To make a long story short, the laws of the USA protect handguns.
To argue about the intention of the law gets silly quickly. The USA was founded by revolutionaries. Now the technology of gunmaking has had its own revolution.
To make a long story short, the laws of the USA protect handguns.
To argue about the intention of the law gets silly quickly. The USA was founded by revolutionaries. Now the technology of gunmaking has had its own revolution.
Other urls found in this thread:
Good job real China, you figured out common knowledge.
Take it from me, the people who want to ban guns won't care.
When gun control failed to stop violent crime in the UK they just blamed something else. Liberals refuse to ever acknowledge that guns aren't the problem, it would require them to completely restructure their belief system relating to crime.
Is there any excuse left for the libs?
Libs are the problem.
It really is true that the problem libshits have with salt guns is that they're black, isn't it?
They know black people commit more crime, but they can't admit it, so they ascribe the death dealing abilities onto black plastic to fit with the popular political agenda.
the idea is to make whites an increasingly minor segment of the population, while systematically disarming us, so we can't defend ourselves when jamal gets a hankering for aryan loli
decreasing and disarming the white population have the same effect- reducing the military power of white americans to ensure a complete genocide
northwest front tbh but instead of the 3 1/2 states bs just move to Washington for a last stand tbh
The purpose of the OP was to show that 3-D printing has changed the status quo.
This was supposed to be a thread about 3-D printing making gun control impossible.
I have failed in my posting and will now commit sudoku by flipping the switch on my sudoku robot (pic related).
The worst part is that you are correct and every photo of Zig Forums ever reveals them to be mystery meat and actual kikes at worst
I think that kind of misses the point. The smart ones know damn well that 100% prohibition is impossible. Just look at a Brazil or a Philippines. Their goal is cultural. Every law which restricts legal weapons ownership or even inconveniences legal weapon owners acts to dry up the pool of citizens who actually exercise their right to bear arms. A tiny minority of weirdos like us who might stockpile or manufacture weapons isn't much of a concern to them. In fact, they might prefer to have people like us to serve as a scary Umman Manda -esque boogeyman. They win if they can continue to increase the portion of people who have never owned weapons, have no interest in owning weapons, consider an interest in weapons disturbing and/or vulgar, and who are maybe even viscerally terrified of weapons. Those are the people who will gladly call the cops on an open carrier or someone target shooting in his own backyard.
Long March Baby, Long March.
If you mean 2A by that, an argument could be made that militia has little need for handguns. Just saying. Of course that doesn't mean that gun control has any chance of success. Not while "muh scary black rifle" morons are the ones pushing it.
Washington is getting cucked by commiefornia refugees. New Hamsphire, Indiana, or Alaska are where we need to go.
I'd team up with the spics to mow down kikes and niggers. Then they can have the southwest.
You realize that you don't have to be White to be a White supremacist, right?
You do realize that white supremacy is a kike myth, right?
I thought it was a historical fact…
So you have finally come to terms about how you have turkish blood running through your veins. I am proud of you Mehmet my son.
Saved for future use.
I have never seen a Japanese person refer to themselves as Asian, only lesser Asians do. Not even second-tier Asians like Koreans or Chinese either, it's always Filipinos or Indonesians who try to suggest they might come from a civilized country by hiding beneath the umbrella of "Asian".
Only Zig Forums is retarded enough to think that this is a race war. It's a culture war, always has been. Those with everything trying to stomp on those with nothing. It's the only thing the Pinkos ever got right. So, what do you do in a country where you can't just take from the have-nots by force? You import the uneducated and count on your side being weaselly enough to convince them to throw their rights away before the other guys can convince them to be free. And since the other guys look down on them and, in many cases, don't want them to be free, either, it's no surprise when they turn to those promising security and comfort.
Those who would enslave you are white. Put as many parentheses around that word as you want, but it's not the niggers, the spics, or the chinks trying to get you to throw your liberty away. They're just pawns. The masters have always been of a single suit.
Culture is downstream from race.
Idaho/Montana/Nebraska/Utah are better than WA
Spics aren't going to be on your side, Whitey.
Are you saying a little brown person can be a white supremist???
What color are the Rothschilds?
white and blue
Yes no real Japanese uses the term asian to refer to themselves
The site is run by a non japanese person about how westerners cant cosplay anime, hes probably a chink but i do agree with him
Now, reality
Sure. White people are objectively supreme, even Jews recognize that sometimes.
Holy shit, user! People who use the left-wing site called Twatter are predominantly left-wing? I had no fucking idea!
The Jews are a pawn. The niggers are a pawn. The feminists are a pawn. You are a pawn, too. A pawn called "controlled opposition".
It's the same way with White, well, except in America, sometimes jews do it too.
After seeing all this talk about "kikes" and "niggers", I have to ask, am I literally the only one here who is an Objectivist or otherwise doesn't hate any race? Seriously, I judge by whether they're good individuals or not, by the content of their character and/or their mind. If someone is a bastard or a liar, or an idiot, their skin color and the like are literally of no consequence to me.
That also implies that free will is non-existant or otherwise irrelevant. Human beings are autonomus beings with individual free will, meaning any individual can choose to embrace any culture (s)he wishes to.
Here comes the cuckold.
And nah, no nigger is gonna be white no matter how much fucking shit they dress up.
This muh culture bullcrap is tiring.
A nigger is an unintelligent, selfish, negligent, violent, entitled, criminal person. A kike is a manipulative, greedy, underhanded, cheating, victimising, nepotistic person. Niggardry just happens to be highly correlated with American blacks raised in the ghetto (nigger culture) and brought up through the welfare system (also nigger culture), which happens to be a majority of the population. Black-targeted music also glorifies niggardry and the social aspects of their culture encourage them to refuse any paths in life that would turn them away from this. Kikery just happens to be highly correlated with both racial and religious Jews, and I think those reasons go without saying; their culture's entire tradition and attitude is built around them believing they're God's chosen master race, and they raise their children invariably in strongly traditionalist atmospheres.
Hating niggers and kikes doesn't make you racist, Strelok, it just means you're adept at identifying degenerate patterns of antisocial behaviour in demographics. There are people of all other colours and races who act like niggers and kikes, too, and a great many more who act like faggots. Being faggots doesn't mean they're all gay, it means they're colossally douchey fags.
t. libertarian. People in general are 90% shit, and society is way too nice in the last few generations, refusing to properly address the obvious problems within it. We don't even punish terrorists, rapists, and murderers adequately enough to prevent them from doing it again, anymore. Meanwhile the leftist government, media, and other social forces actively participate in turning the tide against reasonable and responsible, civilised society, intentionally engineering the ramping up of niggardry, kikery, and faggotry throughout the nation and the world. Is it any surprise people are outspoken about how much they dislike it?
Yes I know a lot of guys are just LARPing as fashy daddies on the internet. I speak for me.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're the type of person who these images offends.
My issues with that line of thinking can be summed up here:
"Like every other form of collectivism, racism is a quest for the unearned. It is a quest for automatic knowledge—for an automatic evaluation of men’s characters that bypasses the responsibility of exercising rational or moral judgment—and, above all, a quest for an automatic self-esteem (or pseudo-self-esteem)."
Source: "The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand, page 127.
"Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.
Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.
Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination."
Source: "The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand, page 126
So with that in mind, where does free will and free association fit into this seemingly deterministic worldview?
So wait, how much is mere LARPing, and how much is sincere?
I'm an Objectivist, not a leftist.
To clarify, I do think directly addressing black people and Jews and Chinese and whoever else as the source of their own problems and social maladjustments is the right thing to do. I'm a race and nation realist. The majority of blacks in America are terrible fucking pitiful people and they need to straighten up their act, that's just a fact. Most of them in population centers live on welfare and refuse to work or contribute to the nation. The more blacks realise this and get their minds out of the gutter, the better, but instead most do nothing except for chimp out and burn down cities whenever someone points out black crime rates or their broken family structure or their culture that glorifies niggardry. You can completely forget the fact that they're brown, and you still have to admit that there is a massive group of people who for the most part act like animals. It is okay to call the group out for trends within it.
Similarly, people who immigrate here need to be required to assimilate to our culture and act like upstanding normal folks. We're doing nothing but cutting ourselves off at the knees by playing this multicultural nonsense and openly allowing illegal aliens, religious zealots, racial jingos, and other forms of shit into our society. We're civilised, we do not have to put up with their problems. So let's stop putting up with them, maybe.
Basically, I think we need to have a civil war already so we can reboot America from the beginning, and this time we need to keep our founding culture as the most important aspect of everyone's lives at the large scale. The first thing every person needs to identify as is 'an American'.
Sage for double post on a necro thread.
If I learned anything from my violent, alcoholic father who used to call me and my brothers "little niggers" when we were acting like little niggers, it's this: Niggerdom is not a color, it is a state of mind.
How much of what, my ranting or the shitposting on this board? If you mean the shitposters, most of them are LARPers, pussies who are too insecure to say or do any of the things they sperg about on here. A huge majority are from cuckchan or Reddit and were brought here by the 2016 election and muh based dog emprah. They're seeking validation on an anonymous imageboard while simultaneously sucking a false idol's dick, so, take that as you may.
This guy gets it. Growing up I called my own father a nigger countless times because of how irresponsibly and lazily he handled his life and his problems, and how many problems he caused for me through his own shitty personality. Thinking all niggers are black is something a person grows out of through experience.
Back in the first days of Zig Forums, before Zig Forums, it was basically all LARPing. Zig Forumsacks back then were angry young men pissed off at political correctness and being told what they should have to say, what to think, what to feel. "Hitler did nothing wrong" was a meme, and they knew it was a meme, because Hitler did a lot of shit wrong, his horrible mismanagement of his military a small part of his errors. /poltards these days are the actual idiots who saw a group of people pretending to be idiots and flooded the area believing they were in good company.
lolno, "stormfags" were ridiculed by JIDF sitewide and moot the cuck tried to nuke the "wrongthink" community twice, for that and nobody believed them until recently
Get fucked, kike.
8/pol/ in 2014-16 actually had political discussion happening, and the users back then knew how to investigate. They got all the details about the Bataclan Theater attack before it was even being reported on by the news. Hell, even as late as the Vegas shooting there were still a few people there who were good at digging instead of just regurgitating one guy's narrative or another - more so here than there at that point. nu/pol/ is an empty husk of aut-right retardation and a cancer on the site's community, but the only major alternative is no better - the rampant leftism absolutely everywhere is pretty obvious in general. I want to take this site back, but I don't know how it can be done.
You're either lying or retarded, but the first major influx of users onto this site were from the first Zig Forums exodus. I remember, it easily quadrupled the population here over less than a month. This has never been some hidden secret. On second thought, you're probably just new.
It was a husk of trotskyites and zionists, thanks to the roach of a BO that took over from heil. Don't you dare push that retarded psyop word on the board.
Call me a kike again and I'll backtrace you through teh fucking tubes and send pizza to your dog.
What "psyop" word? You're going to need to elaborate.
Politically Incorrect began a long time before Zig Forums, you retard. The stormfront synthesis began long ago, and that is what led to the destruction of /new/, but it began again not long after Zig Forums came to be. Fucking /intl/ thinking their garbage crab bucket culture belongs everywhere opinions flow.
The one that starts with an A. Remember the phrase that "Zig Forums is always right". Nothing between those last two words. Saying that even today on modern 8/pol/ will get you lynched.
What are you even talking about, dude? I didn't mention anything remotely similar to the straws you're grasping at. The "Politically Incorrect" moniker goes back to the early days of 4chan but that isn't even slightly relevant to this conversation. How exactly am I /intl/? You're pretty off the reservation right now. I'm not even going to address the latter comment because I don't see what it has to do with anything here; if you're trying to say Milo and Trump controlled opposition cocksuckers haven't become the majority on that board then you're sorely mistaken. It's been occupied by the aut-right, that is a fact, and that's bad. Zig Forums is not close to what it used to be. Tell things like they are.
like Lenin and Mao?
Nope, just you, pal.
They aren't. News was always rightwing, after stormfront came, and Politically Incorrect was always rightwing, after that. Now get lost.
Fuck off, commie.
Culture is a product of population genetics
Found the Jew.
First kike post of the day
You know how we can instantly dismiss you?
And this kike whore only wrote this because she was a filthy kike herself. There is nothing wrong with ethno nationalism. There is nothing wrong with racial profiling, as the many lives of many people here were spared because of that, in nigger/spic infested America and the Favelas of Brazil.
And in Germany when you tried to fuck us with a red revolution, you fucking kike lover.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of pointing that out.
…which is why we need a holocaust to exterminate them all except for real this time Those (((anti-racists))) who aren't jewish and/or jewish pawns fail to recognize that kikery is inherent to the jews. They have performed inbreeding for centuries and have carefully selected for it. They also selected for schizophrenia, Tay Sachs, and a whole host of other fatal degenerative metabolic mutations. It's indistinguishable from genetics at this point.
Even if the mythical "good jew" existed, he would still need to be eliminated per precautionary principle to prevent recurrence of the present/historical problem.
Oh, they can still make it "impossible". How many people are really going to be able to manufacture barrels, primers, smokeless powder, jacketed hollow points, etc? If they reduce you to being able to do nothing more than make a muzzleloader that fires a home molded lead ball with smoky black powder that you made in your back yard, then that's a "win" scenario for gun control. If you have to buy those other things via a crypto black market or whatever, that's still pretty much a win for them.
Regardless, at that point you'd be better off making IEDs and going full McVeigh.
The irony is astounding. Please show us all the last example of lolbeturdianism/freedumbzism or any drug and child porn centric cult being a threat to any state that ever existed?
Go ahead and call yourself that on Zig Forums. You won't last a minute, you fucking jew.
Explosives are always a more effective form of large-scale indiscriminate force than firearms, which is why I personally don't consider explosives beyond a certain yield or method of use as 'arms'; once a weapon is equally or more likely to cause collateral damage than damage to a target, it stops being a viable and practical personal defense option. At that point you're talking about strategic weapons, actual-factual 'weapons of war' that are far less suited for use by the common man, however there's one point people usually miss, and it's a point that also works for guns. The line between what stops being 'arms' is pretty easily defined at what one man can no longer carry and operate effectively by himself, so you'd talking about recoilless rifles and recreational nukes and guided missile systems and so on as where things start to leave the realm of "keep and bear arms".
That said, I believe in personal ownership of say, something that's capable of effectively discriminating a specific target and not harming unintended people, like hand grenades, small bombs, RPGs… no land mines, those are quite obviously a strategic weapon. Flamethrowers yes, hydrogen bombs no. I'd also be okay with requiring people who want to own explosive arms to go through training in using them safely and effectively, for the sole reason that it is literally easier to blow up your own house with an ND than it is to actually hit that moving vehicle you're trying to defend yourself from.
Fuck licenses and fuck all gun laws, though. Law-abiding citizens have rights and are not criminals. The difference is you're 100% in control of where a round of 20mm Solothurn Long goes and who it hits, even if you can't see the person because they're on the other side of two walls (this is still your fault), whereas an explosive can easily miss or destroy a structure and suddenly OOPSIE you've holocausted ten innocent people (this is also still your fault).
Basic accident prevention.
It goes without saying that all this stuff is exactly the reason why explosives are by far a better and easier weapon for mass violence, which really makes you (((think))) about why no mass killers ever use them, even considering how easy they are to make and how accessible the necessary information is these days. It's almost like they specifically avoid using the easy methods because they're trying to create political propaganda against the weapons people can still legally own rather than actually cause a high number of deaths or public property damage. Now, why would that ever be the case, hmm? Truly, something to ponder. A mystery.
What are you trying to convince us of, you autist? I lurk Zig Forums and I see unhindered Trumpcuckery in every goddamn thread. Get out of here with your dishonesty.
Double post, sa-gay, etc
Building a gun was never the issue. Making ammo is.
Funny how this common sense would get you shouted at 2 years before on both Zig Forums. I guess we grew up, just as we grew out of lolberturdianism.
Fuck you aussie shit cunt bo for harboring /liberty/ spergs back then
Libertarianism is a large part of what informs my opinion of what are and aren't 'arms', and I've always held this view about weapons. It's just logical. You have a right to use of force against people who've threatened you first, you don't have a right to harm people who haven't asked for it. Therefore, nobody has a right to cause large-scale damage to a public space. If you think that this somehow goes against the principles of liberty then you really have a flawed understanding of things. I've never heard a national socialist or a Strassie voice an opinion similar to mine because they support gun control.
Also, Ausmod was never a BO two years ago, newfag.
Yeah, good luck enforcing this without a central Büro and a standing agency just for this. You know, all those inspecting and mandatory, publicly certified explosive training. To supervise that agency you need an approved supereme commitee that also takes care of other business.
Uh oh, that is a state.
This is my problem with lolbergs, ignoring the real world.
Yeah, because you have the same hugbox as any autright tard does.
For kikes and traitors and outright enemies. Yes. What, are you going to let us and the red bunches freely arm ourselves and then takeover/invade your little autist paradise that never existed because of this exact thing?
Doesn't matter, all retarded shitcunts.
Libertarianism isn't anarchist, Spergkraut. Read a book, holy shit.
What is this Newspeak garbage you're parroting? 2/10, you made me respond, you egregious retard.
There you go. Must be one same guy over the years. Must have caused you so much assblast.
How many people you called spergkrauts already? You never noticed the effect this has on your image? Of course, being autistic can damage your ability to comprehend social cues, so I do pity you.
Anyway, I will entertain you retards again.
Never said it isn't. It is even more retarded and will never be implemented. Circular logic doesn't work on any level. "Self restrained" State. Hah. Who are the people to restrain it? And who is to tell they will ever stop? No warlord/generalissimo is that retarded for personal/practical reason. Even the US wasn't lolberg in it's inception.
Now when did I say this? This is you sperging out and putting words in my mouth. Typical autistic behavior.
Again, your "rights" privileges and your ability to hold them are directly dependant on who you put in power and most importantly, if you are willing to fight back. If the plebs don't fight back, it doesn't matter one bit if they are in Congo or in the USSR. They will get roll over. Of course, all the bloodshed can be prevented if plebs actually choose the right people to lord over them. The right people are likely of your own blood than some hook nosed foreign scum like your lolberturdian "philosophers".
Now you are just being a subhuman autististic spergs.
Nice (1). Fucking assburger.
Consider this (You) an undeserved gift of welfare from the state of autism. Everyone remember to spay and neuter your pets, and filter and report shitposters.
Stay on cuckchan, instead of continuing to confuse it with fullchan.
Autistic sperg putting words in people's mouth, got called out, and now sperging all over the place.
Which strawmen? Your entire ideology is based on strawmen.
You subhuman assburgers never told us an example of a real lolberg state nor have you ever presented a stablizing solution for the nation except muh helicopters. Which my grandpa and friends did much better.
A lolberturdian state has never existed, so what we have always said is completely valid.
You called me spergkraut. You autists are fairgame.
I do pity your neurosis though, If the guy was so pathetic, it is even more pathetic that you run around for 2 years thinking the majority that laughs in your face is the same person.
Pic related. Care to refute? Are you going to be a sperg and start comparing skinheads to the SS to save your autistic rat face?
I would gladly pay my taxes to a state that actually represents my blood and my land. Why would I be ashamed? People shed blood to create this state. You know, actually getting off their asses.
lolberturdians are the real niggers. Hands up hoping people will give them their rights. Like niggers.
The irony. Shitcun isn't going to protect you. Not in a thread explicitly about politics. You fucking sperg.
He is right you know. trumpkike is getting desperate for midterms. He might still get it but the 2nd term is already forfeited.
Considering you're trying to force "ORANGE MAN BAD" as a meme, yeah, I'd say you have tons of MAGApedes. Why do kikes always lie?
Rothbard and Friedman aren't libertarians, they're just subversive Jewish economists. Thinking Rand is a libertarian is as retarded as thinking her philosophy of 'objectivism' is based on anything except her ego. I haven't read about the other two. You could at least bother studying your infographs before posting them around like an automaton. Nice try, but not a nice try.
I thought you filtered me? Are you so assburering assblasted you can't kick me out of your head? I mean sperkraut should already occupy all the space, and I don't like cramped apartment :^)
Not even nu/pol/ have this level of purity spiraling. Typical NPC response. But to probe in your programming, who is this famed, mythical REAL™ lolberg you robots keep talking about? Le helicopter man that totally doesn't want to admit fascists were right in their disposal of commies?
How embarrassing.
Monrchy, Fascism, Empire, or bust.
Don't waste your time on spergkraut, trying to debate it is futile. You'll get nothing but whataboutisms, ad hominems and autism. He's like a nigger district near your home, you can't do much against it until they have access to gibs or internet, in this case. Filter and find someone with a brain to debate if you're inclined to do so instead of discussing actual weapons.
Are you me switching IP :^)
And then this mongol animal coming out of the woodwork.
A slav(e) thinking lolberturdianism will solve it's inherent genetic problems.
So butthurt.
Which is exactly what lolbeturdianism is about?
It is not ad hominems when I'm calling you for what you are, autist.
Top jej.
It should be. Contain your political assblasting on Zig Forums or whatever substitute of it you have.
What if we don't, slav(e)? The fuck are you going to do? Crying to shitcunt again like last year?
Repeat all the events from '42 to '45
Considering he's uneducated enough to think "helicopter man" Pinochet was a NEETsoc and not a commie in sheep's clothing himself, I shouldn't be surprised. I'm always just bewildered by his presence, like he's speaking some kind of Elvish.
Please bitch :^)
I was actually talking about your little hans hermann hoppes, who actually talked about physical removal of dissents. But like I said, you are retarded, autistic and have assburger.
I'm not seeing any evidence. If anything
Again, confusing cuckchan with fullchan.