Brit/pol/ #2090: Localism Edition

The Essex Angels: Families turn vigilante crime fighters with 80 volunteers patrolling streets of Essex after police cuts left them feeling 'unprotected and unsafe'

Acid Attack Epidemic Spills into Home Counties from Sadiq Khan's London

King of the collectors: Charles I's art treasures reunited

Churchill mural removed after repeated vandalism

Labour back away from racial ticket pricing for Corbyn speech, Equality Commission involved

Victoria's top cop says it's NOT the job of police to fix Melbourne's African gang problem and says the violence is a 'social issue'

Ugandan president loves Trump for being ‘frank’ over ‘shithole’ controversy

Swedish mother dating an Afghan migrant refused to report him to police when he abused her 12-year-old daughter because of their relationship

Women planning abortions ‘should be made to look at ultrasounds first’

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Other urls found in this thread:


Try mixing in something upbeat SA most of that is vile and only gets worse on closer inspection

It was the fucking chinks and the UK
I have a feeling a lot of immigrants went to see it, in my experience of talking to immigrants they have absolutely zero taste
Hence Arabs buying gaudy disgusting cars and wogs wearing ugly clothing

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Maybe look for positives, lad.

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Actually ninth one can be considered good since it's thots having to take responsibility.

Children getting molested and the perpetrator only receiving suspended sentences isn't evened out by the reuniting of an art collection.

Good lad

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nth for Christ our Lord

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< guyz the only reason women kill their own kids is cuz they're dumb af, not because they're vile sluts

Good lad

Lad they're dumb vile sluts, they can still be easily emotionally manipulated.


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druids and big hedges tbh

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it is a sign, construction on the Great Hedge of Britain will begin at once *plants a flower in the back garden*

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£300 to insure some shit 2000 hatchback with 12 years no claims

they need to burn tbh lads

Reminds me of the Sam Hyde bit on the kinds of men who aspire to marry a supermodel and own a Lamborghini. Speaks of a lack of creativity.

Lads, strange question - but do any of you know how apps are promoted? Gotta do a project and could do with some help from any of you who are more acquainted with normie culture.

really not looking forward to that sort of bullshit tbh
managed to avoid income tax by being poor and underclass so far

faceberg adverts

Show lots of trendy people using the app. Never mind what features it might have.

based Paki insurance scams.

That's why I don't own a car.

What do facebook adverts even look like? What sort of proportions are they? Where do they appear on a screen?

This tbh

I just looked up insuring a 15 year old VW Polo with third party only
nearly £4k
How, that's 5 times what the car is worth

I mean do people make videos, print ads, billboards, web banners? How are these shitty things promoted?

its literally worth it to buy some old banger for £200 not insure or tax it and risk it

They're done studies showing a clear linear relation between number of species in a hedge, and age. This relationship has been proved to hold for really old hedges, so there are plenty of Anglo Saxon hedges still around

how old are you lad?

also sometimes full comp is cheaper apparently

Because you're so young.

I don't know, lad. The only place I notice app ads are inside other apps.

might do a cost/benefit on owning a horse and cart over a car tbh

they are inveigled into people's feeds (very appropriate terminology tbh) and appear amongst regular posts from the normie's friends

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the cost to get started is insane now smh.
be most of my pay check on the car

what happens if you get caught?

Spyware, lad

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why couldn't we save him?

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it gets crushed i think

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Hedges and gardens are an ANGLO-BRYTHONIC tradition tbh lad

You either get given a company car or don't have one at all if you live here as a someone in their 20's.

do you get a fine or any criminal charges?

I remember looking and my insurance was 3K. smh lost all interest seeing that

it's an original neanderthal hunter-gatherer kind of feel

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tfw no snow

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So is it basically pointless for me to create a graphic design brief around marketing an app? Other than the logo, and a shitty web ad - I can't think of anything I'd be designing. Maybe a mockup webpage?

Not using the based pogo stick as your choice of conveyance

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Mockup app download page?

Something that's been really urking me working in London is how the white middle classes are slowly packing their kids into schools that are white and hiding behind economics to justify not wanting their kids in close proximity to large amounts of ethnics. They demographic make up of those "free schools" is the exact opposite of my state education.

the facebog page for the company/product being advertised

also don't make us do your homework again

11 fucking degrees here now, and it was snowing over the weekend. They've already got tulip bulbs in the shop


Going to visit the mach loop this summer with my mates :D

really i thought it was cheaper, better get a pushbike lmao oh wait nvm they are like £300 as well

Come on now, that's not really fare there are only 5 of them not really enough for a fare sample.

what's going on? did something happen to cuckchan's /g/?

There was some dodgy Bitcoin mining script discovered on 4chan a few weeks ago.

Pretty autistic tbh lad

No they're a substantial segment op the pop they make up large demographic portions of the wealthier areas and boroughs here.


Good day out tbh. Pint and a pie afterwards.

yeah I saw that but is this something new? There was already a thread about the mining stuff.

tbh I'm just jealous because I've got friends irl


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Bought a mountain bike for £125 about years ago, same model now £350 with worse finish and brakes. That economy is sure doing well.

Apparently Image uploading is completely disabled and has been for a few days

Also >>>Zig Forums854030
Terry is MIA, possibly KIA.

fake news lad the BOE says inflations at 3.0%


Cheers lad.

>watching Nige when This Week On The Alt-Right™ with Mark Collett starts at 7

Attached: woes.png (340x340, 107.78K)

Good lad.

Why do you want to watch what will most likely be a mix of a stitch up and the autistic right making fools of themselves?

You're welcome lad

Based spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) jocking Nige for views smh


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Where did Woes go?

Keep it LOCAL

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Insurance wouldn't be so expensive if so many 17 - 25 year olds didn't drink drive, excessively speed and generally shit up the road with their presence.

Makes me despise my age group whenever it comes time to renew my insurance and I get hit with a fat £500, even with a black box.

no videos for what now, two weeks?
busy white knighting thots like "believe it or not I'm a fourth generation holocaust survivor"

I think he's still sleeping off those 70-odd videos he made for Christmas.

I assume he's taking a break after doing 3 Millenniyules a day for a couple weeks or whatever it was. He's still on twitter.

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We're being stitched up with this Brexit deal, I can't believe we have so many traitors in government.

I can tbh

"never ascribe to idiocy what you can to spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)"

I hope one of us wins the national lottery, what is it now? like £70m?

they could immediately buy Zig Forums hq and employ us all as bodyguards

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pol has gone off the deep end tbh

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88D Chess any day now, lads. He's cooking something up.


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£70m in the right hands would save this country


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Is this what life is like in jockistan

In my hands it would.

*buys a huge estate with massive tracts of land and sets up anti aircraft guns and huge underground bunker complex where you are initiated into an anglo secret society to save britannia*

ello thar bobby

I was thinking more importation of funs and training up militamen. Also funding politicians to influence their positions, and influencing the media to get normies to change their habits and become fighters

I have a cousin who's crashed a bunch of times, totalling at least one car, latest I've heard. He's driven when drunk and when stoned, drag raced, and done things like driven at 100mph to impress thots in his car. His rich, influential daddy, my uncle, says he's worried one day his son will die in a crash, but he keeps getting him out of trouble - I presume at least, or it might be the general softness of the law - and buying him new cars. My cousin is the same age as me (23) and he's been a stupid daredevil since 17. I'm more worried about him killing someone else and being the kind of indignant, remorseless killer who pretty much gets off scott free anyway, in this country at the moment, because then I might have to [redacted daftyism] to my own kin.

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>Ejector seat
7 years ago tbf, is the media stir a psyop against local manufacturing?

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“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.” - Nathan Rothschild