what do?

Attached: death in picture.jpg (1920x1309, 560.79K)

Attached: haveaniceday,kuffars.png (920x517, 394.92K)

Buy this.

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x1200, 114.15K)

unless it's driving backwards, that flag is going the wrong way

maybe its stationary and the flag is fluttering in the wind heres the oringinal image for you analysis

Attached: haveaniceday,kuffars.jpeg (920x517, 61.64K)


isn't a microwave only for short distances, like for the food?
how would that work?

yup i was wrong, the bus is facing the camera. you can even see the door.
and it's stationary as you say

Microwaves get bounced around inside the microwave oven a lot. They get reflected from the metal walls and hit the food from the other side. They don't just stop at the walls.
Microwaves aren't "short range" and it depends on the energy you put into the emitter and how localized the beam is.

Leave my family behind and find shelter in the European country with the most benefits. Then proceed to rape local girls and shit in front of churches while stabbing people who don't like Islam

That's a fucking photoshop.

Full auto 10 gauge (or some proprietary huge shotshell) belt fed mounted shotgun machine guns

What do?

Attached: presented without context.jpg (660x335 33.18 KB, 20.89K)

That is a horrifying concept. I assume it essentially is single use and crashes after firing?

Attached: 1e956d8b879ea6c161df472cf03e19665c569d223bd5b034d1117e3c42cbae05.png (256x256, 5.78K)

It's single use RPG. Even if drone cost 5000€ - who cares when you disabled 2000000€ tank?

Attached: [Erai-raws]_Boku_no_Hero_Academia_3rd_Season_-_06_[720p][Multiple_Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_13.13_[2018.05.12_16.55.25].jpg (640x360 304.44 KB, 6.85M)

IS had these too. Not sure about their effectiveness or how wide spread their use was but it's not unprecedented.

Attached: b355504242b.jpg (1200x900, 125.82K)

You know what? These pseudo-ukrops are alright people.


Get an anti-air buff on your sword



Hilariously effective. They also made a kamikazi drone with a few kgs of explosive, and used it for attacking enemy hardpoints before advancing on them. It's sorta why Mosul bogged down for so long.

If I was given a workshop, perhaps a small airstrip and license to create all kinds of wacky weapons for Middle-Eastern tribal conflicts I would be the happiest man on Earth.

how about removing that law all together

Be vigilant, Mister Bull. Those of a certain (((cult))) would prefer you not make such machines for anyone.

Belorussians are pretty dope people Austrian Serbia.

i want it to be real

Pretty sure by "license" he doesn't mean a legal form saying "make wacky weapons". He's using license in the broader sense of permission or freedom. Think "creative license".