Lets be honest Zig Forums, you would probably lose to this guy without gun

Lets be honest Zig Forums, you would probably lose to this guy without gun.

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I'd whip out a salad and he'd drop dead on the spot at the sight of it

I'd bet he is a vegan, Achamed.

Nice shitty rock hammer, lmao. Retard probably isn't even a real geologist.

Not with that stomach he ain't.

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Are you the faggot that spammed this on /b/? You still haven't told me what your hundred yard groups are like.

So Karl Marx finally got a job.

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Yeah, at least we burgers don't generally do that due to our jingoism which makes us caricatures of ourselves. Dog bless

Kek, yeah

Pic related

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I thought ice picks were more of a commie vs commie thing

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No, icepicks are for killing fascists like Trotsky.

I wish I was more than half joking about that statement

Hey, found a tool for dealing with fatass kikes

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Are you sure it would cut through all that belly fat on him.

Not a lefty so you are going to have to explain that one to me, because from what I understand Trotsky was the more orthodox commie compared to Stalin and Lenin.

looks like a beer belly, i could take him

Guys I have no dog in this fight, but you're looking bad

I've had commies from the university I went to unironically tell me that Trotsky was a secret fascist working to undermine the glory of marxism, that it was only through Stalin's masterful political maneuvering that the USSR was saved, and that the eventual failure of communism not just in the USSR, but in its eastern European puppet states liberated nations was due to Trotsky's meddling decades earlier.

Commies are weird people in my experience. Maybe it's just because I grew up in a lefty area and went to a lefty uni, but I've had a lot of first-hand experience with commies, and it's been a real eye-opener realizing how they think. It really helps you understand why they do what they do.

"Not with us" == "fascist" in commiespeak. Just so happens that the "us" in this case are the fucking Stalinists.

yes join NA goy and get immediately arrested because the entire thing is a honeypot


Yeah I'm sure hiding from a bunch of commies in a garage will stop that from happening.

NA are the last line of defence for the lost luggage lounges

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Well you should definitely try walking outside of yours, because it's not working Achmed


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I really doubt that the commies you met were actual Stalin-clones tier communists like the ones we got here but still, please do explain how they think because every time I try to argue with one I feel like I'm trying to explain quantum physics to a goldfish

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Seconding the grape farmer's request to elucidate, because trying to understand commies is a uniquely incomprehensible punishment.

The pain is real. The other day I had one of them try to convince me that WWI was actually world leaders conspiring together to get rid of excess labor because the combine harvester was in the process of killing the economy.

NA are a bunch of pansy faggots, you dumbfuck.
t. one of the two burgers that post on Zig Forums

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Two words: mouse gun.

I doubt many of the communists I met in Burgerland were like the ones in Chobaniland. Must burger communists are rich kids who are just into communism because it means free shit and it's the "popular" thing among the other liberal arts college kids. They read the books, buy the paraphernalia, and make it part of their identity. I don't know about Greek commies, but I'd assume at least some of them are commies because they feel like they've been fucked over by the corporate-left EU and think that gommunism will help them, not just because their philosophy professor told them Marx was super cool.

Honestly, I could write a fucking book on how commies think. I've been around them for so long it's like when you have a close friend and you can guess what he's thinking because you've known him forever. I grew up on the lower end of the economic scale in a hyper-blue part of America, so I saw a lot of commies growing up. When I went to college, I saw a lot of their groups. A lot of them would invite me to come to their meetings because I was the token poor kid and they were sort of aware that without the token poor kids their revolutionary groups would just be a bunch of rich kids and a few relative poorfags who were merely upper middle class.

The first thing to realize is that there are three main kinds of commie. The first is the genuinely concerned, naive kid. These are the bleeding heart boys and girls who sincerely feel sorry for all the "oppression" going on in the world. They feel sorry for poor people. They feel sorry for niggers. They feel sorry for poor immigrants that they think the big Dorito Hitler is personally shot putting over the wall. I tend to give these people a pass, because most of them are just naive. They mean well, but their ideas are stupid. These are the "true believers" and "useful idiots." Many of them will outgrow communism once they get out into the real world and get jobs.

The second kind of commie is the "dude weed lmao" commie. This kind doesn't give a shit about the labor theory of value. They don't care about the "oppressed groups" the commies talk about. They just like leftism because it makes them feel good about being demiqueer polyamorous fartkins with bisexual tendencies. These ones are still relatively harmless, because at the end of the day most of them are just lazy attention whores who are only problems when they're enabled.

The final kind of communist is the most dangerous type – the power seeker. This type understands "marxist theory" very well. Like the second group, they also don't give a shit about the "oppressed people" of the world, but they do give a shit about what the "oppressed people" think of them – because they see the "oppressed people" as pawns to do their bidding. Essentially these communists realize that there's power to be gained from leading a revolution that involves seizing property and establishing a "temporary" all-powerful government, and they see the poor or "marginalized" as perfect stepping stones to allow them to achieve said power. This group is the one I usually refer to when I talk about communists, because they're both the most hard-line communists and the ones that are actually dangerous.

The next thing to understand about commies is that they're all very special snowflakes. It's become sort of a meme, and it's entirely true – there is no "true communism;" just a million different brands of communism whose adherents will swear up and down that their version is the "true way" and all others are "counter-revolutionary falsehoods pushed by reactionaries." This is why I joke about some commies calling Trotsky a fascist.

The reason for this vibrant ideological diversity is the third group of commies. Everyone who is part of this group wants to be a powerful leader, but the problem with groups of people who want to be powerful leaders is that you can only have one all-powerful leader at any given time. These communists, not content to be the second in command, branch off with their own special snowflake variant of communism of which they can be the Supreme Leader. Of course, being the Supreme Leader of the five people who truly believe in your version of communism isn't enough, so they attempt to cannibalize other variants of communism in order to grow their own power base.

This is why you see so much leftist infighting. Leftist groups attack each other viciously. To outsiders, groups like antifa may seem like one unified whole, but the reality is that there are many different "cells" of antifa and similar leftist groups, each of which will have their own area of operations and each of which will compete with the others to become the standard bearers of the One True Leftism. It isn't uncommon in leftist organizations to hear leftists accuse other leftists of being fascists. Ironically for people who proclaim global unity and open borders to be their end goals, these groups are very tribalistic.

You may have noticed that I've mentioned power, and gaining more power, quite a lot. This is because to the third group of commies, power is everything. It's literally the one thing they think of, the one metric they use to visualize politics. This is why so much leftist dogma is about "power dynamics." The progressive stack is the method used to order people into a hierarchy based on which group deserves to have the most power. Leftist talking points always seem to mention "marginalized people" and "evening the power dynamic." Marxism in general is all about separating groups of people into two groups – the "oppressed" and the "oppressor" – and using the "oppressed" to flip the game board and seize power. This is why the term "cultural marxism" is so relevant. It's taking the "oppressed/oppressor" dynamic of marxism and applying it to everything from culture, to race, to sex, to sexuality, to whole nations.

This obsession with power is why you see leftists so quickly resort to underhanded tactics. Someone you don't like is saying stuff? Pull a fire alarm to end the speech. Someone is debating you and they are bringing up facts and statistics that you can't counter? Shout "racist!" thus shutting up your opponent and winning the debate. People are gathering to protest something you don't like? Attack them. The police attempt to remove your weapons to prevent you from attacking them? "Oh no officer, this pole is for my flag :)." Get punched in the face by someone who had the temerity to defend himself, after you attacked him first? "Oh, woe is me! I was assaulted by this evil nazi bigot! Please arrest him officer! I'm a good boy who dindunuffin!"

A normal person cannot understand the underhanded nature of leftists because a normal person is not so underhanded themselves. A normal person will debate in good faith. A normal person will allow people to speak their mind, even if they don't like that person. A normal person will do this because a normal person is more concerned about what is right than with seizing as much power as possible. As a result, a normal person will argue with the goal of determining the truth. To a leftist, however, any debate is simply a chance to convert more people into followers. The truth doesn't matter because the leftist doesn't care about it. He doesn't even care about the core tenets of his ideology. All he cares about is saying the correct buzzwords to get the support necessary to increase his power, or to prevent your group from increasing its level of power. So if pulling a fire alarm will achieve that, he'll do it. It doesn't matter if that does nothing to prove his ideology correct, because he simply doesn't care. All that matters is maintaining his group's power while deplatforming any competitors.

There is a strong neo-stalinist movement. Now you see current leftist are nearly all trotskist in a total dominant position culturally so how does the young leftist rebels? Well he either go to the 3rd wave fem-supremacism and BLM insanity or he finds a leftist figure that is actually dragged to the mud.

So suddenly Stalin isn't the one that killed communism but was trying to actually do real communism while the trostkist bourgeoisie was exactly were it is today (everywhere and totally in control and therefore anti-comunists).
That's because their minds are so damaged they can't consider for a minute that BOTH were genocidal maniacs no matter their ideological differences because that is WHAT MARXISM IS.

The minute you say people deserve equality and more importantly a total sharing of wealth is the minute you're being a dictatorial asshole.
Because the next minute the people who have shit tells you to go fuck yourself therefore you have NO OTHER CHOICE but to resort to violence to proceed to the sharing of wealth.

Marxism is the only philosophy that NEGATES mankind desires and compulsion to pretend we're ants (not even) or computers and when confronted to reality it can ONLY be applied in a violent and totalitarian form.

The reality is people don't deserve shit besides maybe equal rights and DUTIES (funny how the second part is always the first to be forgotten).

Much obliged, you gave me a few good laughs user.

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Found the bootlicking commie subjugator. Nobody here worships the police, retard, especially when you support the idea of taking weapons from people.

Suicide yourself you braindead fucking hippie. Can't go a single thread without calling someone a bootlicker, eh?

Make me, you cumguzzling queer.

You'll have no other option after I piss in your fucking weed, you pathetic little limp-wristed flower child

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Still mad that the free citizen shtick didn't work? Cry more faggot

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Oh I would fucking kill this guy 1v1 no weapons. If no one was around to intervene I could gouge out his eyes then start tearing his face off l.

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Forgot to type: Brilliant analysis of commie kids, capped for posterity.

My point was that those commies will always breech trust. They have no concept of honesty. If you want an example that doesn't involve police, try this:

If you were to agree to meet commies in a situation where your group and the commie group agreed to meet without having any weapons on them, the commie group would come with concealed boot knives.

Now, you can point out that it's foolish to assume that any adversary is speaking in good faith particularly about meeting somewhere unarmed, but commies more than any other group will always be dishonest.

One thing I disagree with is that you give the useful idiots a pass. The useful idiots are more dangerous than the wannabe pol pots because the useful idiots are what makes up their power base and shifts opinions in their favor. They "outgrow" communism in the sense that they go from all out lefties to social democrats, which in the end is just them wanting to fuck the country slowly instead of all at once. Then the frog begins to boil.

The hand tools I use and carry around I could bash, slice, and chop him to death easy.
I don't even need to use a gun on him.

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ead the fugging salad :———DD

God damn, just kill yourself already you toddling emasculate little fuck.

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What, some fat fuck soyboy who could do more damage by sitting on me then with his feminine pic~ OwO is going to bash my fash in?

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pls stop

NoooOOooo! DD——:

But you see strelok-kun, I can’t stop.


Read the OP again.

But they are the exact kind of people who'd join the brownshirts after some ideological education, because they don't have strong beliefs. Just give tell them why their ideas are retarded, show them some better ones, and project an image of power, and they will flock to you.

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When Australia tells you to dial the shit posting down, it's time to stop.


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I'm still surprised that was allowed to be produced without some jew having a mighty kvetch about it.

I dunno man, I've gotten pretty good at headbutting over the years.
His face looks pretty soft too.