I don't blame people who can't get into 40K
Exposed engines and fuel lines
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot that the turbines would basically suck anything near them straight into the cockpit.
it was designed by a bunch of ancient history uni graduates, what do you expect?
Oi! Dis 'ere humie finks 'e's found enuff Dakka!
Not even close to the most horrible looking aircraft in the Imperium. You have to remember that in sunny year of M41 all tech is poor copies of poor copies of technology that was lost and half recovered after the PREVIOUS galactic social collapse.
I've always felt the Russ looked retarded as well
AI is banned in the Imperium because of the men of iron rebellion.
literally everything, all material, has thousands of tiny AI embedded in them. the imperium also openly uses AI for that one battle tank
40k is pure and utter fantasy and anyone who dislikes it because it doesn't follow realistic laws of physics should suicide themselves pronto. there's a thousand other valid reason why its shit, but 'not realistic' is not one of them
Isn't it based off of WW1 tanks?
It's just a Tank Mk.-something with a turret slapped on top.
Always helped with that grim dark feel when you realize you're playing ww1 future.
I think it is a misunderstanding of what 40k is going for to actually expect it to be futuristic.
Everyone SHUT UP!
We need to appreciate the absolute comfyness of Imperial armour.
Hellhounds; literally napalm tanks
Devildogs; an even hotter napalm that can even melt stone and concrete
Basilisk; a mobile 132mm earthshaker cannon
Leman Russ, Punisher; a tank, but with BRRRRRRRT as it's main armament
Stormlords; a superheavy tank, but with two rotating barrelsuper heavy bolt BRRRRRRRRRRT as it's main armament
I want to clean to the barrel of a basilisk.
It's pretty comfy, until you're ready to play future Prussians or the space Anglo-Zulu war.
It's one of the advantages you get from most of the writers working for Games Workshop being complete, shameless, hacks. There's a space version of your favourite army, war, campaign, and operation somewhere in the fluff - if you don't mind looking for it.
which is why i said 'even without AI
I know it's banned
Half the Imperium's enemies probably don't even have radar. I can't see Orks or Khornate berserkers having the patience to sit still and watch those displays. Eldar and Tyranids probably use some psychic bullshit and trying to out-tech the Necrons will inevitably end in tears.
Remember that the Caestus is first and foremost an orbital boarding ship, not an atmospheric craft. The box-hull and stubby wings don't matter when your goal is to aim at an enemy cruiser in vacuum and max out the throttle until you hit their gooey insides.
Those "prussians" just look like traffic wardens or train conductors.
they were actually made up to look like burger marines parade outfit
so yeah pretty much
I like how they apparently "find" blueprints to old technology, yet out of millions of types of armored vehicles all they found was a fucking Mark I tank which has to shoot point blank range to hit an alien the size of a building.
No it's not. Fantasy doesn't stoop down to explaining how its shit works.
40k actually tries to explain it, with cutaways, blueprints, and lengthy manual material… and it's all fucking retarded.
It would be like gandalf trying to explain with a 4th graders understanding of science why his staff managed to create a gravity wave and stop a giant fire monster.
It's fucking stupid, the entire 40k universe is stupid. It's such an AMAZING premise, yet the people in charge of the franchise dropped so many balls into a bottomless pit that an soyboys open mouth is salivating somewhere.
Not Orks but I bet Gretchins would.
I personally like the explanation that everything in the Imperium that has a circuit board is full of fragmented programs due to ancient cyberwarfare. And so you do have to satisfy the wishes of the random programs inside a toaster if you want it to work properly, and even that toaster's onboard computer is incredibly advanced with all kinds of built in sensors, but it's all wasted due to said faulty programs. And the AdMech can only build these hyperadvanced computers with useless programs. So they just invented the idea of machine spirits to explain this phenomenon, and then applies to every piece of technology, even to the most primitive steam machine. You could argue if those machine spirits are real AI or not. Then there is the other kind of machine spirit is, that is a brain-in-a-jar that doesn't suffer from these faulty programs, and the mind isn't artificial, because it belongs to an animal or a real human bean. There actually have been IRL experiments to see if you could use the brain of a flying insects to pilot a drone.
Worst of all, they are so prone to just ignore previous works made by others that they could actually hire a few military experts and scientists, and with their help remake the whole universe to make sense and still be batshit crazy. They could do this any time they want, but they just don't feel like it.
Hurr is so 40K is so stupid guise XDDDDD
Still the best sci-fi setting, faggots be miring.
Still has more armored protection than Canadian APCs and IFV. And it flies.
No one cares.
Low production costs, good fatigue properties, safe failure mode.
Still can turbo-bust.
this is why
Still better armored than Canadian AFVs.
Yeah but it's squished so it's about the length of a family car, so it ends up looking retarded when next to other figures.
It's a fucking light tank.
You want something up to scale? Baneblade motherfucker.
Would you a Super Sylph?
Are you retarded, underage or both?
It's not a fighter, it's a transport with some defensive and offensive capabilities. It is meant to serve the same role as the MilMi24, but this one can hover: get in fast, drop off guys, stick around for a short while, and get the hell out. Covering the engines would be advantageous though for the reason below:
While this is true, there is no radar in use by any major faction in 40k. They use auger, which are essentially thermal sights.
See further down.
Not true. Promethium is any liquid that can be used as fuel. The admech inspects it, and if it's OK to put into imperial mechines it receives the title "Promethium". If it can fuel a Baneblade, it can fuel a Leman, it can fuel a Valkyrie, and it can fuel Guardsman Spamcan's drill.
And yet it does more than 1000 km/h.
You must be willingly unaware of 40k lore to accept this as an argument.
What else are they supposed to use? Polyer? Resin?
Do you really want them do the same as the Ammis did with the Apache?
>so it ends up looking retarded when next to other figures.
What an odd way to spell fucking adorable.
>Still has more armored protection than Canadian APCs and IFV. And it flies.
Canada deserves the same treatment as Cadia, but using ad-hominem/national doesn't help your cause.
Actually, Augar is fairly wide spread technology, especially among crafts of the imprial Navy and Titan units. The Necrons most likely use some other advanced tech. Most of their stuff isn't understood to the Empire, so it's mostly regarded as "glowing green rune magic", otherwise known as HERESY.
Not only that, but after it takes a hit the destroyed/damaged part can be replaced in a couple hours of work by a guy with a drill and a riveting tool. There is a reason riveting is used in 99% of all aircraft even today. "Black metal" constructions are simply more expensive to develop, to build, to inspect, to maintain and to repair.
Pics related. It doesn't fucking matter if anything is explained or not. Science fiction is fiction based on science. If you really want to go out of your way and call 40k "science" fiction you would have to call it "soft" science fiction, because if anything it focuses on the effects of constant fear on society.
40k is "fantastic" fiction.
Imperial tech is pretty rad. If they don't fully understand the way a machine works, it could be possible that they are building all kinds of machines with backdoors waiting for some ancient enemy who was already defeated centuries ago. All it takes is one particularly creative chaos mechanic to disect an imperial toaster to figure out how to shut down ALL imperial toasters produced from a certain point onwards and cause an intergalactic toast shortage.
Even if you are merely pretending to be retarded, you are still posting retarded shit.
As I said. 40k is NOT scifi. It's fantastic fiction, otherwise known as fantasy, in space.
Whatever drug you are taking, either stop taking it, or OD. The Leman Russ is not a "light" tank. It is the Imperium's main battle tank. The Baneblade is a rare super-heavy tank.
Did you just give it anime eyes?
Why the fuck are stupid threads like these allowed? 40k is not Zig Forums and never will be. Fucking summerfags making shit threads.
Go back to /tg/ and stay there with your shitty goy's workshop plastic shit.
Better yet, kill yourselves for thinking you can talk about non-real weapons.
We've had threads on the HMG guns before and no one seemed to care.
Do you feel in charge?
40k IS NOT Zig Forums
/tg/ IS NOT Zig Forums
Can you show me on this dead gretchin where the greenskins touched you?
We have been getting a lot of low quality shitposting OPs as of late. Presumably halfchan is bleeding users again.
you know having a bunch of shitty shitpost threads doesnt stop creation and discussion of/in good threads, especially on a board this slow
In the future stealth has been exposed as a scam to separate taxpayers from their shekels.
The machine spirits are definitely not AI. An AI by definition is a synthetic mind.
Machine Spirits are a supernatural animistic concept similar to fairies, yokai and other such familiar spirits found in folklore all over the world.
Prefer their namesake tbh, the machine spirit is much more…user friendly.
The problem is what mentions, 40k is designed to be a universe where every kind of quirky twist exists because of muh scale. This is GW's strategy of market dominance, if every trope is represented in 40k, 40k can compete with any genre of fantasy and eventually overtake them. What you describe requires limiting such "anything goes" concepts. For instance if you said "okay, it took us 40 years to get over trench warfare, surely the Imperium and its enemies can get over it in 40k years?", that means suddenly all those ww1 style battlefields are gone. Now all the ww1 fetishists, the verdun/somme autists, the prussiaboos, the napoleonicfags, the bong fetishists, they will abandon 40k and go find some other system focused on this period, which may lack 40k's production values but at least gets the feel they want. If only GW could put such things in their own settings, instead of trying to cram everything into one big supermarket setting.
This bitching about shit threads is useless unless you say what threads you consider superior. I'd be happy to go give those a bump.
The fuck kind of monstrosity is this? Looks like those squid monsters in Half Life.
D-don't you talk shit about basilisk-chan! She's a semi-sentient, supremely loyal mechanical warhorse. You couldn't ask for a better companion while conquering the Outer Rim.
Link for you: starwars.wikia.com
Ok so I talked to someone that is deeper into 40k than I and found out my statement in is outdated info. However the correct info does not discredit my core claim that machine spirits are in fact NOT AI, and as I have now been informed they're a form of biotechnology
During the time it was designed, the Leman Russ was a light tank, and the Baneblade was the main line tank of humanity. You're just looking at the result of Horus's shitfit and ten millenia of technological decay.
The really big machines like Titans actually do have their own bona-fide AI that pilots have to wrangle with mentally. Though that starts to edge into the warp and all that entails.
Shhh. Nobody will know if you just stop moaning so damn loud.
no. it is literally AI, it's bits and pieces of code from the Men of Iron. what you might be misconstruing is that the Imperium only widely allows AI and the like if it's attached to a human in a form of biotech.
You underestimate me, I literally started learning English so that I can read w40k lore. To make trench warfare work there are two possible routes:
If the segmentum command can't afford to divert men and matériel to permanently deal with a threat that can't breach a ww1-style defensive line, then they just tell the local commander to make such a defensive line. There is an example for this already in the fluff: the Baran Siegemasters are descendants of a Death Korps of Krieg army that was sent to the planet of Baran to defend the colonists from feral orks. They dug out their trenches, and for centuries they have been gunning down orks that tried to reach their lines.
This is actually quite a common theme: a fortress in w40k is usually a hollowed mountain or a mountain-sized building with shield generators and anti-space guns, therefore it can win a firefight against a fleet of ships. So to take it out you'd have to risk destroying the planet. But it's not impossible to march to it on the surface and slowly fight your way inside, as it can't utilize those gigantic guns against an army that is right next to it, and the shield generators only defend down to the ground level. The Siege of Vraks series by Forge World was written about such a siege, although in that case the Imperium didn't want to destroy the planet because they've been using it as a depot for thousands of years.
Machine spirits are leftovers of sentience from fragmented men of iron and the massive amounts of cyber warfare programs humanity used to combat them with a healthy dose of chaos.
I've literally waifed a Manticore in a pen-n'-paper session I played, even if it was somewhat platonic. By constantly praising and sweettalking the machine spirit I managed to make it hit the intended target more than 60% of the times, which was an outstanding achievement without an adeptus mechanicus coven permanently overseeing my ass.
What if it was left vague intentionally to allow each player to make up their own explanation?
Don't forget, you are here for YOUR DUDES.
Why not both?
Cirno STRONKEST Machine Spirit
Nope. Machine spirits are little pieces of the void dragon.
I'm not sure if this had been retconned yet, but I remember being told that the original, Dark Age of Technology era, designs for the Baneblade were marked as 'Scout Tank, light'.
That sounds a lot like tech-heresy.
Literally fuck right off faggot.
Nah, I'm paraphrasing this thread.
Who gives a shit? It's still sci-fi, not any less than gay shit like Star Trek.
Yo dum dum, it's indeed a light tank, the lightest weight of the bunch (if you do not consider APC with a turret i.e. Predator), the Baneblade was their main in 30K.
I'm in my 27, dawg.
Face it, there is no current better sci-fi setting than 40K, and I watch both East and West media.
Considering a red car goes faster because the driver believes in it, I wouldn't call it science fiction.
That's just the driver's will. Science just doesn't discover how morale and will affect physical space, but to deny the relationship between the two is unscientific.
Paraphrasing a retard still makes you sound like a retard.
You apparently.
In your opinion, but you didn't bring up any argument to support your case.
"Tu quoque"
"is"=/="was intended as"
In Warhammer40k a baneblade is a superheavy. Shifting goalposts I see.
Also: you can reply to more than one post at a time as I am about to demonstrate:
Isn't philosophy a soft science as well? If yes, then you could argue that Orks (and most of the Warp) follow Schopenhauer's laws. "Die Welt ist mein Wille" and all that.
I dunno, just look at how terrible EVERY other mainstream sci-fi setting, yes?
Star Trek, nerd shit stays nerd shit.
Star Wars, was sorta good but now becomes SJW shit.
Gundam, way less interesting because it has too much universes and lack consistency as well as scope (mostly Earthsphere)
Macross, potentially interesting universe, author fails to use to it properly
Starship Troopers, another interesting universe, once again fail into irrevelance because nobody uses it properly
Warzone/Mutant Chronicles, 40K-lite, should be way more popular but now fails into irrelevance.
Only 40K remains the top with the best aesthetics, faction variety, lore, and the bulk of vidya/book/table top supporting it. GW might be jews but they are the most competent in not fucking up the franchise so far.
And Baneblade was super heavy, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the main battle tank. You know back in 30K, a legion comprises of 10000 muhreen or more right? The now Imperium is severely downsized compared to 30K in scale.
METAL MODELS are Zig Forums though.
Thanks jerryanon.
iirc the Baneblade is a light tank/medium in pre-dark age history, back before the Men of Iron rebellion fucked everything up and back when every city would have it's own Emperor class Titan defending it.
Wrong way around. Science is a soft philosophy derivative, originally called "natural philosophy." Unfortunately modern science has abandoned its a priori roots and degenerated into shooting a regression line through two variables and calling it a day. When the data stop making sense they screech "dark matter" or "climate change" as a dismissal and ask for more grant money.
Holy shit you're retarded. 40k, isn't all bad but you're bending fucking reality out of spite in order to support your dysfunctional pet ideas. kind of like throwing out medkits for underbarrel shotties.
You're wrong about this, by the way. Heresy-era legions were split up into chapters, but the overall number of Astartes hasn't changed much.
Yo I like Heinlein dawg, but that's one fucking book compared to the whole of 40K.
Not to mention 40K has things that are in Heinlein as well.
Is it even possible considering the now Chaos Space Marines used to be in the Legion, as well as more than ten thousands muhreen died in the Heresy?
If those are the only sci-fi works you can come up with I seriously doubt that you have more than a passing interest in science fiction to begin with.
You fail to realize that science fiction has a definition that comes from the term itself: Science that is based on fiction.
Tell me a single aspect of 40k that is based on science. Give me a single piece of research into physics, engineering, biology or sociology (the main four sciences most science fiction works are based on) that a major aspect of 40k was written around.
I assume you will fail to provide a single one.
Here are a few "fantastic" elements that can be found in 40k on the other hand:
A parallel universe that reacts to the thoughts and emotions of all living and warp-sensitive beings. It also has an effects on said beings, and can alter their state of mind. It is populated by manifestations of the most extreme emotions and is used for long range transportation and communication.
A piece of equipment on any warp capable vessel that uses SECRET AND ANCIENT TOTALLY SCIENCE AND NOT MAGIC FOR REALS! that allows the vessel to pass into the warp and survive the journey.
A person who is TOTALLY NOT A MAGE, who can see and feel the warp, and can navigate a vessel using a third eye that mutated to their forehead.
People who can use TOTALLY NOT USE MAGIC and instead rely on the powers of the warp to bend reality. They suffer great consequences for their immense powers though as the warp can end up bending their minds too, or attract dangerous demons.
Super Soldiers wearing knight armour, but in SPACE and with super duper totally science and NOT MAGIC armour that can withstand most blows from mere mortal foes, but fails against melee attacks from other, evil knights, or deadly monst–er–XENOS
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you. WH40k is a fun setting for YOUR DUDES, but it's not a scifi setting.
Reminder that 40k is just Warhammer Fantasy IN SPACE.
Durr-hurr, those are just science we do not discover yet.
There is nothing far fetch about 40K tech actually, only the stuff related to MAGICK/Psy that is outside of our comprehension.
Nobody is going to deny that.
Great crusade numbers
20 legions, with at least 10 chapters each.
'present day numbers'
No legions
The difference between the two only gets sillier if you assume that every players custom marines represents an additional chapter that's not mentioned in official records, and that's before we take the Primaris nu-marines into account.
Most of it is based on conventional tech, except with NEW ADAMENTIUM SUPER HARDENED ALLOY or nuclear fusion energy.
These aren't far fetch, they are just undiscovered.
Source on the several thousand chapters?
You are thinking of navigators. Astropaths, as their name suggests, are psykers capable of telepathic communication at interstellar distances.