Retarded weapons thread

Why even live?

Attached: Sap Cap - Extreme Black -Self Defense Hat.jpg (590x604 74.25 KB, 50.93K)

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It works.

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It's not that bad.

I wondered what ever happened to that crazy Canadian bastard, glad that he feels vindicated now.

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Is this the thread where we discuss all the ridiculous hybrid weapons people have tried to build? I asked about designing and building a gun spear in one of the gunsmithing threads a few months ago, but not a lot of people seemed interested.

You're about 300 years too late, lad

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It's true that the concept has been done in the past, but firearms technology has advanced a lot since then. I'd like to see what a modernized take on it would look like.


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Like this

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But have you heard of the Mexican sacatripe?

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That sap cap is pretty smart if it can work as well as a real leather wrapped sap (it won't).

Fun fact civilians cant own that in virginia only the police can but its such a hunk of shit noone cares. Its all because of the name.

Bayonets don't give you nearly the range of melee techniques that a gun designed expressly to be used as a spear would because most rifles aren't balanced correctly for it and weigh too much.

I've thought about different actions, calibers, cartridges, etc. and come to a few conclusions. It needs a simple action because if you want to be able to hit things with it frequently (let's go ahead and assume that for some reason you get into a situation where you can get close enough for this), it needs to not be able to fall to pieces. Simple actions also tend to be lighter. Due to the recoil created by full-sized rifle cartridges, this means you can't use anything stronger than intermediate cartridges. Honestly it should theoretically be fairly easy to mod an existing gun into a credible spear, but all these fucking faggots in the modern gun industry just can't fucking stop piling on dead weight.

I see no reason why wouldn't a simple bolt action rifle with a socket bayonet and an inline stock wouldn't work. Or take the action and put it into an aluminium chassis that is designed to be gripped as a spear.

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Most people are going to want a semiauto. They also may want to have an adjustable stock to change the gun's length. That can give it more reach in melee or make it compact in tight spaces.

Just use grenades 8^)

Just make something like this.

Attached: [.jpg (567x336, 17.29K)

Not that grenades aren't fun, but sometimes you just want to stab somebody. It'd be kickass if it managed to incorporate an underslung shotgun or some other heavier weapon though.

Gun design aside, did you draw this? If so, it's actually very good for an oekaki creation. That said, it looks more like a gun sword and it precludes the possibility of putting anything else you might want on the underside of the barrel.

Now that reminds me: Der Juden developed a rifle grenade that shoots 160 flechettes in a 10 degrees arc to a good 50 metres. It's basically a shotgun on serious steroids. Isn't that a good method of poking people?

Only until you run out of grenades. Maybe there should be a rifle grenade made of a bunch of arrowhead-style flechettes pressed together into a spearhead so you can either stab with it or fire it as a grenade. The flechettes could come in a buckshot-like anti-infantry format or slug-like anti-armor flechettes. But even if that happened, it still wouldn't solve the problem of finding a decent gun to use as a base for a gun spear. Most historical spears weighed half as much as the average infantry rifle does today or less. That doesn't seem to leave a lot of options.

Can you attach a small claymore to the front of the rifle with a contact trigger? I assume you only need to bayonet a guy once.

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I was wondering this sort of thing too but a riot shield or small buckler with a reduced load of course. Purpose is in the hopes that someone will see it and make prototype man portable era and also a weapon that can gently pacify multiple assailants during black bloc type situiations.

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How long until the Russians develop infantry ERA?

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Isn't this just Blitz from R6: Siege but with an actual explosive charge and not a flashbang

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To be fair, at least your armed forces fixed it and still use it. We ditched our mistake in less than a decade.

I made in MS paint with the line tool.

Depends one what kind of claymore.

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I miss the neck knife man. He was entertaining as fuck.

I was more thinking the buckler thing. You're shooting faggots but one asshole was able to grapple you and your gat so you pop your claymore and boom no more threat.
Or you tackle a faggot but he's got a bomb vest and suddenly you lose control of his hands, he starts reaching for possibly a detonator so you brace your arm against him and take him out.

Did a US marine eat a claymore?

GI's used to burn the stuff inside them to cook their rations in the jungle because that shit don't go out in that damp dank hell.
t.guy who grew up with charlie killin tales.

So you mean attaching a claymore to your fist? Well shit explosive knuckledusters sound fucking rad but would kill your wrist. The riot shield with a charge on the front which sent out rubber balls sounds like a much better option for less lethal, plus you could make it a detachable charge so you can just put another one on front. Make it bulletproof and switch rubber balls for metal ones and you've now got a pretty neat breaching weapon for the military as well as the police.

How about claymore riot shields covered in arrowhead flechettes?

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What's wrong with the sap cap? I considered buying one but I'm not sure if it would be legal to carry in my state. Melee weapons are basically all illegal, I was wondering if that would be allowed because its main purpose is a hat. All we can carry is:

I thought it was illegal everywhere, but then I looked it up.
Every day I hate my state more and more.

Imagine all the money in legal fees you'll need for hitting some nigger in the face with your stupid hat.

Instead, use that money to move out of whatever retardo state you live in.

B-But muh cowwadoody moduhn wahfahuh!

I need more of this concept.

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I think user meant having the claymore mounted onto a small buckler that's on your arm.

You could always come to california or new jersey and hate those states while being inside them. It's like having a quarter of your cake and being raped too.
reminder to buy more mags and funs

You're supposed to use pepper spray in conjunction with something effective. Like running away or stabbing the guy with a shit covered knife.

combo weapon idea. A regular fixed blade knife but a sheath that opens to put shit in thus covering your blade in toxic shit everytime you sheathe it

Yeah I want a weapon that when you're in super close quarters or when at a disadvantage you will hold your arm up to block but instead you hold it up not to defend but to blast the faggot trying to stab your face or grab your gat. It'll be messy but better to be covered in gore than to be turned into a red smear.

Maybe buckler is the wrong term but basically a shield the size of the average front body armor plate.

Okay, I give up. What's the problem with OP's pics?

all of them would be god awful or totally ineffective in their primary function: defense

Number 3 seems like a good way to give yourself a concussion if you aren't careful when you slap it on you head.

I would buy a knife comb if I could.

This doesn't strike you as retarded?

Buy a sturdy comb or brush and rub the handle on the ground until its sharp

If your oxygen-deprived brain absolutely, positively, had to have a weapon hidden inside a hair-grooming tool, why overthink it to this degree? Just get a fucking hairbrush and make sure the head is made of something heavy, now you have a perfectly good instrument to inflict blunt-force trauma with. No wasting time taking the retarded sheath off, no awkwardly holding it by the tooth end to wield the sharpened handle, just a good old-fashioned improvised mace.

Surprised that the piece of shit M/85 can take all that weight. Those practice mines are 10kg each.


Is a rice knife secretly an amazing idea or is it a retarded weapon?

That is just impressive.

Wow, that is just impressive. Tell the britbongs they need to ban rice.

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So a ceramic knife but worse and instead of spending $30 you spend $60, need a bunch of equipment and several days of work. Yeah no thanks.

As far as using it as a weapon forget it it will chip and break just buy a cheap mild steel dagger with a full tang and decent handle, make it razor sharp and never use it for anything so it doesn't lose its edge.

Is this that Asian rape gang in London I keep hearing about?

fixed for you.

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i love you guys

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How so? Clearly these are intended for places where weapons are highly restricted. They seem like they would easily harm a poorly armed opponent while being somewhat inconspicuous.

Also how retarded is the BO on this board? Did he seriously delete a post directly responding to the OP? kek

Sure. But no weapon is good for every situation, so presumably being ambushed by knife-toting muggers is not what this is for.

But for instance if you were somewhere where no weapons are allowed, with metal detectors at the entrance, and someone who looks physically stronger than you is being belligerent (not suddenly charging without warning, but making his intentions clear by shouting and shoving) you might manage to pull it out.


Don't care. Still sexy as fuck.

Can't wait for the UK to start giving out rice permit.

I had the same poison sheath idea when I was researching poisons. Oil-base poison with absorbent pads at the top of the sheath soaked in the stuff that rubs some onto the blade every time you insert or unsheath it.

You forgot to anime-fy that shit. It's a guy that is an iaido expert and happens to have a poison sheath. It will be like Akame ga Kill, but more gay, because that's how chinese cartoons be.

Why do death and upbeat pop songs go together so well?

Attached: pumped up kebabs.webm (854x480, 2.13M)

Everything about this post makes me want to start dumping RWBY weapons.


There's also the ones with well hidden thumb-tacks pointing out for people who like to slap their hand onto your head to take your cap.

Why not an underslung shotgun activated by pushing it into someone?

Oh man I love this crazy fucker. He makes a knifw out of random shit every week. The last one was underwear. He layered cotton and synthetic underwear together, ironed them until the synthetic underwear melted into the cotton underwear, then cut it into a knife shape and sharpened it.

I know a guy who has one of those flashlights but I think it doesn't have the knife. It's pretty much the dumbest shit ever. I'd rather use my Yugo bayonet to bash someone's head in with the metal part of the handle's end.

I was going to say it's retarded as a weapon until he shanked that water bottle. So it's likely good enough for a one time only shank and slicer. But as a giant FUCK YOU to all the ban happy hoplophobes, it's fantastic.

Peaky Blinders, spic edition.

Why couldn't Imperial Nips make pistols?


The actual Nambus were pretty nice, and the Type-26 was a well thought out, if a little underpowered revolver. How the hell they got to the 94 I'll never know.

That was a training exercise, not live fire.

I thought nambus were Seppuku tools.

Isn't that called a flamethrower?
Killjoy. Fine then. A high power spray gun (30 degree cone out to at least 50m) loaded with Israeli tier malodorants. Preferably one developed to induce the 'Mass Sociogenic Illness' response >
As 99% of Antifa are spoiled rich kids whose parents never set boundaries I can't see them holding true to 'the cause' when their brain makes them vomit and piss blood simultaneously, while their opponents laugh themselves silly. Actually, that's better than the flamethrower, the thought of it takes me to my happy place.

Is this a retarded weapon or something just plain fun?

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Why not just make a Molotov?

Because you have to waste multiple candles and piss bottles to make multiple molotovs. In theory you could pre-make like 50 snowballs in an hour and be ready for some fun vs it would take you a whole day to make 50 molotovs.

Wax is cheap and glass bottles are cheap.
The bong asked if it was a good weapon, it's not by any measure. Fun is the only point of those and even then I'd much rather just use the gas to burn shit than waste the time with those, but as you say they are just for fun.

The Jap decided to help the Irish out by showing them how to weaponize their favorite food.

Flamethrowers are most effective when fired into an enclosed area, like a cave or bunker; your enemies will collapse in seconds from the lack of oxygen. If you want to deal with a crowd of commies, then grenades thrown down from buildings are the way


It's not even a weapon anymore, it's a tin opener and shoe-sole cleaning device.

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It's not their favorite food, it's their genetic makeup.

How do you protect yourself from that shit?
Because I guarantee you that no gasmask filter enough for you not to smell odors (human nose are stupid sensitive, filters only stop most of the particulates, enough for whatever is in the air to not be dangerous but some still get through).

Soak your filter in something, I can't remember what its called but it'll block scent.

You could use a closed air system gas mask(or how it's called), or you could filter your air by making it go through the water first. It really depends what the thing is - coal filters cannot stop CO(the thing that kills you during fires) as well as other things, water can absorb plenty of different gasses(it can actually make a pretty good filtering system, it's just heavy and hard to use, but if you are stationalry, it's really great both for money and result, just check if the poisonous thing you are trying to make is absorbed by water and you have enough and it's clean). The easiest variant is just breathe through a wet towel.

You could snort bleach up your nose, then you won't be smelling much of anything.