Kurds attacking some Turk patrol up close. Pretty cool stuff. I don't think the Turks even shot back.
I would have embed the vid, Zig Forums doesn't support bitchute
Battle footage, close quarters preferred
Turks only shoot you if you're dumb enough to think they're your friend. And even then only in the back.
They rarely shoot enemies who are aware of them.
It's encoding. I'll be back in 10 minutes if the file size isn't too big.
I thought 'alright, they got ambushed. Nothing the first guy could do'.
But then they just fucking crawl around like maggots getting shot at by shitskins. The last guys hide behind a rock waiting to be slaughtered, they didn't even shoot back, just went prone and waited for their deaths.
These are the same retards who think they can invade my country. If you can't even deal with 2 shitskins then what the fuck are you going to do against an actual army on terrain even more mountainous than in the video?
The biggest issue is that they had no bounding overwatch, if they had fire teams instead of 5 random dudes walking into enemy territory the cover team would have lived and maybe saved some on the forward team too.
Could do without the fucking music, goddamned Kurds.
Requiem for a Dream doesn't get you in the mood for stomping turkroaches?
The biggest issue is that they are Turks, and God hates them more than he hates Kurds
I'd rather hear the thud of the rounds and their deaths as uncensored as possible. I don't need to "get pumped" to watch men die in combat.
speak for yourself, roach
I like seeing Turks die but I'm not comfortable with commies having victories.
At least the Kurds don't edit out the killing like ISIS did alot. It really pisses me off that the muzzies never released the full unedited footage of them burning dudes alive. I want to see a sandnigger writhe in agony for 20 minutes, not run around on fire for 5 seconds then jump cut to his charred corpse. This is probably the best one of those burning vids
I'm glad I don't live in middle east.
Arabs are bloodthirsty savages, it has nothing to do with Islam, it's their nature, they would do same shit if they were Christians.
wew lad
How is that edgy?
they were like this before any of the abrahamic religions. why do you think hitler saw them as a useful asset?
Hey, don't talk about my waifu like that! She's a snake, not a Turk
If they were Christians they would just follow the old testament to the letter, that has plenty of reasons to kill eachother in it.
Enjoying cruelty to animals is one of the most edgy things there is.
You have Bosnians on your doorstep mate. I mean you got to see them import Arabs to help them with Arab shit.
The biggest issue in that webm was the Turks being completely incompetent, shat their pants immediately after one of them got shot and all they did was crawl around like cockroaches not even returning fire, waiting for their deaths.
80 million turks in this planet and if they all attacked us tomorrow I wouldn't even care enough to load my rifle because they would all drown in the evros river out of sheer incompetence.
I am not a lolberg, I am a socialist like your cuntree, but with the extra element of "nation" into the concept, you probably never heard of it.
Get your fucking priorities straight. That kind of attitudes is why we lost Galipoli.
I dunno brah. Bosnians tend to ruin everything they touch, that is why Bosnian areas look like shit in comparison to Serb areas.
Wasn't starting a world war and helping communists enslave all of Eastern Europa enough for you Vermin? Act up again, and NATO will buttrape your shitty turd world country again.
You do understand Tito was a Croat who invited muslims into Europe and suppressed the living shit outta the Serbs? Shame the fallschirm's botched their attempt to get him though. Least the Chetniks fought the reds.
wat. serbroaches were the biggest supportes of that commiepig. they actually thought fighting germany again was smart, hence their coupe to remove the yugoslavian government.
plus fritto was probably a russian jewish agent. and the judeo-soviets were very thankful to him for helping to enslave all of eastern europe under judeo-bolshevism.
that never happened though, but i like how you leave out how serbroaches were the turkroaches best allies for centuries prior to ww2.
are you a serbroach or halfturk mongrel btw?
Also, pay back your debts to the people of Europe, you disgusting shitskinned parasites.
Come and take 'em fag
wew ;)
stop there is no reason to be so aggresive, there is nothing to gain,no reason to do that
Don't make fun of the dead.
Those large profit margins will help a lot once greece defaults and the trillions of debt they accumulated can't be paid back.
what a stupid bitch, should have immediatelly fallen back into the room he was in (like pic related) , what was he waiting for? he even said some words to the guy and got shot for it, stupid fuck.
Shock and confusion is one hell of a drug.
What the fuck, how long has that been a rule?
Oh poor nuGermany
The dead will get the respect it deserves as long as it stops crawling out from its grave.
Has been changed since the first American got executed by ISIS and the video was everywhere. Syrian civil war channel was the best during 2013-2015.
Idk who I want to die more.
War will never not be fun
Posting a classic.
A storm of destruction that darkens the skies!
I prefer "squipsies"
it's not their fault their traitor politicians accepted loans, they shouldn't pay a cent of them
tbf it was the spaghettis' fault that they invaded you in the first place, that was such a retarded idea, wtf were they thinking
guess there needs to be a new liveleak alternative
Commencing video dump
That's it on the " close combat " part…I got a shitton more of combat if anybody is interesed.
also got a lot of other kind of material,waiting for new webm thread so i can dump there
Im surprised thee truck took 2 shots
HEAT maybe?
Dunno,but I saw ATGM go off right beside some people and they still lived.
I've seen quite a few ATGM videos like that from Yemen. Whether it's a technical or an MRAP, it totally wrecks the vehicle, but most of the passengers get out fine.
It may sound stupid,but I think thermobaric ATGM will be weapon of future.
It can deliver a hell of a bang accuratly on long ranges
Same video but with better music.
Pick one.
zef = white niggers
Which is fitting for south africa.
Those guys are SAS, not south africans.
No, retard. Those guys are from the special task force.
That may be the single most action-movie looking combat footage I've ever seen.
Anyone got the Al-Qassam song?
That I do.
I'm glad I don't live in the Balkans.
Southern slavs are bloodthirsty savages, it has nothing to do with nationalism, it's in their nature, they would do same shit if they were conquered.
Thanks m8.
Wew lad, you are a bloodthirsty one.
Nigger music gives me a headache for some reason. If it doesn't, you have something wrong with you, surely.
What are you saying, faggot?
Hon hon, it's true what zey say about ze Germans and outisme.
Fuck that was funny. Why are domestic-abuse ads so shitty?
They are south african cops you brit faggot
Quit putting shitty music over good combat videos you dumb cunts
This. I hate hearing shitty music when I just want to see combat footage.
Anyone who does that deserves to be shit in the dick.
I didn't know Hezbollah fights against ISIS
If I had access to my desktop right now, I'd dump my entire vaporwar collection just to make you angry.
Anyone got the video where they are shooting a guy not more than 100 yards away and he just walks away and miss him and he walks like he doesnt care at all? Its Syria I am pretty sure.
How dare people want to watch unedited combat footage without post-production effects added in.
I'm actually Christian and have a job, unlike you and most of your vile race of roaches. Still butthurt about NATO fucking up your little turdcountry, hm? Funny that you now beg to the EU for welfare bucks.
Then dump your unedited collection. Or go to liveleak or a gore site. This is an imageboard, post what YOU want to see, don't sperg out because someone posted an edited version of a clip that's already up.
Sperging out about minor things that upset you is practically the entire history of imageboards.
With so many fucking drones around in Syria right now, why are we not getting some nice aerial shots of urban combat?
Holy shit some military history profs would fucking kill to see urban combat on a large-ish scale up close like that, and the footage could be used to identify potential weaknesses in your attack/defense patterns.
It would also look rad as fuck. The ISIS drone bombing videos were some of my favorites.
For some reason embedding of liveleak doesn't work anymore
Well,even if you are a Christian,you won't be for long,Hanz.Also shitposting on imageboard dosen't count as a job,you inbread kraut bastard.
Most of people here dosen't want to have anything to do with EU,it's our politicians that want to get fatter on eurobux
And out of all people,you call us roaches,ironic isnt it?
Ruining Europe twice just wasn't enough for you ,now you want to ruin this imageboard too.Fuck off
So you admit that you're not racially a German, just a kebab just not a roach who converted to Christianity and is now larping as one.
Dios mio,le abominicato cletusaro
M8, don't bother posted anything. You're an American and Americans are always wrong.