Brit/pol/ #2091: Big Spies at MI5 Edition

'''Project Fear is finished, it's 'no longer applicable', says the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury

Great Ormond Street Hospital set to give back £530,000 in donations from Presidents Club

Increasing crime across England and Wales

The Essex Angels: Families turn vigilante crime fighters with 80 volunteers patrolling streets of Essex after police cuts left them feeling 'unprotected and unsafe'

Acid Attack Epidemic Spills into Home Counties from Sadiq Khan's London

Finally some good news on Brexit

Fury as Lily Allen slams Tube staff accused of ‘celebrating colonialism’ with tribute to Zulu Victoria Cross winners

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Good lad.

for pies

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This board is hilarious. Definitely some good material here for an article or two. Thank you for not deleting your archived threads in advanced this has been very useful over the past month.

You have to pay royalties for using my likeness up-front.

Good choice.

i think i could shag the landlady of one of the pubs tbqh

Post your articles here too, they will be funny to read.

Don't shit where you eat lad

Is it time for some gore-posting lads?

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its unusually sunny might go out for a cheeki walk

This time you'll really expose bigots and everyone will clap

not if we do an article on you first

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Canada: Two accused jihad terrorists hired as “anti-radicalism consultants” at taxpayer expense

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This picture is particularly gruesome.

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*blocks your pollution*

You brought this on yourself.

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The reality.

Good lad

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Let us have our fantasy lad.

The reality

trips of truth

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for local vigilantes and the Essex angels

He wants to be another Jo Bernstein

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I am lad, I just think it'd be funny if an outlet actually did write about this place, thinking that they'd do away with us dastardly bigots. Just look at how little of a toss people gave when 4chan and Zig Forums have been mentioned on the news in the past.

Fair point.

*internally debates whether to put a coat on or not*

Put the coat on, that way you can take it off if you want.

smh lad they're gonna get you

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clever thinking

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The trials and tribulations of modern life.


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Why is Limmy naked?

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Heroin is a hell of a drug.

He makes them fall

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poor girl

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What happened to her?

based, he has my vote

…if only they really knew

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QT Tonight
I guess no one is watching

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>"If you have three Pepsis, and drink one, how much more refreshed are you?"

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Kill Jester

I dunno about this screencap tbh. i'd rather be kept awake than have weird painful shit done to my body. I can't even begin to imagine how awful it must be - not just for the pain - but the knowledge that irreparable damage is being done to you. Must be fucking awful. I suppose there's a limit to how much a person can take before dying of shock, so I don't know how useful it is anyway.

Skynet will win.

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you cant make it up

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Thanks. It was good.

thing is he's right most intelligence services agree torture is basically useless if you're trying to get information out of people. And sleep deprivation breaks people down. That's what its about I guess breaking people down psychologically.

I suppose so. The idea of physical (pain/mutilation based) torture makes me feel so uneasy just considering it. How could anyone do that? I suppose some people are just utter sadists.

So now it's not just hard Brexit, it's hard right Brexit.

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one can hope


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Every civilisation has engaged in it. Part of the human condition as far as I'm concerned.

Apostles were tortured in the most cruel ways, but did not deny Christ.

Must be all fine and dandy then.

Ebonics makes me want to throw up.

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I know what you mean lad, it's abhorrent and barbaric, but then I think of these smug bastards purposely damaging the country and it clicks.

theres people who use torture, and people who get tortured I guess.

fuck me the wind makes it cold
my ear hurts so much smh
going to put a hat on and take photos
clearless sky but cold windy

she went missing and i think they found out she died smh

I'd torture half of parliament. And those pakis who molest british children

sad story tbh
stay comfy lad and post pics

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I wouldn't tbh. In fact I wouldn't wish to share the company of anyone who had. Just kill em swiftly. Don't revel in disgusting acts, no matter how deserving the victim might be.

>“It became clear pretty quickly that the White House wasn’t especially keen to meet them. Can’t think why,” a source told the newspaper.

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"wait, what?!"

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end us

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Was that cunt against it? And why on earth was this a question?

Another cuckold story in the news

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Hitchens from earlier today
note her immediate worry is the rise of the extreme far right

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Hard cunt tbh

each to their own. I'd fuck them up with a blunt object. Satanists and pedos dont deserve a quick ending.


Justice should be public and orderly lad. The gallows is appropriate for nonce and traitor alike.

watch out lads

Nah, for some crimes you have to be brutal. Disembowelment, mutilation etc. Strike fear into the enemy (and the public). You're an idealist. Pragmatically, brutality and torture have their roles to play especially with satanic pedos and agents against God and folk.

That's just evolution

Tubgirls always get their feelings hurt by strong men who don't listen to them.

Well yeah, shit a woman.

She's* seriously how on earth does autocorrect bugger up like that.

Got the rest lad? They didn't get into the crux

Autocorrect was right

Is using this sort of font jerrycucking lads?

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Yes, use Old English font instead