Do you think Suvorov could have beaten Napoleon if he hadn't died before the Napoleonic Wars began?
ITT: Greatest commanders and generals in history
He was an honourary aryan.
So both terms are now meaningless?
Heinz "Brausewetter" Guderian
This handsome Motherfucker invented modern tank warfare and basically you're fucking
Themistocles. The kind of lad this shithole of a nation hasn't had in 45 years.
*Breaks your statue dicks*
His entire existence, fame and everything he ever stood for doesn't even worth a single hair from Themistocles's balls.
Although I will admit that despite his exemplary campaign in North Africa he made a rather basic error during Market Garden Assuming that the Burgers would do what they said they would
The man who may have won the civil war for the South.
If only it weren't for that (((accident))).
Three of the greatest of all time, but certainly of modern history. One of whom Napoleon himself admitted would have defeated him.
Oda Nobunaga basicly wrote the book on guns in warfare. Only reason he didn't conquer all of Japan then Korea was he was suddenly attacked by a traitor.
And not trusting the Dutch Resistance. Must have gotten them mixed up with the bloody Belgians or something (granted an easy mistake to make).
Generic ones, all highly successful.
would post Cromwell but he starts arguments
The scipio family is renown for killing carthaginian niggers.
I need to look this guy up
There's a few of them, all generally referred to as "Scipio"
Take care not get them confused. Look for timelines
Pretty much sums up how to win a war.
That tends to happen when you let jews into countries
They were made famous in africa and were ended in africa
B. H. Liddell Hart's biography about him is a great read, in particular about Scipio's actions outside of battle shoring up his military strength. Hart gets a little too fanboyish at times, but at least it's for a great general.
Dang it man Im getting feels remembering when Rome got canceled.
my man!
some info about organisation and tactics:
They were already here just in crypto format tbh
What is John Churchill giving a stick to a cave man supposed to symbolize?
It's Hercules submitting to John Churchill.
Most of the Confederate generals were some of the best in the country, hell, one could argue the world at the time.
Cromwell is a Jew lover, however, he knew how to lead people. I guess it depends how you look at the question, if it's greatness as an all around quality or just greatness in terms of what they accomplished or their skill to command.
except Lee is the one who fucked it all up at Gettysburg.
You are now aware that Arminius and Sigurd or Sigfried are the same person. Arminius was his Roman name. The dragon was Varus's army.
Now that's cool as shit.
No shit, how do you know that?
I will gain the trust of my foe whom completely out matches me and use his misplaced confidence in me to lure him into a trap.
Or wee scheming bitch?
Politics and war are inseparable. The point is he wiped out three legions and hundred of auxiliaries and cavalry with an objectively inferior force in numbers manpower and skill while sustaining only minor losses. After that he went head to head against Germanicus and prevented him from making significant progress in reasserting control.
Im not saying he wasn't successful, but it's like saying that the Greeks took Troy through military prowess or that the Persian victory at thermopile was a credit to their generals.
The bigger question is what we consider to be the traits of a great general.
Martial prowess and tactical skill along with rape trains like the Khan?
Tactical finesse and maneuver like Von Manstein, Rommel, etc?
Napoleon and his strategic vision for Europe? Also lol logistics. He obviously didn't learn the lesson of the Pensular war
Marshal and his organization of the army?
Zhukov and his determination to waste millions of men in sledgehammer attacks instead of a fucking tool suited to the situation
Cao Cao cause lol muh Political backstabbing?
Zhou Yu for lol muh napalm and intrigue also dying of a fucking anger lol?
Yue Fei and his undying (((loyalty))) Actually its just getting cucked.
These are obviously just examples and are not limiting
Isn't the Roman army column = serpentine a bit of a stretch? Otherwise, it's a pretty good explanation.
Have you read Art of War?
Do you even read my post? His political manipulation could not account completely for the immensity of his military successes.
It is a proven feature of legends they often turn mundane challenges into fantastical monsters.
The goal was to shitpost damnit! Damn you! Die of anger in the sterotypical hacking and coughing up blood
Some shitty but hilariously funny or sad stories below.
Sun Tzu and his family in a nutshell
Finally, story of Water Margin heroes
>Multiple secondary source note that lost copies has his wife cuckholding him One even alleges regular gangbangs while he was sleeping soooo
Also Water margin is literally why don't trust the goverment 101.
Roman von Ungern-Sternberg
I fucking challenge you to find a more Zig Forums man.
You can't.
If ever there was a saint of the Zig Forumsube, it would be him.
Der alte Dessauer, basically won the first Silesen war for Fritz, and overhauled the Prussian Army for Frederick "Execute the gay for running away" William I.
How do I into better strategy? Any books?
Also because it's finally relevant some OC I made about a year ago.
Fuck you leaf, my sides
Although he doesn't seem to be a good strategist, it's true that he seems to be the kind of man who could lead an expedition to hell. And for that you have to be a bloody good commander.
Not to toot my own horn, but the imagery of someone touching clothing and recoiling their finger as if they had just been cut, but actually the fabric is just so uncomfortable that it is difficult to touch, still make me laugh. I feel like I just ruined it now
Von Blucher to stay relevant
Fucking hell. Just make his clothes sewn out of fucking shrapnel lol
Zuo Zongtang is a chink one semi worth mentioning.
The Romans were scheming jews that betrayed and double crossed every people they encountered
I blame J.E.B. Stuart for Gettysburg, because he left the Army of Northern Virginia without any cavalry recon and support because he was too busy showboating. Lee's mistake was trusting Stuart to be doing his job and operating as if that were so.
Why is there no movie about this glorious bastard?
his german name is Hermann tho
Georg Carl von Döbeln is one of those bad motherfuckers that got shot in the head, but through the sheer force of perpetual scowling bounced off so he had to wear a bandana for the rest of his life before it was cool.
Cause he isnt a jew who slaughtered unarmed nazis with a baseball bad :^)
What the fuck was going on in WW1 that produced these madmen. We've never seen people like this since, was it just the pent up warrior spirit finally being unleashed? Will that happen again here soon when people collectively get tired of the status quo?
Dehumanize your enemies then war becomes a thing of duty and fun. Up until the day he died my grandfather never saw any sort of communist as human and had a grand time doing SF shit in Vietnam and neighboring countries.
Really? Then why don't you, you shitposting faggot.
Of course it will happen. A big civil war where only the losers are punished for war crimes will see both sides reacquaint themselves with innate savagery.
Wasn't that a mistranslation by Martin Luther, and not his real name?
The whole Great Northern War was basically Charles XII winning while extremely outnumbered and with shitty terrain on their side. At least until he headed to Moscow.
I think first world war essentially killed off a whole archetype of humans from most of the western europe.
Who were the ones that joined and went first to the front(s) when the war broke out? Basically everyone with spine, courage and sense of duty, plus the slightly mad. And they died. And holy fuck, if their bloodlines did not die off in that war, then they died off in the next world war.
And thus, we are now at a situation where courageous men with a stern spine and taste for adventure are a outright anomaly, instead of being a relatively normal human archetype in western countries as it seemed to be in pre-world war west.
Gustav Adolph of Sweden deserves a special mention
Never change Mongolia, never change.
What ever happened to that Swedish spirit? It used to be the Swedes would fight to the last Finn before even considering retreat.
I am confused please elaborate.
Then why don't you prove legends take """mundane""" challenges and change them to be more fantastical, typically monsters.
Why have I been getting these flashes of anger, when thinking of insulting fools, or when having been offended by others' stupidity? It wasn't always like this, just this summer, these flashes of anger where it seems my blood pressure increases suddenly, as if I were constipated or upside down, but for a moment. It can't be good for my health. Perhaps it is because I have been drinking too much coffee, or maybe my excessive onanism…. I used to get angry similarly in that it would be sudden before I'd cool off, but I didn't feel the same.
Are you okay?
No, no I'm not "okay".
I am sick of normalfaggot """meme""" cancer, especially when mixed with history. Completely shuts logical thought out the window for cheap fucking laughs, even though the """""jokes""""" aren't fucking funny.
Or, the fact that a culture I used to know as unique has been spread around like a drunken whore for all the filthy plebbitors and ifunny kiddies to rail 'til the sun comes up. The fact that that whore then comes to her family, only to find they don't want her anymore, preferring the culture that the base, foreigner scum have shat out, the very same that used and abused her.
Time and time again, cancerposts of ">when you XD", images of "When XD" and emoji shit, that glowing-eyes crap and earrape AIDS, and the list goes on. Unfunny, low-effort and low-quality gutter trash, all done in the name of """irony""" and typical Plebeian stupidity. They whine of depression but never stop to think why they loath themselves so.
Then the overall thread, post, and discussion quality has never gotten better, having been in decline since 2015 (if we're speaking solely about 8fag), with a sharp drop when the American presidential campaign went into high gear in the second half of 2016. Don't even get me started on the terrible leadership of the 8fag heads, and the board owners and their lackeys.
The destruction of lurk more wiki has also bothered me greatly, because although I never really used it—and as a result of that—I have no idea what information I may have missed out on. All I have now is ED and a few silly wikias. Every site I use is shit in some manner or other and there is no attempt to fix the issues, instead those in charge feel the need to paint over instead of nailing floorboards together, perhaps because they are totally incompetent. And if they happen to do something that falls within the popular consensus, the Plebs praise them, but in this latter case I am mostly speaking of Codemonkey and Zig Forums, because that is the only case in recent memory I can think of where such a thing occurred. But, there is generally no need for websites to improve, because they have a virtual monopoly, and unlike physical monopolies, these cannot be regulated, at least within modern United States law. You can't force idiots to use something other than YouTube, for example. You could of course, but you'd be a "tyrant", in a system of crypto-tyrants.
The Internet and its culture, and as well as many entertainment mediums, have either stagnated or are in decline. So again, no, I'm not "okay".
its dont
He is either called Arminius or Hermann der Cherusker
The name Arminius comes from the gem Armenium which is currently known as Azuryite. The mineral has a blue color which refers to Arminius's German blue eyes. This origin is more likely than the other theory that his name was Erminaz because his brother had a Roman name too Flavus which mean blonde in Latin.
Look to that post for more information.
You overdosed on the black pill good job.
It's macro images all over again. Normalfags are the world's foremost problem.
When you here old veterans like Enoch powell talk about the war in later years they always say that all of our best men died somewhere in a trench.
Norse mythology is interesting because it's recent enough that you can compare a lot of the myths with the historical events and figures that inspired it. Dietrich von Bern = Theoderic the Great, Atli = Atilla the Hun, Kjarr = one of the Roman Emperors(can't remember which one) etc.
Nice strawman you have there.
This isn't a "People who did nothing wrong" thread
wait but we're both anonmooses.
Ain't a strawman. Optimism is cowardice.
Was he actually a convicted child molester? I can see the penal battalion doing some bad shit executing jews isn't bad or historically accurate but I haven't ever seen anything good about him besides my German friend's testimony.
You said yourself you are not okay. Emotionally vulnerable people like you get depressed when they learn many unpleasant truths and become cynics which means they assume unpleasant information is true because it is unpleasant.
He got tossed into a labor camp with all the other degenerates for being absurdly drunk all the time amongst other things like raping some girl or just getting fucked up on the common fair of drugs at the time. An absolute fucking mess of a man unless you're pointing him at something to kill. Whether he actually rounded people up and burned them in barns is up for debate, him being an alcoholic, drug using rapist isn't given he was doing that well before the war.
good man
gif is him some years ago
Huge respect for Philips the Great/Alexander the Great for basically inventing THE army template to win war.
They had a form of military to beat the Persians of course. Then came the Carthagians who wrecked that style of warfare and the Romans learned from them.
Huh what? I'm talking about the macedonian phalanx supported by companion cavalry and hypaspists at flanks, as well as screened by archers and peltasts.
This is the winning tactical army deployment right there, and later on late medieval/renaissance army brought back this army composition when they re-learned hellenic tactics.
As far as I remember, the only war between an Alexander style army and the Carthaginians was Pyrrhus' war in Sicily against the Carthaginians. And he threw them into the sea and was about to invade Carthage itself when the Sicilian Greeks betrayed him. The Romans had already developed the legionary manipular system around the time of the Samnite wars, before they ever fought Pyrrhus or the Carthaginians.
Macedonian style army does rekt the roman in direct confrontation and only lose due to lack of logistics as well as uneven terrain, and even bad politics.
The Romans copied what the Carthagians used to defeat their phalanxes and used it against the Greeks. Of course the Romans had immense advantages in logistics and numbers but there good reasons the Romans abandoned the phalanx.
If I am correct which I may not be as I know only a little about this antiquity stuff the Romans had formations that were much like phalanxes before the punic wars.
Romans never did pike phalanx, they adopted greek hoplite phalanx with normal spear, so it's not comparable.
It's arguable they were shit in their organization somehow that their phalanx was broken by gaul infantry charge, or the uneven terrain in hilly Italy makes it hard to form phalanx.
I see. I supposed I was getting the two confused then.
Why was it that the Romans never copied the pike phalanx if it was superior?
I dunno, maybe because roman legionnaire works and that they have enough logistics for it to function. Not to mention, they have mercenaries to fill in any gaps.
Again, tactics is nice and all but logistics is king.