What do you know, I was right again.

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Power armor would go well with 2 other arms, I approve.

I mean, you either do the overhead crane meme, or you develop an adamantium ribcage to implant into your machine gunners.

But that's 3 robot arms, in addition to 2 normal arms. First robo arm to shoot a gun. Second robo arm to reload. Third robo hand to masturbate. Meat hands to make gang signs with.

what a great fuckin idea

Would not a third leg be more intimidating?

Power armor should have 2 big fucking arms, not just 1.

Do you ever get the feeling that the military develops stuff like this just for the novelty of making real life of more like sci-fi?

No. They do it soley to waste taxpayer money on corporate welfare. The US military, and the state at Large, exists to create jobs.

someone needs to make a benis shop of the first image

Why does Army always want to reinvent the wheel instead of adopting more effective off the shelf solution?

Dosen't US infantryman carry too much equipment anyway?
I heard US soldiers where complaining about bad cases of exploding knees.Can't imagine that this will be proactive solution to anything.

That's definitely a simpler method, but the immediate problem with it is that it extends over the head, which is a bigger deal than it sounds.

People are adequately conscious of whatever bullshit they have around their middles, but anything over the head they'll completely forget about. Basically, that simpler solution is actually just a huge hook that they'll forget about multiple times a day, turning it into a highly effective surprise clothesline hazard for fun and profit. Anyone who wears a big helmet or some sort of cap/hat will know how it's always fucking bumping into shit.

As long as a soldier doesn't have to enter and exit anything, or go through the woods they'd be fine with a giant hook.

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No wonder the US is losing all the time.

Yeah, maybe we should stop trying to hunt you filthy gaijin with airshit. Just seems unsporting to try to take you down with lethal weapons, takes all of the thrill out of the hunt. :^)

US taxpayer money at work ladies and gentlemen.
Meanwhile Singapore and Israel have machine guns that have barely any recoil and pretty much everyone not using a M240 has lighter guns.

Would it be feasible to put a low powered claymore on the front of a soldiers helmet? Kind of like the pratt helmet?

That would completely obviate the need for a sidearm and all its ammunition, and there are already accessories for attachment there. It might even slow down any headshot bullet because its acting like a ERA.

Attached: pratt-helmet-gun.jpg (693x637 222.93 KB, 80.66K)

They need to find a way to con…vince governments into funding this shit, and the two best ways to get a politician to sign off on a project are:

Imagine the headache you'd get from a claymore going off on your fucking forehead

Enjoy getting no cheekweld

user that looks like airsoft helmet

Not a full power one, just enough to kill people at average 25 meter engagement range of a pistol.

It's for helicopter gunners, to protect their face.

Attached: Claymore-Skydiving.jpg (800x600, 120.86K)

Why develop a 3rd arm that can be used to hold down woman's shoulder so you only need to see one arm to pin her while giving you one free arm to grope?

Did African refugees really make it to Mars so quickly?

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The 3rd arm will be programmed to help break your fall intelligently.

So in addition to the weight of the arm soldiers now have to carry batteries, and the computer adds yet another point of failure to this piece of shit

Would it be too much to combine this with that Russian ammo belt backpack? of course it isn't too much, there's no such thing

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The exact same thread was on 2chan
Or am I drunk

Depends on how much sake you have been drinking strelok-san.

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I don't know about 2chan, but The Firearm Blog already reported these news a few months ago, and I made a thread about that.


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Now we only need caseless ammunition and we can start purging the black aliens that invade our country.

There needs to be a serious purge of the dumbshits that infest the MI Complex.

Only one way to do that: Good old-fashioned symmetrical warfare. Unfortunately, it will take several thousand soldiers dying for Israel before anyone actually takes action and the brass gets purged. And even then who's to say whether it's the actual dumbshits that get purged or small number of convenient scapegoats.

I don't see any other reason revolution wouldn't work, or maybe a good nuking. God knows we're overdue anyways.

Ah yes, that as well. Mostly I was emphasizing that continuing to launch ICBMs at goat sex dungeons wouldn't cut it. Although if we keep that up long enough, the continued military decay would make a revolution that much easier.

It's obviously carbon fiber as you can clearly see in the photos if you aren't fucking blind. A loaded M249 is more than 20 pounds. Which means you can reverse your retarded post:
Sounds like a great idea to me, smartass.

It doesn't matter what the actual weight ends up being because:
Is bass-ackwards reasoning. It only gets worse when you consider how overburdened infantrymen are as it is. Add in the fact that 9 pound LMGs are in grasping distance and this idea looks more retarded by the day… Unless your objective is to pile on as much merchandise onto every soldier as possible to keep the shekels flowing to vendors, and suddenly it all makes sense.

Cased, telescoped ammunition for new LMG > A fucking 7 pound hook

Can't they pile on light gadgets just as well though?

normal claymores have about two metres of kill-zone behind them, even with a low powered one a shot would give your prefrontal lobe enough of a hammering to turn you into a vegetable, furthermore why the fuck would you strap a two pound BOMB to your helmet for the off chance you come within 25 metres of your enemy, with no friendlies in the field of fire, on the modern battlefield

Attached: explosion (2017_05_12 23_14_33 UTC).png (1280x1707, 2.08M)

Are you really too autistic to realize he wasn't being serious? It didn't occur to you that a bomb going off right above your face would turn your brain into souffle and make it leak out your ears? That ricochet would hit you in the face and gut? That the reaction from the blast would snap your neck?

Or they would use autonomous robot trailers.

sometimes i honestly don't even know anymore, i have seen retardation you wouldn't even beleive

why would they risk a war over some tree?

Muh ego and muh gunboat diplomacy.

The norks had been trying to start shit for months because norks. The US knew it was only a matter of time before things got out of hand, so they tried to ensure that all the guard stations could see each other and intervene in case a fight broke out. Afterward we arranged that massive show of force just to remind the norks that even the chinks were ready to cut them loose if they kept deliberately provoking the US.

If they're okay with impractical things just to scam the government then at least make something cool instead of a boring third arm. I want cyborg ninjas already, dammit.

Attached: Gray Fox.jpg (900x1456, 451.69K)

The Norks beat the shit out of the first engineering team sent to trim the tree, killing two of them. The (probably completely fabricated) justification was that the tree was sacred, having been planted by Mao or Kim-Il Sung or some shit. The reality is that gooks care less about their own lives than they do social posturing and saving face.

well, guess you got a point there bud

But that would take a fair amount of actual work. Why would they do so much R&D when they get almost as much money doing jobs that are just one step up from rebadging an old project and claiming that the armour plating you cut off makes this the 'lightweight' upgraded version!

It wasnt about the tree.

Quit being so literal….

I believe that's called a Helm of Brilliance.

Attached: DMG35_PG259_WEB.jpg (400x589, 105.19K)

Top fucking kek.


fucking lol

Does it come with a tactical master "baiter" onahole module for tactical R&R use?

Is it gay to jerk your battle buddy off with a robot hand?

I actually thought of this as an idea some years back. Maybe I'll sell it and make a shit load of cash I thought, but I changed my idea because it's a fucking dumb idea.

Don't sweat it user, it could be the best idea in the history of warfare and you still couldn't sell it to .mil anyway without the right connections.