A Thai ladyboy soccer team is trapped in a cave system that is being flooded by the monsoon season rains and the oxygen levels are dropping. An ex-Thai Navy Seal was sent in to deliver goods and died of oxygen deprivation. Elon Musk is sending engineers to deliver spacesuits and FIFA has promised to send them to the World Cup if they don't die. What is the Zig Forums solution to this?
Thai Ladyboys Rescue
Send in /b/, /v/, or /cuteboys/ to dig them out.
Alternatively, blow up the cave. You can't be stuck in a cave if there is no cave.
Map of cave from top down perspective.
Seal the cave.
It's not a bog, but it will do for now.
Maybe he should have worn some sort of breathing apparatus instead of just going in
Elon's bouncy castle idea.
Some sections of the cave are too small to fit through wearing oxygen tanks requiring tanks of a size that divers can push ahead of themselves along with whatever they're carrying, probably putting a limit on the oxygen supply.
How did a little boy's soccer team end up two miles in the back of a fucking cave?
What about oxygen generators?
They were being taken to Jims pig farm underground. The boys were going to be used as sustenance until Jim was able to buy more pigs.
How the hell did he come up with that? Watching too much ET? Anyway, did a cave scuba tour once and there was a spot where you had to push the tank in front of you. One girl's first time scuba diving and she almost didn't make it. It would probably be harder on malnourished, hypothermic kids in a stressful environment.
Coach took them to "explore the caves" but the rains came early.
His GRIDS probably acted up and attacked his brain, I don't believe for a second that a team of ladyboys somehow need less oxygen then one faggot. Send in another. If that one dies, send another. Preferably send enough people that the entirety of Thailand is in and/or possibly not-living in that cave.
Leave them to die, we don't want people this stupid breeding.
Also, I hate twitter "hashtagging". It breaks the flow of the writing. If you're going to tag, put it at the end.
You might as well sage, Ahmed.
Having to squeeze yourself through a tiny hole deep in the earth is nature's way of saying "not welcome"
Who am I to interfere with Mother Nature's selection? If the mountain wants them dead then so be it.
The fuck does this have to do with Zig Forums?
all people will talk about at work is this shit or fuck trump shit
everyone stares blankly at me when I ask how the fuck did they get down there in the first place and then later bring up the case where some scuba diver killed some guy at sea and the investigative process claimed a few lives with the end investigation being "dunno but guy got stabbed and was piss drunk maybe he stabbed himself and gave the oxygen tank to his friend?"
that story made me respect spelunking much more than I did; it's dangerous shit and you have to really try to get that far deep or back
I'm with this user, blast it
I'm gonna be the one to say it: I think it was really stupid of them to go that deep in a cave and I don't really care what happens to them after this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Their stupid prize is getting trapped in a fucking cave. Don't do this.
How the hell did they end up more than two kilometers inside?
They're Asian, and they're kids.
It would be difficult, but is the best way to get past using standard diving equipment that doesn't fit through the narrow passage ways
Except one of them who isn't.
how about they make the hole bigger?
too much silt
an other diagram
Because it would take way too long.
So has Elrond Muzak saved the thai ladyboys from the cave yet?
Alright, so how did people find this team in the first place?
I wonder what would happen if they tried to blast them out using bunker busters?
They read the sign
Start pumping water in the tunnel.
They will come out by whatever side entrance they actually got there.
It would suck out all the air. Might as well go full Gnome.
Captain Reddit to build "kid-sized submarine" in 8 hours. Oxygen level already at 15%.
Some British cave explorer they called in found them after they went missing.
they will adapt to their environment and evolve to breath CO2
check em
Wouldn't running in a hose with air be more practical?
I mean they could keep them alive that way for long enough for waters to recede.
This shit is getting more surreal by the day.
The seasonal rains are expected to come so the water receding isn't going to happen. Also a bunch of locals tried to pump water out of the cave and it drained back through the ground into it, so if it rains they're fucked.
this is just another stupid publicity stunt for SpaceX, just like that dumb space car.
The space car made sense. They had to test-launch the rocket anyway, and if it blew up it was better to blow up a publicity stunt than an actual instrument that cost millions of dollars and took years to build.
Here there's lives on the line.
both events are fake and gay