Cuck mods anchored the Ian thread

just a daily reminder and a protest against cuck moderation on this board

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I'm going to guess the reason it was deleted is because that video you are trying to expose is a common webm here and everyone knows Ian is liberal as fuck.
The only way you could not know this is if you are newfag cancer that hasn't lurked, that said lurk more faggot.

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Are you legitimately retarded?

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In other news, water wet, fish swim and Bosnians ruin everything they touch.

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kill yourself

then fuck off

Threads were not deleted nor anchored, had you checked the log or catalog you would know that friendo.

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I responded to the Ian thread, checked the catalog, and the thread was not bumped to the top
that is pretty much the definition of anchoring a thread, friendo

Strelok, have you considered the possibility that since no mod action against that thread shows up in the board log the thread passed the bump limit and you're a giant fucking retard?

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Yeah BO, this lad really knows how shit works, you really should step down, give him Board Owner, and possibly kill yourself, y'know.
What is a bump limit ti apsolutna jebena debilčino

Then the thread has reached the bump limit you fucking dork.

A high number croatfriend.

Twas a rhetorical question, kangaroo punching pal.

Lurk five years on cuckchan. Then and only then you can have the privilege of lurking here for another five years.

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This but unironically

How do retards like you even find your way here?

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guess I'm not enough of a loser to understand all the subtleties of loser culture.

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Welcome to Zig Forums newfag. do the board a favor and lurk more or return to reddit. Playing the new fallout games does not make you a Zig Forumsommando.

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uh oh! Watch out, the real man is here.

dude epic memes, you win

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Can anyone get better evidence than a jpg of him claiming to be antifa? A few simple posts to places like arfcom and emails to advertisers on full 30 could get people to stop watching/donating to this cock munch…

You're only digging your own grave.

can't say I didn't laugh my ass off at this shit
australia was supposed to be the epic shitposters, turns out to be guillable like everyone else.
but clearly, CLEARLY you are such an epic oldfag that you know exactly who the person on the other side of the internet is

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Can we keep him as a pet? Spergook needs company.

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The antifa image is supposedly fake (but that's coming from Ian, so who knows). But there's obvious shit like the whole "racewar" video, him disabling comments on the Rhodesian FAL video because of "Nazis idolising da ebul whitey Rhodesians", him claiming that Rhodesia had an apartheid government when it flat-out didn't, him refusing to use the old South African flag in thumbnails for weapons that were made pre-94, and deleting the comments that try to point it out/correct him on the flag error. And the main thing was him getting really arsehurt when people wished him safe travels in South Africa, which caused him to REEE in the comments and post shit like "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS WHITE GENOCIDE, BIGOTS! SOUTH AFRICA IS A SAFE, DIVERSE, PEACEFUL PARADISE!".
The funniest thing was, at one point he kept saying "Come on guys, I'm only going to South Africa, it's not like I'm going to Somalia or anything", despite SA having a homicide rate 6-7 times higher than Somalia's, even his stereotypical example of a super dangerous country is like Heaven compared to SA.
He also shadow bans people if he disagrees with their politics or if they prove him wrong/point out errors in the videos.

The majority of his patreon donators are redditors and facebookfags nowadays anyway, he got super popular on faceberg when he stated with all the "muh gun jeezus xddd" shite.

Evidence of this?
I believe you but just want to see, as that's mega asshurt to do nazi era flag for Germany but not want the apartheid era flag for sa

Pic related
The comment in response to the other faggot was basically "but Rhodesia never had apartheid, and people commented about Rhodesia because of the fact that it was a Rhodesian gun, it didn't matter what flag Ian used, they would have commented anyway." Yet for some reason Ian McCuckold deleted it.

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i just wanted to see old funs, but nothing can be apolitical anymore

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If the email field still existed you would be asking why everyone is writing sage in it, Christ. At least lurk 4/k/ids for a while to get the absolute basics down

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It's still your choice, whether to stop watching a historical gun channel with hundreds of informative videos because of a shitty unrelated remark from the creator that doesn't affect the videos.

I'm still a fan, unlike the leftists I can disagree with someones politics yet still like them and their work.

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>>>Zig Forums

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Bud, your thread is shit, and you very publicly fucked up how bump limits work. The best thing for you to do now is to stop embarrassing yourself, realize you made a mistake, and let the thread die. The longer you try to defend the undefendable the more ridiculous you look.

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Expound your circumstances

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wow, just….wow

I don't meticulously name ever file, too lazy to give a shit about winning internet meme points against losers

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Just watch Forgotten Weapons on Hooktube. Video only and the comments aren't even loaded in unless you prompt it. No way in hell I'm missing a Steyr ACR field strip just because he's a fag.

Threads like this really make one wish the happening would occur already.

t. Karl

Oh boy.

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Don't act like the product of some incestuous fuckery, it's no secret Karl and Ian are cucked Leftist shills. I'm talking about this thread in general being a dumpster fire.

What is wrog with Horsey? Why does he hate minorities so much?

Stop using that word, twat. Just call them faggots.
I'm not the only one finding it annoying, right? It's used too much, even by general "dank" "memelord" kiddie niggers.

Oh wow. BO, please anchor OP's thread for maximum lulz

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Better, wait for it to hit 500 and anchor it anyways just to fuck with him some more.

How deliciously evil.

Except they didn't, dipshit. 500 posts is the bump limit here. OP are you the fucking retard who thinks sage can be negated from ? Please go back to cuckchan where you belong, you fucking newfag.

I've enjoyed their content in the past, but this is disgusting and indefensible, honestly.

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I've never seen any evidence of them being leftists unless you define leftist as anyone left of Goebbels.

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You forgot

I've heard that things are getting hard for whites in SA, but I wouldn't call it genocide. And as for shutting down the comments, it was all about how niggers ruined Rhodesia. People outside of this site don't understand that banter. No, that doesn't make him a leftist.

Why do you keep coming back here, Karl? Do you enjoy being bullied?

did you pick the wrong picture? because he seems pretty reasonable,

shame on you for ever trusting them
if you couldn't tell right away that Ian, with that nasaly, faggy voice, and a fucking obvious ponytail, and general weirdo-ism, wasn't a political sissy, then you need your radar checked.

you got good ol'fashion troll'd
you couldn't detect it because ironically you are the newfaggot
sage negated btw