Assembly bill 3 is going to be heard before the california state senate committee of public safety tommorrow, if you live in calfornia please write the committee, to voice your opposition. if this law passes the perchase age will be raise to 21, and the one-a-month restriction of firearms (now to include long guns) will become the law. please write.
p.s. can someone get this shit to cuckchan? they have a wider user base that might be helpful, (
Assembly bill 3 is going to be heard before the california state senate committee of public safety tommorrow...
update, the bill has been postponed, still get your letters in
If you live in California, move.
Why not Tumblr and Reddit while we're at it?
Oh I'm sure they'll fucking listen to your protests on this one. Just like they did the last seventy this year.
don't understand what "writing representatives" is going to do, they're either going to screw you with lube or without, it's not like they take their constituent's opinions seriously and care about appropriately representing them
not a shill nor looking to discourage anyone from doing it, but still
what about when we have nowhere to run? if they can rape California, they can rape Idaho
I feel like it's pointless. I was almost looking forward to having saved up enough, but oh well.
But I like it here. Most of us who are complaining about the bill aren't old enough to drink and are likely living with our parents—we don't really have a choice. Also, it's nice country. It's not all city and desert like many people believe, and really, desert can be nice too.
Everyone in California IS moving, and they're bringing their trashy socialist bullshit with them. Even the faggots that claim to want gun rights.
it can't hurt
doesn't look like we could give one these protections for the second amendment,
Looks like it's been postponed. Otherwise there's a proposal to split the state into three states, but I don't think it'll go anywhere. Besides, I like being one state, I just wish it wasn't plagued by weak degenerates. This state used to be something to envy, now it's a joke.
Do they want it to fail?
When are people going to learn that you can never trust a commie? Every word that escapes their lips is a lie.
Serrious question, what would so cal be? Wouldn't that just be adding another blue state?
Wasn't there a proposal a few months back for all the rural counties to make their own state, and leave the urban shitholes as part of old California?
Northern California would be blue because of San Francisco. California would be blue because of Los Angeles. Southern California would be blue because of the Imperial Valley and the border region.
The correct solution would be , where New California is the foothills and old California is the coast. Of course, this was uncovered by our glorious FBI as an evil Russian-backed plot to destroy Weimerica, so I think all Diverse (TM) and Right-Thinking Americans can be glad that the proposal was replaced by this much new proposal, which is much more in keeping with our True American Values (TM).
I swear to fucking god, I'm leaving this shithole of a state the moment I scrape together enough money to leave
Is there any chance of this passing? Maybe it was because they knew they would loose senator seats come mid terms?
It's possible, but I doubt it. It would be a massive change, and massive changes, while possible, only tend to happen when social alienation is high. Social alienation among Democrats in California is near-zero since they're all part of one great big Diverse Poz Family. Social alienation among Republicans is high (surprisingly most of the Republicans here are hard red; there's more Never Trump Republicans in most red states than there are in California), but most of them have the basic intelligence to look at the map and realize that this proposal evenly distributes all the blue parts of the state among the three new states and therefore guarantees that the new states will all maintain the hard-left status que, the gerrymandered state of California politics will be maintained, and the dems will get two extra blue states. So there's no reason to support it.
The only way I see this passing is if the Dems go on a massive campaign to promote this as the only way to stop the evil Hognaldo Baroompf, thus convincing the dems to support it for reasons other than social alienation, and if they wage a disinfo campaign to convince the Republicans in the state that this will totally be like the Jefferson proposal and grant them self determination, thus gaining their support.
The problem is that this kind of thing requires a long period of propaganda to work, and we've only got a few months until the election. So I doubt the dems have enough time to really hammer the idea that the proposal is good into the minds of dems to get them to support a change as massive as breaking up the state. So far, they haven't even begun trying to spread the idea. To be honest, I don't think it's intended to succeed; this is just a foil to keep an actually good decision (the Jefferson proposal) from gaining traction, by replacing that idea with the three-state one.
I'm just waiting for the salt when that happens. The dems have been screeching about muh blue wave for months now, and it's only been in the past few weeks that the premature celebration has petered out as polling has begun to indicate such a thing will never happen. Most of the seats in play are Democrat, so there are relatively few Republican seats to try to poach. And the Democrats have been doing a piss-poor job of appealing to the people given that their platform is essentially "we will tax you more and push social justice", which is something that would have worked in the previous paradigm but which is anathema today. And now that it's clear that Donald Blumpf is not going to be impeached (and is more or less guaranteed a second term if the Korea thing goes through, the economy doesn't collapse, and the democrats keep being retarded), and that the Republican party isn't going to split over him, they can't use him as a fracture point in the Republican base. So I'd predict that the "blue wave" is going to consist of, at worst, the Democrats losing a few seats in the Senate and gaining a couple in the House, without getting a majority.
Blue wave might happen in texas of all places. I'm worried about the govenor election cause Abbot is fucking retarded.
>I swear to fucking god, I'm leaving this shithole of a state the moment I scrape together enough money to leave
I understand why you would, but this still angers me to no end for some reason. Why does it anger me?
Of course. Aren't there a ton of spic immigrants on the southern part?
This whole splitting up CA idea proves that Illegal migrants are certainly not going to vote republican when their legal counterparts don't.
also, spiting CA is stupid because the Californians are turning states like Texas into another California. The only reason for splitting up CA is to give the dems more senators.
How are Californians turning other states like them? I know leftists from the northern states come down to more red states when their stupid policies end up not working, and then they spread their cancer to their new "homes".
I've seen Americans on the internet complaining about Californians spreading their shitty politics around the rest of the USA. How severe is this problem? Why are they leaving CA? Is it because their shitty politics have ruined the state but the people are too stupid to realise that and so maintain their harmful practices? We have a similar phenomenon to that with leftists from Sydney and Melbourne moving out into the smaller not quite as shit cities and turning them into little Marxist outposts.
Yes, happens here as well, Londoners ruin their area with their shitty voting policies, wonder what happened to their community and then move out to the countryside and vote same the policies in, all while asking themselves "What happened, it used to be so nice!".
Hit the nail on the head. They don't like the high cost of living, extensive regulations, and excessive taxes. Then they move to Seattle/Austin/Portland/Boise and start voting for the same lefty politicians that fucked CA up, because they're too retarded to connect cause and effect. To a slightly lesser degree, a similar thing is happening with the East Coast cities going west. I shudder to think what happens when the two exodus waves collide with one another somewhere in Iowa.
How about instead of splitting up CA, the Republicans get their so-called "conservative Latinos" to vote for them like they claim they will when they're justifying Amnesty?
Illegal migrants will behave exactly like Californians. Unfortunately there are so many gun owners who would be willing to risk losing their guns if it meant they don't have to call a spade a spade.
Conservative latinos typically don't live in California, they're usually in places like Arizona and New Mexico or up in Nevada.
Bad enough that a significant number of them have managed to reach the east coast and are joining forces with equally cancerous New Yorkers and Massachusetts cucks who flee the north to ruin formerly decent southeastern states like the Carolinas or Virginia.
The problem is even worse when you look at the smaller but just as lethal cancers of Chicago spreading throughot the midwest, linking up with other urbanite hellholes like milwaukee and infecting the wurrounding states. I am dearly sorry to the WI and INbros here, we Illinoisians simply cannot contain them
That's not the only problem. Main issue is the growth of the Dallas/houston area Ft Forth is slightly better AFAIK from califronians and muh H1 Visas.
I remember when I was born here my parrents tried really hard to assimilated and they did. Now days the pajeets just yell at you for being in their neighboorhood even though I've been living there longer than any of them for fuck sake. And you wouldn't believe the amount of phone calls the PD got the other day when I open carried my M1 to show these fucks.
Let me tell you how North Dallas went from a decent place where everyone was friendly to a shithole in a few years.
>My parrents refuse to leave cause father was keyword was a liberal cuck.
Princple says its fake. However the assistant princp faggot (who's a liberal) takes it upon himself to 'check for the welfare of my student' AKA the muh enlighten niggers meme
Part 2
This summer…Side story:
>Show him two of the above I don't do drugs
>MFW the guy runs a porn site and hates his parrents while his sister is this slutty person whos violently anti-muslim
Honestly, the one thing I somewhat don't understand is why in China all the cities are conservative as fuck. I believe it has to do with the fact that in China it's the rurals that get gibbs and the urbanites that get fucked over.
Just a theory, but in a civilization non-conservatives simply die out due to their degeneracy. China has been a civilization for some 2 millenia by now, and all the libruls purged themselves from the genepool centuries ago. Truth to be told, even the Moslem world had a few centuries of liberalism, and there are no traces of it any more. The Western civilization is currently going through this phrase. I'd say the main difference is that due to its transportation and medicine (contraception) there is a grea population replacement going on that might be the downfall of it.
Actually, the Roman civilization might be a fitting example here. The Western Roman Empire simply died out, as the population was replaced by barbarians who were in no position to uphold the whole system of government, and they didn't take up that much of the culture either. Of course some key civilization achievements were taken up by them. The Eastern Roman Empire turned into Greek-speaking Byzantium with Christian religion, essentially taking up a completely new culture that had nothing to do with what people think of as Rome.
Too bad there's no law about denying voting for people who move to a new state for a few years. Or making some political test in non-cucked states that test how likely you are to fuck things up. If you score a certain amount, you're told to fuck off back where you came from. If you're a pozzed commie or urbanite who doesn't understand how your shitty voting habits fucked you in the first place, you don't deserve any rights. Get fucked.
Left commiefornia because it was pissing me off. I dealt with enough bullshit. If some fuckers want to remake commiefornia outside of their shithole, they deserve beatings. Fuck them.
Either that or they're refuse to believe it.
Did you ever get sick?
Vid JewTube link:
Also, that was disgusting. I don't like Muslims, but schismatics such as yourself deserve hell. Ultimately they chose their paths, but you still had a hand in spiritually poisoning them, a fate I wouldn't wish upon my greatest enemies though, they're already dead in that regard.
Remember how retards used to say this about SJWs and nowadays they hold a significant amount of power and actively pass laws that forces their ideologies onto everyone else?
I like that jib.
Americhink, I don't mind teling you how deeply I respect you. You are one of the few men out there who has both the mental capabilities to analyse the situation, form a plan, and the balls to transform your thoughts into action and take a firm stance. To both think, and act. That is quite a rare quality among people these days.
You can't bar them from voting, they have rights and shit.
I care about rights only for people who would care about my rights in return. I don't #StandWithBashir or any of that other cucked shit because I know people like her would never stand for me.
One thing I've never gotten is how fucking out of touch boomers are. I'm leaving California, but my boomer family is staying in SoCal of all places. They just don't understand why I'm leaving. I tell them that taxes and regulations are out of control; that there are no jobs now that almost every business has moved to Texas or te east coast. All we've got left in terms of work in California is Hollyjew and agriculture; or maybe meth if you live in the foothills.
But they just don't get it. I tell them taxes are high. They say "yeah, but that's what you get for living in the most beautiful state with all the services the government offers." I tell them that the government doesn't offer anything to anyone that's not an illegal immigrant. They say that the government only helps illegals to "make them good citizens." I say the job market is shit. They say it must be good, because well we're California, and apparently "we're California" is an actual argument. And besides, the job market was great in nineteen seventy-fucking-five, so it must be good now.
I tell them the government views them as serfs to be exploited. They say that can't be true, because "we're a democracy and democracy protects the rights of the people." I tell them the government doesn't give a shit about them because they're importing their replacements. They say that can't be the case, because the government would never do anything against the people. I say the policies in the state are too far to the left. They just say "it'll change eventually." They honestly think that we're going to go hard right because muh natural conservatives.
How the fuck did boomers get this out of touch? Gen X doesn't seem as out of touch. The Greatest Generation, at least the ones that are still alive, doesn't seem as out of touch. It's like the boomers in particular were hit by a disease that makes them utterly oblivious to the world around them, like they're living in a constant time displacement where they're in 1980 forever.
why not work in either/multiple of those industries
You could supply hollywood cannibalistic orgies with meth laced with rat poison so they all die and nobody will know why.
Weren't boomers the ones who did all the Soviet funded dope, weed and orgies make love not war and other pacifist bullshit?
peace sign is an inverse life rune, meaning "death".
The leftist are colonizing states like Texas.
Only in Beijing, back in my hometown my grandmother used to be the head of the FDA and could lock people up for 5 or so years if she wanted to. Guess what, nobody wants to mess with me cause she taught and mentored all the current FDA people there
America has five main enemies. Muslims, Kikes, Welfare and SJW fags, A united europe, and China. This is in descending order of severeity. Muslims because the ideals they hold are mutrually exclusive with the basis of the foundation of the US and their desire to convert everyone to the religion of peace. A united europe (Not the EU sense, the Hitler sense) for the same reason as the UK is afraid, a strong, centralized Europe has the capacity to match the US in terms of technology and the ability to challenge US naval supremacy. Welfare because it is a drain on the economy and if allowed to fester this wound will fuck the US over harder than the lombards invading Italy. In addition, the enemy within is much harder to eliminate. China is last mainly because the Chinese are taught as a people to bend over for the government and is more prone to infighting than a season of mean girls or some shit.
It would be wise to know exactly who your enemies are, and prevent them from advancing their goals in advance, not after they've fucked you over like Ruby Ridge.
Kikes are a special case. They finally learned that having control of financial areas is not enough to keep them from getting buttfucked ala Hitler. In the US, they started taking over the news because they knew that in order to prevent a second wave of glorious cleansing, the populace at mass must be indoctrinated.
I should also mention cooperation but they have differing interests, the reason is because cooperation actively seek to subvert the power of the populace as an aware, liberal-minded (in the traditional sense) populace as well as the self-serving intrest to avoid contributing back to the economy.
And yet here is the issue, we run the risk government censorship via the denial of voting rights. Howerver, I do agree that is true, perhaps it is time we re-instated the good moral charchter clause into voting and split states voting as direct democracy at the county, and a county vote each regardless of population to deterimine EC and presidency.
Several reasons:
1) Huxley was right
2) Boomers are the ones who are the counter culture
3) Boomers were never the ones to face a major crisis in the world a la world war II and rode off it's successes
Not all boomers are fucked. Typically the ones who went to vietnam in my experience at least are aware as fuck One was my scoutmaster, who also got voted out cause he said remove jews
If you are truely a dutch fag then go and reclaim belgium.
But yes, in an age of technology where martial skill is greatly equalized by firearms, a leader cannot have just brawn, he must have the ability to think, outwit, and outmaneuver his enemies on the battlefield as well as on the homefront. History is always a good teacher, but one must simply draw conclusions reached by others, but look at the information that is given in the context of analysis and derive your own conclusions.
So essentially if it's unacceptable to restrict CA transplant voting ability, does that mean their right's trump the Native's?
Technically by US law it doesn't matter because it's an administrative boundary and they are still US citizens. That's the problem.
I knew some faggot here was going to get upset over that.
It's immoral behavior. That's why. And I never said such things, nor implied them. Stop putting words in others' mouths.
I don't know. I remember another user who made a post about how he convinced his boomer parents to build up home defense, so they bought a bunch of stupid gadgets that won't work in a SHTF scenario, but they're shiny and boomers have a ton of money.
Yes, and poisoning the well instead of converting them to the truth is going to solve this. You're absolutely right.
You know what you did was wrong.
No, I think my real issue is not that you broke a family apart "spiritually" ("spiritually", as opposed to physically, which is "mean" but not evil, and so I would have no issue there, if done out of necessity), but because you seemed to take joy in it. And then, as I said, instead of bringing them to the truth, you poisoned them, but as I said even earlier, ultimately, they drank the poison. Nevertheless, you offered it.
The most dangerous and talented people are the ones that change your thoughts without propaganda and sound like their flattering you while their at it.
害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无. "Do not intend to harm others, but entertain the ability defend yourself against others. His family was a risk to us, and I took the chance to turn something against them. I simply took the chance to divide them, how it changed them is not my problem.
There is no guilt for something like this. He asked me a question, I answered it. If he is stupid enough to not find alternative views. He's too idiotic to live.
I heard the other day his mum and dad are on suicide watch earlier today from a friend, so I've no idea whats going on in their family now and frankly I don't give a damn. It's just another threat removed.
You're a good kid, Strelok.
We'll deport you last. :^)
That was me.
I just don't get why boomers are so materialistic and incapable of understanding in-group preference. While we were talking once, they asked me why young people seem so alienated from society. I explained why, and they just looked at me all confused and said "but the economy is growing. How could people be alienated?" It's like they can't understand the concept of people being alienated even though the Magic Economy Numbers are getting bigger. After all, so long as the Magic Economy Numbers are getting bigger, how could you not be happy? You can buy more Shiny Things (on Schlomo's credit of course!), so why aren't you happy?
Then I mentioned how companies are using mass third world migration to depress wages, and they just said that was perfectly fine, as doing so increases profits, and more profits = larger Magic Economy Numbers = better. Then they talked about how affirmative action and migration is good because it means more tax payers and a stronger social security system. It was literally like pic related. "You'll grow up in a ghettoized shithole, but I'll get my leaves blown real cheap at my gated condominium."
The saddest part is how they treat their own family. My grandfather on my dad's side is getting really old, and he's developing Alzheimer's. So I try to spend as much time as I can with him, since he was really great as a grandfather and he doesn't have much time left. But my parents have completely abandoned him. They never see him, they always try to keep him away from every event we've gone to, and their plan for how to handle him getting Alzheimer's is to just dump him in a retirement home because he's "too much work" and he's "infringing on their lives." Hell, come to think about it, it isn't just him – they've said several times how they sometimes think about "how much more we could have done" if they hadn't had me and my brother to "infringe" upon their lives.
They're almost like jews in their disregard for community and in-group bonds and their love of money. They'd sell their best friends into slavery for a pay raise.
Forgot the pic.
If the conversion doesn't get them the poison will. All roads lead to Rome.
There is a very good reason why I was raised by my great grandparents.
I'll be waiting with a big gun suitcase :^)
Stupid question, were your parrents born well off or did they have to dig themselves up from a shithole? I wonder because the comercialization of teen life came around the boomers age and maybe that plays a role?
Sounds more like liberal personality disorder and not just being a boomer.
Yup, liberal personality disorder.
I've written in many places about my theories on the Boomer problem and why I think it came to be. Instead of my usual big block posts, I'll try to sum up previous thoughts on the subject:
- The Great Generation, as good as they were, got socially soft extremely fast in the 1950's post WW2, discipline was there but began to decline RAPIDLY
- Great Generation also grew up with far less wealth, both objectively and relatively to modern terms, and were far more materialistic, stemming from a society of hardship and deprivation, and imprinted this upon their children. The parents who grew up with little spoiled the Boomers and also taught them that wealth and possessions are super mega fucking important, living vicariously through their children in this aspect.
- Great Generation also lived vicariously in terms of education, accomplishment, career, money, told them to focus their entire existence around things they failed or could not do. College is now one of the focuses of life, not just because back then it DID help earn mega bucks, but also because "I'm the first in my family to go to college". Boomers were the first generation that was being told that marriage should be put off, career comes first, ego comes first, that children should be few and put off, family comes second to the almighty dollar and career
- Great Generation did these things to the point they told their daughters to go into the work force to earn more of those Almighty Dollars. Come to think of it, things became so focused on career and money one comes to realize that the Boomers were handed very few of the many morals and traditions of their forefathers; work ethic went from being an important moral to THE ONLY MORAL.
One day we all wonder how a generation of spoiled brats grew up into a purely selfish generation of dipshits who never matured past the age of 16, how they could be so unhelpful to their own families in both their ancestors and descendants, how we could get people who could indeed work hard and be fruitful but failed completely and utterly in every single aspect of life and civilization and is self righteous to all valid critizism because "I had a job you know, and I earned lots of money, and bought lots of nice things, and I pay my bills".
Great Generation fell into the love of money that it imprinted into its children. GG turned out to be good people but miserably shitty parents who raised miserably shitty kids. Boomers are victims of their soft parents whose visions of the future were so retarded, insanely optimistic and impossible that the Boomers were doomed from the start.
Indeed, the Boomers got the best of everything. They inherited huge wealth from their parents, spent their children's and grandchildren's share of that inheritence, then borrowed to fund themselves against their children and grandchildren. They got the best of the new technology and vast industrial wealth that saw commoners come into almost every luxury imaginable, and lived in the last of the Good Society when it was still conservative and family oriented when thew grew up.
Don't expect a generation that lived so well, in such great times, to ever emerge from that mindset of that era, because it was far too good for them to acknowledge that its over, and things are getting so shitty that they don't want to acknowledge how bad its gotten.
As much as I hate the newer generations, I'll admit they are not evil, just the product of shitty parenting. Also, they grew up in endless wealth, which had the one benefit that has made them better than the Boomers, even the Great Generation in one key area, wealth and material possessions are no longer important or special, they have grown up around abundance and aren't infatuated like the previous generations.
Most of all, they are growing up as they are being overrun by foreigners. While the Boomer pretends the invasion isn't happening, as he remembers back in the good old days when it was all white or almost all white, and won't recognize and get out of that defensible bubble of living in the past, the new kids know how bad its getting and have a straighter head on their shoulders.
This generation might find the strength to fight, may wake up from the slumber of easy living, might just fight back against degeneracy to some extent. Spoiled, soft, weak, they are no great generation so to say, but all the overuse of the word 'awoke" is accurate. The Boomers sleepwalk into suicide, the pussies of the new generation might fight back.
They were both born about average for Americans in the 1960s. Middle class. My father managed to make some money though. They aren't hyper-wealthy, but they're pretty well off.
That's another thing. My mother always told me throughout college that I had to be sure to make a lot of money so that I can "maintain her lifestyle" after my father dies. When I remind her she completely cut her parents out of her life because they were "infringing on her life," and just wants to shove gramps in a retirement home, she just says that's different because he's "too much work."
When my father mentioned Soros once, I said off-hand that he should be shot. My parents both went wide-eyed and spent the next half hour telling me they were going to report me to the police and get me thrown in jail, how I couldn't talk like that because it would mean that my father would lose business, and that there should be laws to have my funs taken away for saying things like that (this was before the red flag laws became big news).
The funny thing is they're Republicans. They're real fucking moralists too; always talking about how pot is evil and that alcohol should be banned because "it makes people do stupid things" and Judas Priest is "Nazi music."
I really just want to help them out, but it's like they resist my every attempt. I've been trying since I got out of college, and now I'm in my late 20s and they've gotten even more out of touch.
Accidental sage
Hmm. is quite right of what he says. In China, I've seen the shift too, with hardworking parents giving inheritance to their kids but yet only to be cast aside once they age.
My grandfather was beddridden to his last two years of life and my mother basicly left me at home I was under 17 back then for eight months to care for him. Yet we still got flack for being not 'diligent enough'. I wonder, if it is because of the fact in the US the comercials we see along with what has written just amplifies that effect in the us?
Nice post user.
Out of curiosity, what would your response be to the "NAxALT argument." When I mention stuff like Google purging all non-minority applicants from the hiring pool or medical schools not just accepting blacks that did poorly on the MCAT, but that outright haven't taken the MCAT, while white and asian students with near 4.0s and stellar MCATs are routinely rejected, they just say that it's only a "small minority" of places that do that, so it doesn't matter. Or they say that it's okay, because it gives those groups a "leg up" and will "produce more taxpayers."
Either that or they say that it's fine for Google to do that, because "in the long run they'll go bankrupt because of those decisions."
Democracy is ruinious and harmful in so many ways, for so many reasons, but in this subject we can focus on that it reinforces the worst in human beings because it removes authorities that held power in society, government, religion, and replaces them with politicians who are sycophants who tell everyone whatever they want to hear. Instead of telling people "Fuck you, you are selfish and wrong" they tell everyone "Yeah, believe whatever you want to believe, we'll reinforce whatever rationalization you come up and excuses you make for your behaviour, now vote for me next election cycle".
Add to that bombardment of commercials on the television and elsewhere that simply repeat ad nauseum reinforcements of selfishness and bad attitudes, we should not be surprised that people adopted the attitudes they have. Its not so much the effect the commercial has on the person to make them feel uneasy or insecure, rather the opposite, "indulge yourself" "you are right" "just do it" and plays games of association and always tells you that you are a victim, things aren't good enough, everyone's ripping you off (so buy from us), ect.
In the end, you have media and sycophants telling you to believe the worst in people, to be ungrateful, to be selfish and self serving, instant gratification, self gratification, We take form people, steal, use the government to 'get back" at people, we abuse people, use them, leverage them, force them to work and produce things the way we say, and in the end the sycophants tell us that all of the selfish indulgence and injustices we inflicted upon others are 'justified". We always deserve all the good things we get, and "they' are a bunch of evil cocksuckers who deserve to give us things.
Resent your parents, resent your kids, resent your race, your community, your area, your region, your nation, and ask for whatever you can get or take from them, then give as little (hopefully nothing) in return, because you are a victim and should get everything and give nothing. You deserve it after all.
As for your question, I think it really goes back to the "head in the sand" issue. I don't think they are defending the invasion of foreigners as so much they are trying to ignore the problem. Rationalizing on a grand scale. Presented with the facts there is a hostile invasion:
A. Accept the fact there is extremely bad things going on that are extremely unpleasant and the solutions are also unpleasant, and accepting these things might break your life long high of high living
B. Rationalize that there is no problem, or minimize the problem, or convince yourself the problem is actually "good", turn the evil thing into something harmless or pretend its a good thing so you can forget about it and avoid the unpleasantness of it all. After a lifetime of good things, who wants to suffer any immediate unpleasantness?
They choose B.
I don't think they believe either answer. I don't think they care. They just would rather give a quick reactive reply to it, minimize or ignore it or pretend its OK, then avoid it to think about more pleasant things.
Wanton ignorance. Some people would rather die in short term, lazy comfort than rise to the occasion to live.