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Coming soon to commiefornia
Tyler Perez
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Lincoln Perez
we can only hope.
Hunter Hall
Ban Californians, it's the only way to insure that your family is safe.
Logan Anderson
You'd be completely correct with all the bans we're having in this fucking shithole that I wasn't surprised when they had the grand idea of banning parts for private builds alongside raising the minimum age to purchase any firearm to 21.
Prepare for State-Mandated Homosexuality in 2 years
Logan Richardson
Just remember that California is one of the United States testing ground for this.
First, do it in one liberal state and it flies.
Then maybe one or two more.
Eventually it becomes
It always gets normalized in a few states first and once it happens in one it becomes "okay" in the minds of others.
Every time.
With everything.
Joshua Lewis
In Russia barrels, slides, bolts and carriers groups etc are all firearms and for licensed sell only. Also ammo. Single round of caliber you don't have license for is jail time and losing your funs forever (unless your are Chechen, senator assistant or both). Putin can't be wrong FACT so you should be the same.
Wyatt Sullivan
That law dates back to USSR, like most their current laws.
This is new though
Josiah Howard
And were is USSR law with death penalty for speculation :^) ? What? No tracing this back to USSR? Cherry picking?
They still can't use them for self-defense though. As Russian (((self-defense law))) has duty to retreat, no property defense and concept of the "excessive self-defense".
Logan Price
This, our country is going to shit so obviously we should concentrate on muh Russia.
Ethan Carter
why haven't we started shooting them yet? We should have risen up by now, hit the fast-forward button, and started the fucking civil war. Why haven't we done it already? If we had started shooting the liberals and the communists before now, things would be easier, but the longer we wait, the more power they accumulate. The military is already pozzed, so now we have to actually fight the military as well because they're all indoctrinated, except maybe the Marines and special forces, but they're fringe units. The mass bulk is pure poz. Again, why the fuck haven't we started the goddamn shooting war yet?
Gavin Young
fuck off jewpig
Jackson Hill
Becasue of FBI and CIA operatives who get paid huge amounts of money to shit up imageboards and arrange sloppy suicides for people.
Isaac Nelson
Because modern wars aren't wars of weapons and soldiers anymore, democracy turned it into wars of propaganda and mindslaves.
Same tactics, same leaders, same budgets, with politics and economy replacing warfare.
You want to get shit done? Redpill as many as you can. Don't sperg all Zig Forums, just drop some hints, asks some question, make some brief comments on some news. And if the occasion present itself, assasinate the leaders.
It's what they do to us, it's what we must do to them. And yes, eventually another one will take its place, but that's what eternal vigilance is all about.
Brayden Rodriguez
Don't be so hasty, user.
The liberal/communist/globalist/people who like bionics agenda has been developing for the past hundred or so years, while the counter-movement has only gained traction in the last ten or so years (excluding various people and events; Waco and McVeigh come to mind) and the movement itself is gaining traction fast. Not to mention the military is not as pozzed as you might expect, in all nations, not just the US.
Lucas Young
Not worth the fucking effort Mr. FBI.
After the shit with Kate Steinle, the only wining move is disobedience. I'm just waiting on the San Andreas to fix the commie mistake.
Lincoln Young
Wait a minute, aren't commies in favor of gun rights? In the US, commies think (((gun control))) os evil because it "oppresses minorities" from defending themselves from "racist White cops". (((Karl Marx))) himself thinks (((gun control))) oppresses the working class.
Josiah Bailey
I'm not a fan of mildly authoritarian dictatorship thx
Joshua Cox
Pretty much this. Eventually everyone gets fed up with their shit and ignores the law. It's like how in my home state they've got a ban on magazines over 15 rounds, but the police don't enforce the ban and there's no way for law enforcement to prove you didn't own the magazine before the ban went into effect, thus people actively and openly post on shit like armslist that it includes a 30 round mag with absolutely no repercussions.
Brayden Stewart
US commies are mentally retarded.
Brandon Young
All commies are retarded. U.S. commies are just sheltered to the point that they don't realize that muh revolution can't be accomplished by blocking freeway entrances and bitching on twatter. Either they don't realize that actual fighting is required, or they just assume that fighting is, like, what other people are supposed to do on their behalf.
Dominic Perez
Isaac Long
You beat me to it, the fact all commies are retarded. Also, let's think about the hippies who were kinda socialist because they thought they would live for free and do nothing, well, actually, that's what every single communist in history thinks and why they support what they do. Once they started their retard hippy communes they all failed because they though EVERYONE ELSE did the work, and they got the commune job of being the "poet" who "picks up morale of the community" by singing bad songs on a guitar and smoking weed all day and trying to have sex with multiple women. Once they realized nobody was going to work they almost all put on suits and got real jobs and worshipped the almighty dollar.
So yeah, all communists think its OTHER people taht are supposed to do it. That's the only reason anyone wants this nutjob system in the first place.
Julian Anderson
You haven't figured out how communism works? At first they say all those things oppress the working class but once control is seized such things need to be taken away because they are dangerous to the party. Purges follow after that. People say that's not _real_ communism and they may be right but it is human nature and that's why communism is a shit system and always will be.
Anthony James
Isaiah Powell
That's your problem right there.
Jordan Wright
Communism is doublethink. Translation of "No guncontrol fro working class" from commie newspeak means all guns should be surrendered and only armed should be commie party, commie "well regulated miltia" and commie army. And this is fine as working class (((controls them))) so they still (((have guns in their hands))).
Evan Harris
Trump will get three more SC picks.
Levi Ramirez
Honestly these.