The proper quote is "The kingdom of God will be all around you". That "inside of you" thing is a bad translation meme. You're welcome!
Connor Martin
Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Brayden Gomez
Yes, but would you agree that virtue signaling is a form of pride?
Brody Johnson
That's the bad translation meme I mentioned.
Nicholas Lewis
race mixing destroys what god created and is not christian
Easton Williams
Yes, but I am not trying to virtue signal. I am trying to address something I have seen amongst some posters on this board which I think comes from unchristian beliefs.
Ryder Davis
Explains everything.
Daniel Hernandez
Moses had an Ethiopian wife, Zipporah.
You don't have to come from my perspective to believe this. It is the mainstream belief for the Roman Catholics and Orthodox as well as most Protestant churches.
I think you are trying to distract from the topic by focusing on a very simple image.
Asher Green
so? moses was a human and was capable of sin
Thomas Ortiz
It's funny you said that because God punished Moses' sister for being racist towards Zipporah
Seems like the sin lies eslewhere
Benjamin Wood
So why didn't God tell him it was wrong? God gave Moses lots of commandments.
Luis Reyes
Zig Forums infiltration thread
Hunter Ortiz
I am not a leftwinger. That is a baseless accusation.
Brandon Scott
I think it's someone who wants (You)s. There's a hundred and one ways you can justify nationalism with Christianity.
Nathaniel Wood
Mods can confirm that is not true, since they can check my post history if they wishes and see my sincere contributions to discussion.
Why when somebody states this sort of thing do you immediately jump to it being a troll? Does it make it easier to dismiss what they say?
James Nguyen
It's more of the case of this topic being a dead horse among dead horses.
Ethan Garcia
Nationalism = Racism?
Isaiah Powell
If it was a dead horse it would be a settled debate, which judging by people not defending their views but rather running from them seems to me to suggest they can't justify them very well.
Thomas Jenkins
Julian Fisher
Amen brother. I'm simply astonished that people on here call Hitler a Christian and praise him. What a joke.
Jaxson Peterson
What else would the OP being discouraging if not nationalism?
Brody Barnes
If you wanted a sincere discussion maybe you wouldn't open with a pure strawman?
Noah Nguyen
I haven't mentioned nationalism in this thread, I have discussed racism. The two can be related, but not necessarily, and nationalism does not come in one variant.
God created nations, but he did not create them so that they could practice hatred and evil between one another.
I didn't open with a strawman. I opened with a stating of biblical belief on racism.
Julian Davis
You're confusing racism with prejudice Racism doesn't have to be a bad thing, being pro-"Your culture/race" doesn't always mean being anti-"Other culture/races" I'm pro-white, but also indifferent to other peoples. Everyone on the planet deserves to protect their heritage, we are in this regard all the same on the journey to heaven
We are taught as Christians that we shall not judge other peoples. That's not necessarily racism, that's prejudice.
I think racism refers to prejudice based on race or racial characteristics, but I think we would be getting into semantics if we argued over that.
Liam Bell
What's the point of the thread then.
Austin Wilson
Well, modern society tells us racism and prejudice are synonymous. But I don't think it has to be this way. Every race has something different about them. Stating this is often seen as a bad thing. But it doesn't have to be, I think we would all be happier if we learned to accept our differences. People who are "pro-diversity" are in this sense actually anti-diversity because they promote a melting pot of cultures and races. The destruction of what makes the world so unique and colorful
Ian Bailey
To state the biblical position and argue against those who identify as Christians but do not hold it, for example this individual >>588554
Henry Sanders
Are you against all forms of immigration? Are you against interracial relationships?
Adrian Smith
I think pope Pius XI in his encyclical to the Catholics in Nazi Germany put it best: There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve and defend your community.
Also, regarding immigration, st. Aquinas put it well:
Now, I ask you, is it wrong to reject someone who doesn't want to assume the responsibilities and who endangers the common good?
Dylan Fisher
Anyone here familiar enough with Morris and Rushdoony's stuff to know if their ideas are false? I know Rush believed in "Kinism," and Morris in a more extreme form of the Curse of Ham, but I want to know if their ideas were biblically justifiable.
Levi Wood
Well I would agree there is an issue with the "pro-diversity" people, because they also obsess over race and put it in the forefront of their minds, rather than God.
Not all, it depends on many factors.
If somebody comes to destroy a country or to take over its society then they are an invader and are acting in an evil manner, self defence is certainly justifiable in those types of situations.
Easton Turner
The problem I think then comes from how one would define invasion. Would you consider cultural subversion a form of invasion?
Jose Fisher
Can you give an example of cultural subversion?
Cooper Hughes
Good question and yes I personally would. immigration is about assimilation, that's why in history immigrants were given citizenship only after 2 generations, the Jews had those rules too. An immigrant has no right to demand freedom of his religion or to impose his culture. Accepting uneducated, uncivilized immigrants is no one's obligation.
Julian Cook
Much of the modern western world is under threat of subversion. In the past subversion typically came with a direct invasion and a change of the local state. Today is more complicated. The state remains the same, but ideologues who wish to potentially undermine Christian values remain
William Gray
Too much Zig Forumstier faggotry here. Reminder that Zig Forums Nazi's hate Christians.
Evan Murphy
Part of the reason I can't take them seriously anymore. None of them know anything about the true nature of Christianity
A big problem with Zig Forums is that they see the large majority of everything through race. They may superficially understand the problem, but they don't understand the spirit of it.
Adam Howard
Unborn children who are murdered in the womb are pure. It doesn't take long to turn a child into a devil in this age.
Carson Morales
That has always been there, Christianity has been under attack since its founding. I oppose that subversion of course.
Asher Mitchell
Not a single person on this board 'hates' other people because of their race. Except you. 'You' hate white people.
Kevin Long
I am a white person. I don't hate anybody because of their race.
Jason Smith
Do you believe it is wrong to oppose racemixing?
Ethan Turner
I don't put race above individuals like that.
Galatians 3:28-29
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Lucas Evans
Do you think white people should exist?
Ethan James
Adam Hall
So you believe it is wrong whites to be racemixed into extinction? Or do you not put race above (((individuals))) like that?
Joshua Kelly
>expecting the thread not to be a shit flinging contest
I think the Zig Forums belief that everyone is going to mix is just not accurate so I reject the premise.
Ryder Sullivan
Is having preference toward your own people racism ? Is it sinful ? Even if we don't hate other races ? I think not, God separated us for a reason (The tower of Babel)
Eli Clark
Those who deny genocide always do.
Jonathan Carter
I guess it depends what form it takes. In principle no.
I don't see any genocide of white people happening.
Landon Cruz
That's why you're a genocide denier, but we have digressed so allow me to re-assert my point; Do you believe it is wrong whites to be racemixed into extinction? Take note that my question lacks any connotation of active reality.
I think that in principle genocide of any group is evil. Does that answer your question?
Kevin Lewis
Is that a yes?
Evan Walker
I'm from France and I witness it everyday, it's still early to tell what will be the outcome of such situation but communitarianism is growing and tension between culture are on the rise. Whites don't care about family anymore, sex became too important, we make less and less kids. It's late here, so I'm tired, sorry if my sentences make little sense grammatically.
Jayden Peterson
That sounds to me more like the consequences of the abandonment of Christian values by the French people than anything, in favour of secular republican values.
What do you think?
Jack Peterson
Another European here, I can confirm this though the country I live in is not yet as bad as France is now.
Jaxson Howard
You're not wrong, but illegal migration baked by the European Union and our politicians only worsen everything. How can we sort ourselves out when Islam is the fastest growing religion here ?
Angel Green
The proper quote is "within you". That "I don't like what the Bible says so I'll just change it and say it was a bad translation" thing is a meme. You're welcome!
Cameron Reed
Racism is a sin. However, be careful not to confuse not being racist with dismantling all borders to help satan usher in the antichrist one-world government. Satan is the most crafty liar, and he will convince you that you're doing God's work while you do the opposite.
Tyler Hill
I think you capitulated the whole dispute
Nathan Evans
The fastest growing group in France is atheists/non-believers, if you address that, the issue of Islam will be solved alongside it. Christianisation is the answer to Islam.
Levi Taylor
Which is why I have not made that argument. It is in my OP, that God made nations and territories.
Liam Diaz
racism is for me to be aware that races exist and that we are different. I hate no one because of this. Also, for example our european blacks behave better than the american blacks. So no doubt there is also a cultural component.
Sebastian Green
I guess I'm a mutt to most of you since I do have white in me, but white genocide is a meme. If a worrying amount of whites do not care about family or reproduction, or seek to have mixed children for whatever dumb reason, and it happens in such a prevalence that whites go extinct (which will not happen at any point prior to genemodding, so never, but keep QQing about some Stacy not respecting your Aryan heritage), it would be white SUICIDE, not genocide. To be a white genocide, a third party would have to actively be killing off or sterilizing whites, and as much as Zig Forums will have you think Jews are doing just that, nobody gives a shit who you have a family with.
I swear if Zig Forumsfags spent as much time being Catholic and finding a woman to bear children with as they did being salty neckbeards on the internet, they could singlehandedly populate a small nation and uphold the 14 words all by themselves if they're so frightened.
Liam Nelson
Yeah, sorry buddy, but you're wrong. Genocide doesn't always mean the killing or sterilizing of an ethnicity, it's anything that ultimately ends up with the total destruction of the targeted culture.
What do you mean by racism though? If it is just hating people based on their race, I think most people here would agree with you, including most 'racists'. If you mean by racism the idea that races exist and differ in strengths and weaknesses that's a whole other issue.
He created separate bounds of habitation so that we could not be bound by them? I don't get it. But yes the nations can be friendly, share the gospel with one another, etc. I don't think many here would disagree with that.
Who here denies this?
I never hear anyone here say salvation is only for one race. Some CI wackos may show up now and then but only to be thoroughly argued with by all the regulars.
Matthew Watson
I get what you mean, but if they want my trust, then they have to do their part by following biblical doctrine. This means no justification for stealing or vandalizing.
(((Satan))) wants you to racemix. Therefore, you shouldn't.
Oliver Gray
Jason Jackson
The idea that churches should exclude people based on ethnicity? No, they shouldn't do that. Churches should be open to whichever citizens in the nation wish to attend them. It's up to the state to restrict who is allowed into the nation in the first place on the basis of how assimilable they are, etc.
Elijah Watson
Then why do all enemies of Christianity hate racism?
Cameron Garcia
If you think races exist, then, according to the meme that means you hate some races. It means you are acting ideologically to "perpetuate" the class struggle. Unless you're one of the "oppressed" races, then in that case it means you are bravely fighting the class struggle. Your identity is subsumed into a larger class of common grievances or common guilt.
racism as in race realism, understanding races are objectively different, and they each have strengths and weaknesses, is totally fine and rational and honest. Also wanting segregation is not racism.
Don't confuse blind racial hatred with race realism.
Tyler Brown
now this is idolatry
Noah Torres
>(((File Deleted)))
Lincoln Jenkins
wew, posted that pic many a time on this board and never had problems with it making fun of commies/atheists/fags is harder now I guess
Logan Peterson
Not only does the bible say bestiality is a sin. But it also states that God as made you in his image. You should act in his words and create children of your own image.
So I’m going to assume you believe certain races of men are beasts? Which ones? Sort of funny how neither the Bible nor Apostolic Teaching seems to support this.
Where do you draw the line in terms of “made in image/not made in image”?
Jordan Jackson
Charles Richardson
Any race outside of your own. A european is considered a beast for a black christian too. It goes both ways. Your children should be a continuation of God's image through you.
Are you even capable of reading a bible with such poor reading comprehension?
James Morris
"But it also states that God as made you in his image." "A european is considered a beast for a black christian too. It goes both ways." These are two categorically contradictory statements.