War[49]
Mexican Drug War[50]
2010 Rio de Janeiro Security Crisis[47]
Iraqi insurgency[51]
Libyan Civil War[52][53]
Syrian Civil War[54]
Boko Haram insurgency[55]
Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)[citation needed]
Saudi-led intervention in Yemen (2015–present)
South Sudanese Civil War
Korea and the Iran-Iraq War were both major conflicts. Iran-Iraq was basically a miniature WW1.
I'd have thought being so poorly informed about the FAL was illegal in Brazil. FAL fetishism is pretty much the only thing you do well after all.
Except for the Gulf and the Yugoslavian Wars (which did involve NATO), where it was seldom present. Almost everything else were skirmishes. Saying it was important just because it popped up on semi-rare occasions is as valid as saying the Stoner 63 was important just because it showed up in Vietnam for one whole week before getting ditched by frogmen for AKs as usual. Yes, "week" it's an intentional embellishment.
We've replaced our MD97s lately. In fact, we've been looking for a replacement since the early 90's. It's no coincidence that most countries had already replaced it by the turn of the century. Nothing fetishistic about carrying a brick of steel with double the necessary firepower and half the total amount of ammo to supply and carry than an intermediate cartridge rifle for the average grunt these days.
And no, the FAL wasn't in Korea. It was basically an East Asian WWII epilogue, and the arsenal was just so.
No, he has not.
What happened is a bunch of Zig Forumsfags decided to shit up the comment section of that video with a bunch of flagrantly racist memes and bullshit. You might say that's their right, but the overlords at Goolag don't take kindly to your internet spice trade and Ian is already treading a fine line with a channel built around military hardware.
They did that same thing when he started censoring the Nazi flag in the thumbnails. Of course they forget that he had to start doing that because he got a strike before he started doing that.
It's the same reason he had to pull auction house links from his video descriptions. YouTube changed the rules and threatened to shut down his channel.
Also remember that he had a few videos deleted and had to reupload them, and he tried both putting the Nazi flag in his videos AND editing older videos to uncensor the flags before that. And guess what happened? Faggots tried to get his entire channel taken down. Zig Forumsniggers are pretty much doing the exact equivalent of passing an unjust law and then attacking anyone who disagrees with it as 'paranoid'. It's just that their angle is 'anyone who doesn't kill Jews on TV every day must be a commie!', even though the guy is very obviously libertarian and pro-gun. He's praised people multiple times for rebelling against totalitarian governments, he supports resistance movements, and he repeatedly presses the point of wishing automatics were more civilian legal. These fags don't even have an argument, it's just the same old NPC line of 'liberal faggot gay voice obvious ponytail' and being butthurt over a blatant joke video.
If you watch his Rhodesia and South Africa videos with Larry Vickers you can see how uncomfortable he is to have Vickers as a guest, because he doesn't like the things Vick says. And frankly, who would? Vick is obese, egotistical, and terrible at research, getting mechanical and historical details wrong all the time. But he's prominent, so in order to make good connections and get views that's who Ian has to do business with. And people do realise that if he acknowledged the South African genocide he would be kicked off the site for good, right? Google OFFICIALLY denies its existence, so he would be a 'fake news' or 'propaganda' source and he'd obviously be declared a 'fascist'. But Zig Forums is anti-gun anyway, so they probably want him banned. Never forget they literally supported the 'accelerationist' idea of reporting all gun channels - that was their actual, organised plan when Youtube announced the rule change.
Besides, he's said since the beginning that he isn't interested in talking about politics not related to guns, so he hasn't.
So he puts his money over the truth.
A sellout.
Fuck off communist loser.
proofs, karl?
baste and redpilled.
So, Spergook, when did you first realise you were anti-gun?
A communist idiot who denies white genocide ain't my idol.
Fuck off kike.
Except he demonetised himself after the very first move they made against gun owners, which was the wave of "Adpocalypse" that Google started when they attacked Joerg Sprave. Youtube CPMs or ad agencies haven't been getting any money that Ian consented to in a long time. Notice how you have to lie in order to support your position. Perhaps that means your position is flawed?
Double post, saging.
Where is your proof, nigger? He has hundreds of videos, hundreds of online text dumps, and hundreds of contacts in the industry. We even know where he lives, so you could easily find out his political affiliations and voting history with a relatively short search. So, why don't you do it? Prove your claim or quit bullshitting.
Dog blezz ameriga :DDD
I love freedumbs ;DDD and hard choices :DDDD free market prevails again.
glad they aren't pro 2nd Ammendment and their guns are literally toys or props to look cool, after all, giving a shit about constitution is against the ToS and you wouldn't want to be kicked off, right?
Stunning and brave, unfortunately didn't demonetize all his userbase without adblocks who still use youtube for his videos
Did he give up on making trannyporn on pornhub as a protest?
Starting an actual boycott of youtube would take effort and that's passe in age of slacktivism.
My proof is the fact he denies white genocide in South Africa, which is done by the damn nigger communists.
This means he's a communist sympathizer at worst, or a traitor.
More on the traitor because nigger doesn't have the guts to let people speak their mind about that thing.
Don't care who the heck he votes for, his action speaks more than his words. And contact in the industry? What guns do he make? Nope, just some Youtube videos.
Go back to picking rice, you retarded slanteye.
What do you want him to do you spergook, fight against white genocide or at least against anti 2A legislation?
What's wrong with inviting BASTE pro-gun trannies and gay crossdressers?
Are you some kind of a bigot? (^:
Nigger, what's more important, a Youtube channel or your fucking dignity?
You have a shitton of other Youtube alternative, but nope, let's suck down Google cock and ignore the truth.
Google is still gonna remove him, mark my words. Google is out against every guns video, "educational" or not.
None of which are viable, functional or even populated for that matter.
So let's start there. Youtube wants monopolization, and thus when the time is ripe, they can do whatever they want with your videos, and you become their bitch.
Abandon Youtube now, prop up alternatives, that's the only way to fight it.
He has a Full30 channel, a standalone Forgotten Weapons website, and a Patreon page. He shills all three of them in every Youtube video that he has the time to edit before posting. You have no ground to stand on with that point.
Except they are? Do you live under a rock, or have you not at any point followed what has been going on on Youtube since Trump entered office? The people whose channels are dedicated to gun laws have been all over it, and other people who don't devote their time to educating about that have spoken about it too. Do you think all gun owners are Tim from MAC or something? You're only further proving to me that you don't support gun ownership yourself, because of how uneducated on this aspect of the subject that you are.
Yeah, because he can reach through the computer and force you to install uBlock Origin on your browser, you dumb fuck. He's told people before not to support Youtube with ads, and he took down the ads that he had control over. The only other thing that he has the power to do is to either use every video to shit-talk Youtube's management, which would not harm Google but would harm him, or to delete his channel, which would not harm Google but would harm him. Why do you keep suggesting self-harm for gun owners, hmm?
I support the notion of
Why hasn't Federal Reserve act, AWB, Waco, Ruby Ridge, 1965 immigration act, Patriot Act, "Sanctuary States" sparked a civil war or at least some political violence?
What the fuck do you even have guns for you brown sacks of lard and corn syrup?
English isn't my first language, so I might be misunderstanding the linguistic intricacies and historical context, but I think 2A wasn't intended for retarded youtube videos but for
Why are your freedoms being eroded and national security undermined by unconstitutional organizations like CIA, NSA, FBI, and BATFE
now's the time to accuse me of fedposting btw.
Alright, you're too retarded to argue with. It's been fun, but you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. This is your last (You), eat it slowly.
You might be the one too retarded to argue with.
Sourkraut using a proxy detected
Well the 97 itself only game in in the late 90s and comes from a line of earlier attempts to make a 5.56mm FAL. 1997 is in the name after all.
Sure, it's just that Brazil developed a series of rifles that were essentially 5.56x45mm FALs instead of dropping the design entirely like most others. Also the new IA2 have a 7.62mm variant that still uses what are essentially modernised FAL parts with polymer furniture and is likely to be adopted alongisde it, as I recall it's even compatible with FAL magazines.
I never said it was, I just pointed out that it was a major conflict since WW2.
Yeah I realized that after posting. I meant the MD-2, which has been around since the 80's, coming from the earlier M964. A myriad of variants and upgrades for the same exact model gets jumbled up sometimes. While our new IA2s are based on the FAL, they're designed for 5.56 first and foremost to meet the STANAG standard, with later full cartridge versions.
It's just that we dropped the battle rifle version specifically to adopt intermediate rifle models with a tight budget for arms development to save development time and money. There's a reason why we made the 5.56 models, and that is that the FAL was becoming insufficient even for nations without declared enemies.
Fair enough. It's not like the UK did well by abandoning the FAL design.
SA80 was an unfortunate girl, but at least it got fixed with the A2.
How's that new variant coming along?
Less worse anyway.
Afraid I don't know enough to comment. We don't have the arms industry left to build anything anyway.
It's just the same thing but lighter and with standard pick-yer-tinny comparability really.
In either case, they had limited industrial capacity, laregly thanks to Britain's extremely backwards view of even the White colonies, hating the idea of them industrializing and being self-supporting in manufactured goods.
Rhodesia especially had it bad, since it was literally just some guys with farms and nothing else. Like, what was it, under a 250,000 whites in Rhodesia in 1970. They had fucking zero industry. They couldn't even build decent submachine guns of the quality that WW2 Leningrad built.
As far as South Africa went, they had industry, but like everyone else on the planet, felt absolutely zero shame in straight copying technology when they could. So they licensed a Galil copy from Israel and produced it at whatever number they felt like.
The AR-15 simply because of name recognition. Even if they were to realize that there are far stronger weapons out there, they'd still point to it and go