11.5 308 SBR for Home Defense?
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Cue the picture of that dirtpoor midwest entry team with the hipoint carbine and PTR-91P pistol.
Retarded. Massive muzzle flash and kick, missing a lot of that 308 performance with that kinda barrel, its a damned high power rifle cartridge, not a sawed off carbine cartridge. Some high tier special forces might have them around for anti armor in certain emergency situations, but its a shit choice for everyday work.
Also, why a shit AR-10? Ultra short barrel guns are better off in delayed roller lock H&K because they work just as good at any barrel length without adjustments, if you are going to have a problem with a gas system its going to be in odd barrel choices, especially the shorter ones. If people want to argue FN FAL vs G3 in the regular rifle lengths, that's fine, but when it comes to the ultra short barrels the H&K wins every day, all the time.
Cashin in on that AR mania going round in the United States. No more, no less.
You will get the same performance out of a pistol carbine at that length for much less wasted powder and a larger caliber alongside nearly no muzzle flash. People rip on PCCs and then immediately drool over absurdly short rifle carbines as the hot new thing without a hint of irony.
Buy a shotgun.
Unless you're doing hunting I don't see any reason as to why would you want 308 just for home defense. I'm not saying 308 is bad, but there's probably far more cost-efficient methods if you're just concerned about home-defense. Like, a fucking shotgun.
You better have some half-way decent ear and eye protection next to your rifle in case you need that shit for home defense, I can just imagine how fun is it going to be when you start shooting with that thing in a narrow hallway.
Anyone have this pic? I'm curious.
need that pic aswell tbh
Any unsuppressed firearm suitable for defense is going to fuck up your ears. Decent electronic ear pro beside your carbine/shotgun/nightstand gun is basically a must in my opinion.
I can definitely imagine scenarios where my go to defensive rifle was a .308, or some other full power rifle cartridge. That being said, a super short barrel seems entirely pointless and counterproductive.
I know pic related is oleg volk tier boomer shit, it still gets the point across.
Now I feel like I'm going crazy because I cannot find the fucker anywhere. I remember seeing it years ago on arfcom, but now that I'm thinking about it, it was most probably one of those small county drug task forces. I distinctly remember a hi point carbine and a PTR-91P, and they were raiding/about to raid a trailer park, or training in a simulated trailer park.
With .308s you're not going to have much of a home left to defend. On the up side it's going to be very well ventilated.
answr me these questions three
er the answer to your conundrum ye see
1. do you want to go deaf?
2. do you want your family to go deaf?
3. do you want to set your house on fire?
if yes then yes, you should use a 308 SBR for home defense
is this the one?
y'all took the bait.
Just use a Saiga or a Vepr-12 with slugs faggot. No reason for buying overpriced literally who guns.
Are these even legal here?
You only need a simple hunting license. By some absolute miracle the commie government considers them the same as the average double-barreled hunting shotgun with a 3 round capacity.
You can even get 10 or even 20 round mags for them legally without any paperwork. And getting a hunting license is piss-easy compared to getting a handgun one.
The downsides are the price. You'll spend roughly 1500 or 1900 euros for either of them, and that's without ammunition or extra mags.
So commies got ensnared to their own bureaucratic-technicalities trap and Saigas are legal because they are shotguns?
Fugg, while typing I was simultaneously thinking of the law on the limit of how many shells you can have in a shotgun. If you get caught with more than 3 shells in your shotgun while hunting you will pay a jewish-tier fine and even go to jail if the court feels like it.
Yes, they are smoothbore semi-auto shotguns therefore perfectly legal. But god forbig you stick a red dot on it because you'll be treated like a potential child-eating terrorist with a mass-destruction assault machine shotgun using high-tech war grade scoping equipment.
I feel that over-penetration is an issue here as well
I have an AR15 5.56 with a 10.5 barrel. This was the grouping I shot an hour ago in my back yard at 25 yards, rapid sighted fire. Gun is sighted to 75 yards. Black disk diameter is 6 inches.
I didn't know Moe was Greek.
The hair should have given it away.
His last name is Syzlak so it would be kinda appropriate.
retards like Joe Biden regurgitate this shit
how is a shotgun more effective than an AR or an AK? It's not. You can still miss with a shotgun, it has far more recoil, meaning it's harder to get back on target, and you have less capacity. Yeah, it will be fun scooping up meat off the floor after you hit the nigger, but still.
btw, that's a terrible idea
that gun is going to kick like all hell, and you're looking at a major over-penetration problem. A .308 can shoot through an entire house, so if you live in a city, using that gun is risking life imprisonment for involuntary manslaughter beyond the dead nigger in your house with gaping 30 cal leakage.
Are shotguns even that good at STOPPIN' POWAH? I think I remember looking at kinetic energy figures for shotgun shells, and a 2-3/4" with 00 buck produces a bit less energy as 7.62 ball. Even a 3" magnum shell had less energy than most .30-06. When you consider that shotgun spread isn't going to be appreciable at home defense distances even with no choke, and the fact that shotgun shells won't penetrate body armor, I really don't see the point of using a shotgun for home defense. Rifles give almost as much energy, have far more magazine capacity, produce less recoil and allow quicker follow-up shots, penetrate soft body armor, and have about as much spread as a shotgun at close range (that is to say, none at all).
Regarding OP, I don't see the point of .308 over 5.56 for home defense. The entire point of .308 is better long range performance, but for home defense you're talking about short range. For me the best home defense gun would seem to be an AR-15 or some other salt rifle chambered in an intermediate caliber. After that, the best would be a battle rifle, followed by a shotgun, followed by a handgun, followed by a tactical assault spoon.
Am I correct in this assumption?
Keep in mind kiddo that a hotload 30-06 shooting AP bullets may have more energy than a .223 softpoint out of a 16 inch barrel, but if the AP bullet doesn't expand and cause great resistance in the flesh it will simply punch a cleaner hole through the man, while a less powerful soft point may mushroom, expand, cause resistance, tear tissue up. Comparing numbers to numbers like some sort of autist is a great way to misunderstand everything about terminal performance.
A close, tight group of buckshot out of a 12 or 10 bore shotgun is one of the best ways of stopping a home attacker there is. If it barely spreads out of a fuller choke barrel you will basically gouge out an orange or grapefruit sized hole into a man. Yes, high power rifles with soft points can cause permanent stretch, or hydrostatic shock is is called, which can cause severe trauma and damage, but shotguns are right up there if not superior.
Also, anyone whose killed small game with birdshot out of a shotgun knows what "whump" is, shotguns have enough weight and force in their loads to "whallop" a target. Shotguns may kick like a mule, but the guy getting that load of buckshot or birdshot is going to get kicked even harder at close range.
So, no, reality has taught us shotguns are super duper effective, its not meme, or theory, or people jacking off about it, real life has stated many times that shotguns are just plain effective. There is a push to throw them off to the side and get everyone to buy rifles instead, but gutting the shotgun is difficult to impossible, it simply works to well to discard or completely write off.
How many burglars wear body armor of any type? At all? Ever? When did Johnny Crackhead start going into homes with vests, where did he find the money to buy expensive equipment like body armor? When did this become a major consideration for home defense, or any consideration at all? Average criminals dress light, they aren't prepared for war.
As for rifles and rifle calibers for home defense, keep in mind terminal performance goes down with barrel length. Don't expect the superior performance of a 24 or 20 inch barrel 5.56 out of a 16 or especially 10.5 inch. You will go from potentially strong, one shot stop kinda hits to something a bit more marginal. I choose 308 for home defense because I live out in the country where punch through isn't a big consideration and the superior killing power of the full power cartridge is something I choose over 5.56.
The shotgun is still a great choice, a tube with 6-7 shots and one in the chamber may not be super capacity, but then again center mass shots at close range will usually stop attackers quickly and with one shot if you don't completely whiff it and miss. It has far greater man stopping capabilities than a 5.56, especially a shorter barrel, shot for shot.
Also, keep in mind rate of fire isn't everything on God's green earth. The guy who relies on follow up shots is a greater danger to his neighbor than the guy with a 308 or shotgun who relies on one or two well placed shots, if you keep hammering away with follow ups you are more likely to miss, and a missed round is far more dangerous than a punch through.
Stopped reading there.
hey look it's that Fuddy Five guy that I beat down with my .357 Sig in those other two threads.
I have first hand experience with a negligent discharge of a Mas 49-56 (slamfire) inside a home. The only thing that stopped the bullet from going through the whole house, from one end to the other, out the window and into my neighbor's property a few hundred yards away (in the country as well) was a solid wood kitchen room chair. Before that, it blew clean through all the shitty little sheet rock walls, a chair, a piano and another chair.
I don't care what you say or what kind of load you're using, .308 has so much kinetic energy that it is absolutely going to penetrate in close quarters, not just the nigger but whatever else is behind the nigger. It's actually ironic because you're talking like kinetic energy is meaningless but then you're like muh .308 power. Get your goddamn priorities straight in your head, bucko.
salt rifle>shotgun>battle rifle> pistol
shotgun before battle rifle solely because of over penetration. You may end up blasting the nigger with 6 or 7 .308 rounds inside 10 feet because you're exciting, and they're all going to over penetrate the nigger and tumble their ass off, and who knows where the fuck they're going.
I never said kinetic energy was meaningless, apparently nobody actually reads what I write. Energy is not helpful unless it is used and turned into something, that's what I said, not energy is meaningless, how do you even read that out of what I wrote? How is mentioning that it is a factor in damage but isn't the sole factor by itself saying its not important? How is stating facts about how terminal ballistics works ever completely turned around by people?
Mr 357 Sig guy is either a very persistent troll (almost 100% certain of this) or your classic 800 pound computer autist, and Mr. Mas49 shooter, I totally understand the ability for battle rifles to punch through things. I also shoot lots of other things up on my property and know that 5.56mm that doesn't fragment will punch deep through things, I also know that many handgun rounds will punch through a lot. A soft point 308 that expands in a target will have less penetration through hard barriers behind it than a 9mm ball that misses the target completely, far less than a 5.56mm that misses and doesnt' fragment against anything and presents a severe hazard.
And apparently you have no idea how to read, so no wonder why you had a negligent discharge.
Someone who has never killed things, I presume? Another keyboard warrior? Someone who only has second hand information? Just because people disspelled the movie myth that shotguns knock people back 12 feet through the air and through plate glass windows never dispelled anything about the blunt force trauma that shotguns deliver with their weight and momentum. The arguement isn't that shotgun blasts throw people through the air, its that "whump' is blunt force trauma that accompanies solid hits by shotgun blasts, anyone whose used them at close range on things knows this is very real, and the defending factor people have to defend the use of birdshot for close range defense.
If you use birdshot on enough game you will see conditions where animals are still very much alive, but very much incapacitated by sheer trauma of the blow. People who have been hit with 12 gauge shotgun blasts at close range wearing soft body armor will tell you all about the trauma of "whump" factor. In some cases people would have died without a trauma plate, and even those who don't get too seriously injured can attest to the effect.
I'm guessing you get all your facts from smarmy Youtube vidoes.
You are even worse than a keyboard warrior. You are – may Gun Granpa forgive me for using this word – a Fudd.
Nigger, a 3" slug weighs an ounce.
The general medical term for "whump" is a temporary cavity. All bullets will produce a temporary cavity upon striking a target. The problem is that the velocity of the temporary cavity's shock wave is usually not fast enough for handgun and shotgun projectiles to cause damage to soft tissue, which is highly flexible. Salt rifle rounds will produce a much faster expanding temporary cavity, so they actually have the capacity to cause significant tissue damage due to the temporary cavity.
I am now 90% sure you're trolling. Well played, user.
Any such effect would be caused by the transfer of kinetic energy from the bullet to the target, and so any projectile which transfers an equivalent amount of kinetic energy into the target will produce the same effect. A few grams of weight difference or a 0.1 inch wider projectile isn't going to make a difference.
Given that the backface deformation caused by shooting even a level II (much less of a level IIIA) vest is less than the NIJ limit, I'm doubtful on that. Maybe in freak cases that could happen, but if so it's due to random chance and no reason to make a decision on which firearm to use for self-defense over.
I will admit that in my search for information on the wounding potential of boolits, I have never before come across this strange Dark Force you speak of known as "whump."
Fudd's are made fun of, but people forget they actually have useful knowledge because they practice killing things with guns and have real world, rather than purely read about, knowledge. Making fun of them is wanton ignorance and to ignore their real world experience is arrogant ignorance.
Shotguns are used to take hinges off doors. How do they accomplish this? Do they punch a hole through the hinge or do they blow the hinge off with blunt force?
Beanbag shotgun rounds are called 'less lethal' force because although they can wound wihtout killing, even these low power shotgun rounds can cause enough blunt force trauma to kill. And these are low power loads that aren't supposed to break the skin.
Birdshot loads have been known to kill a lot of things, from humans to other medium game, at close ranger distances, even though their performance in ballistics gel is poor. Even detractors of using birdshot for self defesne (me included) have to admit the rounds have been used effectively before despite their shallow wounding nature.
Energy isn't "transferred" in some straight 1:1 ft.lbs. to effect ratio. The effect of a larger projectile at the same energy is to create greater resistance and thus energy is being resisted faster and sooner, this greatly changes the dynamics of the blow. Energy is being resisted and absorbed at different rates and in different ways when we change the bullet shape, material, velocity, size, and especially weight. "Target took 100% of kinetic energy total" is a worthless statement, how did the energy crush, break, stretch tissue, how did it affect the target, did the projectile push the target, puncture the target, what parts of the target did it damage and how? Energy only, or velocity only thinking is trying to oversimplify terminal ballistics to the point of not understanding anything about it at all.
I know exactly what temporary stretch is. I also know what shotguns do on living tissues. Shotguns use their energy better to blunt force trauma effects through momentum (yes, even at one ounce, nigger) than fast, small projectiles. Fast projectiels tend to cause massive temporary stretch that does little good, heavier projectiles tend to penetrate tissue better, or create superior blunt trauma or sheer force.
Level IIIa armor has been shown to stop 12 bore foster slugs in tests, but they still aren't rated to stop them. Why? They can take doors off hinges, why?
I'll give you a chance to explain yourself logically. What magic force do shotguns have that allows them to do this? It's can't be plain kinetic energy. It can't be weight, given that the slug only weighs an ounce. So what is it?
So do rubber bullets. I'm not sure what the logic is behind "less lethal rounds fired from this gun can kill, therefore this gun is superior to that gun."
So can airguns and .22 rifles, but you're a dumbass if you think either one is the superior choice for a self-defense gun. Just like you're a dumbass if you willingly use birdshot for self-defense.
This is just a repetition of your bean bag round claim. "Has been used before" and "it can possibly be done" are not good arguments. Again, .22 rifles can kill people. Airguns can kill people. Hell, people can be tased and have a heart attack. Does that make a .22 rimfire rifle, an airgun, or a taser better than a rifle for self defense?
Every foot pound of energy expended while the bullet is inside the target is transferred into the target in a straight 1:1 ratio. If the bullet actually stops inside the target, all of its energy is transferred to the target. This is how collisions work.
This has to be the greatest example of Fudd Fysics I've ever seen. Again, if a projectile is stopped inside the target, whether the kinetic energy is derived more from the mass of the projectile or from its speed doesn't change the amount of energy that is transferred to the target. If anything, a projectile that travels deeper before stopping is better, since it expends its energy more on damaging organs and major blood vessels than on making a hole in someone's muscle tissue. The only real effect you'll see by varying the speed vs the mass of a projectile while maintaining constant energy is that the faster projectile may produce greater damage through the temporary wound cavity than the slower one.
If it's a rifle round, it'll do it better than a shotgun slug, given that the rifle round is moving faster and therefore produces a more damaging temporary wound cavity.
Then what's the magic force? Again, apparently it's not energy. It's not velocity. It's not mass. What magic of Fuddlore are you going to come up with to suggest that one lump of lead with kinetic energy equal to another lump of lead, but where the first lump is slightly heavier and much slower, will result in the first lump of lead gaining magic powers that make it able to magically wound a target?
You can't just pull shit out of your ass and expect people to take you seriously
Again, a shotgun will produce less temporary wound cavity damage than a rifle round, as it is traveling more slowly and therefore produces a less effective temporary cavity, due to human tissue being flexible.
More Fudd Fysics
Because the NIJ testing criteria was produced with the intent of testing vests against the kind of threats police officers face in their day-to-day service, which is mostly handguns.
Or are you going to claim that, minus any actual evidence, the fact that shotgun rounds weren't included in the Magic NIJ Documents proves something about the effects of shotgun slugs on human targets, despite the fact that actual testing shows that shotguns have no superior (and in some ways inferior) performance on vests compared to handguns?
Well I suppose if you're ever attacked by a gang of door hinges, you'll have the right tool for the job.
Hit a 4X4 pine support beam with a 20oz hammer with the same exact energy as a 20 pound hammer going much slower. The lighter, faster swinging hammer will bruise and cut the held in post while the big boi sledgehammer will break the post or knock it out. In both cases the post took 100% of the kinetic energy of a dead swing, but where not the effects completely different?
Let's take a big chunk of wood and have it sitting free on the ground, then do the same experiment and see what it does to the block. The damage to the block will be different, the distance the block will fly after being struck will be different. 100% of energy absorbed, but is it the same? With all the dynamics of speed, shape, face size considered?
Hit something with a 3,000 pound sports car then hit it with a 30,000 pound heavy truck at the same energy, although lower speed, would you not have completely different results, no matter if the target took 100% of the kinetic energy involved or not?
The idea that "energy transfer" is important is ridiculous, it explains absolutely nothing. Shoot a big old dictionary, those giant ones at the library, with a high powered handgun. If you let the book stand without anything to keep it from tumbling, the book will move with the momentum of the bullet, catch the bullet and keep it from piercing through, will absorb 100% of the energy of the bullet, and suffer less damage than if you had the book stand static with backing so it could not move with the bullet, in which case it would maximize damage to the book by punching all the way through. In this case, 100% energy absorption is less effective than
Team Fortress Classic - Dustbowl - Engineer GamePlay - Part 1
You want to shoot through maybe 1 drywall in an American house, you don't want to shoot through the neighbors house.
This is precisely why fudds are made fun of. They assert themselves as worldly, they assert that they have great knowledge of ballistics because of their hands-on experience, and then they say egregiously retarded shit supported by nothing but their own IQ, or rather, a lack of it. The permanent cavity is not just crushed tissue and both the temporary and permanent cavity have the same effects of causing breakage in bone and blood vessels. If you'd like to get into the schematics, it's for the most part the temporary cavity that destroys organs rather than the physical projectile. If you had done any real research, bullet design to bullet design, you would realize that both types of bullets have wildly varying sizes and propellant loads and blanket statements like '.45 is better' further makes it harder to do anything but laugh at you. Maybe I'll take a 147 grain, 1100 fps 9mm and see how it compares against a 165 grain, 900 fps round, and use that as my standard. 'Bullet design' has proven consistently that 9mm expands much more reliably. Before you start having an aneurysm at this fact, consider for a moment that you do not have to tie yourself to one round and dogmatically defend it. It is a piece of metal. Bullets are pieces of metal. They are shaped pieces of metal with many varying factors. Bullets, when they enter a person's body, have a couple options, alright: expand or fragment. Handgun rounds are not known for fragmenting. Slugs do not fragment either. Thing is, though, is that most rifle rounds do fragment, quite a lot. So, how does one objectively measure which is better? What abstract portion of betterness does the average amount of fragment increase a round's betterment meter by? How much better does the raw size of a slug increase the betterment meter? Unlike in video games, which you've seemed to draw a great deal of your ideas from, there is no damage meter. Slugs do not expand much further than their original size, while 9mm more than doubles itself, as well as .308. .308 conveniently does not fragment much too. Take a 194g .308, take a 437g slug. Man, what a difference, am I right. More than double. Then take pics related. Hmm. Equal to, or even upwards of 20cm of penetration. I guess those are false studies. They don't agree with you, so they must bend in the way of your godly on-hand experience, and your apparent superpower to know the wound profiles of bullets by shooting paper targets and wood.
I already explained nigger, don't bully me!
what the fuck are you queers arguing about?
You're having a metldown fatty, grab another hot pocket and get momma to bring you some grape soda so you can get your blood sugar back to normal. We don't want you putting yourself in hospital.
I acknowledged hydrostatic shock (permanent stretch) so I don't know how you came up with your massive block of nonsense that you did. If YOU did your research you will find that yes, the permanent stretch I talked about is important, but that the temporary stretch rarely to never is. By the time the tissue stops stretching to the point of breaking its not being damaged, therefore temporary cavitation is not a factor till you get to high powered weapons, but even then experts say that the temporary cavity breaking things is a rarity even then, so in ballistics gel the temporary cavity is basically ignored. If it stretches the ballistics gel to failure, then that permanent stretch is very important. If it doesn't, the temporary cavity is generally ignored, its simply not a factor. This shows you have not done any research, you are almost 100% a troll.
I never said 45 was better. I simply stated a fact, given any similar bullet design, the 45 ACP will always damage more total tissue, which is a fact. By the time you calculate the total tissue destroyed in a gel block, the 45 ACP will always cause more total damage, if the bullets penetrate to the same depth the 45 always does more damage. As for "45 doesn't expand as well as 9mm" that's pure bullshit, velocity was a more important factor in early jacketed hollow point designs, but today's improved bullets expand well in 45 even in the heavy slow bullets. 45's weight and size indeed give it what I said it did, not blanket superiority, but rather far, far, far greater wounding potential because its heavier, larger bullet uses its kinetic energy better. Which it does. Also keep in mind 45 doens't have to expand as much to get the same expanded diameter, and will push the same size expanded bullet deeper. It objectively has far greater potential than the 9mm, that's fact.
Then you go on a whacko rant that makes absolutely no sense, like a good autist, or a great troll. The rifle patterns in your first picture describe the effects of hydrostatic shock in 308 expanding bullets, the right the general effect of the 12 bore foster slug. You proved my point for me. Everything I said was vindicated with your two pictures. The light for weight 308 bullets and more frangible bullets showed that lightly constructed and light bullets cause LESS damage than heavier and more heavily constructed bullets, the instant fragmentation wastes more energy than controlled expansion with better, often heavier bullets. Over construction of a bullet leads to the last, third rifle wound pattern. Light and fast and frangible are inferior to heavier weight and sturdier construction, if we don't take the principle too far.
As for the shotgun, it shows my entire point. The same energy in a low velocity, massive size soft lead projectile ends up leaving no visible hydrostatic shock and a completely different wound pattern. Thus, my point is correct, energy is not an apples to apples comparison, its important, perhaps the most important factor, but without the other factors considered we have nothing. We get to see a very effective round in action, the already massive .729 projectile expands to a typical 1.25 inches crushing a massive, massive wound cavity. Instead of its resistance turning into hydrostatic shock, it crushes massive, massive direct crush cavities in front of it, causing terrible gaping wounds throughout its entire penetration. Herein lies the "whump" factor.
When the 308 expands and causes temproary cavitation and its permanent stretch cavity its resistance is to the IMMEDIATE tissue surrounding it, its resistance, force, energy, is being delivered immediately to surrounding tissues to cause temporary and permanent stretch. The resistance is FAST, and it is being directed to the ENTIRE SURROUNDING AREA of the violent impact, most energy is lost in this violent exchange, the remaining energy pushing the core of the bullet to its final resting spot. Most of the force is being dissipated to the surrounding tissues, not only in forward motion, but in a violent reaction and resistance from the entire surrounding area, force is being used to crush tissue in a complete 360 degree manner, the force is being directed upwards, downwards, sideways, to create an oblong "ball' core of hydrostatic shock. Not only is the rile bullet of lighter weight, its bullet directs energy quickly to surrounding tissues and not in a more singular direction and force.
The shotgun slug, on the other hand, creates some disruption and some temporary stretch, but what is it doing in general? The slug, or even close shotgun pattern, creates massive frontal resistance, a long slow drag that crushes a lot of tissue directly, but also puts its momentum and force in one direction generally. Notice how the slug expands then creates a near uniform permanent crush cavity, unlike the faster lighter bullet which dissipates its high velocity energy quickly, the slug reserves its energy and "keeps trucking" consistently. While the hydrostatic shock bullet directs its force in a violent, quick burst to surrounding tissue, spreading its energy and force over a massive area of immediate tissue, the heavier slow slug or close shot group wastes little precious energy disrupting tissue around it and keeps pushing its momentum and crush forward.
This translates to consistent forward direction of force, effective use of the energy. It also means that the shotgun makes good use of its superior momentum, actually imparting it to some effect where the rifle does not. This leads to rifles not having any "puch" effect because the damage is more shallow and limited, the shotgun being able to "punch" "push" "whallop" because of the dynamics of the slow, heavy, high forward resistance it creates.
I do ballistics gel tests my self, am educated on them and their effects, highly respect them. But they can't tell every single aspect of performance.
If you can't go shoot real animals to see what guns do in real life, even try shooting a 60+ plus bucket of sheetrock mud, once with a high power rifle, again with a shotgun. See the massive difference in performance. Shoot some sturdier real life objects, watch what the effects are. Again, if shotgun "whallop" doesnt' exist, it wouldn't be used to take off door hinges. There is something to weight, resistance, and "whallop" you aren't seeing.
look it's the Fuddy Five retard again
No 308 is for home defense, unless you're actively shooting out of a window at insurgents from afar and/or they have thick foliage; that's a battle rifle cartridge son.
good ol' Fuddy Five logic
not saying big bullets aren't good, but if you're traveling below 800 fps, you have a problem, friendo.
Always carry +P with .45
you autistic moron
no one is doubting that a .308 is going to blow a nigger to pieces, we're just saying that if you live in any proximity to other houses, there's a very good chance you're going to accidentally fuck someone else's shit up.