I was shocked to hear, about this next part, because of the X was when i knew him,
and I'm basically in almost no danger of being in any actual trouble
p.s. at no time did i say anything threatening to towards the school, X is just a soccermom tier faggot.
You never know who's a faggot
How do I get a gun as a felon on probation?
Asking for a friend.
Hypothetically if anyone ever did this to me and caused me to lose my rights as a free American i'd break their legs and give them permanent spinal damage so they could never walk or function as a normal human being again. Find a lawyer and take this nigger to court. Or kill him. Hypothetically.
get a black powder revolver, a parts kit, or find a careless private seller.
either wait to till your probation is over, or hide it really well.
Would you sell me a gun user? My friend really needs one.
he sent an anonymous tip the fbi, that they then ignored (it was months ago i found out secondhand recently). the main point is that you have to be careful who you talk to about funs, because some people are unexpectedly hysterical retards
sure, just email me at Notheatf.gov and tell me what cartel you want me to send it through
Welcome to the real world. The only person I'd trust to talk about guns is the people on this board sometimes.
or "how to get arrested and have your freedoms taken away 101"
What state do you live in?
not him, but im op and i live in ca, (gotta be careful what i say, redflag laws)
I guess it depends on where you live then.
Come to texas so you can vote against the commiefornians here
No. I'm not going to bend over and take Leftist dick in my ass and censor myself. If people were to start hypothetically dying when they pull this shit they'd stop doing it.
Had something similar happen except a fed and an officer from the uni police showed up. Never found out who exactly made the tip, so it's a good rule of thumb to just keep things to yourself unless speaking with another Zig Forumsomrade, which half the time if you meet one IRL they're a vidyafag or only in it for the memes that they just want to use to make them look like they're Rambo or Chris Kyle to their friends.
[Spoiler]Pls no bully mobileposting [/spoiler]
First time I ever heard of a texan literally any resident of whatever state invite a Californian to live in and vote aginst libs.
Californian also. I have most of my coworkers interested in shooting for the first time with me (nervous to take a too big group due to maybe having too much to keep track of). Some other store associates watch gun videos in the break room with the volume maxed on their phones and lifting it in the air in full view as they lean back on the chairs. Some dudes slack off specifically to complain about the lack of .22 (this was last Christmas time). Yet I live in fucking LA county.
at the same time in my experiance you can be suprised by who is not a faggot
Shit, I thought I was the only kommando living in LA County. At least I'm not alone in this place.
I wouldn't be suprised if we loose a senate seat or the governor in the next 5 years. Yeah…
>Dallas filled with Liberal california fags and H1b Pajeets and Chinese I'm the latter, but fuck those non-assimilated assholes
How the fuck do we have so many LA fags here in the first place?
It's k friend we just crash into arizona and buy all their 30 rounders. Watch out for agricultural check points during this time of year they'll be more active (from their previous level of activity that is mexican border tier) being used to catch fireworks smugglers in conjunction with seeking deadly foreign apple's.
LA is magical. You come here for two seconds with a weak will and you end up a poz fag who considers themselves an "ANGELENO" just because they ate at a few restaurants and had a decent time. The only thing I'll miss is the aged try hard korean security guards who make life hell for anyone browner than khaki pants that are just walking past the stores. That and the chance to stand on roofs playing a real life version of a zombie survival flash game (i'm pissed we haven't had anymore riots that aren't because the LA lakers have won or lost).
Kick his ass
That's fucked man, if anything you're at least on a watchlist now. Time to get behind a VPN
You can literally just say no
if i'm on a watchlist i've been on one since i downloaded the impovised munitions manual
even though a this isn't a firearm under federal laws if your on probation and your probation officer finds out your getting screwed to the full extent of the law, so hide it well
I live in a shitty neighborhood and ended up buying a Hungarian AMD parts kit at a gun show and a 80% lower. While on probation. Apparently one of my neighbors reported that they saw me with a gun (couldn't have been the AK, likely an air rifle I borrowed for woodpeckers) and now, several weeks later, I haven't heard anything on it.
I think the probation officer may care less if you're a white male and the offense was common.
I should note, the I assembled the lower and the AK is hidden well. I live in a semi-rural neighborhood with niggers on both sides and have had my house broken into twice.
you ever worry about a legal assfucking if you have to use it?