Kill dozens of men in Vietnam
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England deserves it for waging a war of aggression against Germany.
Read this if you want to shitpost.
A book is no way to counter a post.
Being too lazy to read a book is not an excuse. Still, long story short: it's quite likely that the UK deliberately engineered the emergence of the NSDAP, because they really did want them to start a war Germany can't win.
Dude. Poland had been a thing since Duke Mieszko I set it up in 992AD. I know that the only way to contain your particular form of spastication is to blame 'mer ederner erngler' for everything, but at least do some basic fact checking before you ragepost.
At that point Britain kept plans to invade pretty much every country bigger than Micronesia as a 'just in case' file to pull out if they were ever needed. It's about as relevant as the identical plans you were drawing up to stage an unprovoked invasion of Canada at about the same time.
Canada is rightful US clay and you know it, and we should have.
You already tried, and lost
I wouldn't doubt that the UK "created" the NSDAP in that they were aware of what the Treaty of Versailles would cause (you'd need to be pretty damn retarded not to think that shit would backfire), but why assume the war was unwinnable for Germany? Their position wasn't ideal but it was far from untenable, were it not for a schizophrenic strategy and superheavy tank autism they could have fared a lot better.
And the fact that it isn't is entirely the fault of us burgers. If War of 1812 didn't happen the Canucks wouldn't even have a pretend reason to be proud of their country, and would have meekly asked to join the Union all on their own sooner or later.
Don't play the games if you can't support the claims.
Protip, don't speak german, it's language for filthy subhumans, at least that's what your greatest leader, Frederick the great thought and preferred to jerk off to French.
Embarassing, and furfaggy
Is this your mind when jews control your perception of reality?
Obsession with scat and delusions
Irrelevant country like Iceland tried outlawing circumcision male genital mutilation and it caused huge uproar
If we did as little as resuming Exhumation in Jedwabne (muh 5 gorillon jews burned alive in a barn, good germans troops couldn't save the innocent from polish nazi jeweating monsters) priceless israel would use the nukes it doesn't have.
Openly debunking israel's raison d'etre would be suicidal, unless we get an ability to retaliate in case of a nuclear attack.
Even then, it'd have to be an AI doing the launch, people are too brainwashed to not hesitate against the poor jews.
Literally every single country in the world has a dedicated file cabinet filled with plans titled
After 123 years of occupation and failed germanization (proof of its failure is the existence of Polish culture, language, and people) they're really asshurt Poland existence, and everything that points to its continued existence, EU is German recreation of mitteleuropa plan from 1915
Everyone knows Poland started existing only in 1939 just so it could be reclaimed by germans (^:
Modern history started in 1942 with holocaust being ultimate "achievement" of huwhite civilization, before that there was only darkness, kings and fighting. (all of those are bad), professor noseberg taught me that in the university so you know it's true.
but do you even want a shithole country like Canada at this point beyond it being a matter of principle?
Would you execute canadians on live television like in intro to fallout?
Poland had been dead as a nation and identity for a hundred years. It was resurrected to again take German land as a punishment for being the least-useless member of the central powers. It's equivalent to if someone declared Yugoslavia or Prussia or some shit a sovereign nation today. The entire thing was just brits being the same old eternal anglo. There were even german leaflets dropped on london pleading to not start another WW1.
Reminder that Germany has only existed as a single nation since 1990
Because they wanted Germany to bleed out against an USSR that was supported by them and their American brethern. They took a bet, and won it. Mind you, by "they" I mean the small elite who doesn't care if the common man dies on a faraway battlefield, or if he is a half-paki half-nigger with an IQ of 70. Now, you could argue how great the risk really was, and I'm rather sure that getting France knocked out wasn't part of their plan. But the Nazis were very sympathetic towards Britain, and so they were sure that they can make them dance to their tune. Worst come to worst, they could have presented a few of their members as English national socialists and stay in power.
I don't expect a burger to be able to read, or know names like Mickiewicz, Wyspiański, Głowacki, Norwid or Krasiński, but try to not embarrass yourself.
Oh yea, they can revive a dead language in a few decades.
Jesus Christ are you people retarded.
This "muh germany dindu nuffin" speech is worse than niggers in Chicago.
Especially after WWI with the bombing of Scarborough to try to "scare the british by attacking an innocent fishing town" while Dresden was an industrial area for the war effort.
UK supported anti-communist movements all over europe during the interwar period. They even paid Il Duce a weekly wage.
But saying because UK supported governments in Europe to stop the USSR from spreading while having war plans like every other country has against every other country on the planet for just in case is retarded.
That's like saying because there's more Irish in the US that the Irish are from America and not Ireland.
why is the vietnam war the most kino war ever?
At this rate Poland is going to be one of the few European countries to exist in fifty years.
I asked you kindly not to embarass yourself, but you just couldn't help yourself, could you?
Youngest of them died in 1908.
Catalonia used to own a much larger portion of the iberian peninsula. Some people who live in Spain undoubtedly know Catalan. Does that give Catalonia the right to their former territory?
if they can fight for their own representation who is to say that they don't deserve self actualization?
i.e. who gives a fuck, if they want to be their own thing and can actually do it why should anyone give a shit?
The culture was still alive and the language wasn't dead, Germany lost the war and therefore had to give it back.
That's just how shit is.
You of all people should know this with your reservation for fans for firewater.
But that doesn't answer my question. Why were these elites so certain Germany would lose? Again, if Hitler's strategy was just a bit less schizophrenic, logistics a bit better, and the focus on superheavy tanks a bit less autistic, the war could have well gone another way.
Not sympathetic enough, as the Battle of Britain still happened and London was getting bombed and V2'd up until the end of the war.
Problem was that Poland couldn't fight for representation without it being given to them in a bid to take German resource. Then Germany came along and took it back in less than a month.
That's just how shit is. :^)
If they want it, and fight for it.
If Spain started a retarded war against someone stronger and lost, then then whoever beaten them could have decided "here Catalonia, have independence you always wanted, we don't care, enjoy"
For more irony the new victor could instead take over the territory and attempt at eradicating everything Spanish
If your core principle is "might makes right" then you better don't grow weak, ever.
Poland, Canada is one of the better countries that are existing on rightful Burger clay, most of Mexico is also rightfully ours as is Cuba and the Philippines. Instead of colonizing them we gave them up and in exchange for that mercy they are colonizing us, sad shit. So yes, I entirely want it out of principle.
Ironically I would say communism saved countries like Poland and Hungary. The absolute shit that communism drags nations into makes them stronger as a people.
You got me. It was a month and five days, not a month. Sorry
to be fair, the operation was 1 month and 5 days.
They didn't do it on their own, they double-teamed it with Russia (admittedly 17 days after the fact to most likely keep the rest of Europe out of the squabble temporarily )
Germany isn't a country. It's a collection of Duchies joined together by one of the most autistic although I'll grudgingly admit, impressive politicians in human history. There is no such thing as a 'German identity' or 'German people'. There's a Bavarian identity and people, an identity and people of Brandenburg, Hamburg, Saxony, Prussia etc. But no such thing as Germany except for a few agreements made by politicians (in France, lol - Germany confirmed as not even relevant enough to host its own birth as a nation) in 1871. The clay in question is the rightful property of Poland and the Austrohungarian Empire (presumably they split their share equally now that they're two countries). Even America has more history than the fictional nation of 'Germany'.
Britain is not a country. It's a loose collection of barbaric shit-flinging primitives. Rightful Roman clay.
I hardly feel pity for them, they welcome their destruction and advocate the same for other countries.
Says the homeland of Frau Merkal.
You might have had a point if you'd argued for England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Not much of one, but more than the non-point you have now.
This tbh
>implying I am German No VPN either
Well, a Turk would know how easy it is to set up a non-country and pretend it was worth a damn. : ^ )
Still wanted to give my opinion.
Actually a potatonigger/britcuck.
opinion discarded
Poland stopped existing in 1795, its recreation in 1918 wasn't because it miraculously regained its independence, but because France and Britain needed something to occupy Germany's eastern territory.
This cut directly in the Prussian granary that supported the whole of Germany and kept them on the brink of starvation. So don't play stupid, after all starvation was one of the British Empire favorite tactics.
Also Poland wasn't created in 992 by Miezko I, it was a dukedom of the Holy Roman Empire and later it only became a Kingdom after the Holy Roman Empire gave Miezkos descendants a crown for successfully Christianizing the Poles.
The title of Holy Roman Emperor was held by Austria Hungary when it took part in the Partitions of Poland. In other words their right to claim to be a Nation was revoke by the same institution that gave it to them in the first place.
Don't call other subhumans if you can't even uphold your own Nation without others support.
Your people lost the right to call themselves a Nation in 1979, you were unable to gain independence in 1918 without the help of the British and French, you failed to defend your country again in 1939 and since then you claim to be a strong Nation despite the fact that you continue to rely on bigger forces, first the USSR, now the EU.
Are you really this butthurt, just because someone exposed your real nature?
The Irish are superior to the anglos
By this logic Rhodesia wasn't a real nation because it couldn't survive getting spitroasted by the UN and the commies.
Hey, what can I say, it just works.
Oh, yeah, because they did … that … thing, no, don't remind me, it'll come to me.
They were the first country to elect a homosexual Indian to lead them
Dude, you lost the war. Getting shit taken away is what happens when you lose wars. Maybe try not losing wars.
You'll also be one of the first countries to fall from the migrants, quickly catching up to Sweden. Also
I could say more.
Let's say you didn't cause WW2 to happen and it happened all it in itself. (Which Britian did cause, by the way)
You are still to blame for the current situation, they are all coming in because of you
You made this happen. If you didn't do the things you did, it wouldn't have been like this.
And that's just talking about demographics.
Gun laws have only gotten worse because of you. Your country is an example for the others to follow. If the current power structure stays on top we'll all be binning knifes and getting arrested for what we type soon.
I'm sorry but your Jewish fantasy of western Europe being BLACKED is most likely not going to happen.
You sound like a nigger complaining that ebil whitey ruined his mud hut village.
We wuz free n' sheeeit before the ebil anglos came in and ruined Germany, amirite brotha?
Boo hoo, people die in wars. Has that concept not sunk in or something?
I'm not talking Germany.
I'm talking everybody
You can thank the anglo.
Wish I had that video of that British commander who tries to justify his orders to kill civilians but from body language alone clearly regreted it.
The writer theorizes that the Brits also set up the bolsheviks to win, because they feared that white Russians would be natural allies to conservative Germans due to their love of autocracy.
Because they knew from even before the very first moment of the way that they will be able to send both the USA and the USSR against them, and that Hitler won't actually attack Britain in an all out fashion.
According to him the Brits put up the façade of the peace party who strongly suggested that they could take over Britain if only the Germans pressured the population a little bit with some bombings. Which of course had the opposite effect, as the peace party was a farce, and they used the bombings as propaganda tools to stir up pro-war sentiments among the people.
Mind you, I'm playing the devil's advocate here, although I do find this book to be rather convincing.
>when people kill Germans in wars, that is not okay!
You just want to kill white people
Victors write history, the allies committed worse atrocities than the Germans yet you never hear about it, nor where they ever shamed and trailed about it. Gee I wonder why?
You mean the railway targets that were a vital part of impairing German logistical efforts.
Daily reminder that the eternal anglo meme is a desperate attempt by the Krauts to cover up how they have always been the greatest threat to the one part of the world that matters.
Once again, you seem to fail to understand the concept of people dying in wars. And yes, some of those people will be your beloved G*rmans.
Away back to 4cancer with you.
Wouldn't happen to be a nigger would you?
majority are newfags
lolnope. Just someone who doesn't get butthurt because Germany can't figure out how to win a war against anyone other than the French.
I'm sorry to tell you that yes, even your beloved G*rmans can die in war.
But you are a Jew
If you don't like Hitler you're not white
No thanks.
Your mind on angloism
Of course I know what socialism is. It's the most efficient method of reducing a formerly prosperous country to rubble.
I'll help you out a little. The first telltale sign that someone has no fucking clue what they're talking about is when they refer to natsoc as socialism a la leftism just because it has the word in its name. In reality germany had mixed markets, leaning towards free.
The red guys take all the private property and use lots of welfare.
The grey guys are in definitive support of private property and actively reduce welfare
Can you understand yet?
No, the grey guys create imaginary economic growth through deficit spending and then try to swallow up as much territory as possible to keep the wheels turning in a massive plunder economy.
I'll spoonfeed you, just this once.
It's as economically unsustainable as any other kind of socialism. Even conquering basically all of Europe (adding its output, resources, and wealth to Germany's) and starting slave labour wasn't enough to stave off the inevitable collapse that always comes when a socialist is allowed to implement his theories.
Keep trying
If I call communism 'collectivist capitalism' is it now right-wing and comparable to other right-wing ideologies?
No. Retard.
The economic success of Germany was mostly dependent on the willingness of Anglo-American bankers to give them loans, who only gave them those when it served their goals. Of course Mefo bills and such did play a role, but only after they were in control of the German banking system.
That's a wee bit dishonest, as you are speaking of a war economy that needed to supply millions of men and who know how many gigatons of material every month.
That's my point you unbelievably dense retard
Except the bills continued to be issued throughout the 1930s. By 1939, there were 12 billion Reichsmark in MEFO bills still in circulation:
"Essentially, mefo bills enabled the German Reich to run a greater deficit than it would normally have been able to. By 1939, there were 12 billion Reichsmark of mefo bills, compared to 19 billion of normal government bonds."
The point is they ammounted to deficit spending that was used to stimulate the economy by spending money Germany did not have. The "German miracle" was nothing more than unsustainable deficit spending, and if WW2 hadn't started Germany would have collapsed economically sometime in the 1940s.
Reading back through your posts you don't appear to have a point. You make claims that directly contradict reality and then insult people when they tell you that you're wrong. Those people quickly figure out how pointless engaging with you is and just start calling you a retard because you act like a retard. I'd suggest you stop acting like a retard and do your level best to stop fellating Hitlers rotting, monoballed, cock.
Having a claim to a territory and actually starting a war are two different things. You can act on your claim but it's still a war of aggression, as you are solely responsible for causing it. Framing Germany as anything but the aggressor is pure rationalization, even if they were justified.
You could say that about anywhere if you dig back long enough.
That's a funny way to spell "vampire economy."
Fine. Arbitrary line in the sand time then. Was X a country before 1500? If not then it's not a country (yet at least, give X a few centuries and we'll see).
your mom's pussy will collapse after I stretch it out with my monster Aryan seed planter
He says that like it's a bad thing.
He's not saying it's a bad thing though. That's Robert "Use Rainbow Agents on Gooks" McNamera.