Were there any Abu Hajaar-tier military leaders in the ancient/medieval period?

Were there any Abu Hajaar-tier military leaders in the ancient/medieval period?

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shit thread fuck off
use google


Plenty. Ambrose Burnside, and George B McClellan.

Was McClellan really that bad? I figured he was just a mediocre general (like 90% of Union generals) who at least had the intelligence to realize he was mediocre and was going up against a highly skilled opponent, and so decided to take the rational course of action and turtle. Better that than to charge into battle Santa Anna style and get all your men killed because you're outclassed.

He wasn't just unskilled. He was cowardly. He fumbled like Abu Hajaar did

Absolutely. There's just not that many records of them. Well there's generally fuck all records of ancient incompetency, as people prefer to write about successes rather than failures.

Greco-Persian war is essentially the whole state of Athens going full Abu Hajaar and declaring war against the biggest country in the known world, because of a single diplomat that managed to exploit the retardation of democracy.

True, but at least he recognized that he was unskilled and didn't get the entire army destroyed because of his incompetence. It's bad to be incompetent and hesitant, but it's even worse to be incompetent and overconfident.

At least the Irish liked him, I guess.

He sucked because he was a yankee, and God hates yankees

Nikephoros I was really close

Dixiefag, I like your country, but not you.

I hate you too, damnyankee

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I hate both of you fags for not getting rid of the niggers tbh.


Keay's "India: A History" (2011 Revised&Expanded Edition)

Lincoln was already pressured out of the idea before the war even ended. By the time Booth killed him he had already given up on the idea, from what I've heard. He definitely did want to do it though, he just didn't have the means to make it happen. I don't know if it was southern or northern politicians that argued against sending them back.

How the fuck does that happen? I'm not going to claim that I'm some sort of fucking genius or anything, but goddamn I couldn't see myself ever doing anything as pants on head retarded as camping my entire fucking army in a riverbed.

Keep trying to defect your nigger loving onto us. You were the cucks who freed the niggers, then forced us to allow them to vote, to go to our schools, and to marry white women. You were the ones who fought to end lynching. You were the ones who infiltrated and internally sabotaged the KKK. Damn you, yankee, and damn the soil you walk upon. Damn every step you make on your cursed land, and may you never be allowed to march over even an inch of Dixie ever again, you eternal carpetbagger. Fire and brimstone will rain down on all Southern cities who have whorishly taken in the yankee, and with fire our land will be purified of all foreign adulteration.

The Rapti, like most Indian rivers, dries out almost completely from October to May. Then the monsoon hits and it rises 20+ feet literally overnight.

The poor bastards probably never even realized they were even in a riverbed, or else thought they had another week or two before the monsoon hit.

Isn't that why it's a good idea to have a general understanding of an area's geography when you're moving an army through it? I mean shit, you don't have to know every single thing about the area, but you'd think you'd at least want to know where the major rivers are.

Why would you even take that close a chance?

"Sure, the river is known to flood every monsoon, but if we assume that the monsoon will occur on this exact day and not one week earlier and that the monsoon will work like fucking clockwork and that Murphy's law isn't a thing, we should be safe."

I can't speak for the Rapti, but we have so much fire damage in my already semi-arid desert state that when we do get rain, if it's more than a trickle, it almost immediately becomes a flash flood that's waist-deep and drags cars away for half the damn city in about a half hour tops.

I'm so tired of overcompensating Californian larpers.

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My personal favorite are the normalfags who came here from some super srs alt-right forum, whose every post reads like a bible had a wild night with the Silmarillion.