It's time for our Anti-NFA reforms. Remove suppressors & SBR/S off the NFA, open up the MG registry,. then after 20 years remove the MGs off the NFA.
It's time for our Anti-NFA reforms. Remove suppressors & SBR/S off the NFA, open up the MG registry...
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I mean, good luck with that. I guess to follow the same steps you'd need a state to pass a "we wont pursue flashlight-to-gun adapters because we don't care about suppression" legislation.
We have some individual sanctuary cities who won't enforce statewide "scury guns" bans, so maybe it's possible. But I don't think that's in the same league.
So, first step is to write your legislators, and write your neighbors to write them too?
Also, shame on you for not thinking of archive .is
Saging for doublepost.
magapedes get out.
Best way to win war on drugs is to start indiscriminately killing buyers, manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and mestizos.
I want a late rider.
I would just like it to be legalized so I could grow kenaf without risking getting my door kicked in and shot due to mistaken identity.
Legalizing pot isn't going to make much of any new smokers in the short term, and will probably reduce it's popularity given a couple decades. With time, state/local governments will be taxing the shit out of it just like they do with alcohol and tobacco. By then, the longterm effects of smoking the jazz devil will be known and also cause a damper on the number of people who use it.
Pick 1. Which do you pick? This is how it works. You get 1. Gotta pick.
What do you want to legalize? Pick 1 and ONLY ONE.
polite sage because dumb question probably
Duly checked, strelok.
I'm torn right down the middle, between SBS & open-carry.
I'm going with national open-carry, because that will turn the cultural tide in our favor over the years. Guns won't be something the next unibomber wants, but joe, and mary, down the street who work for comcast and raise their two and a half kids.
National conceal carry. Which is insane that we have to request that considering it's the second right we have in the constitution but leftism is a hell of a drug. That's the one that would do the most good for the most people, assuming that's national reciprocity you're meaning. i mean technically we already have national CC, every state HAS a CC program, they're just made practically impossible to do in NJ, HI, NY, etc and reciprocity is off the table in all of those shitholes
All of them. Start with SBS/R as that is the easiest, continue from there. Getting rid of one item will both set a precedent and give us some momentum.
Statists leave.
It's a source of long, tough fibers. Real useful stuff. High yield. Has edible seed oil too and can be used to make paper as a byproduct.
Schools so it stops school shootings or ends with more dead MKultra zogbots without endangering kids.
I never suggested banning possession, only
Very interesting, thanks!
I think it would be pretty hilarious if Trump, not Obama, federally decriminalized cannabis.
It would shoah leftist bungholes something fierce.
Given the near pathogical opposition yo anything the man has done it would not surprise me if they suddenly ran articles about how legalization would be a bad thing despite the historic support they had.
I don't understand, what does this have to do with guns?
Aren't these redundant? Anyway, probably grenades. Not sure of any place one cannot fire full-auto, besides what ranges allow.
From what I have seen so far
How? With open carry a nigger might think twice about robbing a guy with a Kalashnikov on his ♂shoulder♂, let alone an obvious pistol holster on his belt.
If DoJ changes it's opinion on weed, then there is a chance the NFA can be changed or even repealed.
Just CC without telling people. Who's gonna know?
F/A. The second amendment isn't just for personal self defense but rebelling against the government. Grenades would be nice but they can be improved.
Full auto, as the other user said. Not only is the ability to suppress absolutely necessary to match government forces in armed rebellion, but, as full-auto is the thing that terrifies normies the most, the fact that it's legal can be used to convince them that everything else should be legalized.
Full Auto. It's the first way I ever shot a gun, so it has the most nostalgia for me.
full auto
Concealed carry ideally, open carry would work too.
Full auto would be my third choice.
I'd rather have a shitty 38spc with me when I need it, them a really sweet mg in my safe at home.
My choice would be national vermont carry before they fucked it over.
it's like he knows he can't win the 2020 elections