Post here you're weapon create in you're country

Post here you're weapon create in you're country

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I am an M16A2 and I own the United States.

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Gun or handguns?
1950's were more A E S T H E T I C than '39. Fite me.

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Uuga boggagga the stick chugger would like to have a word with you.
Just like Germans didn't invent the tank even though they invented proper tank warfare, the Greeks didn't invent the spear even though the invented proper phalanx warfare.

Are L39's legal to own in Finland?

Attached: Mai Raifu.gif (2388x1431, 1.74M)

Martini–Henry, used to gun down savages and sometimes Russians (granted, that was the US made version), made by an Englishman and improved by the Swiss and then improved again by a Scotsman.

Popularly seen in Zulu and Jaws (as a harpoon gun)

Always wanted to mount 2 of these on the back of a Toyota truck one day, maybe during the collapse.

Ugaa booga nooga doogas did not male double socketed metaleheaded spears though.

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We've created the most destructive weapon of all time.

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arguably the best service pistol of all time, bar the jericho 941

We made the most embarrassing gun ever, the Chauchat, but we also made MAS-36, best fille de fusil.

If only the Axis won WW2, then we'd get the best of both worlds.

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forgot the pic

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That limits your mobility. A two man team can carry that, their gear, and a spotter scope and use it to wreck materiel and pop skulls 1500m away.


That's a big gun.


That's not as fun though

The K5 is great for keeping niggers away from my apartment and for bagging local dogs for dinner.
Love the look of the K2 but re-imports never ever.

Just Nanking my shit up fam

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woops tardposting

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I'll freely admit to getting triggered every time a fellow Burger talks shit about the MAS-36 because muh dropped once, etc.

It's a solid fucking piece, I wish I could find a non-refurbished WW2 era example with the non-hooded front sight.

Just as the PzIV and T34 are the father and mother of all modern tanks, they still aren't the first tanks.
Revolutionizing something doesn't make you the inventor of it.

Except bolt guns were already obsolete by then.

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I can't find enough ammo for my raifu, poor girl, but she is still a great shot even in her old age.
If I knew where to find one myself, I'd tell you. Sadly there is none I know of.

Which is why everyone kept using them throughout World War II?

The Springfield Trapdoor was still used after we already had the Krag, doesn't mean it wasn't completely obsolete.

True enough; theoretically, most bolt-actions were obsoleted by 1914, with the creations of the Remington Mlle. 8 and the Mondragon, but of course, all powers used bolt-actions throughout.

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It's not a thread about inventing concepts retard. It's a thread about weapons created in your country, not invented.
The PZ.IV was created in Germany.

Get at least an array of ten hooked up to the same trigger if you're going to be boring and mount them on a technical

generally i suppose obsolete (in practice anyway) is not that a superior technology exists, but that that technology has gotten cheap enough and productionized enough and reliable enough that it warrants breaking the inertia and replacing the old thing.

We've had a weird habit of making a perfect weapon for the previous war.

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Wish I could own both.

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I was the guy who originally made that image. The worst part is, it was for a facecuck group too. Unfortunately over half of that group's population is lurking here.

Here's the true original if you want higher-res.

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Is this a result of denazification or were krauts always like this?

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Check out the North Korean ones in that map

Germans find it very hard to express emotion due to their built in autism and naturally violent sounding language, and so they use emotes as a replacement.

Okay :^)

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Old Germanic is worse.

these three guns built the modern world
debate me

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Is that an implosion style nuke?

Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not!

Invented by an anglo-american, dunno if it counts tbh

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it counts
anglo americans are british in denial
signing a bit of paper doesnt change ethnicity

Everyone does that m8. After all, the previous war is the one you have all the data for.

All I'd want is to lug too much gun out into the middle of nowhere and spend too much on sending 20mm rounds into heavy steel plates a kilometre away. It's not like I'd be a threat to public safety doing that, there's no reason to ban that kind of fun unless you're just looking to be a dick about limiting peoples freedom. I'm pretty sure that not even Zig Forums could find a way to CC a 50kg weapon that's over a metre long.

Attached: Lahti L-39, the most beautiful weapon made by human hands, aka mai raifu.gif (3236x2056, 2.13M)


just don't be a manlet and use a guitar case for babby-mode and if you're a real men strap it on your back and wear a baggy coat that makes you look bigger than you really are

Hockey stick bags work too, useful on public transport in shitholes like mine.
t. knower

i guess you could use a fencing gear bag, but those really push the limit of what "concealed" means.

Use it like a crutch with a long coat.

Burgers ate up the Springfield jewed XDM pistols so much that even HS stepped up the local prices to be beyond those in America.

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Pick one. Even the P-38 with Hi-Power mags (AKA the Beretta 92) is a better example.

Do slightly altered FALs count?

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That's because it's the only pistol on the market that tells me where the safe area for gripping is. I wanna fuck your slanted VHS

I'm retarded. What's wrong with slide mounted safety.
t. cz and glawk owning fag

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I want a MAS-49 myself

Its placement, really. You can't grip the rear of the slide without the safety jabbing you, but with the Beretta specifically, because it doesn't have a full-length slide, you have to focus on not engaging the safety when you cycle it.

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Anglo Americans went to America because they disliked the Anglo side of things, but you would know best, Alban. I trust your judgment.

The G3 was what the StG was meant to be and the MG34 was what the MG08/15 was meant to be.
Understanding what went wrong and coming up with new ideas to make sure it doesn't go wrong again isn't stupid, it's called learning from mistakes.
The only reason the MG42 is an example of learning on the fly, but those examples are rare.

She's a good girl too, but there's nothing quite like pulling MAS-36's bolt and watching her blush.

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Here's another one, rare as fuck, the De Lisle Carbine, only 130 ever made (129 fixed stock and one folding stock, which I personally think is incorrect judging by how many wars they've been used in), it's an integrally suppressed bolt action rifle, firing .45ACP. Apparently used well into the 1970's by various commando groups in the British Army. Most ones you see today are reproductions.

I have an unnatural attraction to French rifles tbh, always wanted to own a MAS-36 (along with a whole host of other firearms).

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You know what an implosion type nuke is but not THE GADGET and the balls to the wall risk they made with it?
Do you know what the demon core was?

That would be the HK32/HK33/G41, the Germans knew that full-power rounds were a meme, they were just forced to adopt .308 by the yanks.

Australia invented and manufactured the best SMG of WW2 that saw service through the 1960s and was used internationally. The Owen gun was far superior to the Thompson and the Sten.

This nation I suppose could also be said to have invented the woomera.

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thanks my man

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For you.

You seem to be the one butthurt here. (^:

I was aware of the Trinity test but not the nickname given to the device.


He said country. Your country didn't exist until a couple hundred years ago.


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I was going to say we didn't invent the spoon but it turns out we invented the silver/metal spoon so fair game.

It does because if you READ THE OP, it says CREATED IN YOUR COUNTRY in broken spaghetti English.
And write like English. Out of all the posters, the English tend to write like they're in the middle of a video game and chatting with others via some text box. And I'd think these shitposters weren't really British, but rather some flavor of curry or humus, but I do not, and it is depressing.
Anyway. At the time, it would not have been difficult for Sir Maxim to assimilate into the British custom.
I wish the Prussian scheme succeeded, and I also wish the Roundheads lost. Despite the role being more ceremonial now, I'm not sure Elizabeth II has been a very good Queen. Didn't she knight Mugabe?

That's stupid, and is not funny if it was supposed to be a joke.

As the other user said, it's "The Gadget", the first nuclear bomb to be detonated.

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Okay Kiwi, you get a pass. Just be careful talking about my bombfu.

I warned you, bro. I warned you about the Anglokikes.
My (thankfully few) Anglo ancestors fled to America precisely because of the absolute autism of the other Anglos. Gotta love the Puritan bullshit.

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saged and reported

We claim the Garand so I suppose it is only fair that you guys do the same though he was only there to peddle his designs and allow you old worlders to continue more efficiently in your petty squabbles over who has the shiniest silver spoon sticking out of the ass of their monarch.

Here you go, Zig Forums. Something you've never seen before and will never understand. It's just how my country makes guns; incomprehensible design is immune to reverse engineering, after all.

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All right Norway, you win the thread, just tell us what the hell we're looking at.

What is that second one?

wz. 38 Maroszek, basically a modernized BAR
First one is a PDW before they became fashionable, and it was so good chinese decided to make a bootleg of it (^:

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Chauchat works. The magazine are simplistic and mage out of tin foil. The problem is magazines (fragile 100 year old magazines).

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Polish intelligence showing.
It's democracy you tard.

Oh good, somebody did post it. If you want a gun you can actually drop in mud and still use, the owen is your girl. Not the prettiest girl at the dance, but she sure puts out.

Attached: Owen Gun Issue Title Is Account Rendered (1942).mp4 (480x360, 4.1M)

While we didn’t invent it we sure as hell made it more deadly than Austria.

Except that none of you cuckolds can own one :^)

Besides having giant fucking holes on the magazine, is there anything wrong with the Chauchat?

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Long recoil

This combined with the aluminum barrel shroud locked it up if it got hot enough.

crippling debt?

How the hell does that work?

Don’t be a cunt, mate. Show us how it works.

I was so confused looking at this because I thought it was just a shotgun, so I was wondering what the hell was between the barrel and the rail and then I realized today that it was another barrel.