Friendly reminder Venezuela already has mad max motorcycle gangs & Roaming cannibals
Japan is proof you’ll recover from Nuclear war sooner than communism
Friendly reminder Venezuela already has mad max motorcycle gangs & Roaming cannibals
Japan is proof you’ll recover from Nuclear war sooner than communism
Why does EU want Venezuelans in Europe? Socialists parties are getting desperate or something?
Japan is a monoracial, monocultural, right wing nation that was fire bombed, starved, and hit with atomic weapons, only to recover quickly and become a world power yet again. Lowest crime in the world, peace and harmony in its nation and people.
Most Latin American countries are multi racial, mixed race, almost cultureless, left wing shit holes filled with mud people who can't get ahead despite decades of peace and no formal wars, and are backwards shit pots that will never get ahead and are sources of the highest crime in the world and are never ending states of constant civil war.
Just remember what they keep telling you, about people power, about the left wing. About how diversity is your strength. About how mixing races so everyone becomes a mud person will bring peace and harmony, how everyone will love humanity and each other once they become mud people. Keep repeating the idea that tribalism is bad.
Than why is Africa a shithole?
user forgot to mention single ethnicity, not just single race. Africa is so divided even among Africans due to centuries of tribal warfare and animosity.
Because of niggers, Islam and communism.
Niggers are literally the most multiethnic people on the planet. Their genetics are more diverse than the rest of humanity put together. Picture the perfect multicultural country, with maximum mixture…. it looks like Occupied Rhodesia.
Also said it right too, they have shit religion and shit economic systems on top of being a species of mutts.
In comparison white and asian genetics are specialized and heavy on the founder-effect. It actually makes us more evolved…
Dumbass, nukes are much more devastating now.
Still easily to recover from being nuked than from communism.
So is communism.
Nukes only kill. Survivors can rebuild their nation and slowly recover from radiation sickness/effects.
Communism poisons everything to the core, the more they age the worse it gets. Nothing gets built, everything is ruined or sold. People cannibalize each other and act like niggers.
As a country suffering both from radiation and communists I wholeheartedly agree.
You can rebuild buildings, roads, bridges and whatever the fuck as many times as you like, as long as there is a single man left standing to pick up a block of stone, and a single woman to lift the weight on his heart. You can't build anything if the very founding blocks of society has been destroyed by marxism.
You guys could be a superpower with full control of the entire black sea but choose to be nigger commies instead.
Just like us
You guys need to break away from Europe.
If you need a common market, form it between each other, not with some faceless marxist bureocrat in Brussels, whose overriding goal is to rid the planet of humanity.
It's a tiny puddle with 3 bottlenecks on its path to the ocean tbh, I'd give my left arm for having 1/10 of the French oceanic coastline. (fucking frogs with their kings drinking and gambling instead of building fleet ;_;)
We didn't choose, basically in the beginning of 20 century country just couldn't resist commie army in number of 3 million. We may collapse once more if russcucks will manage to fuck up the 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections, with that failure ruining us forever. Depending of the results these elections will be a complete watershed, either great or catastrophic.
When your playing Splatoon and see those names in kanji, you know your fucked.
Thanks AMLO
Diversity is so powerful it can remove you from political existence for 123 years.
t. knower.
So, pretty cool, then?
I want a rocket fist
This is how societal collapse looks like.
Jamal has a word or two about it.
I wish I could have something to refute here. I can't. Even the aztec bullshit that was shoehorned by the Priista government is an example of the cultureless part. A lot of propaganda and popular imagery is related to the Aztec Empire -yet this is actually only related to the culture in the Mexico Valley. It's like thinking the US is just L.A. and N.Y.
I have a better example for the United States. Back in the 1990's there was this small push of "pretendians" or fake Native American heritage in European Americans. It was kinda hip for a while, lots of people claimed "my great, great, great, great, great grandpappy who settled here married and Indian, I'm 1/124th Cherokee, and I have like an animal spirit or some shit and am really in tune with nature or something" along with spirit catcher, ugly graphic t shirts, and a "See, I'm not pure white, isn't that unique and special, pay attention to me!"
Strange thing was, no matter where these people were or what tribes they lived near ( I think there are like 500 recognized tribes in the US) they were always Cherokee. Many did it for purely material gain (think Elizabeth Warren and scholarships, or people faking lineage to get Indian money, free health care, benefits), some did it because it was a retarded phase, others had a deeper angle such as "southern whites all have a nigger in the woodpile and midwestern whites all had a grandpappy who married an Indian, so everyone is a mud person and we are all now the same exact American", or others claiming that so many whites were "Indian" in part to the point that whites had inherited the Indian claim and thus helped to legitimize Manifest Density.
In any case, it always amazed me how many damned Cherokees there were. Kinda like your "everyone's Aztec" thing with Mexico. In any case…
Mexico has many different indiginous people, certainly, some in latin American still face genocide. Amazing to see how many folks forget that the Tlexecans made the bulk of the army that defeated the Aztecs. Propaganda is propaganda, always full of shit and false "unity", often insulting other people by obscuring one people with another for a common identity.
Mexico's, as well as other Latin American places, suffer much more from interbreeding than the US or Canada for the most part. One thing that is true about whites that married Native Americans is that they tended to either move onto the reservation and become more Indian and had families that married more Indians till they were an Indian family, or they went European and their children married pure European until 5-8 generations later they were effectively "white" Europeans. This made sure that one group kept their tribal Indian identity, the other became more Anglo-American 'white". Each had an identity.
The mixed blood has always suffered the long term effects of identity crisis. While the pure blood Aztec is an Aztec, the old pure blood Spaniards are elite Spaniards, the mestizo is who? He has no real identity, he lives a minor crisis. He loses identity, becomes estranged from both or all of his lineages of blood and ethnicity and becomes a mud person with no culture or community. He's not really Mezo American, he's not really European, he's not really black or Asian, he becomes lost. He is isolated and lacks common bonds with other human beings.
This is the biggest problem of Latin America. You can unite Japanese people, Norwegian people, Russian people, Turkic people, Bantu people, REAL Cherokees, REAL Aztecs, you can bind them together. But the mixed bloods lack affinity for anyone. Instead of gaining love and affinity towards their parent people's, they tend to grow distant at best and hostile at worst.
Watch the favela, see the incredible amount of diversity that is there. There is your "utopian" diversity. Nobody likes anybody, everyone works against everyone, nobody cares when someone gets murdered or robbed because there is no commonality. Just the crab pot of people pulling each other down.
"Diversity is strength" is the truest 1984 statement, a complete lie. What true brotherhood is there in Mexico? Brazil? Won't the US become the next diverse shithole once it loses its Anglo-American fake culture?
The issue bothers me to no end.
Octavio Paz speaks about this issue in The Labyrinth of the Solitude. About how mexicans have this inferiority complex because they were "born from a rape" and thus they are "hijos de la chingada" (the "chingada" is used as both verb and adjective).
Northern mexicans and people from the Lowlands and Jalisco are the ones who despise this "Aztec" sense of mexican identity. Interestingly, the aztecs just dissappeared thanks to miscegenation and smallpox. And unlike them, the Maya people still exists nowadays, thanks to (guess what) self imposed segregation
I'm sure you'd know a lot about suicide, Russia.
Before you roast me for being a bong you should know that this flag isn't accurate.
Hohols would never be super-anything. They didn't just turn to slavniggers when communism came about. They were that way for centuries. I can't tell if that started even before Ivan the Terrible issued an tsardom decree to send all retards to Ukraine. Literal wording too, minus the modernized words.
In Russia suicide is due to bleak life in perpetual poverty with no prospects of it ever getting better. Suicide heatmap corresponds to poverty heatmap. In Japan it's due to everyone being overworked up the ass, like 18th century farmers didn't work their beasts of burden.
brb booking tickets
Sorry Russia, but Sri Lanka has the highest suicide rate in the world. Japan ranks 26th, falling below Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and South Korea.
It's not overworking tho, its life full of self censorship, passive aggressiveness hidden by countless senseless rituals and fear of further isolation for doing anything wrong. If anything japenese society is a living incarnation of ugliness. Why would you think there is so much weird shit coming from there pretty good too sometimes, but weird nonetheless? Because of this stress and pressure some common for us things amplify in certain parts or factors. I don't mind existence of this daemonculaba though, as long as i get to choose which of its products to receive.
Just a gentle reminder that a russcuck is always lying. Whether it's his own child asking if daddy loves him, a russcuck would lie anyways simply because a century of communist and post-communist brainwashing by the 99% state-controlled media crooked his mind beyond repair. There's a bold reason why "1984" refers to russcuckistan.
The ukie is right, social pressure makes people do weird things. At least in Japan they have the option to shut themselves. On the US is either going AWOL and becoming a junkie or starting a mass shooting.
IQ stats aren't exactly effective for Eastern Europe. You guys haven't had national IQ testing for what, 40 years? Its an estimate…
There's no denying that becoming a complete shithole in less than 20 years while given a lot of the best soviet union assets takes special kind of retarded, borderline niggerish. But it's not about IQ, it's about the culture. Prominent feature of Ukrainean culture is blaming others for their faults. Clearly, with that attitude you will not go anywhere.
Them suicide nets are doing real miracles I see.
Kys fam
Also Venezuela citizens are so fucking hungry that the gommie gubmint gives out food hand-outs at their 'patriot centers' just so people would vote them. Coincidentally, they are also the one controlling the food thanks to chavez's reliance on import & 'nationalized' private sectors.
It's safe to assume that Venezuela is ripe for another 'revolution'. Romanian Revolution 2.0: Spic Boogaloo when?. probably not since the people there are used to gibs
Wait, then why does the government have a hard time breaking into them then? I mean fuck, drugs circulate there like water under the bridge.
How come? Is it because they are on the ass end of the shit continent? By the way, Worst Korea had it worse than Japan, surprisingly.
Lots of factors to consider. Young mud people are stupid and angsty, love violence and crime, act like American Niggards. They love to get their hands on guns, easy enough to do with the black market strong and enforcement low, plus drug moneh flowing in, many join gangs or just become lone feral animals acting on their own, crime being "cool" and the cash "easy' if they don't get shot by someone defending themselves, or more likely summary executions needed and provided by heroes like BOPE.
The place is crawling with young, stupid, violent men. Many of those flowing drugs flow through them. Not known for good decision making, nor good self discipline. Smarter men don't take on trained professionals walking the streets with FN FAL's at their ready, but then again criminals are just stupid to begin with. Outlaw land, there are potential threats everywhere, fuck the place is so out of control assholes set up road blocks, to the point the military police need construction equipment to tear down roadblocks. Its fucking Mad Max.
I think the final issue comes down to "why are we in the favela and should we do more" which ends up leading to the realization of many good people within the police, government, and citizenry to realize that the favelas aren't magic evil dirt that capture good people and make them bad, the favelas are garbage dumps of human refuse shit. They realize that the assholes in the favelas MAKE it the Mad Max hellhole it is. Many finally reach a point that they realize "This people hate the police, organization, order, government, why are we even going in to save people who don't want to be helped in so many cases? Are the people who have created this hellhole worth saving? Should we just someday firebomb the fucking place and be done with it?
Its not always that the military police CAN'T go into the worst areas, its the idea they simply won't anymore. It isn't worth it. The officers in the military police are good men. Do you want to send good men to walk shitwater streets to save shit people who would sooner shoot you in the back for trying to help? No? Fuck them. The problem is the people are the problem, soon one day you come to the realization that the place is so violent you need to send soldiers there and realize it ain't worth it. You rope them in and close them off, you keep the damn animals in the zoo and focus on keeping the animals from hurting the real people.
This is mudland for you. Poverty, violence, disorder. All you anarchy lovers should move there, you can do anything, till someone stabs you shoots you in the back.
Yeah i see where you're going at, burger-kun. Another thing you should consider (read: contempt) is how much of a voting potential that you could reap by pandering to these lowlives. I'm sure you are familiar with gibs, yes? Then that's pretty much how it boils down to attract these kind of voterbase. It's not exclusive to spics however, since poor (especially uneducated) people are usually much more compulsive-buyers compared to the middle-class. Poorfags (unironically) barely get by with their own income, so it makes sense (for them) to spend it all on something while you still have it.
This is where the socialists comes in. I think you folks are already familiar with how the leftists ran the economy, so i'm not going to say anything more about it. And so, in Venezuela, people in the Barrios still idolizes Chaves despite his short-sightedness and still voted for the incubent party, just because of gibs. These kind of people propped up the government because they can't think beyond their own daily needs. Reminder that this is also happening in your own countryFIX IT WHITE MAN, DO YOUR PART!!!
tl;dr, Favelas will also drag down a nation's mindset for being prone to subversion, and so it would be better off be Dresden'd off the earth
Friendly reminder that 8ch is banned in Russian, so all Russian flags are literally official Russian Internet defense force.
That's the entire point of creating them in the first place. The old feudal system took care of people by having them become serfs of cottagers, they would work in the manor. But, that simply put too much loyalty and power in the hands of the nobles, so it had to be abandoned, all hail the central state!
The welfare system had to be created to stabilize the lower class that was now abandoned by the manor. Not only that but to create a new underclass of welfarites that now vote for a living and do whatever the state/party tells them to vote for and support. These welfare zombies are what makes Democracy great! A huge chunk of dependent idiots who vote for whatever they are told to vote for always swings the elections towards a certain side to guarantee power. The permanent shit grade lower class controls democracy, and welfare is the power driving it all.
What they fear is that in good European nations that even the lower class there will get sick of the bullshit and start to wax conservative again. They can't have that happen. So now its time to bring in the foreign invaders to help push the liberals with their "immigrants against the evil native people" protection for votes thing, and eventually (hopefully for neoliberals) a permanent mixed mud people shithole ghetto at the center of every western city to keep the neo liberals in power.
Power in democracy is not bought on the top end, its bought on the low end. We see this in Rome, patricians buying votes, ect. Its not that the people high up in power are being bought off, its that almost everyone is being bought off. Including the shit stained welfarites who win the elections for people, whose corruption and vote buying is the key and base of all power.
Before colonization basically every tribe of niggers was genetically different from the next one over. Try making a cohesive nation when every 10 kilometres brings you to another ethnicity.
The common wealth was pretty diverse. Baltic Slavs, western Slavs, eastern Slavs, Balkan slavs. And the Germans in Danzig
How is your slave collection going? I'm conditioning mine with forced headpats and cuddling
You are mostly right, how ever I don't think the nations problems come completely from race mixing,Take the united states, we see many different breeds of Germanics intermixing to create the White American we see today, I believe the cause of many problems in latin america is due to masonic jacobin governments that took over, with one objective, keep the the people in poverty and servitude to the elites. The meztizo's true identity can only come from his mother and father lands together, the divorce of many Latin cultures from their Iberian origins also facilitates the entry of left wing ideologies into the States.
We have been conditioned into rejecting hispano-med influences in mexican culture, thats why in the US you see it in extreminty with hispanics with green eyes claiming to be assdeg :DDD and such.
De que parte eres mi negrito de color cobre
You are right, its not just the race issue in Latin America. I think part of it was the way the US fought and declared independence and organized itself before, and after its revolution played a roll in its success. Indeed political turmoil and the games playing by elites did a lot to harm Mexico and the rest. The US enjoyed elites that seemed to be a bit more benevolent to the nation as a whole than the squabbling factions of other countries. The US also seemed to show a Federal republic that saw effective muzzling of the central state and effective decentralization to the point the capital didn't get in the way of development. But of course the total picture is a vast, wide, massive one, too large and difficult and complicated to simply state in such a short area of writing.
Its an interesting topic. Of one last note, the Germanic peoples you mention did well in the US. They also saw success where they settled in Latin America, did they not?
Just look at what the Hutus and the Tutsis did to one another…
If you cut out the cancer that is Mexico City maybe you could make Mexico great again, but that city and it's corruption is so ingrained into the society that you might as well start over because you will kill the modern state of Mexico by doing so.
That was a case of experimental White genocide. The Tutsis were obviously more caucasoid in appearance, intellect, behavior and social success. It was a perfect opportunity for a simulation in an area where none would REALLY care.
It even had Israel providing Hutus with weapons to kill the Tutsis, however the Tutsis reclaimed Rwanda in the end, so it was clearly a flawed experiment.
Central state (transformation of Monarchy into absolutist form) was created due to changes in the economy, infrastructures and military technology (gunpowder) that made centralized state more efficient in the accumulating military power that decentralized state. Feudalism is lowest from of the state but it can work in total SHTF when everything is in the ruins, situation of post Roman Europe but feudalism is also has lowest efficiency.
Nobody stabilized lowest class. Under feudalism, they were turned into slaves, removed by famines or got noose. Same fro absolutist monarchy.
Today its bought on the top. With (((classified))) method of controlling information flow. Simple goys are not allowed to know truth, they must vote in the total ignorance about actual state of affairs.
It's not just superficial linguistic and self-determination divisions of ethnicity, like German vs Pole and Russian vs Ukranian, either. There are at least four major racial groups of subsaharan blacks and there's more genetic division between second neighboring villages than among European countries.
Bantu expansionism.