Are there any places like the yukon or something where I can setup a homestead that won't be bothered by other people? I'm thinking of roughing it alone for a year to see if I could do it.
Good Wilderness areas for homesteading?
The fuck is a homestead? You trying to squat on the Queen's land?
didnt we win a war for that?
Closer to equator is generally better for crops. But Alaska would be a good choice, because of the gibs and ability to earn income through hunting or being a guide, as well as remoteness. Another option might be Siberia, but good fucking luck surviving there on your own.
Meanwhile, Japan, Madagascar, Caribbean, Oceania all have snakes… Sounds fucky if you ask me.
Anyways, why don't the bongs introduce a breeding population of adders into Northern Ireland to wipe out the Irish? It'll be just like the weasels and the kiwis.
Depends on what kind of skills you have and how close you want to be to population in case you get in over your head and need help.
have you tried contacting dixie user from /polk/? he might take you in for a while, and there is alnd around them for sale, you could create Zig Forums Zig Forums colony one day
he hangs on meguca these days (if he has electricity)
From the named islands, the last ice age would wipe out all snakes only on the British Isles. That's why the post ice age land bridge to Britain matters.
The Royal Marines really did a cracking job there, didn't they.
Saint Patrick chased all the snakes out.
Who ever chose Mollweide projection for this graphic should be pistol whipped.
He should have gotten rid of the travelers instead. Snakes did nothing wrong.
Wait why?
Goode homolosine is the best projection.
Wew lad
I've seen it enough in Alaska; you can't do it if you need to ask. Honestly, search for free land or cheap land in the mountain west, particularly Wyoming, Montana, Utah, South Dakota, Colorado, or Idaho. All have areas as rural as you'd need, but you also wouldn't be in the fucking frozen north and would have access to civilization if you needed it.
Idaho has areas as rural as you could possibly get; I've known people who grew up there and never saw a car in real life (only trucks).
Mind elaborating? I'm guessing what happened is that their hackneyed attempts at growing shit failed and they ended up spending a ton of money at the supermarket?
I agree with you though, the states you name sound comfy. Honestly I'd love to live in CO, but the gun laws seem iffy there. And ID has refugees, don't it?
Yep, that's pretty spot on. Also, the cost of living is seriously atrocious. Having everything shipped in drives everything up; what could sustain you comfortably on a piece of property in northwestern Colorado, for example, could barely keep you going in a plywood shack in Alaska. I went to college in Fairbanks after living in the state, got tired of all the white niggers and Natives who are literally worse than niggers. Our one room cabin was broken into a few times by the same native when we were gone.
There's a reason the LARPing Brown family lives in Colorado when they're not filming in AK.
You're right, Colorado has iffy gun laws. I personally think its stretch of the Rockies has the most to offer in regards to diverse environment, and i my experience, many ranchers and people living out of the city do not comply with the magazine restrictions.
Idaho has some refugees, but you won't have to go far from Boise to avoid them entirely. Really, anything north of Ketchum, ID is incredibly rural, and Swan Valley, ID is where I'd like to live if I had $$$ and ability to make a living out there.
I'd suggest buying a tent and car camping out there. Visit different communities and get a feel for what the area is like, shopping, etc. Try to find rural lots for sale and get a feel for the culture out there.
Ireland's been snakeless for a long time. Legend says St. Patrick drove them all out, but realistically they were probably hunted to extinction just like the wolves.
Ireland has a depressing lack of wildlife and forestry.
'Fook' is more of a chav thing in England, in Ireland people would usually say "fuk" like "oh, 'e were a righ' fukin' edjit 'e was" Americano translation: "he was a right fucking idiot, he was"
That would mean genociding all the Irish and that's our job
or their own government from the looks of things
>or their own government from the looks of things
So they're taking some pointers from our own government?
Holy shit, you're not kidding. Even gas is more expensive lmao. I thought AK was ez-modo because of the oil fund, but it was stupid of me not to realize free money=consumer inflation.
About both refugees and gun laws, I know that both are very minor issues currently. What worries me is that the fact they exist at all implies that in the future they will get worse. Colorado in particular seems destined for being blue'd as all the californians stream into Denver and other big cities. Idaho's nightmare scenario I suppose would be to go the way of Minnesota.
I've been to states in that area but only for a few days (planning another trip soon actually). Honestly I loved it, it was like stepping through a portal leading out of the clown world and into the normal world. I'd love to move there sometime, but no clue how I'd make money. I can take care of my own business just fine, but I'm not an expert outdoorsman in any way, I doubt I could find a cushy job like hunting guide or ranch sitter or whatever else people do to not be poor. Farming seems like a losing battle with the climates north of CO.
kek, it was pretty obvious that it was fake from 2 episodes I saw, but I assumed they actually lived in the state at least. The only other Alaska TV I noticed was Life Below Zero, that one seemed more like they were more or less actual people but heavily embellished and scripted for the show.
Same thing in Permian Basin Area in Texas. Prices are either wildy high or stupidly low cause Oil. And most peoples jobs seem to revolve around it in the three times I've been there.
If you can take it, panhandle is good in Texas South texas is obviously dead, North texas is filled with city sprawl, and E. Texas is next to cajun land with nigger orleans so you can see what'd happen
at a far more rapid rate yeah, minority in their own land before us
Enjoy the 24/7 smell of manure going through Amarillo, and the complete lack of scenery for the most part unless you like to look at flat, dead nothing like I do, since I'm used to it from living in the shit. There's also a fuckload of spics everywhere in Amarillo, but I feel that's all of Texas at this point.
I actually think Texas is a pretty decent state overall. The obvious drawback is the rapid demographic shift, but the government seems pretty strongly conservative for now. Panhandle as you say is pretty nice, but the issue for me is the hellish heat - although that's obviously a very personal thing. I've honestly enjoyed being in Texas, while it's not perfect, it's very nice. It's just not for me. Incidentally, the same heat does make for some excellent crop yields, if you actually want to homestead. Especially if you cowboy up (heh) and set up a proper irrigation system you can really get some good harvests, I think. And you do save a ton of money on heating (and AC will be manageable if you use ceiling fans).
I've only travelled through Amarillo, but that and Lubbock seemed like very tolerable cities. The scenery is a bit, reserved, shall we say, but it's not just dead flat, there's usually some trees and bush and you can always plant shit on your own property. Amarillo in particular is relatively close to many great nature areas, like Big Bend and Southern Rockies.
sounds about right
East Texas is prime guerilla territory though. Ozarks are even better.
You can usually buy rural property dirt fucking cheap and it's on the border of the woods. Just build a small house on the property so the town doesn't say anything and you can fuck off to X-national park for a few weeks at a time without anyone noticing- just come back into town every two or three weeks to collect mail, pay taxes, and fuck right back off innawoods.
I'm actually looking into doing this up here in Canada. Is there a way you can make money off the property when it's not in use? Rent to buddies for a week or something similar/non-degenerate.
I'm not sure how it works in Canada, but so long as you have a notorized contract then you can do that in 'Murrica.
True that. w. Texas is not prime territory for a war of attrition. Too flat.
A lot of people myself included like to rent rural cabins and such for a short term like a weekend getaway. It's a very broad spectrum from dirt cheap roadtrippers-on-a-dime and hunters to ultrarichfags who want a picturesque experience and corporate events that are looking to show off. Obviously for the latter you need to have prime location and exceptional service. I don't know if your buddies alone could generate enough demand to pay your expenses though.
Do you have any issues with people breaking stuff or leaving it in an unsatisfying condition? My biggest fear is renting to someone then going up there and finding the cabin ravaged.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, but what kind of rates do you generally charge? Do you have different tiers? Cheers.
You misunderstand - I don't have my own cabin to rent out. I like to rent cabins from people when I go on vacation.
But the first question is a non-issue. There's contract with terms like any other lease. If they trash it you can bill or sue for damage. With airbnb the renters even have a score.
Rates, like I said, depend on the usual real estate market forces. But I have seen anywhere from $20 a night to hundreds. I've only seen tiers in the sense of smaller rooms in the house or smaller buildings on the lot being cheaper. You need to first check the market in your area or similar areas and see what other people are renting similar units for.
Ah ok, my bad. Still, thanks for the answer.
Maine is a great place, extremely few people, loads of wilderness, lots of skinwalkers
The only real drawback is that it might be too cold to farm alot for most of the year
There's a lot of empty land in the Allegheny mountains of PA
Stay relatively close to other people for the first attempt, you'll probably fuck it up.
Most of that is situated over a DUMB or slated for fraking in a few years.
They're in the process of giving the vacant lands addresses for EMS service should it need it for taxing and sale purpose
There's some decent spots still. Just gotta know where to look.