Zig Forums How I protect myself from werewolves? Should they be easier to kill than skinwalkers right?

Zig Forums How I protect myself from werewolves? Should they be easier to kill than skinwalkers right?

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Become the werewolf then you will never fear werewolf.

Silver 12 bore slug. /thread

Werewolves are an east euro myth.

In America we deal with wendigo, which is a cannibalistic shaman who can shapeshift into some animals. Or skinwalkers.

One thing that bugs me about all these mythological and spiritual monsters and shit is that the methods to defeat them never remain consistent. Some people will tell you that salt refined only on a Tuesday three minutes after but specifically not two minutes before 2:32pm lightly dabbed on your shins will protect you against spirits, some people will say to just shoot the things, some with say creepypasta shit like 'just pray dude lel' or 'don't fear it', and regardless if there's even a kernel of truth in absolutely any of it, all of this variance removes the spook factor.

There is the Michigan dogman.

Most werewolves were just really big ass wolves or crazed cannibals, their killing methods involve shooting and hanging them.

and the Missouri goat man

Attached: missouri goat man.png (1380x1366, 284.33K)

goddamn this is cringy
how low does your IQ have to get until this stuff actually becomes believable?

About as low as your standardised test scores, America.

If niggers and spics are ignored, American kids are right behind Finland in PISA scores.

Attached: 2012-PISA-rank-6nC.png (416x1349, 151.05K)

Why not a werewolverine?


By shooting yourself in the head for believing they exist.

Just fuck them in the ass, that should drive them off.

Werewolves became legend primarily because the wolf was the biggest baddest predator they could find in most of Europe. Kind of like how the skinwalker has some coyote influence because like the coyote the skinwalker is a cunning creature

Every time I hear someone say you can hurt a mythological creature with any weapon but can only kill it with some magic specific thing I think, why not dismember it? Cut (or blow) it's arms and legs off and a werewolf will have a hell of a time trying to bite you when it's bleeding all over the floor. Alternatively, blow (or smash) it into pulpy bits. What good is near-immortality when you're a pile of flesh with all your insides on the outside?

But then how else can we jerk off with our tears to how weak and useless and inferior we are and how we should live in fear of the dark and shadows? :^)

Use a i high caliber weapon, .50 cal BMG, to incapacitate it and get the fuck out.
don't the furry take over and fuck it


Would you shoot?

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with my dick.

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Actually, thinking it through. There's so much more to be gained from a captured and studied werewolf than from a corpse (they always seem to go back to normal, uninteresting, humans when you kill them). Therianthropes would have fascinating blood chemistry with all kinds of useful (potential) applications on top of the pure research interest you could get out of them. Even if you couldn't completely replicate their regenerative abilities a weakened/nig-rigged version in a syringe is the sort of thing that fortunes are made of and would revolutionise IFAKs and paramedic work in general. The energy storage/delivery required to fuel the massive growth in muscle mass (as well as the mechanism behind it) could be put to all kinds of potential uses. That's before you work out what happens with werewolf/wolf, werewolf/dog, and human/werewolf breeding (each pairing repeated for human and changed forms), and the potential uses from the hybrids biology.

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That's some ass-backwards logic right there.

I didn't know the Cheiron group had a franchise in the Uk.

This emu has a solid idea.
Instead of using a combat gas to kill the werewolf you could use Nitrogen to protect yourself at night. Have a couple nitrogen containers set up in your room and have them pump your room full of nitrogen. Wear a mask connected to a large compressed air container (which you can refill in the morning using normal air). The over pressure in your room will push out the normal air and replace it with pure nitrogen. Anyone will go unconsious after two breaths of pure nitrogen, and die three minutes later, because literally no oxygen can enter the body. Nitrogen is odour- and colourless, and doesn't leave any stains either. Once morning comes around you can just open your windows wear the mask a little longer until a proper wind has replaced all the nitrogen with normal air, and continue with your day as usual. Nitrogen is very cheap and you can produce it at home using nothing but a compressor a dryer and a nitrogen membrane. All of these are very cheap and don't take much effort or even experience to set up.
No filter saves you from pure nitrogen.

This but would behead first.

Someone finally got the term right.

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These creatures are powerful enough to have created a bulletproof conspiracy that hides all trace of their existence despite being hugely popular in fantasy fiction and having literal millions of teens obsessed with finding them. What hope do you have of defeating them?

The werewolf has to respect your ability to put up a fight before he will turn you. Otherwise he'll just tear you up.

That's how it is, when actually fighting an enemy there is always fog of war and you must figure out its weakness on your own. All battles seem easy in hindsight.

Well, 50% of people are already

I thought for sure you would grease the body first.

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If I have all these contradictory opinions, most with little to no logic behind them, why does that lend credence towards them being a threat. If a paki has an RPG, and a bunch of vehicles get hit by RPGS, for defense you would put wire, nets, mesh or the like onto your vehicles. There would be no disparity of opinion, no one would say that you should put chaff dispensers or switch out the spark plug of every vehicle with a tire PSI of less than 35. If a thousand people combat one of these spiritual or mythological creatures or whatnot, you would not have this out-of-the-blue stuff, there would be one or two things which are effective and which everyone says is effective. It draws all believability out of this, and it certainly isn't believable in the first place.

Fuck I guess all military doctrine and shit is pointless because we have to figure out what kills a man every time another war starts. Does shooty metal or pointy stick kill a man better, hm, goddamn there's this fog of war where I just can't tell.

You do get frequent reports of uncontrollable rage states in werewolves occurring on a monthly basis. That doesn't seem a good trait to introduce to even a significant minority of the general population. Even before you get into the negative effect on population numbers the monthly property damage bill (and its effects on insurance premiums) is likely to be unsustainable. We also don't need the whole 'fur, claws, and fangs' set up. It does require a little more research time, but modified and carefully tailored treatments designed to introduce various abilities and traits from the donor species (Humanis Therianthropus) to the baseline human subject would not only be much more manageable but would allow us to remove or at least limit the undesirable traits while potentially enhancing the desired traits.

Is this from a film I should watch? Or do we live in the timeline fun enough to actually have a real world company trying to create human/werewolf hybrids?

Why the fuck is this dumb thread still up or hasn't been shitposted into oblivion yet?
Everyone who is making serious replies imstead of telling OP to kill himself is the can er that's killing Zig Forums.

Please, please tell me where you are getting frequent reports of fucking werewolves. Is this a LARP thread and I'm just not getting it? Like an Outside thread? Goddamn.

The question is how do we get this research past the IRB?

I'll grant that the reports are currently unconfirmed, but the one salient point in all current claimed sightings is that the subject enters an uncontrollable rage when exposed to sufficient levels of moonlight.

With the amount of money to be made here it shouldn't be too hard to get them to look the other way and sign off on fictional research paperwork. Do you really think that regulation on pharma research is that tight? Establishing the research centre in America is probably the best bet though, the FDA is notoriously reasonable for larger projects and you don't get the problems with recruiting that you'd get if you set up in a black site somewhere.

Not so sure about it… counter-intuitive as it may sound it's not the fur that makes furries unappealing, suppose it depends how awkward it would feel like to the touch normally it's pleasant but regarding something you want to pet, not fuck and the availability of high performance shaving machines.

I know people who have worked in medical research. Yes it is that tight.

Couple of things,
If this is off the books there is the issue of keeping people quiet and keeping people off our backs. We would need a shell company that does normal ethical research and then a secret research base. Within the secret research base there should be research that is controversial, but approved by an IRB. Then even further in is the actual werewolf research. The controversial research information is leaked on purpose when people get suspicious.
Because of Anchoring Bias any subsequent theories will be shot down, true or false, in favor of the first theory. On top of this because that controversial research is actually going on there will be evidence for it making people hold stronger to that one theory. There could be another layer of even more controversial but still IRB approved research to handle the people who want to look even deeper. Always have a cover story for your cover story. People who are told they can't pull back the curtain will look even harder. People who are allowed to pull back the curtain will be satisfied, even if the only thing behind it is another curtain.

It was a pun referencing your flag.

I know.

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99% of the worlds pharmaceutical research happens in America, and the FDA charges a billion dollars in inspector wages and other fees to put a new drug on the market.

Regulation is so tight that it's actually created a monopoly.

You do indeed have to do reconnaissance before every battle. And you have to deal with conflicting or false reports. This has been common knowledge for 2,000 years.

That's only in a full moon, only one night a month and very predictable. Women do it too and we deal with it. If it's so bad, just lock yourself in a room, if you even transform without actually seeing the moonlight.

Also do the weres fight each other? Like most animals, I bet any conflicts with conspecifics are to submission not death, the real danger is to humans but if no humans, no problem.

So basically it's like you wear a fursuit and go to drug fueled yiff-party once a month, in exchange for powerful metabolism and being a swole, hairy badass. Eh, I could live with it.

It's not like the other threads aren't shit, and honestly most replies above are more interesting than yours. So kindly fuck off. Hide and move on.

Well what about Right to Try lycanthrophy to cure a physical wound?

1990 called, they say "watch out for China!".

Top kek, all they can do is produce and I wouldn't trust a drug made in china to alleviate headaches let alone cure disease.

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Substance N.

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It sounds like you've got the plan worked out there. Then again, with that level of hassle, it be worth it to set up the black site somewhere out on an island chain somewhere that hasn't felt human feet before.

The reports suggest that this is a much stronger response than women getting a bit pissy and hormonal when they start bleeding. The levels of rage seem to show some variance across the reports but seem to be better described as 'impossible to resist, instinct driven, kill frenzy'. So far we don't have reports of Werewolves attacking each other at that point but I'd argue that's more likely to be due to an abundance of human targets. In a scenario where human targets are limited you'd likely see a huge (extinction level) drop in various animal populations before the wolves turned on each other.

Except that we can get pretty much all of that without the permanent fur suit drawback.

They do mass production, not research. Name one new drug that came out of there in the last 25 years.

Swing by >>>/tg/313643 for more info.

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They sound like a sensible bunch of guys.

I'd be much more afraid of the Missouri water people than a fictional goat man.

what retardation is this

What retardation is this?

It's called responding to implied claims. What did you mean by

Hire professionals.

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actually encountered a skinwalker before, ama


actually encountered a skinwalker before, ama

This is exactly why scalies exist

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This place is so much better than /tg/, all it's missing is the "giantess slaev wa do", /r9k/ tactics and knife throwing tutorial threads.

With a 14.5 or bigger caliber too see how much would be left.

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The first result for Missouri water people


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