Friday night ATF thread

What's Zig Forums packing/drinking/packing and or smoking tonight?

ATF threads aren't for cuckchan, if you don't want to participate you're just lazy

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It feels AMAZING, you have no idea

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Just cradling Bertha (Mossberg 500) and drinking rose wine mixed with водка. No pictures because I'm a faggot.

You probably never shot a firearm in your life, let alone carry one every day

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Too lazy to grab camera. Because I've been getting back into shape with my arsenal, I've got a few just laying around. Brand new Windham 20' Government sitting right over my shoulder I'm breaking in, RI 1911 GI in its shoulder holster next to it, got the Tommy TM1 and the Uzi behind me on the second couch because its skunk and raccoon time around the yard and I prefer to shoot something that doesnt' blow my ears out, ready to go.

Sober for many years, far too long I suppose. Gonna keep on the straight and narrow on that road. I can quit buying guns and ammo whenever I want to. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Dude, just…

Packing p229 in. 357 sig w/falcon holster

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It's not a size issue, my large Polack-American hands are always sweaty and I have a difficult time gripping it most of the time.

PACKING: SP101 as always. It's my favorite gun, carry gun, and the gun I can shoot the best all in one of my 20+ collection.
DRINKING: Coke Zero. Being a type one diabetic is suffering. Made it 26 years without touching alcohol
SMOKING: Nothing grandma died of lung cancer and scared me away from doing it

gat: Blawk brand Blawk 17 with tlr 1 and a bravo concealment owb holster, also ar build raifu (16 inch mid length 5.56) that I recently switched from carbine stock to good ol' a2 rifle stock and have felt zero loss in speed or increase in drag.
hooch: whatever cheap ass beer I either find in the fridge or that I end up buying at a restaurant
smokin: I try and try and try, cigs, cigars, pipe tobacco, and hell even swisher sweets. I cant be bothered to want to smoke most of the time. Conditions need to be right such as my porch area isn't hot as fuck but even with a nice cool breeze and fresh ckean air such as away from cities I still probably wont be bothered to smoke. Not that I haven't found good shit it's just that I'd rather jerk my gun off.

Packing: M1 cause muh open carry rifles
drinking: Tea I'm not a british faggot
Smoking: None. I'm

Shitpost answer,

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Non-shitpost answer.
Pls n-no bully

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Done it before and I don't like it. Plus I get enough pollution where I live.
Also trying not to loose my DL because this neighboorhood is filled with backstabbing libs

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Walther PPQ M2 w/ streamlite TLR-2 G HL and trijicon night sights

Chimay trappist beer

no tobacco because it's bad for you.

You're all gay

Dude, just….go back to reddit or blow your brains out with that shotgun your daddy keeps in his locked cabinet

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dude, just…. kill yourself

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in some states the ciggarette perchase age is 21,

Shit didn't know that. Almost assumed he was talking about dudeweedlmao

That some dudes handroll?

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Yeah. Friend of mine.

Does Nub live up to the hype or is it kinda meh? Been thinking about getting some you try.

They are excellent, but I wouldn't pay cigar shop prices for them though. (I very very rarely pay cigar shop prices because I'm too poor and Cbid is too nice.) I picked up a nub 16 sampler, 4 Connecticut, 4 Cameroon, 4 habano, 4 double maduro, for $48 on Cigarbid. Definitely worth it. If I'm burning $10+ a stick I'm going for something that'll burn a little longer (they burn about 1hr for me) flavor wise they are great.

Not to still too hard for cigarbid but, paid
All of those are boxes of 20.

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Redpill me on tell me about cigars. Last week I've tried a cheap cigarillo, and it was surprisingly enjoyable, even though I avoid smoking. What should I know if I want to take it up as a hobby?

Well, I'm a few pro tips would be learn how to retrohale, don't inhale, and try lots.

Bigger pro tip don't start with the fanciest smoke you can afford. If your first few smokes are $30 Padrons, atabey, or other similar ultra premium smokes you probably will never enjoy cheaper smokes.

La perla is my recommended brand for cheaper highly rated sticks. $1-3 if you try bidding, or if you just buy them online mostly less than $4.
People really like the Vegas 5 for the more budget cigars aswell I haven't found many from them I like though.

If you just want cigarillos Cbid has boxes of 50 for like $5-20 depending how fancy you'd like.

If you have other questions lemme know.

as said with Connecticut, Cameroon, etc.. they are different wrappers for the cigars, each with their own qualities. Walk into your local humidor and pick out a few of reasonable price to try, see what you like best

You ever try any Rocky Patel? I've been digging the Vintage Series

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Shit other guy reminded me of something else.

Don't please don't start with dark (maduro) cigars. They use leaves that are on the top of the plant and contain stronger flavors which I like but more nicotine which can make a beginner sick if they aren't paying attention. Start with a lighter color wrapper first.
Also longer thinner cigars will in general be smoother/more enjoyable for a beginner than a short fat cigar, because the smoke will be much hotter.

Also general rule is 1 puff a minute.

The only Rocky patels I've had are some of the cheaper ones a buddy gave me. And it was a long while back.

Alright alright 1 final thing,
If you smoke hand rolled cigars for the flavor your chance of getting addicted is extremely low. This is because the nicotine is absorbed through the stomach and throat (through your saliva) so it doesn't activate your brain in the same way smoking (inhaling) does. The various cancer and addiction centers acknowledge this. But should you inhale a cigar then its much more likely to cause addiction. Still not like cigarettes, Google freebased nicotine if you wanna know why.

I have through about getting into chewing tobacco.
Not only did studies show that it has a much lower risk of causing caner, but it also doesn't damage your lungs. There is also no visible red glow of a cigarette.

Is there any way to just take straight nicotine oil? I heard you can get a good buzz from it.

It really fucks up your mouth though and carrying around a cup of nasty spit gets old. I suggest avoiding it. Cigars are the way to go unless you want an addiction.

t. Fag that's been addicted to cigarettes for 16 years

yup. look into vape juice making if you want straight straight.

You can even get tobacco flavored vape juice that isn't half bad. The stuff I use is tobacco and whisky, and while it's not the real thing, it's close enough to be a replacement so you're not smoking them all the time, but you're keeping the nicotine buzz going.

You fags are as bad as stoners

I love lamphroaig scotch, very smokey

neck yourself

op is a nigger

also ruger lcp

i don't chew tobacco cause i'm not a piece of shit

i take a few shots of whiskey whenever i play video games with my friends, which is tonight

so yeah>>584763

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If you aren't sitting in your sun room or on your porch, enjoying a cold brew and hand-rolled cigar while strapped, are you even an American?

kys ponynigger

stopped smoking, don't drink, carry different flavors everyday, today it's:

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laphroaig is supreme, but have you tried Octomore for an even smokier scotch?

fukkin sick. i picked up a p-10c the other week and love it to death. definitely gonna get a hammer fired CZ as my neck pistol.

Just putting rounds through my fun gun

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Trying to quit. Bought a pack on the weekend for the last few weeks and always end up giving the pack away after my first one Monday morning. This time I tried to save money and buy niggarettes since I usually only smoke on the weekend. Got a 3 pack of backwoods since I couldn't bear to tell the clerk to give me swishers.


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Try growing and rolling your own, rather than buying the chemical filled junk put out by tobacco companies.

This, regular cigs have freebased nic which is what makes them sooo hard to quit. In addition to all the other bullshit. Consider real cigars (and not inhaling) and/or handrolled cigs if you want to smoke but don't want as much awful shit.
Or just not smoke.

ayo nigga need dat RGB shiieeeet

Revolverniggers confirmed for cashed up subhuman trash.

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I can't decide if that is the ugliest PF940C build I've ever seen. It's either that thing, or the ones that psychotic youtuber builds neurotically to distract himself from the fact he married a nigger.

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OP here

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Nice glass you got there. Looks sturdy.
What's with the dog on it though?

You're a nasty retard.

It might be a doberman(?). I'm not too keen on dog breeds.
Also drove drunk to the range
And sighted the bastard in for 50 yards with M855. I'm still up drinking.

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More pics of my buddies handrolls and infused cigars.

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Jericho 941

Smoking the strain 'Enemy of the State'

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Oy vey, shut up goy.

Very nice P80 strelok.

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CZ SP-01 Phantom, open carry
Glock 43, IWB appendix carry

Not sure what I'm doing tonight, but these guys will be with me.
No decent tobacco shop around, stuck with gas station sticks (though Acids are surprisingly okay for the money.)

Disclaimer: I would never carry while intoxicated.

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this makes me want to get the adidas logo stippled into my gen4's frame

My faggy hipster brother. Black pack is my daily driver, but I'll occasionally go for the blues, or Camel Turkish Royal. Want to switch to snus at some point.

Something about unfinished homemade guns that gets my motor running

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D-does this count, Zig Forums?

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OP's back

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so many Glocks in here, and the stippling, Jesus.
I expected better, Zig Forums

It works though


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Nothing wrong with a Glock.
The stippling though? Fuck me. Why not just put some grip tape on there?

What is that light, and what kind of batteries does it use?

Is that an old picture? Tecate cans aren't like that anymore, at least not here.

You too, fren.

I hate IPAs but my license expired and it's all they have at the gookmart that doesn't card me. I actually roll my own light blues with their loose pouch tobacco. Super cheap that way. I only like the light blues tbh.

Surefire XC-1, it uses a single AAA battery. Some people have complaints about them but I haven't had an issue with mine after a few hundred rounds

Painful purchase, but ultimately better financially than buying one or two tins a week for twice the price.

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it will be extremely painful in your mouth for you

Know what's also painful? Throat cancer.

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Cancers are fairly rare in snus users. Risk isn't zero, but compared to cigarettes or dip, I like my chances. I have maybe one or two cigarettes a day, sometimes none at all, sometimes a pipe. Not terribly worried, I know the risks.

Besides, if I die from some chronic health issue, it will be my liver, something happened to it in childhood and it's really sensitive.

Wasn't drinking tonight to save $. Bummed a few smoked off some friends around a bonfire tonight.

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Smoking isn't very good for you

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New gun AG-42 Sweden Yes!!

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