Fucking revolverfags. Why would you use such an antiquated design? It's not the fucking 19th century anymore...

Fucking revolverfags. Why would you use such an antiquated design? It's not the fucking 19th century anymore. If you're serious about self-defense, you can only use a semi-automatic pistol with a capacity of at least 17 rounds. I get so mad everytime I see a revolverfag revolverfagging at the range. Why do they even bother to shoot them if you can't use them for self-defense?

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That's the realest shit I ever heard


I'm always amused by the perverse incentives created by gun control laws. 17 rounds of 9mm vs 6 rounds of 357 is a tough choice with some pretty big tradeoffs for the revolver. But when the law changes the calculus to 10 rounds of 9mm vs 6 rounds of 357…

First M1 Garand school shooting when?


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The only correct answer.

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Damnit. Now that you said it they gonna take away my CMP rifles.

9mm is already obsolete, but when 10 round limit is federally mandated, .45 and 10mm will utterly dominate the market

in fact, that may be the moment when 10mm becomes the cartridge it was meant to be

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I advise new shooters to use a revolver because its more idiot proof. In street conditions its always more reliable when equally maintained as an autoloader, You don't have to worry about new shooters not carrying a round in the chamber because they are uncomfortable, the heavy double action is safer than DA auto loader, will work better with someone who doesn't clean every time they shoot. Its a better choice for the youngins, if they have to ask you should carry a revolver. When you no longer have to ask, then you can make teh choice.

I carry a 1911 in a shoulder holster, but I carry my M-27 quite a bit. Part of this is, you tell kids to carry a revolver and they go "but you carry a 1911, so why shouldn't I go with a pistol" so part of it comes down that if I carry a revolver, it sets a precedent for teh kids.

Also I live in a rural area that has some of the lowest crime rates in the entire world. Unlike many people who carry and never shoot any animal or person with a handgun, I live in the country where I have an extremely high possibility of shooting varmits in the yard, we have to kill some every year. Ye ol M-27 with full power magnum loads is accurate and flat shooting, good for this purpose, not just self defense. Its a good choice for killing a man attacking, or a skunk or racoon in the yard at longer ranges.

Also if you reload a lot, its easier to shoot revolver. You don't chase brass, you just collect it calmly for reloading. With my lead capturing system, remelting and casting of bullets, i can shoot light 38 special loads for cheaper then 22lr. I have boxes of brass I've used several times, all still int he same box I bought the factory rounds in, same lot and everything. Chasing after brass eats shit, I should be shooting more auto loader and more pistol carbine in auto loader, but fuck it.

One day I know I should save up the cash and buy a Mk23 like I know I should. I sitll carry my shoulder rig 1911. But the revolver is not quite as obsolete as one would think, and still has its advatnages.

Of course a filthy gaijin would start a dumb thread of a topic we have discussed for years and years when an actually new and original, thought provoking thread would be how the AK is superior to the AR in every way

Would a kids version of Zulu work? As in something aimed at 1-3 year olds. The enemy is trying in manipulate them from birth after all.

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As in the film Zulu? To prepare children for the race war? I've been saying for years now that all Australian children should be forced to visit some Aboriginal communities. Not some watered down bullshit but a true blue blacks camp. It would inoculate an entire generation against marxist bullshit.


Underrated post.

You got me there

The hat makes it perfect.

you shut your whore mouth up poopy joe

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Fucking brassfags. Why would you use such an antiquated design? It's not the fucking 19th century anymore. If you're serious about self-defense, you can only use a floating-chamber pistol with that fires cased telescopic ammo. I get so mad everytime I see a brassfag brassfagging at the range. Why do they even bother to shoot them if you can't use them for self-defense?

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Because they're fun you dense motherfucker. Guns are fun, all guns are fun, and revolvers are really fucking fun. That's all there is to it. What a shit thread.

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I live in California so I need a device that doesn't take mags that can wear out because they want to background check those too. Also have you ever thought about situations where you don't have the time to top off all your mags such as nig riots. Being able to stab 2 or three shells during a lull in the shit flinging volley will help greatly and of you have a revolver, shotgun, lever gun/sks/cz58/bolt gun combo of some sorts makes you impervious to having to have a long down time. No fags you still need to dump ammo into neat rows for speed loaders and no one is going to carry the actual fast speed loaders because they're usually big as fuck and require a table/flat surface. show me a compact speed loaders that can slam more than ten rounds of a real caliber in a mag at once without needing the ammo to already be in a stripper clip all the while being no bigger than the size of the average handgun pro tip: you can't and if you aren't a cowboy action shooter then you're not ready to wear those pumped up kicks

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Your move, self loading fags.

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how would you conceal carry that though

You're right OP! It's [The Current Year] and we ought to be using [The Current Year]-style weapons, like the oh-so tacticool AR-15 semi-fully-automatic assault-murder rifle!

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Like this

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I wonder what current production self loading handguns exist that could easily be modified to take stripper clips in such a manner.
The biggest hangup is that the magazine would have to be double stack and double feed. See attached image.
The second hangup is that it would almost have to be top ejecting, to allow room for the stripper clip to feed. Not unless you had something weird and proprietary like the sidefeed AR clip. See attached image.

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For what purpose?

I'm ok with this


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Do they they think that taking a little longer to load a magazine makes the gun less … gunny? I'm still not sure what they're trying to achieve with their laws.

They're trying to chip away at the 2nd amendment until it's toothless. Just look at what they're trying to call 'assault weapons' oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/firearms/forms/awguide.pdf?
They're even trying to limit ammo purchases.

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Because revolvers are ideal silent weapons.

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i don't this in effect people have kalashnikovs and ARs in California
(of course they are cucked versions of it)

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When was the last time you guys had a pro 2a president?


When I was saving for my first handgun, I decided on an S&W Model 27. After mentioning this to acquaintances, no less than three people asked, "Why don't you get a Glock?"

I'm happy with my six-shooter.

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I don't think we've had a truly pro 2a president since Teddy Roosevelt.

How long until you have to order parts of a gun months in between, and then have a police officer watch over you as you assemble it in California?

1. The grip doesn't have to hold a mag, so it can be made a lot more ergonomic. This is why it's easier to learn to shoot a revolver accurately without using sights or aiming by eye.
2. The cylinder magazine isn't forced to be in a humans grip size, so bullets can generally be larger and more powerful.
3. It retains all brass after firing. Useful for anyone who likes policing their brass.
4. And of course its more reliable. :^))))

1. Forcing small bullets into a grip has helped automatics attain a higher volume of rounds as well, which can be useful sometimes.
2. A revolver is not as easy to reload.
3. All but one revolvers (to my knowledge) are impossible to suppress.

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Serious answer to a troll thread-
Handguns are the weapon of opportunity. You carry one for the off chance you need a gun but can't have your long rifle for one reason or another. For concealed carry, this means that a gun that is the most powerful you can handle that will kill the target with the highest capacity will serve as your stand in for your AR, the most obvious choices here being a powerful automatic handgun. For innawoods, though, you may need some stiffer medicine for the large game and spoops that live in your area. Only one auto cartridge is capable of doing this- the 10mm auto (when loaded properly), and it is limited to .41 magnum levels of game. 44 and above however are regarded well as bear guns- one Elmer Keith swore by his triple lock 44 special that he fired stupid hot loads through for his to hell and back gun.

Until we see something matching 44 magnum in an autoloader within reasonable carrying size, revolvers still have their uses when you want shit dead and you want it dead NOW.

because they feel good in my hands and when I fire them you filthy flagless midget.

Yeah I see you're trying to make me cry with the fact that I can't get it even if I had the shekels for it I've already shed my tears for the shit gun laws

Forty bucks a pop and only holds ten. I'm wanting a bolt gun that takes mags yet still lets me top off. I know that this feature is something fudd rifles tend to get split on as either mag fed only and top off by removing said mag or just getting sporterized milsurp and using stripper clips so no removable mag. I know that some lee enfields are capable of this but does anyone know if there is a new production gun in a more common caliber? Or do I say fuck it and buy a bubba'd enfield

First parts are already happening which is no online ammo sales delivered to your house but to an FFL. Ammo ID card and ammo background checks starts in 2019.

Obviously the ones in charge know what they're doing but I have met regular libs who actually believe that limiting the amount of ammo in a gun works. Even if you mention pulse nightclub and how it took cops 3 hours to actually get to the place giving Omar "loading mags and dropping fags" Mateen (PBUH) more than enough time to execute all the queers even if he was pretending his sig was a martini henry and loading single for everyone.

Soon if this new law passes. It's called something like the "precursor gun part" ban and makes it so things like barrels, BCGs, and of course mags, require an in person purchase (no Midway USA/Primary Arms) and a background check for each "precursor part".

.45Super can meet or surpass the original Norma loadings with better pressure and better sectional density in the bullet. Yes 10mm is more prolific, but 10mm that isn't warmed over .40S&W is just about as rare.

fuck off

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It is possible to cut a stripper clip guide into the rear ring of a receiver. I've also seen stripper clip guides that bolt onto the rear scope mount.
That, and they do make bottom metals that take detachable magazines. Or you could start with a rifle that takes a double stack detachable mag.
So it would take a bit of doing, but you could get what you want.

Doesn't Cali already ban pistols where the magazine is outside of the grip? Because the TEC-9 is ((hollywood)) scary.h

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You will not it says "magazine", not "longarm magazine"

Only ones with detachable magazines. It makes no mention of ones with fixed magazines and the c96 originally had a 10 round fixed mag. I wonder if someone could make repro bergmanns too.

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The AWB specifically banned any new mags over 10 rounds, learn your fucking history kid.

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glad I wasn't dumb enough to be born in time for that gay shit then
daily reminder to stockpile mags

and don't pretend like you're 50 years old and didn't read a fucking wikipedia page
tl;dr, now you're the newfag

This is an entirely new level of retarded.

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so how old are you then queer?

I think Swiss bolt guns have detachable magazines if you want an alternative.

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How thight do charger guides need to be to work? Could the same one in a pistol handle both 7.65 Borchardt and 10mm Auto based cartridges?

the coolest part about that swiss obrez is that the barrel comes to the end flush with the ferrule on the front of the stock. It's like a mini mannlicher stock.

Fucking ballisticfags. Why would you use such an antiquated design? It's not the fucking 21st century anymore. If you're serious about self-defense, you can only use an an antimatter solenoid chamber plasma revolver pistol that fires armor-melting charged microwaves at up to 150 meters of range. I get so mad everytime I see a ballisticfag caselessing at the holorange. Why do they even bother to shoot fiddly physical bullets if they can't simply recharge their mags at the nearest McFusion outlet when all is said and done?
Powerful enough ballistic guns can also be a severe safety hazard in spherical Colonies equipped with gravity enhancers or static gravitators when fired upward at the central control rod, they're bullets are practically bound to kill innocent children upon reaching the artificial semi-inverted magnetic field and accelerating to coronal mass ejection levels of speed.
When will the NSGAP finally ban them?

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