Military Swords In Modern Day

Could the military find some form of modern martial arts to be used with combat swords made for the modern era? When I play it out in my head it certainly looks pretty good. I imagine it could be a modernized rendition of a cross-guarded long sword or maybe some type of made up unit. would you suppose that would be quite nice to have?

Attached: COMBAT SWORD.jpg (736x552, 74.01K)

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I'd like to see a return of sword bayonets, and a drill based fight style optimised to use them (martial art just sounds too faggy). That way you don't lose the use of the firearm, and a large number of the attacks and defensive moves in the fighting style should involve firing a round if you have one in the mag.

Swords gonna come back when power armor becomes a thing.

we could have both.

Why use a sword when you can carry a bayonet that turns your rifle into a sword that can also shoot people?

Swords are less likely there, if you're looking to defeat big, chunky, powered armour with melee weapons then you'd be better off with a something closer to a sledgehammer. Even that sledgehammer is going to be pretty useless compared to explosive based anti armour/materiel rounds.

swords would look sexy and aesthetic on soldiers, also the reason for the sword on it's own is the wild swinging that happens when they try to take out multiple or a single enemy.

the gun with it is too much weight, with the sword by itself there is a LOT what a soldier can do.

Yes, they'd be much more aesthetic corpses too.

Wild swinging doesn't do much more than make you look retarded as you give your opponent a perfect opening

Manlet detected

and it is surprisingly less than what a soldier can do when he has a rifle. Did you never wonder why swords fell out of use as a practical weapon?

Also, using the modern techniques and science we have today, we would be able to make the swords far better.

Nah, it's going to be some sort of power sword that is anti-armor i.e. War40K.

I know? What I meant was they would be using skill to take them out but they'd be really quick, and I'm not a manlet simply for wanting more freedom to do certain things with a sword, let's forget the weight for a moment, it might get in the way with mass when handling with CQC or something, it saves a lot on streangth anyways…

Are you suggesting that we could just 'do science at' a sword to 'make it far bettererererer!'? How, precisely? What sort of improvements are you picturing?

Is this another LARP thread?

Kill yourself. Filtered for shit opinions.

Why didn't you just put this into one post?

I do see a use for swords, but they're short and light. As that britfag said, sword bayonets, which can be used without the gun.
Speaking of the filtered :^) britfag, "manlet detected" is not an argument. Weight is important. Even if a weapon might not feel heavy, every ounce counts.


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I didn't know sword and chainmail = LARP now.


Maybe we should ditch the medkits, that should give soldiers both guns AND swords.

ditch med kits? why would we have to do that?

with a sword it would make CQC far more deadlier, with out the gun attached, maneuverability, reach and strong angles and cuts are better.

also the sword wouldn't be THAT light-weight nor that short, it would be tactical as well.

I think point-focused shorter swords, with a blade length from 50cm to 80cm long, would be the best for modern combat situations. I would personally use a design based on the venerable General Patton's own Model 1913 cavalry sword.

Attached: Patton_Sword.png (2072x812, 320.61K)

but you need all your weight on the sword and better handling on it, there would be powerful strikes and stabbing motions with the swords with guys with muscle using them.

I would recommend the sword being two-handed, not too heavy or light weight tho,

You don't have to post your brainlet thoughts sentence-by-sentence. Look here:

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The reason I picked the picture for this post is because, I think this one would be better fitting for lethal combat, not only is it great for stabs, but also great for hacking at someone, not to mention the cross guard would have more than one use and the pommel with bring concussion/shatter bones/bruising.

He's telling you that you're Spergooking.

alright, I'll keep it to one reply instead of sperging from now on.

Surprising lack of mention of Pistol swords/gunblades.

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It's not the number or length of replies that are the issue (although you should definitely do that too). Spergook is the Gook who Spergs because he makes retarded suggestions, about things he knows very little about, and then acts like you're the retard when you try to explain why his suggestion is stupid.

How is any of the shit I said retarded? You're vague, please explain. I think I explained myself quite well.

No we couldn't. Name one material better than steel in every way.

Steel forgings have gotten just a little bit better in the past few hundred years, user.

No use explaining it to him, mate, I'm 90% sure it's Spergook himself hiding behind a VPN.

When someone says "we would" be able to make swords far better, I assume they mean "better than the reproduction swords we already make". But yes, you are right.

Swords are for fighting other swords. Because of the length, you get a range advantage allowing you to stab without being stabbed. They won't make a comeback except in some extremely contrived scenario like Dune-style shields. Even for CQC or stealth the advantage of a sword can be obtained with a bayonet, without giving up the important advantage of a gun.

I'm not the one who posted that, but I still have to ask if you're me because I'm the one who wants to build a gun spear into a full-featured melee weapon that does much more than just a rifle with a bayonet. I think I've managed to come up with a decent design for one, with sadly very little help from the posters here. Further research is still ongoing, but I have to say that a standard-sized sword usually loses to the spear if both fighters are of equal skill. For those who want a sword to counter a suit of power armor, you'd have to make a greatsword. Maces, axes and war hammers will defeat hard armor better, but they're slower and less able to react to quick strikes. If you don't want to go the greatsword route, you could use something somebody came up with in the retarded weapons thread and make a shield covered with explosives to bash people with.

lol stfu you cuntwaffle, you think you can make me look like a tool like you with something so miniscule? Okay fine, suppose there doesn't have to be such ways to better the sword itself the way I thought up it, yes, there are plenty of ways to make HQ steel and you wouldn't even need to fuckin do much to the thing, y'all still humpin on the bayonet thing like it's you're only waifu and trying to drive the conversation away. Why can't there be any swords in combat? You guys are still giving me boring ass vague shit instead of how we can take this joke farther.

You mean a spear that's too heavy at the head end to be of much use, and a gun that's mounted on the end of a long pole that magnifies every imperceptible movement of your hands, whilst also making it impossible to get a good sight picture, making accurate fire all but impossible?

Out of interest m8, is English not your first language?

Between you and me tho, that gunblade thing or what not that you got goin on sounds very interesting, I might even use something like that in a story or something, if there's anything I can do to help just ask me.

Ohhhh shiieeettt guys we got ourselves a fucking "edgy" guy over here. lol

Attached: Call him edgy.jpg (300x168, 16.23K)

cuz you fuckin are, idk how else to put it. Explain why u sound mad bro. I'm mentally fit, are you???


That sounds credible.

Attached: Ceci n'est pas un argument..jpg (720x533, 19.52K)

Okay nvm m8, I'm just gonna move on. So basically, I could go into further detail on all the possibilities being missed out on the CQC aspect of the sword fighting because "current year", and obviously it don't work nice on armor, there are enemies however that might be taken off guard though with some shit off or at least have exposed regions. Taking a bayonet into an already clunky air-tight situation would be risky as hell btw.


It takes decades to learn how to use a sword efficiently, and I can't think of any situations where having a sword would be in any way better than having a pistol or a knife.
That being said, I like the idea of giving soldiers a big-ass knife to use as a side-arm in last ditch situations or extreme close quarters, but not as a replacement for a pistol.
Good for aesthetics, parades, and intimidation, but if the enemy's close enough to use them you're better off just reaching for your pistol or aforementioned big ass knife.

user, how old are you?

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>forgets about senseis/teachers that already know the ropes and can teach in simple ways. >forgets that a soldier can simply learn how to put away a sword at the appropriate time. >forgets that a soldier knows when to pull out a sword or a gun and thinks a sword is replacement for a firearm.

Btw you know what type of synthetic fiber type I was reffering to? did you forget about Kevlar? or maybe some scientist might figure out something better?

Nigger, you're either in possession of a single digit IQ, high posting, or the least imaginative troll to stalk this board.

Attached: What the fuck were you thinking.png (451x360, 160.07K)

By chance are you a nigger?

No but you know how to show off how much of an uncultured tool you are.

Congratulations on your first grammatically correct post in this thread. Well, mostly, it's missing at least one comma.

you're welcome…?

So, now that you know you can do it maybe try to put that same effort into your other posts.

I hate this because Indie fought mainly with his fists and a stupid fucking whip.

Yeah, and they added that scene because Harrison Ford was feeling like shit on the day they had to shoot the original 'epic whip fight' scene they had planned. It still demonstrates the point though.

Does not demonstrate shit, a sword wielder would not fight a gun wielder at range, that is stupid.

(nice formatting)

Attached: oh wait you're serious.webm (400x225, 4.79M)

the swordsman doesn't control the range of the engagement.

At least someone has common sense around here, thank you. You proved to me that you know what the hell you're talking about. I hate it when people half ass themselves, obviously Kevlar is not used for cutting shit up, obviously no soldier would pick a sword over a gun if they had the chance or even a knife/machete/some shit.

btw you'd obviously think I was trolling if I was being creative about it, the lack of effort makes it sound normal. Don't you think that's something a troll would do?((((which btw I'm not trolling))))

For what purpose?

Attached: staring tohru.png (328x344, 134.76K)


You mean maces

b8de57, are you also ?

Because that would make a very shitty sword.

You know, on second thought, you don't sound like Spergook at all. You sound like Karl. Do you happen to be from Arizona?

Machetes are swords. A sword doesn't have to be forged a certain way or have a certain kind of hilt to be a sword. A sword is just a long knife, like a machete.

Even if by "use the sword efficiently" you are trying to say "duelist fencing", you would be wrong.

Which means you have never heard of stand-off distance.
A short sword, like the falcata or gladius, beats a knife in melee.

Attached: gladius-e1507893990786.jpg (662x440, 47.43K)

Armour usually optimized to stop blunt projectiles and is vulnerable to piercing damage for example from stabbing with a knife or a sword. So I can imagine usage of some kind of ultra-sharp swords that could penetrate armor against which projectiles are not effective.

He can, under cover.

Well, but you never run out with a sword, and it would be lighter than whatever weapon that fires AP boolits.

Swords were meant to be versatile weapons/sidearms that are effective against anyone unarmored, that you can keep whenever you go.

Also, muh bayonet.

Daily reminder that a bayonet is a bad melee weapon and soldiers who actually engage in CQC actually rather use a knife or even their folding tool as weapon rather than bayonet.

This. They bayonet is a leftover from ye olde pike and shot formation days, that was meant to protect the fusiliers from being charged. Sword bayonets are more versatile though.

Attached: austrian-m1870-yataghan-sword-bayonet-for-the-werndl-rifle_3.jpg (1850x800, 215.38K)

Probably leaving the drawing board in about 10, 15, maybe 20 years.
Hahahaha. No. Children aren't supposed to use this site. Go enjoy your "Mickey Mouse & the Diversity Wars (tm)" elsewhere.

Think of it as more of a lightweight glaive/bardiche then.

So he's some kind of ninja as well now?

This meme needs to die. Swords require huge amounts of maintenance if you don't want them to turn into blunt and notched metal sticks.

What do you think the Spergs ITT would think of a trench spike?

Attached: ww1 Trench Spike.jpg (300x273, 20.89K)

Yeah, because taking cover is such a ninja concept.

And nah, while a sword needs maintenance, it's easier than the maintenance of a gun.

All you need is a some surface and water to sharpen it.

This does not mention power sword, which is a bit more complex, but still less complex than energy gun.

the bolo bayonet was apparently amazing.

Attached: A level of stupid I have not seen in a long time.jpg (720x540, 48.28K)


Bladed weapons were only used in armoured combat to stab though the gaps one the opponent is pinned. Because there is no way they can cut through steel. Soft ballistic armour is vulnerable though.

Attached: armoured_combat_techniques_vol_iii_by_undermound-d9gau3s.jpg (900x636, 124.49K)

A power sword is overkill and underranged for that scenario though. For the kind of money you would spend on R&D, fuel, and maintenance for it you could easily give every man his own cybernetic Drop Bear to throw at the enemy when he runs out of ammo. Besides, why did he run out of ammo for his underbarrel shotgun? Was he carrying something useless like food or water instead? Why isn't his dedicated resupply helicopter just dropping him more 4 bore dragonsbreath shells?

Maybe his FAK took up his extra ammo slots.

That's what happens when an idiot squaddie takes 'stopping power' over the 'deep pockets' perk when he's promoted to lance corporal.

Poor perk placement kills many builds early, my great-great uncle forgot to take the "iron legs" perk and lost both at Cambrai

Shit, I'd heard that the army got loose with their build restrictions by 1917. I guess that's one of the problems with conscription though. My great grandfather bought it at Dunkirk, he thought that the crit boost he got from lighter ammunition was a good replacement for the decent AP value you get baseline with a PIAT - tried to take out a panzer with his lee-enfield.

You don't have to put the gun at the end. You can put it in the middle or at the back because it's a gun.

We are talking about power source i.e. a hunk of metal placed upon a force field.

Without the force field, it's gonna against unarmored without costing energy.

With the force field, it slices and dices armor.

The perfect CQC weapon.

Stop lying spergook. Sharpening a blunt sword with only a whetstone takes hours and if the edges are rolled over or severely deformed you will never get them back into shape that way. The only way maintaining a sword would be as easy as maintaining a gun is if you had a grinding wheel available. Swords weren't meant to last multiple battles anyway. The damage inflicted by a single swordfight would be enough to warrant replacing the sword when you got the chance. You wouldn't bet your life on a blade with a deep notch in the edge knowing that the strength is compromised in that spot.

Well, you can always get a new sword, which is frankly very easy to make with modern technology.

So every man should be issued and resupplied constantly with a whole bunch of (power) swords. Ignoring the logistics and economics of that, how do we make room for more swords? Certainly ditching the medkit, food, and the water canteen can only make room for one or two extra swords, but no more. I'm afraid we'd have to ditch the underbarrel shotgun and its ammo to make room for more.

The First World War was the last time mêlée was actually somehow important, and they didn't bother with swords, instead they preferred shovels, improvised maces, punching daggers or just sharpened metal sticks. All of them are simple weapons to manufacture and use. You just repeadetly hit the enemy until they die. Now, a sword is simply not suited for that kind of work, it's simply a waste of time and effort. You simply don't have the means to have a proper duel with the enemy that involves taking up stances, parrying, and doing all that theatrical stuff.
Maybe you want something fancier than a simple sharp stick made of steel. In that case you should want a fighting knife. I readily admit that I don't know what makes a fighting knife, and I don't understand why would you bother with it. Still, you can take any kind of knife and turn it into a bayonet without having any impact on the knife itself. You don't even need a muzzle ring, if it's that important for you then copy the Gewehr 98's bayonet mounting system (vid related). Actually, you could put the mounting point on the gas block of the rifle, and then mounting the bayonet wouldn't impact accuracy that much. Of course all that extra weight still has an effect.

I simply don't know why I repeat these kind of words so much when I use English. It doesn't even register in my mind until I reread my sentences a few times.

How U N A E S T H E T I C

Stop making my other posts sound smart maybe?

You seem to be smarter than the rest of these autists.

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I already know that… What type of idiot do you take me for…? Oh my God, yes, those are swords, no I never said that they weren't, I'm just going by my preferred type of sword.