>tfw a ghetto blaster is mrgundealer.com
No excuses
I should note that I'm torn between a surplus Beretta 92 ($300), a Makarov ($250), and a Hi Point. I'm under 21, so I'd have to have it gifted from my older brother and it would be a nightstand gun.
What is your excuse for making this shitty thread? You could have posted this here:
is a mod able to delete the thread?
Would a blackpowder revolver be worth owning? Not 21 yet, I realize they're obsolecent but regardless they look cool and I can order one to my home i live almost a hundred miles from a proper gunstore. a friend told me to stay away from brass frames, but other than that is there any major black powder ettiquete that i should follow?
100 mi from a gun store? I honestly can't imagine where you must live, unless it's Alaska.
I hear good things about Pietta; it may not be quite the quality of an Uberti, though.
it's more of having a bunch of gay windy roads through and over a mountain pass. Thanks for the suggestion strelok
Regarding black powder, what is the possibility of some kike lawyer using the fact that you used a black powder revolver and are
Well the proper response is obviously to let yourself be killed. That way the jews can't use their legal mumbo-jumbo against you.
Well if you're going to those levels of non-argument I could come up with damn near anything, for any gun, that could be used against you.
Because of this, I encourage you to pick a gun that works for you instead of trying to play mind games with a hypothetical DA from the future. Barring really obvious shit like engraving KILL THE NIGGERS AND THE KIKES on your dust cover I wouldn't worry about the court's reaction to your gun.
I don't have thumbs because they were cut off by the gay mafia
The whole "DA will use your choice of guns against you" meme is bullshit, it rarely ever happens and when it does it's never successful.
If it came down to that, I would hope you good fellers went out in droves and voiced support for me.
I'm not saying the argument isn't retarded. I just realize that jews will stoop to any level of illogic required to get their dindu nuffin client off the hook.
Is there any source for that? I've heard of those kinds of arguments being used before, but I've never seen any stats on how effective it is.
With ID trips like that I see no other rational course of action.
How exactly can one find a source for shit not happening?
No, they're obsolete. Don't waste your money on being an autistic spurge and just wait till you're 21.
i just bought one for 60$ on gunbroker, going to gunsmith it into something reliable and semi pretty
You jest, but a guarantee you a lawyer has used each of those arguments. Prosecutors really will do everything in their power to put you away, regardless of what you did, or why.
Keep in mind you would also need ammo to shoot it, and a lot of gun stores don't carry black powder stuff. My Dad bought a black powder revolver only to discover that the closest place to buy the ammo was a 2 hour drive away.
Sort of on topic since it's an uberti(?) brand. There is a brand called Early Modern Firearms that makes repro revolvers and they usually cost ~$400-500 are they turkish crap or are they actually functional. If they are functional are they capable of firing hotter loads or should they be treated as an old pawn shop revolver and avoid using hot loads.
Asking since a friend of mine has been eye fucking them everytime we go to gunshops. I personally have a shit and wesson coming soon but the possible strength issues of the EMF revolvers are concerning since my friend seems like the type to try to load hot 45 colt. So basically is EMF brand starter cowboy action shooting gear?
Exactly, that was my point. You're not going to out-jewel the DA office through equipment choice so just pick what works best instead of gimping yourself in anticipation of any mind games.
blat blat blat nigga wtf is dat i gots me a gat no mo chitchat my nigga i got a problem solvah im surrounded by a gangsta aura im feeling randy cuz bitches look at me like fat kid at candy.
I want a gun that won't blow up in my hands.
Im a canadacuck and im too lazy to get registered or to figure out the rules
I just want a gun
You Anglokikes can get double-barreled shotguns, right? Just get one of those.
I'm waiting to buy a gun until I move to a state where I don't have to register.
I'm not going to break the law, nigger.
Practice what you preach, faggot.
If you have to be 21 to own a handgun, doesn't that apply to pistols as well?
Anyone know any good-quality, relatively cheap, and reproduced matchlock/flintlock musket?
*asking because the Zig Forums guides/wikia only mention flintlock rifles
Most states allow you to purchase handguns in private sales if you're 18, check your local laws. The Zig Forums guides aren't bad but they're far from complete research, are compiled by amateurs, and haven't been updated in years.
basically a hand grenade that will kill you not your target
Since when in Merica did you have to be 21 to own a firearm? Thought it was 18.
US laws are a bit fucky because our states still carry the illusion of partial sovereignty from the feds. Summary is as follows
>18 to buy longarm from an FFL
>21 to buy pistols and other non-longarms from an FFL
Annoyingly, shit like AR-15 stripped receivers count as "non longarms" until they're assembled, so you can buy a whole AR from an FFL at 18 but not the receiver until 21.
The above are federal laws and apply in every state, but only in FFLs. Private sales vary from state to state, but in most non-cucked states you can buy a pistol at 18 as long as it's through a private sale.
Bullshit. Hi-points may be ugly and heavy, but they function excellently.
Seconding that Strelok. There was a Demoranch episode in which he shot a Hi-Point in the fucking chamber, and it still functioned afterwards.
Easily searchable, so I won't link/embed, as I'm a phoneposting faggot, but the name of the video was something along the lines of "Cheapest pistol?!?!?!" or other faggy crap.
Speaking of which, what is the legal stance on gifts of firearms? Say, at at age of 16 God, that was a long time ago I recieve a long gun/ hand gun as a birthday gift from an Uncle. Is it legal? If not so, would I be guilty of posession, or would my uncle be for giving a firearm to a minor? Who's the legal owner, as in, for example, if it's stolen, do I have to file a report with the police or does my Uncle or perhaps my parents? Or is it something that varies from state to state, or between handguns and long guns?
A bit more relevant to the topic: How true is all the stuff I hear about their costumer service being excellent, no-questions-asked replacement, etc.?
Pretty much. The gun can be in an explosion and as long as you find the serialed part they'll send you a new one.
I don't know if it's a state by state basis on what you're asking, but for sure the non-cucked states, assuming you can legally own (keyword own not buy) a firearm, it's 100% legal and you'd be the legal owner. If stolen you report it to the police.
Yeah, and I heard that entire conduct of their costumer service is polite and professional. People may talk shit about the gun itself, but they always seem to unanimously agree that their CS is top notch! It's literally one of the first things that come up every time people discuss the gun itself.
Thanks for the reply! Short, and to the point!
I dropped my (unloaded) Hi-Point in a campfire (like an idiot) while cleaning it, and the grip was melted to shit. I called up CS and asked how much it would cost to have it repaired, and they said no charge. I pretty much insisted on paying since it was my screw-up, but they wouldn't let me. I even asked to speak to a supervisor to try to talk him into letting me pay, but nope. Everyone was extremely polite, and the supervisor pretty much told me (paraphrased) "if we made an exception to our warranty for you, then we'd be the type of company that makes exceptions to our warranty, and we don't want that." The people I talked to weren't impatient or rushing through the conversation, and they didn't seem scripted like they had some flowchart in front of them.
The amount it probably cost them to ship the gun back and forth (not to mention the cost of the new frame) probably ate up most of the profit they made from selling it to me in the first place.
So yeah, A+ customer service.
Also, as far as the guns themselves go, I give them a glowing "good enough." Never had a problem with one, but never actually liked one. However, they're a good, honest company, and I will continue to buy their products in order to stack my arsenal.
I can't fucking move out of jew jersey yet.
Excuse is being born and stuck in a shit-tier boug-left dominated state that fucked up my damned paperwork. In order to just get a "long gun eligibility cert" I had to pay $85, give these fucks my prints, fill out a fucking workbook, take a safety course, and then wait 2-4 weeks, no 2-4 months, and they lost my fucking fingerprints.
Come to PA brother. We're going to make the colonies great again
This guy couldn't either
He got caught
Said feds made him delete all the gun vids
I own two handguns, so no excuse.
That's not very American of you.
How much is it to move to there?
I think the issue with Hi Points is kinda like the issue with 22lr for self defense, save for the fact the case for 22lr for self defense is far weaker, both suffer from a seemingly terrible case of straw man. The argument is "what calibers should not be considered for self defense" and the issue with rimfire suddenly turns into retard mud pit fights of "22lr just bounces off your skin LOL" and Hi Point arguments tend to go from "What is the proper handgun for my purposes and worth saving money for one day" eventually turns into a shitpit of "Hi Points are pure garbage with no redeemable value".
From what I've seen and heard from owners, Hi Points actually work, seem accurate, shoot fine. They are clunky and a pain the ass, but certainly a functioning weapon. The issue isn't that its pure garbage, just that there are so many other options available that are superior.
My local FFL guy was a Taurus dealer, and I'm not one of the anti Taurus guys, but I bought S&W revolvers online and had him process the paper work, not because I think Taurus is garbage but because S&W is simply superior, and I take my revolvers seriously. Same thing will go with a serious auto loader shooter, once he has the money to upgrade he will "outgrow' his Hi Point and it will sit in the safe or be sold. Once you can afford better there is an extremely high chance you will buy better and shelve the old one (for the record I think Taurus is vastly higher quality than Hi Point.)
You buy good guns you have an internal conflict about which ones to shoot; when you have cheap guns and good guns it at least makes the choice easier. If you are that desperately out of cash and that's what you can afford, fine, but don't get up on the high horse and start boasting about how great the thing is. Cause it ain't. Sooner or later you will get something nicer, almost certainly.
It's still affordable in most places but it's continuing to go up across the board
But I don't live in "most states", I live in a yuro-tier "state" you know, "that" one.
As far as I can tell, I cannot purchase a rifle or shotgun or handgun (which includes blackpowder pistols and revolvers) until I turn 21 years of age. A musket (as in smoothbore firearm) seems to be the only thing I can purchase.
At this point, I'd rather pay my dad to buy me a weapon and then call it "mine", even if he legally owns it. Problem is, he's likely not going to go through with it, simply because he'd own it and is extremely cautious around firearms, even if he believes there should be very few gun laws. And besides, I'm a NEET.
I hate gun laws like nobody's business.
Do I have to spell this out for you?
Make your own and then laugh at local laws.
And if they try to prosecute you for not putting a serial number sue on basis of the NFA
The only reason to own a black powder gun is if you like black powder guns per se. If you want it for other reasons than being powered by old-timey technology then it's not worth it. If you just want it for plinking then get an air gun instead. For self-defense, you're shit out of luck as far as legal gun options go. So try to make due with a pepper spray, it usually does the job just fine. Get a bike lock too, so you could go medieval on the assailant once he turns his back on you.
I got a P83 for a measly 180 (with shipping and FFL cost). Far superior to that shitheap.
Hipoints are essentially the same as the old WWII liberator pistols. A gun you can use to get something better. They are guns you can buy a shitload of and cache them away without too much worry. Its similar to how Mosins were used back when they were >$100. That being said, there are better quality pistols that can be found for only $50 more that can do the same thing. Zastava M88 9mm tok clones and old Ruger P-series pistols come to mind.
I saw Mike Strassell at a gun store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Glock 40s in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the pistols and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and rested me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each pistol and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by firing his Hi-Point really loudly.
Sounds like it's high-time to make nice with your local niggers. Be sure to field-strip and clean the hot guns thoroughly; my brother bought one that was literally, not figuratively, filled with melted chocolate.
I don't see the problem with getting free candy together with your gun. The only way it could be better is if you were getting a free gun with purchase of candy instead.
Hi Point's warranty is both the best thing in the world and the worst, they can fix any retardery that comes up with your gun but they can't afford to start making double stacks
I have a hi-point under every seat of my SUV. It seats 7.
off topic but related somehow since there was that underage 21 guy here
while in the same breath
>that filename
I believe I am the glowing government man you've been looking for, sir.
user-kun where did you save that? considering the filename, you didn't have it for as long as I have. I don't remember where I uploaded it but I remember uploading it somewhere on this site. it's interesting to me that I'll upload an image I haven't seen in ages, and then magically see some other user post it….
I have a handgun that I bought when I lived in TX, but can't get any new one in NC since my sheriff has a bad history of not approving handgun permits and don't really want to get a NC carry license since I'm moving in less than a year and don't want to have to get another. Ignore my flag, in Keflovick airport on a layover
I almost forgot how fucked up Tarheels were for a moment, but thanks for reminding me of the purchase permit bullshit.
Simply because we know you are looking for any excuse you can find to murder us, fedcuck
Once your illusion of authority collapses I will probably have to take a number and wait in line, everyone from the local baker to the old lady down the street will want a piece of you.
Fellow PA fag here, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area. Where you at?