I'm surprised there is no thread dedicated to molotovs, incendiary device, and the use of fire as a weapon.
Time to fix that!
Lets start with the classic molotov:
I'm surprised there is no thread dedicated to molotovs, incendiary device, and the use of fire as a weapon.
Time to fix that!
Lets start with the classic molotov:
Some manuals from some groups that have a lot of experience in arson. Ignore the politics.
Arson Around with Auntie ALF
Setting Fires With Electrical Timers
Yeah cause fire's useless dumbass Ever heard that humans are 70% water?
Black Book of Arson - Lyle Whitney
The end all be all in incendiaries
Because generally speaking, fire is a shitty weapon and its usage will ensure the propaganda train claims you're roasting babies to eat them. The only real use for fire is depriving oxygen and in sticky materials to be used against law enforcement.
The fuck are you on about? Abbos wiped out a whole continent with fire. Fire has been used to burn down entire cities. The only thing that can do more damage than strategic fire bombing is a nuke
Speaking of molotovs. Would it be a good idea to bring a slingshot to a riot so if I catch some antifa cuntflap sparking up molotov I can shatter it in his hand and burn him?
Holy shit I never thought of that. Thanks fam
It's not an effective weapon. It's effective for burning down infrastructure as you stated (I never denied that), but as a weapon it's shit. What, did you want me to specify personnel or something?
I doubt you'd have enough time to actually do so, but a slingshot is considered a deadly weapon anyways in most blue states so you might as well bring a fucking gun (or at least an air rifle at that point).
T. Noguns
Convert Alcohol into Flaming Jelly using Vinegar and Antacid
Always remember that the molotov is called molotov, because it was used by the Finn to burn the Soviets when Molotov was the prime minister of the soviet union.
Retarded idea. As said, either take an air gun and shoot it in his hand or just take an AR.
Or take two more lads and make them your own massive slingshot and launch molotovs against commies and kikes.
Doesnt mean you cant use a sticky flamable substance, douse the subject in it, and light it up. Worked great on spergooks grandfather. :▲)
Fire in weaponized form is the most effective weapon there is with the sole exception of the nuke. The only thing scarier than fire are chemical/bio weapons, but those are hard to control and can have severe consequences on the whole region. Napalm on the other hand can be dropped wherever we need it and within a few hours it will extinguish by itself once there's nothing else left to fuel it.
You see gentlemen, fire is fueled by everything the enemy holds dear. His home, his people, his forests, his fields and even his oxygen.
The Branch Davidians may argue your claim about fire being a shitty weapon.
It's a very effective way to flush out a building filled with heavily armed people and possibly booby traps. I suppose you could starve them out but that could take months or years. You can plan your SHTF last stand condominium defense strategy but when Jamal comes creeping up at night and sets your place on fire you have two options: sit tight and die from the fire or leave.
If I fired a gun everyone would lose their shit. I can get away with slinging a ball bearing during the chaos
Fire is actually superior to nukes, firebombing of japan destroyed more property and killed more people than the nukes.
Also nukes are basically weaponized fire anyway, they kill mostly with the thermal portion of their blast.
>You see gentlemen, fire is fueled by everything the enemy holds dear. His home, his people, his forests, his fields and even his oxygen.
One of the most beautiful, emotionally moving things I've ever read on Zig Forums.
Yes and no. It took thousands of fire bombs to do what one nuke did, plus Tokyo was had a lot more wooden building than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Because the water in your body would put out the napalm, or WP that's on you? Like I said use this It makes water combust and forms hydrofluoric acid
Also those atom bombs were very primitive compared to modern were firecrackers compared to modern thermonuclear devices
Some more from my literature collection
TM 31-201-1 Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques: Incendiaries
CIA Field Expedient Incendiaries
I think the "CIA" book is from Delta Press.
Except it actually isn't that useful militarily - which is why it's only used in limited situation. And yes, part of that is the wanton destruction. Believe it or not, you generally want that city to still be there once you're done with it.
This may be a bit of a retarded question, but why did none of the napalm in 'nam start forest fires, or at least not one large enough to be rememerable?
Too humid. Napalm can only do so much against mud and plants that don't burn too well.
You're probably like me and come from a dry environment. In humid/wet environments where you're basically swimming in the humidity, nothing likes to catch on fire.
Also the oxygen probably ran out before it could really start a forest fire.
Making delay devices for arsons
Originally written in French. Simplistic, but they work.
I don't want to live in disgusting Turkish houses. I want to level their entire shitty country and rebuild everything in superior Greek architecture.
You fucking Albano-Bulgarian rape babies will get the rope. Alexander was Greek and Macedonia is Greek. Before genociding the Turks we'll start with you first.
Balkans thread drama is always good for a laugh.
especially since in 20 years, America's collapse will make the Yugoslav break-up look like bathtime
Reminder that flamethrowers are legal in the US and there are several commercially available, no FFL necessary 'cause it's not a firearm obviously.
yeah okay pal, take a nap in a campfire then
You think this means that ARs, 1911s, Mossberg shotguns etc will be the slav shit of the distant future?
What's the goldilocks for molotovs? Like the right amount of gasoline, alcohol, etc. Cus I know there's like a million different variations.
IIRC it's generally a 70/30 mix, by volume. 70% gasoline, 30% used motor oil for instance.
But if you're really spicing things up, try a 50/50 mix by weight of gasoline and styrofoam.
My personal mix is 30% styrofoam, 15% dehydrated bar soap/paraffin wax flakes, 5% liquid dish soap, 40% Gasoline, 10% farm grade diesel.
One recipe that I keep finding in the literature uses soap powder or flakes and alcohol to thicken up the fuel. Most recipes don't say what kind of alcohol to use, but some mention denatured alcohol.
Anyone have any experience with this kind of mixture?
And here is an excerpt from Anarchist Arsenal by David Harber. Lots of incendiary devices here!
If you were actually doing that you'd make it clear if it was by weight or by volume. Pull your shit together.
Arson around with Auntie ALF
The pages have been split and rearranged into numerical order. Filler pages have been removed.
took 9001 hours in MSPaint. Someone else make a better one.
When the fuck is fire *not* in weaponized form? It's destruction incarnate in the natural order.
Yes but when you use napalm instead of just gasoline or oil to start said fire it sticks to the enemy.
Well strelok, I honestly cant be assed to do those things when its a standard beer bottle or can.
yeah except water lmao dumbass
I did not expect this. Nice work
How flammable are most modern structures, such as skyscrapers, bridges, roadways, etc? Webm related talks about how the firebombing campaigns in Japan during WWII were so destructive, because Japanese architecture was almost entirely wooden (that may be wrong, someone correct me if it is, please). Clearly these same firebombing campaigns would not be as effective today, since Japanese architecture has changed a great deal since then. But to how much destruction can modern building design/materials prevent in the face of a military firebombing action?
People that think you use massive fires to cause massive casualties are wrong. You use fire to drain resources and man power. A large forest fire in a populated area will demand a national response, you will see the national guard deployed, wildland firefighters by the thousands, and a fuck load of money being poured into fighting the fire.
Its not a tactical weapon most of the time, but a strategic one. And considering you can cause millions of dollars of damage with a single lighter/match/magnifying glass and some basic wildland firefighting methodology, it's amazing we don't have lighter control.
Very susceptible. The frame may be made of steel, and the outside walls may be made of concrete slabs, but nearly everything inside the building is flammable. Wall panels, furniture, carpets, curtains and drapes, and paper files are just some of the things inside modern buildings that can burn.
It might be harder for a fire to take hold, and a well designed building will have fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and (hopefully) a means for people to escape before the flames and/or smoke traps them. But modern buildings can burn just as well as one made completely from wood.
Also, remember that modern buildings are filled with furniture, carpets, and curtains/drapes made from synthetic materials. Some of those produce lethal fumes when burned - even if the flame don't reach those inside, they can still die from the fumes and smoke inhalation.
From TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook.
More things from TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook. This is the section on improvised gelled fuels. 12 pages in total.
Last lot of pages in gelled fuels.
This is a big part of why weaponizing fire on a large scale isn't all that great of an idea, the other part is that fire isn't all that effective at killing people in comparison to its effectiveness in destroying infrastructure. Yes, the firebombing campaign against Japan was more effective than the nuclear campaign in terms of lives lost and infrastructure destroyed. The problem is that the ratio of deaths/destruction is heavily, heavily skewed towards destruction.
Not only do you generally want to preserve as much of a city or nation's infrastructure as you can while still winning the battle/war, you also want to keep the civilian population as self sufficient as possible to ensure a peaceful occupation. A total burndown of a city without killing its population in roughly equal measure just leaves you with an enormous number of displaced, hungry, and increasingly unruly refugees and no chance of restoring local self sufficiency, thus stability, in short order.
A firebombing campaign is great if you have no intention of invading or otherwise occupying the enemy city/nation after it surrenders. Unfortunately, wbatever burden thag displaced population places upon the enemy regime will inevitably fall upon your people once the day is won. The US could not have "won" against Japan by continuing the firebombing campaigns and avoiding the use of nuclear weapons. The end result would have been the complete and utter destruction of Japan to the point that Japanese "society" would revert to a fuedal, massively impoveriehed, completely deindustrialized state decades. Even if we ignore the number of American lives lost in the pursuit of such a total victory, the loss of everything Japan has contributed to post-war society wouldn't be worth it.
What if you want to make the locals run away, like how the jews made the arabs scramble when they took over Mandatory Palestine?
Would taping a titanium salute to one of these be a good anti-anti weapon?
Good work.
They're not the same kind of mongol people that genghis khan lead, right?
Imagine it like this:
Expect that the cultural and genetic gap between Mongolians and Turkic peoples are incredibly greater than what is between Spain and Portugal. I mean, Mongolians seem to be East Asian, while Turkic peoples are usually Central Asian, so it looks like they belong to different races.
Objection #1
"Altaic" is a family of languages.
Finns speak it, Mongolians speak it, Avars spoke it, and Turks speak it. None of these people have fuckall to do with one another.
It's like saying a Norwegian and a Pajeet are the same thing because they both speak a language in the indo-european group.
Objection #2
Seijuk Turks, the people modern Turks descend from, were not related to Mongolians in any way. In fact they were closer in relation to Persians and Afghans.
Objection #3
An army of something close to 40,000 Seijuk Turks invaded the Byzantine empire which had over 2 million people and no army at the time for a variety of reasons. The Byzantine empire was composed 50% North Africans and Semite (arab/kike), 25% Persian, and 25% Greek/Roman. The Seijuk Turk army interbred with Byzantines in a ~50:1 ratio, so the modern Turk is at best 2% Altaic and the rest a Byzantine hodgepodge.
Genetic studies say their heritage is about 10% Asiatic, which they also say about most Europeans, so I don't trust DNA. Pre-pozzed wiki page:
Objection #4
Albanians have very little relation to Turks, they are more related to Kurds (who are persian ancestry). Albanians are essentially the Kurds who collaborators who were resettled to "richer" areas in the Balkans as a stabilizing factor. You have to understand, to some retard from the middle east garbage climate/geography, the Balkans are basically a garden of Eden.
Albanians also have nothing to do with Thracians or Illyrians, which were genocided over 1500 years before Albanians showed up.
DNA is irrefutable, but the people who decide categories are retarded. For example if a nigger moves to Sweden, he gets counted as Swedish, and his DNA is added to the set of data which corresponds to Swedish people.
Also they sometimes go into too much detail and end up calling an Eskimo a nigger because 0.001% of a niggers genome and 0.001% of an eskimos genome match…. that's down into "primate" levels of resolution.
True, but to put a white category like brits in the same category as central asians is just wrong.
British doesn't mean anything any more mate. It's probably "British Asians" i.e. paki rapists.
Wrong again, leaf. All DNA testing companies add like 2% African to every test. DNA testing is a psuedoscience anyways; the best test for determining if someone is non-white is seeing if he rejects Christian Identity
You are incapable of reading what is written right before your eyes.
What the hell is it with people on this board reading 3 words of a post, STOPPING ALL READING ACTIVITY AND IGNORING THE ENTIRE POST WHICH EXPLAINS THOSE THREE WORDS, and then making a retarded knee jerk reply.
I just had this exact same problem with another poster, pic relate. Fucking READ, don't be a nigger.
"100% white, I'd let him impregnate my daughters and my wife.
t. evangelocuck"
My test came back 100% European. No Jew, no black, nothing questionable at all.
Obviously you had one done and it said you're some what African and that's why you're lying about this shit. DNA tests aren't great, some companies do try to fuck with you but that's not true in all cases Jamal Jr.
Now that EU has redefined European to be whoever lives in Europe, that's not exactly encouraging.
You're funny, my dude.
True but this isn't modern European.
Synthesis is difficult and containing it requires a sealed and treated steel vessel. The Germans couldn't figure out a way to deploy it effectively without endangering their own people.
Refer to this infographic.
Partially yes.
Only in the widest sense.
>ywn fight in Punic War I and II
lol u thought I was going to say World War I and II eh? same thing really :^)
How does one practice throwing molotovs with a sling? Glass bottles tend to make broken glass which is a pain to clean up while plastic has wrong weight and balance.
One of the issues with fire as a weapon is that it can be rather indiscriminate and grow beyond its intended target thus making it completely unsuitable for say home defense. Also its somewhat slow acting, sure a military grade flamethrower will stop anyone dead in their tracks but improvised incendiaries are hardly as potent.
Fill plastic bottles with rocks and sand so they have similar weight. Or go to the thrift store and buy metal water bottles they always have a ton for like a couple dollars each.
It's easy to synthesize, but hard to contain. With today's tech it can be done.
Can a potent homemade flamethrower be made?
If yes, how?
Nonsense, homemade flamethrower is a perfect weapon to defend your home and your property in case of home invasion
Trust me
Yes. They are not particularly complicated. See the attached PDF file.
So it's future European?
Thermate can be made by adding sulfur till 12% of a thermite mixture.
Speaking of thermate, here is the composition for the AN-M15 Thermate Incendiary Grenade.
From High Energy, Lead-Free Ignition Formulation for Thermate, by Gene V. Tracy and Eugene Song.
Has anyone ever tried making a drone-mounted flamethrower yet? Better yet, a drone with a clasping mechanism that can drop cocktails from a distance?
I'd like to see a drone with a Negative X Super Soaker. I wonder if you can mix Negative X with alcohol or turpentine kind of like sugar water? There's gotta be something you can add it to in order to make a gel or liquid negative X.