Winter War
How did Finland do it? Soviet Union gotten BTFO so badly during the winter war you can’t even make winter war threads on Cuckchan because it triggers the communist larpers too much.
Underrated wars
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Slav's are cannon fodder, Finns are tough people fighting defensively and fiercely in their own territory to defend their people, and they had a good Swedish general.
The environment wasn't suited to conventional warfare that the Russians expected and sent cold and tired conscripts to fight snowniggers properly trained in guerrilla warfare the terrain necessitated.
Stalin killed any of his men who had any inkling of how to actually fight a war and then shoved a bunch of poorly trained poorly armed conscripts and yes men into the land of autism. Pic related explains the war pretty well.
the above but also that Mannerheim was a genius who had served with distinction in the Russian military under the tsar and who had previously led the nationalists to victory in the finnish civil war.
perkele, delete this!
Mannerheim was 100% finno-mongol
You haven't been on Zig Forums for long, have you?
Killing off everyone well educated with military experience as well as theoretical knowledge of warfare and replacing them with niggers tends to cause you to lose wars.
I can't wait for the burgers to get into a major war.
Fins were secretly supported by Nazi Germany at the height of its economy.
Soviets were in the death throes of gulag-stage "revolution".
The people Stalin (a Georgian) sent to Finland were ethnic Russians who were meant to die, he fucking hated them. Didn't provide food, clothing, weapons… and none of them were actually trained soldiers.
Winter war is what happens when people mistake the objective. Everyone thought it was about Finland, when in reality it was about Staling killing 2 birds with one stone:
1. Assert himself on the world stage as a power.
2. Get a bunch of ethnic Russian city boys killed.
Of course Fins ferocity made #1 kind of a failure…. but the way Stalin set it up he had to win in some way. Denying him objective #1 meant the Fins provided him with objective #2.
user, they were allied with Germany since WW1 but chose to abstain from the second world war.
There's a reason their uniforms were almost identical the Germany's.
Any war in the Balkans. It truly is amazing how countries with such small populations always manage to genocide hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilians every time.
What's a little genocide between neighbors? It's amazing how nobody actually got fully genocided considering how many times we try.
But the Great Emu War is pretty underrated, honestly.
Poland summed the whole thing up fairly nicely. Soviets blundered more than Finns did, however, Soviets would have absolutely archived their strategic goals if the peace negotiations in Moscow didn't come to it's oddly abrupt conclusion.
Hitler, apparently, was not too amused at the prospect of Finland becoming a communist country, so he or someone in Hitler's administration sent a ultimatum to Stalin to conclude a favorable peace for finns. Stalin, being not too happy about ending up in a war with Germany agreed.
Well, technically the Soviet Union won. They got their demands met even if they did it very inefficiently.
really great demands
Fun fact: Hungary was the only country to officially send soldiers to help the Finns. But the war ended by the time the battalion was ready.
Pretty simple user. You have a highly motivated people defending their shit, not to mention the Bolsheviks figured it would be a good idea to go to war with commisars acting as an officer corp they gutted over politics. Turns out making people fight at gun point isn't the best motivator after all.
The red army was set up for failure expecting a quick victory despite having killed all the superior officers and not allocating the proper amount of manpower they could spare (the red army sent more troops than the finns had but not as much as people believe on most fights they were fighting 1vs1, often even on local numeric inferiority to the finns, since the reds having sometimes literal 0 officers, insane logistic problem and low morale. The reds still had units with the retarded Trotsky system were a major could end up in charge of a whole fucking division…).
If you want a modern example the Houthis in Yemen or the rebellion in east Ukraine are good examples.
On paper both are fighting against overwhelming odds. IRL they're fighting mismatched conscripts led by retards (if by anyone), they have no problem to outmaneuver and destroy piecemeal their gigantic enemies in opportunity strikes due to global incompetence of their enemies at all levels, very low casualties on one side very high on the other and the side winning get STRONGER every time it wins since it gets to plunder the routing/surrendering enemy gear.
You don't have logistic issues when the enemy is making home delivery of ammo and weapons.
Also in the end Finland sued for peace immediately once they realized they were verging on total collapse and the soviets were going to have their total victory, giving out way more land than what the soviet had claimed knowing perfectly that the soviets didn't want to tie their troops down (that was the reason for the whole war the soviets high command wanted a bit more breathing room for Leningrad for the war with Germany), and Stalin immediately took the deal (because, for all his wrongs, Stalin never gave a fuck about spreading communism).
That's not a victory for Finland by any stretch of the imagination, it just appears (propaganda) that way because people think of victory as total victory, despite it being pretty rare in the history of warfare (even if it was indeed the goal of the soviets but they settled for less due to their army poor initial performance and external events).
Ah yes a Croat, a sad creature,commonly known as a lowest form of life.
It hates,but it does not know why it hates.It kills but it does not know a reason why it kills.
And its greatest achievment is killing defensless children and being proud of it.
See? It works for all peoples of the Balkans.
I wonder what version would it be for Hungarians,aka mongoloid horse archer.
That's, unironically, more then what they originally asked for
The hungarians hate because no one can make sense of the, hm, I guess you can call it sounds that they use to comunicate with each other. Making them feel excluded and less white.
It's kind of funny how they betray even when its not in their interest to do it. Almost like they want to betray just for the sake of betraying.
Ah, yes! A Hungarian, commonly known as the great underachiever. His only function in life is to go from thread to thread, board to board, parading the achievements of his countrymen! No matter what subject you bring on, he boasts that his country had one man tangentially related to the matter, whereas the silent others' countries had furnished hundreds who contributed greatly to the matter. He boasts, but does not know why he boasts. He's proud, but he has nothing to be proud of personally. He's ignorant, but he knows that his neighbour's great great grandfather once wrote a book about something. His greatest achievement is pissing all the way across a large room and he's proud about the fact that his fellow countryman had fastened a nut on the craft that sent men all the way to the moon.
Checks out
>ranking degenerate muslim (((bosniaks))) ahead of serbs
the eternal croat
punny wars
How would have WW2 played out if the Finns helped? What kind of Damage would Simo have been capable of in Stalingrad?
Is the northeastern front of WW1 considered underrated?
why in de fug did the Russian provisional government decide to continue the war in 1917?
They did help and didn't accomplish much.
They fought against Russians who weren't pumped full of Anglo-Jewish lend-lease.
Starting a world war that killed millions of white people wasn't enough for you slavshits, hm?
They didnfu nuffins.
Wuz getting muh lebensraum and shieeet
Britain and France started ww2 btw. Before that, it was just the Polish-German war.
Still butthurt about living in a third world shithole?
Still butthurt about Achmed and Tyrone DPing your wife?
Still butthurt about Poland existing and having solid prospects on continued existence in the next 50 years?
I could respond to trigger your sensitive, autistic and angry g*rmanic buttmad existence, but did it clean fast and easy for me.
The centerpiece of the finnish strategy was the "motti": Russian mechanized units such as those notoriously deployed to Suomusalmi were stuck to using roads while the finns could freely navigate the whole terrain. Instead of fighting one giant enemy, the road would be blocked off to cleave the unit into smaller pieces, and the advancing unit was surrounded at all sides and fought to attrition. The finns could also launch stealthy raiding patrols to target field rations and cooking equipment while the russians' ability to do the same was severely limited. Starved enough, the surrendering enemy would leave behind their tanks and guns unscathed and ready to be used against their own countrymen.
Or at least that's the theory.
Because they were winning?
Brusilov annihilated the austro-hungarian army in late 1916 which is what forced Germany to cease it's attack on Verdun and redeploy their army east.
That guy gets his info from wikipedia, you're better off researching it yourself.
Mountain Operations FM 3 97.6
Chew, Allen F.: Fighting the Russians In Winter – Three Case Studies
Nenye, Vesa; Menter, Peter; Wirtanen, Toni: Finland at War. The Winter War 1939-40 (affiliate link):
Trotter, William R.: The Winter War. The Russo-Finnish War of 1939-40 (affiliate link):
You are completely right, he didn't buy a book about the climate of Finland. Might as well start reading random blogs and forums.
That's one finnish source out of five sources presented. And the finnish source is a novel funded by a tabletop game studio, it's not academic or official.
When I say you're better off researching it yourself, I meant a little more than reading fucking blogs. But you knew that, you're just hitting below the belt like a pussy fanboy.
show me your flag, pussy
The fuck does my flag have to do with not listening to some retard youtuber? What an enormous faggot you are…
show me the flag
Oh god please don’t be a leaf.
That's the magapede, just ignore it.
And how often do you see anyone outside of Zig Forums talk about it?
You have a strange definition of winning.
? marks flags are aus/nz because 8ch hates them or they're tor posters. No flags literally don't have a flag like my post for example. Southerners get leaf flags because the site can't into IP.
————-→>>> 4chan
But his ID wasn’t 0s, so he isn’t a tor poster. Ist it only certain areas of Aus/NZ that don’t get a flag or is it random, because Aus/NZ flags obviously show up sometimes.
I’ve never been clear on that because sometimes when I use My American VPN it has unknown flag, and since I never don’t display flag I assumed ? Flag was for “don’t show flag” and no flag was just an error.
Yeah I know of that issue.
Yeah, a clear reason to leave the site.
Isn't the total closer to 11% of Finnish clay, as the OP video mentions as well?
At any rate, though I can't find a source for it off hand, I remember a lecture about this mentioning that while on the face of it it's a fairly insignificant chunk of land, it was approximately 48% of the entire industrial capacity of Finland at that time, on top of being a highly defensible position (second only to a Greater Finland encompassing the entirety of Eastern Karelia and the Kola peninsula).
What I'm trying to say is there's a lot of things to laugh at in this war, I don't think the loss of territory is necessarily one of them.
It happens with some VPN's, too. One of my burger VPN's used to get me a ? flag sometimes. Never happened with my Dutch or Bong ones.
How often do you see anyone outside of Zig Forums talk about ANY wars that aren't currently ongoing, except maybe WW2 and Vietnam?
I thought these islands were Swedish clay, and were ethnically majority Swedish. Is that wrong?
Åland Islands.
Not since the early 1800s. It used to be, for a good while, until it got ceded to the Russians who incorporated it into Finland, then still a duchy under the Imperial crown.
Having a quick look it seems they are pretty much entirely culturally Swedish, and are at best nominal Finish clay. As far can tell it is like an Autonomous Oblast, Finland having at several times reaffirmed their cultural rights, like the exclusive use of the Swedish tongue.
In any case the point of this map was a jingoist impression of what could've been, so I don't think the author really cared. Most versions have Estonia annexed, either as an unconnected overseas territory, or including the entirety of the St. Petersburg region.
Pic related would be a more ambitious version. There's much much worse, but I'm pretty sure those all fall into the memes category.
>Åland Islands.
Right I knew it was Å something islands, lel.
Yeah well all of Finland used to be part of Sweden but I was talking about De Jure Swedish land.
Yeah I believe their local government (not sure what Finnish denomination is for regions in states/provinces) is the only one in Finland that is legally Swedish speaking.
I’m all for nationalism, but I really hate maps like that, that just expand a country’s border in every direction to unreasonable regions that can’t be justified. Like pic related :^) but seriously I am all for ethnic unification and countries getting back their de jure land.
From the beginning the Russians were fumbling. Their initial bombing of Helsinki was pretty much a failure, and it just kept on getting worse. The Russian's did not have much military experience fighting in the terrain of Finland, Many of their conscripts had no idea how to ski let alone fight while skiing, and their uniforms were a bright tan camo which was extremely easy to pick out in the snow.
Do you have trouble grasping the meaning of "underrated"?
Huh. Ever heard of the Finnish Civil War? Finland btfo'd commies in early 1918.
Everyone was busy killing filthy reds at the end of the 1910's.
I would actually say the winter war is quite overrated, the Finns lost after all. and yes what they did was kind of impressive but considering the environment, the state of the Red army at that point and how well the Germans would do against the red army it's not that impressive.
Why did Stalin killed the officers and replace them with the inferiors?
Additionally, he sucessfully portrayed SU as being weak.
Remember boys, appear weak when you are strong. And communists are psychopaths.
Because they were huwhite bigots and had traditional education as well as incorrect views.
Justification was the opposite of what was used to grab that land
If might makes right, then don't lose wars lmao.
Or you can still lose them, but don't act asshurt decades later about losing and great injustice befalling your dindu ancestors.
Russian conquests central Asia and Siberia
Why does he look white. He should look like a jew