Depends on what you mean by tacticool and what you want a coating for (or lack thereof)
Assuming what you seek is rust protection, I would divide them into the good coatings and the good non-coated finishes.
Gunkote (KG coating) is the absolute best coating for knives. Durable and thin. Chris Reeve knives, Winkler Knives, Spartan Blades, etc… are examples. It's a produc that's sprayed on and baked into the surface, popular with guns as well. The downside is that it may not be food safe.
The best non-coated finish for a carbon knife like the becker is mirror polish. The knife will slice better, be fairly protected from rust, and it won't smell (because some carbon steels smell like absolute shit).
Cerakote is shit, feels like wax or a crayon and wears out quick, staining everythin it touches. Fälkniven, Cold Steel are examples. It's popuar because it's easy to apply at home.
Sandpaper coating, like the one in ESEE knives, Beckers and BUSSE, the worst offender, is dogshit as well. It wears out ok, but it's like having sandpaper glued to the blade, and food and residue can be difficult to clean. BUSSE uses the same motherfucking coating as those "crackle finish" Zippo lighters.
I also dont recommend stonewashing carbon blades and forcing a patina if you want to touch food with it. It smells like shit and will make your food taste like rusty metal. The worst offender is Winkler Knives with their Caswell finish.
What you can realistically do and I recommend is use your knife with the coating, when it wears out, oil it, from time to time with food safe oils. If you want to get the coating off, strip it with a food safe compound or just sand it, then use MetalGlo to buff it to attain a polished finish.
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