Civil War/Insurrection/Guerilla Warfare/Revolution General

Anything to do with conflict that isn't between sovereign states falls within the purview of this thread. Weapons, vehicles, tactics, strategy, etc.

Found the following in a book from 1995, written by an American veteran of the Vietnam war who also served as a mercenary in Croatia and Rhodesia.

Civil War II Checklist

''"It would indeed be the ultimate tragedy if the history of the human race proved to
be nothing more noble than the story of an ape playing with a box of matches on a
petrol dump." - David Ormsby- Gore''

Let's summarize some of the key factors which will measure our march toward Civil War II.
Concerned individuals are invited to watch for their development. The events of this
checklist are in no particular order of importance or sequence of occurrence. Some have
already occurred to some degree, but should be monitored for further growth.

Item 1: If the racial tattooing of ethnic classifications on ID cards and other documents
persists, we'll know the countdown clock is ticking. Every time you see a blank for your
ethnic group on a form, think Civil War II.

Item 2: If illegal aliens are allowed to vote, even in local elections, it will be another
unmistakable signal that American citizenship, and therefore America itself, is finished. If
the millions of illegal aliens in America are granted amnesty and get the vote, it will mean
open immigration and a giant step towards Civil War II.

Item 3: The abolition of the right to bear arms. This must be done to reduce the military
potential of those assigned to the bottom tier of the emerging multiethnic American
Empire. Those in higher tiers will retain their guns - and thereby their military resources -
through devices such as the Nation of Islam's security company and street gangs. Imperial
conversion cannot be completed without '''breaking the military potential of the white
working class''', the historic key to military dominance of North America.
In colonial times, the arrogant British imperial establishment mistakenly thought the key to
the military dominance of North America consisted of imperial European armies and
alliances with Indian tribes. Ordinary, native born, white Americans and their militias were
treated with sneering scorn, good only for a hearty laugh before being brushed aside by
His Majesty's imperial redcoats. If the current imperial establishment has any sense of
history, they will not repeat George the Third's folly.

Item 4: Watch for racially split juries. (The New York Times, "Two Trials Reflect City's Two
Worlds", March 24,1992,p. 12) If jurors begin to refuse to convict their co-ethnics, then our
progress towards basic social breakdown and Civil War II is accelerating. This will be one
of the most serious indicators that we're edging closer to a social earthquake and a
breakup along tribal fault lines. Some prominent blacks have already encouraged black
jurors to consider jury nullification. In a short piece in Harper's magazine, Paul Butler, a
black lawyer, said this about the hypothetical case of a black drug addict whom black
jurors know to be guilty of burglary of a "rich white family":
"For example, if the offense was committed to support a drug habit, I think there is a
moral case to be made for nullification, at least until such time as access to drug-
rehabilitation services are available to all." (Harper's Magazine, December, 1995,
adapted from Paul Butler's article" Racially Based Jury Nullification: Black Power in the
Criminal Justice System" in the Yale Law Journal)
Watch for states to allow conviction by a majority of a jury. Currently, only Louisiana and
Oregon allow conviction by majority, but the Supreme Court ruled in 1972 that even a 9 to
3 majority is constitutionally sufficient for conviction. Eventually, the Supreme Court will
suspend the right to trail by jury altogether in the final stages of imperial conversion.

Attached: Princess_1.jpg (374x576, 46.67K)

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Item 5: Watch for the military to assume police duties. Empires must of necessity use
terror and brute force to suppress their lower tiers and masses of poor people. Because
local police departments often lack the appropriate resources, empires often employ
regular military units in this role.
Brazil's military often conducts sweeps through its slums where they liberally dispense
heatings, torture and summary executions. The Brazilian Army officers say they're fighting
the drug traffickers, but as one cynical slum dweller pointed out, if they really wanted to kill
the drug Mafia godfathers they could easily do so because everybody in Brazil knows
exactly who they are and exactly where they live in Brazil's luxurious walled suburbs.
When you think about it, doesn't that sound a lot like our drug situation here?
Look for the national guard or the regular military to assume police duties in our cities. In
Puerto Rico, the national guard is already on permanent patrol in housing projects, (The
New York Times. July 23, 1995, p. 22) and this role for the national guard has been suggested for Washington D.C. and Boston. (The New York Times, October 27,1993, p. 2)
Also, watch for police stations and military bases to be hardened to end their current
vulnerability to siege as described in a previous chapter. Also '''watch for retired military
officers to assume high government posts''', especially in areas of law enforcement,
especially drug law enforcement, both foreign and domestic. This will promote the
militarization and brutalization of our police, and the politicians can line up behind this
phony "War on Drugs." Also, watch for military-type assaults on urban gangs in the name
of fighting the drug menace. The real target will be the gangs themselves and their military
I say that just as Columbia is a narco-state, and just as Mexico is in the final stage of
conversion into a narco-state, our own United States of America is itself in the initial stages
of transformation into a narco-state.

Item 6: Watch for the '''establishment of an elite military force outside the chain of command
of the regular military to serve as an internal counterinsurgency force'''. The Russians have
exactly such a military force called Internal Security which is under the command of the
interior ministry (the MVD), not the regular military. The MVD internal security has its own
tanks, helicopters and artillery and its primary mission is suppressing internal disturbances
too serious for the police such as mutinies of regular military units, riots, strikes by
workers, and ethnic rebellions such as the recent uprising in Chechnya. (Andrew
Cockburn, The Threat, Random House, 1983, p. 48) One tactic of the MVD Internal
Security is '''using troops of one ethnic group to put down civilian rebellions of other ethnic
groups'''. The same principle of control was used by the British in the days of their empire,
when they employed German mercenaries during our revolution, and when they used
Sikhs from India to control the Chinese population of Singapore. One of our existing
federal formations, most likely the BATF, will evolve into our MVD-type internal security,
acquiring heavier and heavier weapons and military organizational structure.

Item 7: Watch for Washington D.C. to increasingly resemble the capital of some banana
republic under siege by revolutionaries and mobs. Specifically, watch for riots in
Washington D.C. to grow in scope until they menace the White House and the Congress.
Ultimately, federal military units will have to be permanently stationed there to protect our
government from its own citizens. In May, 1995, truck bomb barriers were installed in front of the White House, (The New York Times. May 21,1995, p. 1) yet another indication that
our government is under siege from its own citizens.

Item 8: Resegregation: Watch for Africans and other minorities demanding, and often
getting, separate facilities for themselves, another clear sign that they're continuing to
reject co-option.

Item 9: Watch for further replacement of individual rights by group rights, group rights
based on ethnic group. Empires employ this method to '''enlist certain favored groups in
suppressing the others''', and racist affirmative action is a classic example of this
replacement of our rights as individuals by a race-based system of penalties and special
privileges. Then the powers that be have only to pay off the leaders of these favored
groups, a relatively easy task. Every time you hear the racist euphemism affirmative
action, think Civil War II.

Item 10: Watch for non-governmental organizations acquiring military power. As we are
increasingly losing our common identity as Americans, people are increasingly turning to
alternate sources of psychological fulfillment and the increasingly necessary military
protection that such organizations are extending. The Waco cult, street gangs, the Nation
of Islam, and white militias are all partly manifestations of this trend. Some of these groups
will be militarily crushed by the government, while others will be tolerated or even
subsidized as their assigned tier in the multiethnic American Empire dictates.
The recent tragedy in Waco was an example of the crush, and the granting of 20 million
dollars in security guard contracts by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
to the Nation of Islam (The New York Post, March 24,1995. Ed Koch column in Editorial) is
an example of the subsidize side of this policy. The Washington establishment knew full
well that any attempt to disarm the powerful Muslim militia would provoke massive rioting
and firefights in every major American city. Instead, the establishment is paving protection
money to the disciplined Muslim militia to keep the lid on the ghettos in an act of
appeasement that is sure to back fire in the long run. Every time you hear of a non-
governmental organization acquiring military power, think Civil War II.

Item 11: Watch for real political power to continue to '''shift from our elected officials to the
courts''', and thus away from the American people. Since the Sixties, the real power of the judicial branch of our government has been vastly expanded at the expense of the
legislative and executive branches. This is no accident. Recall that judges are almost
always appointed, often for life. The people have no effective way of ridding themselves of
these usurpers of our Bill of Rights. These unelected judges use euphemisms like
affirmative action to promote imperial tiering while they summarily strip citizens of their
traditional and constitutional rights. The recent invalidating of many provisions of California's proposition 187 (The New York
Times, November 21,1995, p. 10) the anti-illegal alien measure, is an illustration of how
the federal judiciary blocked the democratically expressed will of the people when it
threatened a key provision of the imperial agenda - the deliberate flooding of America with
illegal aliens to break labor unions, lower wages, and transform America into a third-world
This steady usurpation of power by the judicial branch is the means by which the American
branch of the international elites is transforming America into a third-world country
manipulated by an oligarchy. All reforms interfering with the internationalist elitist agenda
have been and will continue to be struck down as "unconstitutional" by the Supreme Court.
Unless the American people retake our judicial system, Civil War II is unavoidable.

Item 12: Watch for more instances of real political power flowing from American
institutions to international bodies, thus again flowing away from American citizens.
Specifically, watch for NAFTA-type treaties that hand over to international bodies the
power to regulate matters concerning American trade, taxes and control of our borders.
Since World War II, real financial power has increasingly flowed to foreign and
multinational corporations. National laws that restrict the international flow of goods and
people also restrict the profits of these transnational corporations. Because these
multinationals are increasingly acquiring all the financial power, they will continue to
acquire the real political power that money always brings, and they will do so by the simple
bribery of our corrupt politicians with the usual PAC money.
One recent manifestation of this power is the '''replacement of literally tens of thousands of
American workers by foreigners''' working for less, whom the multinationals recruit and
import into America on H-1B nonimmigrant visas. (Atoms County New Jersey Daily Record, Nov. 27,1994, p. 1) (The New York Times, Sept.7, 1995) In my home state of New
Jersey, computer programmers from India were imported and replaced American
programmers who were fired as soon as they trained these Indian replacements. If the
multinationals can't move the factory to a foreign country, then they move the foreign
workers to America. Either way Americans lose jobs and the multinationals get richer, and
thus acquire yet more power.
Every time you hear NAFTA, the IMF, the World Court, or the UN, think New World Order
and think Civil War II.

Item 13: Watch for minorities and radical whites to continue to '''seize control of American
institutions'''. Our courts, schools, universities, the media, many churches, and many unions
have been completely or partially taken over, and politically incorrect dissidents expelled or
intimidated into silence.

Item 14: Watch for secessionist movements and other movements seeking autonomy on
American soil. Some of these movements will be subsidized by corporations seeking
territory free from American law and taxes where they may plunder to their hearts' content.
The so-called Pequot Indian reservation in Connecticut is a recent example of this actual
carving up of America (The New York Times, April 26,1994, Sect. B,p. 1; May 22, 1994,
p.1;May2, 1995, Sect. B, p. 4; May 4, 1995, Sect. B, p. 5). A foreign corporation, an
unidentified Malaysian corporation, financed this sham reservation. These sham Indians
don't even have to identify this foreign corporation, or pay any federal, state or local taxes
because they are legally a sovereign nation. Nor are they subject to American Law, yet our
courts have allowed them to annex American land adjacent to theirs.
Many of these Pequot Indians look like they just got off a 747 from Jamaica while others
have blonde hair and blue eyes. Don't let that fool you though. These are real, genuine,
bona fide, authentic Indians because our imperial legal system decreed them such.
This sorry episode is a graphic example of how America is actually being geographically
fragmented and carved up right now, today, under our very noses. A foreign corporation
was able to set up an independent nation on American soil because the establishment is
so corrupt that it's selling slices of America as if it were a pizza. And how are these mock
Indians able to sustain their fraud? Why by the simple bribery of our corrupt officials, of course, and shame on you if you didn't think of it. These imitation Indians are now the fifth
largest contributor to the Democratic National Committee.

Item 15: Watch for race-based political parties, a sure sign of racial polarization. The most
telling statistic occurred when ex Ku Klux Klansman David Duke ran for governor of
Louisiana and got a majority of the white vote, an estimated, 55% (The New York Times,
October 8,1990, p. 1). The establishment media hailed his defeat as a rejection of race-
based politics by American voters, but actually the exact opposite was the case. The white
citizens of Louisiana are clearly fed up with being forced to ride in the back of the liberal
establishment's affirmative action bus deporting them to the multiethnic empire, and are
inclined towards Civil War II right now, today. In time, most working-class white Americas
will likewise be forced to join them. Watch for black-based and Hispanic-based political
parties to emerge, or for an avowedly leftist or rightist or any third party to achieve major
party status. Also '''watch for the Republican party to become the de facto white, populist
and rightist party; and for the Democratic party to become the radical leftist and minority
In 1994, Georgia had 10 representatives in the federal house of Representatives - eight
white Democrats, one black Democrat and one white Republican. Then Georgia was
allocated another seat to reflect a population increase. Currently the Georgia delegation
figures are - eight white Republicans and three black Democrats (New York Times, April
28,1995. p. 8; August 15, 1995, p. 12). Currently, there are no black Republicans or white
Democrats in the Georgia delegation. This stunning, overnight reversal was produced by
redistricting designed to maximize the number of black representatives. However,
regardless of the technical manner by which it is brought about, the racial polarization of
our political parties will proceed throughout the south and across the nation. In 1965 there
were 90 white congressional Democrats from the 11 states of the old Confederacy, in
1985 there were 72, in 1995 there were 42. In 1965 there were 16 white congressional
Republicans from the 11 states of the old Confederacy, in 1985 there were 43, in 1995
there were 66. (The New York Times, July 23,1995, p. 16.) This shift to a white Republican
south represents a complete and stunning reversal of a stable system that had been firmly
in place since our first civil war. Things are beginning to boil down in Dixie. As our two major parties increasingly become radicalized and racialized, our government
will oscillate from left to right with increasing violence as these two parties alternate in
office. Eventually these increased oscillations will cause our country to topple into Civil
War II.

Item 16: Watch for the emergence of "no-go" areas for the police in our cities, areas
abandoned by the police and left to the control of street gangs. The existence of these
areas will be officially denied of course, and the police will occasionally mount media
oriented forays into them, but it will be pure theater.

Item 17: Watch for a so-called slave tax refund or some similar vehicle that will
automatically subsidize all blacks for life. (The New York Times. July 21,1994, Sect. B, p.

Item 18: Watch for court orders and other schemes mandating more voting districts in
which blacks are intentionally a majority. This was one of the reasons for the graphic racial
breakdown of the Georgia congressional delegation mentioned earlier.

Item 19: Watch other multiethnic empires for ethnic violence, a general loss of democracy,
increasing poverty, waves of refugees, and their actual breakup in ethnic warfare. South
Africa, Russia, Turkey, the Balkan countries, Brazil, all of black Africa, Mexico, Guatemala,
India, Pakistan and Peru are all multiethnic empires to some extent. As they go, so will
America. Every time you see ethnic warfare in some foreign multiethnic country, ask
yourself if we're not becoming more and more like them every day. If you think we are,
then think Civil War II.

Item 20: Watch for the spread of walled suburbs, euphemistically labeled as gated
communities. America is taking on the appearance of medieval Europe, and for exactly the
same reasons - marauding criminals, marauding gangs of criminals and, eventually,
marauding armies of criminals, Approximately four million Americans now live in
communities literally encircled by walls and security guards. Most are affluent whites who
will increasingly vote against municipal improvements because they feel safe against the
turmoil outside their gates and walls. Where is this concept taking us? Why in the general direction of Brazil of course. An article
in the May 14, 1994 issue of The New York Times was titled: "A City of Blondes Built
Walls: Migrants Keep Out" The Times' article described how the affluent Brazilian city of
Blumenau with many people of German descent had gone to great lengths to keep out
poor and unemployed Brazilians, The city officials had even put out tourist brochures
containing this cheery message: "Get to know this tropical Germany. Enjoy blue-eyed,
blond-haired Brazilian hospitality." Is this the sort of future we want for America - walled
cities of affluent blue-eyed blonds encircled by shanty towns of a brown and black
underclass? (The Washington Post, April 9,1994, Sect. E, p. 1; The New York Times, May
4,1994, p. 4; May 3,1994, Sect. B, p. 1) These walled suburbs are manifestations of the
racial, economic, psychological and geographic fragmentation of America, and will hasten
their ultimate manifestation in Civil War II.

Item 21: Watch for more mind control hoaxes by the establishment media. The
establishment media still employs one exposed hoaxer whose favorite deception is
announcing that she is broadcasting live from some location while she is in fact inside a
closed sound studio posing in front of a picture of that location. This trickster has even
been known to wear winter clothing while posing in front of one of her fake facades located
inside a perfectly warm studio when it's cold at the location she is supposedly broadcasting
from. (The New York Times, Feb. 17,1994, Sect. D. p.22)
Some establishment newspapers like New York's Newsday merge two separate
photographs together (Ibid.) This trick is commonly used to make people appear as if they
were together when they were actually in different places. Time Magazine retouches
photographs of people to make them look more or less menacing as their spin doctors
fancy. (The New York Times, June 21, 1994, p. 22; June 25, 1994, p. 8.) NBC employs
hoaxers who use explosions to create hoaxes, while other NBC hoaxers use fake
photographs to accuse people of wrongdoing. (Time Magazine, "When Reporters Break
the Rules", March 15,1993, p. 54) All of these were deliberate, premeditated hoaxes, but in
only one instance were any of these hoaxers dismissed by these establishment news
As Civil War II approaches, the establishment media. in conjunction with the political
establishment, will increase its manufacture of mindcontrol hoaxes to accuse politically incorrect persons of wrongdoing so that the government can intimidate them, harass them,
send them to prison, and even assassinate them. Likewise, hoaxes will be used to cover
up wrongdoing so that those favored by the establishment can escape public censure, and
deserved legal punishments. Every time you hear slanted news from the establishment
media, think Civil War II.

Item 22: Watch for an increasing percentage of minorities in our military, the use of
foreigners in our military, the use of UN troops on our soil, or even the establishment of an
American Foreign Legion. Recall that empires often employ foreign mercenaries to put
down internal rebellions, just as the British employed German mercenaries to crush our
War of Independence, because citizen soldiers are often reluctant to fire upon their fellow
citizens or co-ethnics.
In me May 1,1995 issue of Time magazine. Gen. John Sheehan of the United States
Marine Corps was quoted as saying that Cubans interned in refugee camps in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba should be recruited into the American Military (Time Magazine,
May 1,1995, p. 21) Such foreign mercenaries (and that's exactly what they would be)
would have far less qualms about firing on American citizens than American soldiers
General Sheehan was also quoted as saying that enlisting the Cubans would be cheaper
than enlisting Americans. This stated reason is both a reason and a pretext. It is a reason
because it would in fact save money as desperate foreign mercenaries would work for
less, thus allowing the military to lower its pay levels, driving out Americans, especially
white Americans. It is a pretext because '''foreigners would be ideal for Waco-type
operations because they wouldn't jeopardize their livelihood by refusing orders'''. That's a
big, big attraction for our establishment, so watch for foreign mercenaries being inducted
into the US military.
Also, watch for minorities in our military in excess of their percentage in the total
population. The United States Army is now 40% minority. If this trend, continues, by 2050
AD the United States Army will be 80% minority. Will a minority coup d'etat be far behind
when for every white soldier there are 2 black and 2 Hispanics soldiers?

Item 23: Watch for more out of court settlements in cases of alleged racial discrimination.
As mentioned earlier, one tool of imperial governments is hiring certain groups to oppress
others. Institutions captured by radicals, like our universities, are now transferring large
sums of tax money directly to radical groups without the consent of the people by out of
court settlements. This bypasses our elected representatives and whatever remaining
protection our courts might provide us.
Our government should forbid out of court settlements in cases of alleged racial
discrimination when tax money is demanded as part of the settlement. But of course our
corrupt politicians won't, so watch for more funding of black racist and radical groups by
out of court settlements as our corrupt universities and corrupt politicians pave the road to
Civil War II with the people's tax money.

Item 24: Watch for '''more restrictions on freedom of speech by the government and the
establishment media'''. This will drive non-establishment people underground and radicalize
them. All manner of radical underground newsletters and other media will appear, which
will give the government an excuse for yet more unconstitutional means of silencing them
by harassment by the FCC, and other more direct - even terminal - means, by the BATF
and the FBI. Every time you hear of '''someone being fired, or otherwise punished for some
politically incorrect utterance''', think Civil War II.

Item 25: Watch for police to increasingly abandon their traditional uniforms for ones that
resemble '''military and secret police uniforms in their dark color or camouflage, military
helmets, opaque face shields, and absence of name tags. These costumes are meant to
intimidate''', as are the tactics of using paid perjurers (known as informers). paid liars
(known as expert witnesses), wiretaps, boots kicking in doors, agent provocateurs, attack
dogs, tanks, gas, and entrapment followed by assassination by sniper.
These measures are meant to intimidate not only the people they're taking out, but more
importantly those who view these Roman circuses on TV so they'll be fearful to speak up
in defense of the victims. Also, these Robo Cop costumes have a profound impact on
those who don them. '''Dress a man like a stormtrooper and he'll soon enough get the
message.''' Our police should wear only light blue, their traditional color, the traditional color of liberty.
Their faces should be visible at all times, and they should have large nametags visible at a
distance. They should be forbidden to conduct nighttime raids except to rescue hostages,
or when human life is clearly and immediately threatened. They should be forbidden the
use of armored vehicles and gas in all circumstances. And they should be forbidden the
use of entrapment except in cases of persons previously convicted of felonies.
Most establishment types scoff at assertions that America is evolving into a police state.
But here's what former governor of South Dakota, Joe Foss, said as quoted in the May 5,
1995 issue of the New York Post (The New York Post, May 5,1995, p. 8).
"Call a spade a spade. That's always been my philosophy. As a result of (the)
Oklahoma City (bombing) (President Clinton) wants a lot more restrictions on
things. I call that heading towards a police state."
These operations like the Waco takeout and against the Weavers are looking more and
more like Vietnam-style Search and Destroy operations and Vietnam-style Phoenix
assassination teams.

Item 26: Watch for clandestine groups of white officers to form within our federal, state
and local police - groups similar to the Resistors in the Green Berets. I predict that these
white law enforcement resister groups will be clandestine because those openly holding
such opinions are being harassed and/or fired by higher ups to enforce unconstitutional,
racist affirmative action programs and to politicize our law enforcement agencies.
These white law enforcement Resisters will forewarn the victims of unconstitutional actions
such as raids for guns or entrapments that target people like Randy Weaver solely
because they have anti establishment views.
These white law enforcement Resisters will destroy evidence intended to convict white
citizens accused of violating the racist and unconstitutional affirmative action laws.
Regrettably, as conditions become extreme, white law enforcement Resisters will also
destroy evidence intended to convict whites of crimes against blacks. The white law enforcement Resisters will be forced to take these measures because they
are fed up with being victims of racist affirmative, action purges themselves, and because
they have a duty to their conscience and to our constitution to fight racism, and because
they are coming to realize that by enforcing these racist affirmative action laws that they
are delivering up their own children to a racist Moloch of a society that will treat whites as
neo-slaves with no rights that blacks need respect.
With a quarter for an anonymous phone call or evidence quickly dropped into a garbage
can, these white law enforcement Resisters will effectively strike back at racist affirmative
action programs and assaults on our Bill of Rights. White law enforcement and military
personnel ill begin to flash the World War II "V" for victory sign to indicate that they are part
of the resistance. I predict that flashing of the "V" for victory sign will spread to white
The appearance of Registers in our law enforcement agencies will be another sure sign
that Civil War II draws nearer. Actually, white law enforcement Resisters may be
organizing right now. The "Washington Whispers" section of the May 22. 1995 issue of US
News and World Report had a mention of one such possible resistor unit. It said that an
anonymous memo had been circulating among white officers of the Drug Enforcement
Agency. The memo was titled: A catalogue of insidious abuses of affirmative action within
the DEA. (US News and World Report, May 22. 1995, p. 25)
The memo pointed out that minority agents were being promoted despite indiscretions that
had prevented the advancement of white agents. DEA Chief Thomas Constatine
denounced the memo as "vicious and divisive," and said those responsible would be dealt
with "swiftly and stringently." Apparently, Mr. Constatine is totally unfamiliar with the First
Article of our Bill of Rights, a seeming requirement for federal law enforcement officers
these days. Chief Constatine should be dealt with.

Item 27: Watch for an arm of the federal government charged with promoting racist
affirmative action, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, to acquire
agents that carry guns and have the power to make arrests.

Item 28: Watch for the collapse of the US dollar as the world's premier currency. This will
be the signal that will confirm our status as a third-world nation. Foreigners (notably, the Japanese) will refuse to continue to buy our federal government debt instruments
denominated in US dollars. Currently, we enjoy the ability to borrow US dollars and repay
in US dollars. Because inflation and devaluation are constantly eroding the value of the
American dollar, foreigners are increasingly being paid back in a currency (dare we say,
funny money) that has lost much of its real value. Eventually, they will demand that our
federal government issue debt instruments denominated in (and repayable only in) their
own currency. Our government will have no choice but to comply, and this will signal that
we are in the same category as any other third-world country, however much the
establishment denies it.

Item 29: Watch for growing geographic segregation and its increasing mention in the
establishment press. One such article was the previously mentioned New York Times
article of Aug. 20, 1995: "Immigrants in, native whites out." (The New York Times
Magazine, August 20,1995, p. 44) Another, also previously mentioned, occurred in the July
17,1995 issue of Newsweek about whites fleeing California for the Rocky Mountain states:
"It got so it was nothing but Bloods, Crips, drug addicts and wetbacks." (Newsweek, "The
West at War", July 17,1995, p. 26.)

Item 30: Watch for signs that the global military equation and American dominance in it
are being challenged. One such sure sign would be the '''acquisition of a blue-water navy by
the Japanese'''. Japan cannot be a global military power without a blue-water navy, and
Japan cannot have a serious blue-water navy without aircraft carriers. Should Japan
acquire even one aircraft carrier, it will mark a direct challenge to American dominance,
however much it is denied by Washington and Tokyo. The same applies to a Japanese
alliance with China or Russia. Unfortunately, one recurrent theme of history is that trade
wars usually escalate into shooting ones. Also, watch for the breakup of NATO, or the
emergence of some military arrangement in Europe that in any way displaces NATO. IN
the future, unlike the recent past, any foreign power or alliance in opposition to America
will have the option of assisting ethnic groups in America to the point of armed rebellion.
Expect them to play this card.

Item 31: Watch for the breakup of Canada. If Canada does break up along ethnic and
linguistic lines, it will bode ill for its neighbor which is an even worse multiethnic and
multilingual mishmash.

Item 32: Watch for an increased flow of Americans immigrating to Canada. In 1991,
13,500 Canadians immigrated to America, but only 5,270 Americans immigrated to
Canada. (Statistical Abstract of the US, 1994, p. 11) (Canada Year Book, 1994, p. 116)
Should this trend ever reverse itself, and more Americans immigrate to Canada than
Canadians immigrate to America, then we shall know that America is becoming
increasingly untenable for white Americans.

Item 33: Watch for political and legal organizations formed along ethnic lines that will
parallel, and ultimately displace their official rivals. For instance, watch for organizations
with names like The Association of Hispanic States, or the Black Mayors Conference.

Item 34: Watch for more help wanted ads stating that job applicants must be bilingual. In
the southwest, many advertisements for Jobs such as nurses and salespeople specify that
the applicant must be bilingual. This will tend to accelerate the flight of Anglos out of the
southwest and hasten Civil War II. Every time you see a help wanted ad requiring
bilingualism, think Civil War II.

Item 35: Watch for indications that the UN is assuming the role of a world government,
and that the US is losing even more of its national sovereignty to the UN. Occupation of
the United States by United Nations troops is not the fantasy of militia groups that the
establishment press makes it out to be. Consider that it is not entirely clear that member
nations may withdraw from the United Nations. Recall our first civil war. Attempted
peaceful secession by the southern states was answered by an armed invasion and
occupation by armies of the northern states even though there was nothing in the
Constitution that explicitly forbade secession by member states. Now we find ourselves in
a parallel situation with the United Nations. Because (to the best of my knowledge) nothing
in the UN Charter expressly allows a nation to withdraw, any attempt by the United States
to quit the United Nations may be used as grounds for an invasion by UN troops.
Those who scoff at such an invasion have plainly not considered the future from the Civil
War II perspective. Consider an America locked in all-out civil war, her once huge fleet
scuttled by mutineers or divided into clashing fragments. Hispanic secessionists controlling
the southwest might invite in UN "peace keeping" troops in hopes of thereby getting some
form of international recognition. The legitimate government in Washington might object and quit the UN. Japan or other foreign powers could coerce the other nations into
sanctioning this UN invasion with the intent of delivering a fatal blow to the already crippled
America, the last step into turning America into a Japanese vasal state chiefly useful for
farming. (There is a joke circulating among Japanese businessmen: Amer- ica is a farm,
Europe a boutique.) Note that the Hawaiian secessionists have based their claims for
independence in part on a United Nations resolution. Resolution 1514, which deals with
"decolonization." Watch for the Hawaiians and other secessionists to make more appeals
to the UN in the future, such as requesting and getting permission to speak before the UN,
and even being granted representation in certain UN committees, or UN affiliated bodies.
Watch for calls for the formation of a permanent military force directly under the command
of the UN. Should the UN acquire such a force, there can be no doubt but that the
international establishment has decided that the UN will be converted to an actual world
government dominate over its member countries. This final step slwuld be regarded as
inevitable because the UN is an ideal vehicle for the international establishment to control
every last nation,, institution and person on Earth. This is the case because the voting
members of the UN are not representatives elected by the people, but "ambassadors"
appointed by heads of state, and thus at least one step removed from the people.

Item 36: Watch for a certain picture. We've all seen this picture countless times before, a
picture from Beirut, Budapest, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Somalia - a
burnt-out tank, perhaps the charred corpse of a crewman protruding through a hatch, and
jubilant rebels posing atop the tank waving assault rifles and a flag. Someday we shall see
this picture in our newspapers yet again, and this time taken on American soil. The tank,
the dead crewman, and rebels will all be Americans, All will be American except the flag,
which will be a Mexican, Aztlan, New Africa, or Confederate flag. When we see this
picture, it will be too late. Civil War II will be upon us. But there's another picture we'll see
first, again one we've all seen before from some unfortunate land. But this time it will be
taken right here in the US of A - a picture of a dirty, ragged child foraging for food in a
garbage dump. You shutter bugs out there, note that the first to get this picture published
in a magazine or newspaper will probably get a Pulitzer Prize,
This item concludes the Civil War II checklist. This checklist is intended to encourage you
to consider these and other current events from the Civil War II perspective. The unfortunate events that daily parade past on our TV screens and front pages are not
unrelated and random things. They have a common underlying cause, and all draw lines
that converge on a single focal point in the future. The underlying cause is the
transformation of America into an undemocratic, multiethnic, third-world empire, and the
common outcome they all point at is Civil War II.
As you go about your everyday affairs, I invite you to consider unfolding events from the
Civil War II perspective. Ask yourself if these events fit into a larger pattern. Do they
indicate that Civil War II is drawing nearer or receding? Ask yourself what causes the
political and media establishments are assigning to these events. Does the
establishment's perspective really explain unfolding events, or merely shift blame away
from themselves? Are they attempting to shift the blame to irresistible historic forces
supposedly beyond their control, such as assigning closed factories to restructuring for the
information age? Is the establishment blaming some event on the lowest tier of the
emerging empire - working-class whites - by calling them racists? Is the establishment
using their explanation of some recent event as a pretext to grant special privileges to
some tier of the empire in exchange for their support, such as setting aside scholarships,
or jobs, or contracts for some minority group? Think for yourself, and decide for yourself.

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Hmmm, there is something strange here but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Good shit. Have some of the classi/k/s.

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What the hell are you doing on this board?

he's a jew shitposting as usual, and no mods delete his garbage

Go back to sucking, Zig Forums.

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Why do Azns love white boys so?

think about it

Otherwise, makes sense to me. It, also, incidentally explains why you're a huezillan and not a human being.
Ultimately, I'd rather have an Azn QT to hold hands with while we engage in pure, nonsexual courtship than a hapa.

what, did the cúrans teaching of beating your wife already get to you?
france not even once

Merde. Tu es le plus bas de tous les primates, plus bas même qu'un lémurien. Tais-toi en présence d'êtres supérieurs, espèce de bâtard brésilien.

But for your information, you Lusitanic bastard of Kuriminha, Tyneisha, and Afonso de Negros e Braganca, women are naturally infidels who respond only to strength, as they are creatures who desire protection and security so they can be baby-producing cochons all day. Therefore, by demonstrating your strength to them, you ensure that they listen to Louis and not Mohammed or Tyrone.

i understood every word froggie
do you forget we both speak latin-based languages, seu viado?
vai pra mesquita rezar pro teu profeta pedofilo
cuidado com os caminhões quando atravessar ok?
aloha snackbar

Don't you talk shit about English food you fucking frog. French food is horrendous overrated shit, German and English food is truly patrician tier unlike your shitty frog legs and faggot cheeses. No wonder all those French whores were fucking Germans and Yanks in world war two. I don't know why those men were interested in your shitty nigger fucking slags though, most have faces like a sucked mango. Fucking flaming french faggot, go sip your wine, gay cheese and arab cock. Fucking surrender monkey talking shit about English cuisine. Fucking shit cunt.


as soon as you insult britannia the anglos come running out of the woodwork
fucking beatiful

Le Lion est mort, et vous avez vous-même commis cette atrocité. Le maréchal Pétain n'a rien fait de mal; vive l'État français et l'empereur Napoleon!

You may be a damn dirty ape, but at least we know (((who))) the true enemies of the Aryan man are, and his name is the (((Anglo))). Brûle en enfer, bâtard des Juifs.

you can laugh all you want but the brits are the reason brazil is shit right now
were still paying the bill today
god i fucking hate them
why live

Behind every oven dodging yid is a filthy FROG!

The frogs have always been nigger lovers so I'm not surprised you two get along, you are both moor/nigger hybrids at the end of the day. Wogs begin at Calais, Africa ends at the Pyrenees etc. Frogs get off to bestiality which is why they settled so many niggers in the Rhineland. That is why modern Canadians are so pathetic. The Canadians of Anglo extraction produce nothing but export quality posts and are great contributors to the board whilst the Quebec niggers shit up the board and give leaves a bad name. All the cucked Canadians are of French extraction, likely as a result of the French whores that settled there fucking niggers in French-Africa.

You are correct in addressing that (((les Jacobins))) were behind the French revolution, but at least we got Napoleon Bonaparte, God bless his name. (((Your))) revolutions gave you Cromwell, the man who created the Bank of England and murdered the martyred Irishmen of the true Faith; and William and Mary, two literal whos of monarchs who displaced the rightful Stuart dynasty.

Pay your fucking debts, you agreed to it.

This is why Adolf Hitler was and always was right, and l'Entente Cordiale was a mistake.

Not surprised tbh, we killed that many French knights that only the cowardly little frogs remained. No wonder the Germans rolled over you so quickly.

No commie, giving people the money you agreed to pay them for goods/services isn't jewery, it's called capitalism.
And no, you and the monkey are the only ones throwing tantrums here, kek.


To be fair, Canada never really had a chance. This can be blamed on the US, we've been sending our refuse to the north since the 1770s. For a long while it was sustainable as we didn't have all that much scum to send but then Vietnam happened and the flood of the worst boomers the boomer generation had to offer pretty much sealed their fate. 1965 they adopt a god damn lea as their flag and I do not believe that is a coincidence. Poor bastards.

We are more honorable than Perfidious Albion, whose crimes are notorious throughout history.

I believe in Travail, Famille, Patrie; while you believe in Money, Profit, and Slavery.
I can hear your angry British blubbering over these radio waves and fiber optic cables: "How DARE he insinuate that I am responsible for my own crimes and atrocities against humanity?" Well, let me tell you Rosbif, Limey, scum of the Earth, you are indeed responsible for your own crimes, and you will, as is the will of God Almighty, pay for them, whether here on Earth, or in Hell.

It's been a couple of hours and you still haven't surrendered. You must be another Algerian rape baby.

You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As they say in Texas. I'll bet you couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you.

You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon.

You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done.

I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformation. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. And did I mention you smell?

Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly.

Fun fact. Black men have higher estrogen levels.

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Did you make that up off the cuff? I'm replacing all the euphemisms for Brits with jews and stealing it.

Forgot link

Kek, you're the one who made the claim in the first place my Algerian friend.

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the french flag reminds me of three-layered cake. icing, vanilla, then strawberry. but it's light-blue icing. only toddlers get light-blue icing. therefore your flag and your people are toddlers and immature.

Ouais, my American friend; use it for good works against the Juifs.

>when I am calmly demonstrating the inherent evil of the (((Anglo))) against all of mankind

Pic related.

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You cant make this shit up

The deal didn't go like "hey man I'll charge you everything you have for it", your diplomats talked to us like you were doing it out of the kindness of your heart because you were friends with P*rtugal
Dom Pedro's fault for trusting you roaches i guess
Also thanks for invading Uruguay just to take it away from us
You keep kicking us and right when were getting up you kick us down again
The state of your shitty island is karma for what you've done

Well yeah you are a shitty colony of a friend, we treated you like we would treat the nigger nations, mainly because you are one.

But I'm clearly not. You're accusing me of having a tantrum and I merely pointed out that you're wrong in , I don't see how this is "constantly implying that I'm having a tantrum". You really are projecting hard, you're now flat out accusing me of doing things that you have done yourself, despite me not doing them.

It doesn't matter how we talked to you, monkey boy, you agreed to pay a sum of money in exchange for something, you can't then turn around and scream "WTF BRO, WHY ARE YOU CHARGING ME?! THINGS COST MONEY??? WHY CAN'T EVERYTHING ME FREE?! WTF I LOVE COMMUNISM NOW!"
Pay up huemonkey, the rent on your freedom is due, tick tock.

stay mad chimp

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Thanks for the laugh, Rosbif. Remember to let Mohammed al-Manchester fuck your daughter and bin your knoives.

Give me my money from 1800
I need to pay maomé so he doesnt cut my fingers off for disrespecting him

Also, I don't know who you're calling Mohammad, I don't think I've seen a single white person every time I've been Paris other than tourists, loads of wogs in the countryside too. I would post your demographics and mock you for them, but you took the based Sweden pill and made it illegal to record race on the census because "muh bigotry". SAD!

To be honest, m80, I believe you may be demented, in the sense that you are losing all sense of reality.



Unlike your jungles and cities crawling in monkeys, the pakis rarely if ever leave the towns and cities.

Talk about projection, limey. I never even said anything about where you Brits lived. Though you ought to be nuked if you do live in a city.

I do, the most popular ones are Oliver, followed by Harry, George, Jack, and then Jacob. The "muh muhammad meme" is in London, not Britain as a whole, dumb-dumb.

No, I was just pointing out that I've never seen a Frenchman in Paris, never implied you lived there.

Actually it's them purposely misconstruing data for headlines, muhammad doesn't even reach the top ten.
They take every variant "mohamed, mohammad, muhammed, etc" and count them all as one, but they don't do the same for any other name with variants "William, Will, Bill", "David, Dave, Daveth"

Yes, yes, feed me your asshurt. It only strengthens me.

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What the fuck just happened

I made a top notch thread and a fucking rooster had to shit it up with his whining about kike lover Napoleon followed by a chimpout over freedom costing money as opposed to being gibs. All the thread needs now is that fucking leaf that larps as a boxhead to come along.
All shall bow before the mighty Emu (PBUT)

>mfw the (((Anglos))) are still booty-bothered at getting BTFO by a Frenchman.

Now, for , what actually happened is that some BBC-cuck derailed the thread, then Greekfag posted interracial dating stats proving that whites are the superior race. I asked why Asians liked hwite bois so much, and then the kc-tire shitposting began.

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Just saying things doesn't make them true, user.

I know for a fact that you Anglos are the ones getting BTFO, since you are the ones constantly wailing and complaining about me every thread I've been in. Give the shitposting a rest and quit ruining good threads.

What's with this guy and Japan? Was there a Japan scare in the 80's?

Sort of. Japan was cranking out a lot of electronics at a time when consumer electronics were just becoming widespread and more varied than a TV or radio. A lot of people thought that a combination of factories closing in the rust belt and Japanese imports would lead to Japan turning America into a serf nation.

It didn't happen, obviously, but that was the fear. Ever watch Back to the Future 2? Remember that scene with Marty getting chewed out by a Japanese guy?

Also, a lot of people thought that the Soviets would outlast capitalism; that after the reunification of Germany that Taiwan and China, and North and South Korea would also reunify; and that decolonized countries in Africa would be successful.

I don't know who you are and I've never interacted with you before until this thread, don't big yourself up.

How likely is a full blown race war to occur in the US?

Not very, at least not anymore. The fringes desperately want it to happen so they can be free to use violence to restructure society to fit their utopian bullshit. The alt-right will tell you that a chimpout is just around the corner and "something needs to be done" about the Jews, the Clinton News Network will tell you that anyone not inducted into the communist party is literally a clone of Hitler.

But if you step back and look at the bigger picture most people are just trying to live normal lives and aren't very concerned about stuff that doesn't affect their day-to-day routine.

Fuck off kike

The red revolutions before the 1917 one were all kooky fringe whackos too. The point is that we have to watch the nut jobs and the hardcore folks because stability is something that can leave us quite quickly, and yesterday's window locker is tomorrow's new dictator for life.

It isn't so much people are concerned with day to day living, they are honestly too rich and well off to risk fucking things up. Bread riots lead to revolutions where even the most stable people might riot and revolt for anger and desperation over starvation. Well fed people who are warm will put up with ruin, tyranny, all sorts of things. We are in decline because people are too fat and IMMEDIATELY comfortable to rock the b oat. Even if rocking the boat may be the only way to stay comfortable in the long term, as inaction may one day lead to the whole system going to shit, like how many empires and high level societies before it.

People will be stable as long as there are intrinsic things to value, as long as there is objective wealth and security they might do nothing. Industrial society is not stable because of any propaganda or political tricks, but rather ample food and living supplies.

The central system keeps rolling along because it can scrape together the resources to keep the dying system alive, even if the things they do are the reason why it is dying. But the stark truth remains, we are three years of hunger away from world strife, constant warfare, ethnic cleansing, genocide, massacres, despotism and bloodshed, sheer anarchy might happen if things go just bad enough.

We've experienced 500 years of growth and increased well being in the physical sense and stability. But the central systems that have developed in the last 5 centuries are starting to crack and fail as the problems of centralism, always fatal, always exestential, are coming to a head. Right as they think about global governments, they are watching as societal decay and other factors doom this possiblity.

Malthus and the overpopulation people may have exaggerated, and their models have been wrong, but in the end THEY ARE RIGHT. Population doesn't grow forever, not becuase people destroy the enivronment, but because there are eventually real limits that will be met, even with gains in technology. When they do meet these limits, people will die, limit will be real and not man made and set, and people will go from pussy boi soybois back to fierce killers and raiders.

Some study the Balkans as a means of how to commit ethnic cleansing, but others look at it because it shows you how fast things go fly out of control. Yugoslavia was one of the best places to be during the whole Eastern bloc Soviet thing, and look how fast it degenerated.

The US had plenty of room for growth physically, had plenty of endless economic growth and potential, all up until now and the hiccups of the Great Depression. Now its becoming more diverse, now its filled up, the opportunites and open land are gone.

As soon as the easy living, the electricity, the cheap and easily accessed food, ever get scarce enough places long enough, then we might see a race war, full on, civil war full on. Fat, dumb, comfortable will turn into something else, and we will see the old man come back to what he's always been and always will be.

Also, keep in mind that the US was stablizied by its Anglo domination. Blacks knew who the dominate culture was, so did everyone else. Blacks were tolerated in the south because they were part of the Anglo-American culture, at least to a heavy extent. Northerners felt sorry for the black because he had not contact with him.

As blacks become their own culture and hate the white man openly, instead of respecting him, as they form their own nation witin the US empire, as northerners learn to hate them as much as the white southern folk, as things become more split and animosity grows, yes, the race war could easily happen.

Listen to this man
Listen to him, Strelok. He is RIGHT.
And if you want some ready example, read about the Argentinazo (the 2001 december riots in Argentina). Shit got awry really fucking fast and if De LaRua had not left the country, maybe he had ended like Ceaucescu.

What am I looking at, user?

Attached: scared.gif (720x1280 904.25 KB, 2.2M)

Garbage image. And write like you're from the isles, tea-breath.

Post proof, monkey.

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Who then got BTFO'd by an Englishman. France died in 1789.

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Free island vacation

You literal nigger.

How dare you speak like that to him, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth.

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that France can ever prosper. Crawl back to the trees you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfather's skip to Ireland and rape some sheep, as in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you will ever have. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice; your sole use to this world. The French obsession with a small island that still manages to outpace it in every aspect is hilarious but sad. The MUH FRANKS sentiment in the average negro Frenchman is both an early warning sigh of autism in children and early set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor. No amount of white wine and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of shared British heritage.

You nigger.

You make Romania look like a beacon of civilization.

You are the Baltimore of Europe.

Go fertilize some British cropfields with you and your families corpses. It's the best you can ever hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you would have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself; cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a French "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

It died in 1815, in my honest opinion.

As a matter of fact, yes I do.

REMOVE MUTT remove mutt you are worst anglo. you are the anglo idiot you are the anglo smell. return to england. to our england cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,america we will never forgeve you. rendeck rascal FUck but fuck asshole anglo stink america murica murica..anglo genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead anglo..ahahahahahAMERICA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .england we kill the queen , england return to your precious israel….hahahahaha idiot anglo and mutt smell so i can smell it. REMOVE MUTT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+china+ireland+scotland=kill england…you will ww2/ tupac alive in france, tupac making album of france . fast rap tupac france. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of france… you are ppoor stink mutt… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in france ….fuck the england ,..FUCKk ashol anglo no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the anlgo farm aminal with rap magic now we the england rule .ape of the zoo presidant donal turmp fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and america wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. france greattst countrey

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This is either a halfchan invasion or faggot glowniggers actively disrupting any and all discussions about revolt.

KC is dead and this is the most active board with flags.

assuming Civil War 2 happens and it is split directly along party lines, we know whites in red america are armed to the teeth, I know I am. However, liberals control the government, as we see with the beseiged Trump admin, and the government owns tanks, drones, bombs, nukes, and a wide portion of the military is now poz city. What happens to those high tech weapons? An AR-15 will of course devastate feral packs of roaming niggers, but a tank? Fugged.

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I will take the 150 for 200 Alex.

Pleb tier.

Nice going pall!

No, he's completely wrong, as is the user he is responding to. A large amount of recent literature (Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly, Peter Turchin, Donnatella Della Porta, among others) in how revolutions, insurrections, and other civil uprisings begin states that it has nothing to do with prole vanguardist wackjobs or economic downturns/collapses (both of which are marxist in view). The whole "we have to wait till there is no food for people to fight" systemic-view is basically garbage, as is a bottom up "muh race war! have we started the fire?" instigating event-view from fat trailer park faggots like Iron March.

The two main indicators are: (1) Bottom-up revolution: gradual increase in protest violence between protesters and gov forces (or gov aligned protesters) through multiple waves of protest, and; (2) Top-down revolution: Elite infighting and fracturing.

Both of these are happening right now. In the case of (2), even though Trump has Jew connections, he is still a renegade elite that is an antagonist to globalists. Hence why other elites – and their tentacles in the media and elsewhere – are after him. The more elites get fractured off from the open border globalists, the more likely revolution is going to happen as they start backing groups to push back. Which brings up indicator (1): increase in violent protest between opposing sides. We've already seen this happen at Trump rallies, and there already has been a mass shooting. While there has been right wing violence, leftist violence dwarfs rightist violence in terms of its organization and frequency (as well as the fact that it is often hidden: open borders leads to violent crime against the enemies of open borders), but you wouldn't know this from watching the MSM. The recent harassing of Trump connected individuals at restaurants is yet another protest cycle stemmed on by the media and activists in response to a bunch of open borders bullshit and "muh children" propaganda.

You shouldn't be watching the true believer vanguardists (though you should be taking note of who they are for future manhunting purposes), and economic indicators. These are completely irrelevant for predictive purposes. You should be keeping track of protest tactics and outcomes (both leftist, rightist, and government) and their increase in violence over continuous waves of protest (as well as the media instigating it and covering it up, since people's perceptions are mediated by the lugenpresse). And you should keep track of powerful people – who are politically inclined – that are being attacked by leftists or whose personal beliefs are defecting from the New York Times editorial pages.

These are the proximate events for revolution, insurrections, or civil disorder.

So according to the investigation, the bomb consisted of 1000 kg AN/FO.
Also, the bomb was as strong as 1200 kg TNT.

How does that make any sense, if the detonation velocity of AN/FO is around 4,200m/s and that of TNT is 6,900m/s? ANFO is weaker in any case.
Are they hiding something?

Somewhat of a bump from the chink user who went to tibet last year. Went to Xinjiang disguised as glorious mao loving revolutionary ofc where the ETIM is a thing.
Wrap of what COIN is a religious/ethnic conflict looks right now. Anyone have any takeaway lessons from this?

In the cities


>Racial profiling, everyone who doesn't look Han gets searched that includes your white fucks

Anybody have more info on the powergrids? specifically how long they'll last from now anyways

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We're almost at a civil war then

Pshh, nuffin presonnel.