The year is 2028...

The year is 2028. The 2nd amendment has been repealed and legal firearms for US citizens are now restricted to licensed low power pistols, air rifles and some shotguns. These cannot be loaded and on your person in public.
Your have 3 months to hand over you firearms in return for a modest monetary reimbursement. After this, gun owners are fair game, and SWAT will begin making visits to those with a significant number of registered firearms to make arrests and if necessary remove the firearms by force. What's your plan?

Attached: 1-lVlE5RWjyaEcsvWSQINlVA.png (1273x804, 716.15K)

The ground in the US has so many guns buried in it bayonets sprout like bamboo shoots.
Also, there is no gun registry (in free states); FFL forms exist but, if you buy privately/80% there's no paper trail.

Even in utterly cucked states these registrations are practically worthless.


shoot the po-leese with .308 and or durr rifles. find armor that can stop .308 or 30-06 :^)




build a shit ton of luttys


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Go live on a seastead where I can do or own just about anything I want. That's far more likely to be a possibility than the 2nd Amendment disappearing in the next 10 years.

The following happens over a period of 12 hours, beginning at 19:00. Night of gun confiscation bill passing:

1) Assemble (50+ men) militia of friends/family and other fags you built and expanded over ten years at designated meeting point. Place assets and caches at designated locations.
Time 21:00
2) Go to a preplanned small town with large R majority and some industrial facilities, link with contacts on ground
3) Seize police station/municipal offices, call sheriff/mayor and ask for meeting
4) Get them on board (pen or otherwise)
5) Go to local bank, grab as much money as possible to add to that stash of cash your militia had already built (need that sweet liquidity to pay people)
6) Begin blocking strategic areas of access to the town.
7) Seize radio/TV stations, call station manager and let him know what will happen
Time 00:00
8) Broadcast on radio/TV that the town and surrounding area is now under control of [your militia name]. Announce that there will be further broadcasts later in the morning. Ask everyone wanting to join to meet at [x] location for instructions. Tell them to bring whatever weapons they have.
9) Secure local gun/pawn shops and sporting goods stores. Let their owners/managers know what will happen.
10) Seize any open medical facilities and other strategic assets if possible (power plants and armories).
Time 02:00

Uh oh, I wonder how that fertilizer-filled van got so close to that ATF headquarters.
And that one
And that one
Huh, what a coincidence

Destruction of all that prohibit the natural rights of men indowed by our creator.

hey, kid

Use the catalog, newfag

SHTF thread doesn't deeply discuss strategy and planning, just personal prepping.

Well seeing as the last time the fedcucks murdered innocents they got their shit absolutely rekt by two men and a truck, and considering those hypothetical two men have suddenly become a hundred million men, I guess I'll just laugh

lol that's not how it works.

After Ruby Ridge and that unfortunate incident at Waco, they learned that disarmament is impossible. Even if 1% of firearm owners resisted, it could be 800,000 Ruby Ridges, all over again. Nobody has the kind of manpower and morale and will to do it. Not mentioning that if there was widespread gun grabbing all the rumble about civil war would go from big shot nothing talk to perhaps reality and far worse.

What to do? Wait for the police to do nothing, for 70, 80, 90, 100 years. Watch as amnesty's are brought forward and people drop off box cutters, steak knives, old broken guns, or watch a liberal throw their grandfather's old firearms away, and laugh.

Gun grabbing in the US is big huff and puff and all talk. "Come and get em" is serious and is perhaps an insurmountable proposition.

Attached: Turnerdiariescover.jpg (252x393, 23.54K)

Free government property and dead zogbots.

detail my entire plan online for everyone to see


dead police can't stack on your door and dead judges can't authorize warrants

Attached: 7be79e9a0961b7fc962fd0b3a8c1aa414f1a729fa1839decccdb54d3e4f3db52.png (908x1078, 1.12M)

Then start posting about it, fucker

Strelok pls, you're going to ruin my nofap.

Sure they can - stacked like cordwood.

Wouldn't you like to know?

Motherfucker there's an entire part of the OP dedicated to comms and local networking. Do you want that faggot to pack your lunches for you too?


Not sure why that user has you so upset.

Waco was successful though?

Assuming that you managed to get a militia up and running that well without getting Partyvanned
[User was MOAB-ed for this post]


Attached: ND6fFvd.jpg (4320x3240, 669.39K)

Need to rename that pic to the tenth crusade.

A Phyrric Victory, though, if there was mass gun grabbing? It was already a disaster with as many casualties as they took and the public images of civilians being killed in the final assault, if anything that and Ruby Ridge kinda put the water on the fire of gun confiscation in the US. They sure did disarm and destroy the cult of whackos with guns; now do it again, 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 times. At some point without the military you'll run out of ATF and FBI agents, morale will plummet, public outcry will start to become louder and louder. Agents will be killed, innocent people in crossfire will be killed, the whole thing will have its many "victories" just like Ruby Ridge was 'victorious" and Waco was "victory", until the whole fiasco just comes to a close. People will lose stomach or it will ignite a full blown rebellion that might topple those in power.

80,000,000 gun owners at least in the US, even if only 0.1% of those end up with Ruby Ridgeesque endings that could be 80,000 incidents. Maybe 80,000 gun battles. Watcha gonna do if 8,000 or even only 800 agents get killed in these ham fisted confiscation attempts? It would be akin with a small war even if no militias or organized resistance or open rebellion hit, long term casualties would take a morale toll and eventually manpower for the services invovled.

Just like Phyrrus, "Another victory like that will ruin us"

I always preferred the A2 style stock on a dissipator.

That is the only mistake in your post, apart from that 11/10.

The police are a tool. The goal is to make the transition as seamless as possible for the general population. I'm not there to extort or exploit them, as I'm not a leftist. I'm there to defend our shared second amendment rights. Remember that this town is heavily R, and the SWAT teams the feds and states will use will likely involve local assets in addition to their shit, which means local incidents and risks for the local police. A small county sheriff office with ~50 personnel, most of which aren't police officers but desk jockeys, aren't going to bite the bullet for the feds, and the feds will likely start in the rural areas since that's where most "gun nuts" people with militarily effective weapons live.

In short, the local police aren't going to be a problem if you choose the right place to make a stand. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some sheriffs actually stood up for the 2nd against the feds. But if they do cause problems, you have 50+ men and, presumptively, the local population. Its always better to break bread then break skulls, especially if you just made yourself an enemy of the state in the last 6 hours.

Good thing I never registered my firearms in the first place.

This is almost as laughable. If the nigs were rioting about being shot for having their guns taken away, the police would be marching on DC armed/shooting at the army in order to maintain their grip they have over other people's lives. Cops are fucking sociopaths in that regard, but this is one of those times where them being power-hungry literal retards works to our advantage.

This user is funny but is at least a little more on-point. 200 Home-Grown Riflemen could overrun congress and effectively take over the US government (with the exception of the military) practically overnight, even if they were using Bolt-Action moist nuggets.

According to the numbers it wasn't. Waco was successful because the Branch Davidians were outnumbered, outgunned, and there was a general impression that they wouldn't be burned alive/shot at if they left the premises. Waco set the stage to tell others "yes, the ATF/FBI will burn you alive/shoot you if you try to escape the flames. They will show no mercy" and set a precedent. In the event of a mass gun grab, it is already clear to these individuals what will happen to them if they don't comply- there will be no arrest, it will be a bloodbath. The ATF/FBI have made that position clear. Now consider it took hundreds of FBI/ATF agents at Waco to deal with a small cult of 80 or so armed individuals. There are (allegedly) 36,000 people working for the FBI as of 2012 in which at least 14,000 are confirmed to be field agents. For the ATF the numbers are 5,200 people as of 2017 of which about 2,700 of them are field agents and 800 or so are boots on the ground doing largely clerical work at various facilities. Even if we only consider 1% of the population armed and give those special agents a 2:1 kill:death ratio, and assume that there's 5x more federal agents than what is publicly listed, that's still not nearly enough people in a gun grabber situation where your opponent is well aware that tactics such as burning down your home with your children in it is not off the table. I'm not sure how hard I can hammer this point in to you user, but Waco only happened because the Davidians thought there was no way the US government would resort to burning down their compound. If they had suspected this fact, they would have fought tooth and nail and it would have really been a massacre when they realized they were dead men.

Consider that there were polls back during the Obama presidency that showed that something like 1/3rd of officers would defect in the case of a civil war if a Democrat was in office, and consider that US military official doctrine states that in the case of a civil war, it's basically each base commander's responsibility to decide who to side with. Then consider that most firearms manufacturers, out of necessity, are in the states with the most rabid/distinct love of their gun rights. The stupid Denver magazine ban that we're still repealing/fighting in the court system resulted in millions of dollars being funneled out of my state to nearby states across state borders. My point is, that if we were to have Waco over half the United States, there is absolutely nothing the FBI/ATF could do about it because it would become a war of attrition, and with that many Waco Texas events happening across the US (or even if it was just in the South and the Great Plains which seem to be the only two regions that give a shit about gun rights these days), the military would probably be tied up trying to get their own shit together. In that time supply lines would get messed up and entire urban populations, which are where the government collects its money and subservient population from, would be starving as most cities don't even have enough food to feed themselves for three days (some not even a day) without their rural gun-loving neighbors. Anons suggesting an overton window shift towards a culture that hates guns is more likely than a fucking gun grab on rural/suburban states or the ensuing civil war that would follow. Seriously though, when you realize that most cities are one mild highway/ocean port disaster away from starving, it's almost enlightening to realize how fucked the federal government, who relies on urban environments to thrive like leeches, would get fucked over.

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I know it's the NSA, but consider that the NSA can't even get programmers under 30 because young people don't think the NSA is ethical. If people are watching FBI/ATF agents get gunned down like watermelons at a shooting range, there is no fucking way in hell they'll join those federal services as new recruits (much in the way no one wants to be a cop in the cities where cops get murdered). Also keep in mind that people who know they're considered "extremists" by their standard of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED have learned from things like Ruby Ridge/Waco and various modern police incidents that the government has no qualms with killing you, your dog, and your entire family if you are inconveniencing them/resist them. Each new Ruby Ridge/Waco will just be another learning opportunity to see how far the feds will go and what ways you need to plan around those events making the next event harder to enforce and surely bloodier. The Bundy ranch situation showed that people are getting fed up with the federal government in general and was one gunshot away from becoming a bloodbath. I know I'm repeating myself here with multiple posts, but I really want to nail this point in if other Streloks don't fully realize it (I assume you all do and I'm just repeating myself for my own sanity though).

You might have a case for local sheriffs that are elected by the township, but the majority of pigs are pigs. They're low-IQ subhumans who are well aware that they're paid by urban tax payers and that they can basically get away with anything. All of the people growing up I know who've become police officers either had some mental deficiency, were abusive/violent individuals, or they simply wanted power over other people and knew they were too stupid to be a politician. There is no such thing as a good cop or police department, only a de only small-town law enforcement consisting of 10 or fewer individuals who only comply with federal law because they don't want to be charged with treason.

Another important thing to note is that Waco was the primary motivation for the Oklahoma City Bombing. If even one of those happened for every dozen firefights the feds forced upon armed citizens, it would cripple the nation.

Attached: Oklahoma_City_Bombing.JPG (2500x2084, 4.37M)

How do you disarm a group of people that outnumber your entire military 1000 to 1 and over 70% off these people know a lot more than the average retarded grunt when it comes to combat and tactics? How do you disable these people when they are all within walking distance of every government building and have high positions in your own military? How do you even plan to survive this?

Are libtards this retarded? Do they seriously think anyone can disarm the fucking United States? The only way of disarming this fucking country would be with nuclear genocide and extensive chemical warfare.

Attached: cage.gif (300x149, 1.24M)

Israel unfortunately has both of those, willingness and immunity to criticism (^:

Realistically you could disarm the USA in another 40 years or so via the changes they're currently making to public education to make teachers teach guns are bad doing shit like California does where they ban it little by little until you're left with crumbs/a mockery of your original gun rights. Unfortunately this tactic doesn't work in largely rural states or in states with isolated urban areas. The North East and California (and to a lesser extent the midwest) are both urban states for the most part and their urban areas are interconnected so they can get away with this shit and spread their filth. California was a rich, affluent, white state with some of the strongest gun rights just half a century ago, user. Don't forget this fact.

Please my polish friend maybe you can help me please.

Where the fuck can i oder or buy reloading powder in the Schengen Europe area for various calibers without permit ?

It is sooo fucking difficult to get acess to it.

It's driving me crazy

I do not intend to harm anyone or be a criminal i just want to follow my passions for firearms.

Please guys, any tips, any hints would be appreciated.


In Czech Republic.

Meant for

Disarm or change the percentage of the population that is armed? They have been saying that long term disarmament could work for decades now, but let's be realistic, firearms have an incredibly low, low, low, low, low rate of attrition and many people refuse to turn them in, and often have children that follow suit. How many Finnish fun guns from the Winter War and following conflict are still out there despite being illegal? Has the passage of 73+ years magically caused all those rifles to dissipate, to evaporate? All the folks that didn't turn in their guns in Australia, and still don't with all these new amnesties? What about all those folks in the pinko states that never registered their magazines and assault rifles, how did Adam Lanza have a rifle that was illegal in his state?

"Time will always bring us victory" is a common thread, theme, idea, tactic, but sometimes it doesn't work. Public education of the masses and constant propaganda sometimes works, but let's not forget that propaganda is not all powerful it is not the Jedi mind trick many people desperately desire it to be, it can't change minds, only reinforce what people want to believe. Hollywood is so damned anti gun that they make guns look fucking badass and awesome and you should buy one in the moves. People grow up and get real information from the real world and hold their own views, bias, are affected by real people and things, the blanket "guns are bad" thing is never going to be as slam dunk effective as they claim.

They said in the early 1990's "We are going to educate the children against guns and in 20 years gun control in the US will be ours" Almost 30 years have come and gone since this rhetoric was spewed, on the national level gun control is still an election losing topic and people are buying guns up like crazy, young people are trying to get into shooting who aren't part of the rural and old gun culture. If they are winning by this means, well, they better get moving hard and fast. Another 20 years will go by and they will just say "Well, not that LAST 20 years, but the NEXT 20 years will be the big slow change".

Kommiefornia is disarmed, or is it just becoming harder for Californians to keep their arms? Or, is it more difficult for them to acquire new arms? In 40 more years will the state be more disarmed, or will it just reach a point where less people are armed as a percentage as they are eeked out by aliens and losers and the old population can't easily acquire new arms under the new laws?

There is a gap, far and wide as the sea in controlling new arms acquisitions and actual small arms disarmament. You are right that some states will become less armed over time, but disarmed, well, bullshit. Even many pro gun control people finally admit they can't enact it anymore because there are simply too many guns in circulation to ever confiscate and remove, its too late in the US. Kill the supply of new assault rifles and battle rifles and whatnot, well, you still have how many millions upon millions of guns in circulation to take OUT?

Its like military bolt action rifles and why they don't manufacture new replicas for the market, there are simply too many old rifles available that the prices always stay low enough to keep new manufacture unprofitable. Even with high prices, there are too many K98's, 70-80 year old rifles that should have magically dissipated and evaporated out of existence according to progressively increased gun control disarmament theory, to keep prices low enough from high availability to warrant the need to manufacture new ones. Nobody has to make new M1 Garand's, there are still plenty floating around, you name it.

Reducing the acquisition of new small arms in the USA is realistic, disarmament is not.

What do you mean, the problem is in the Czech Republic they want to see a firearms permit if you want to buy smokeless powder. The thing is i already have black powder but i need smokeless powder.

How can i find someone to sell me smokeless powder without permit there man ? I also can't speak Czech, i'm German.

Gun laws are strict as fuck in poland. Czech republic is a heaven for gun nuts in Europe, it is the most relaxed place in Europe regarding guns. There are some limits for full auto and supressors + limited ammo options. Get some czech friend on the internet who does shooting and meet up with him. Pretty sure he is willing to sell you some if you get to know him pretty well.

Might also want to remember some key terms, apparently your not allowed to bring translators in for the paperwork too.

You sound like a sovereign citizen :')

Enjoy being gunned down at a routine traffic stop.

you forgot the part where your sf arm harasses airfields. you will need to ground the police air power to have any chance. even just throwing some red painted tp tubes tied to alarm clocks onto runways, everybody is grounded until eod verifies they aren't bombs

The event needs mass in order to work. The scenario that I described must happen across many small towns in order to overwhelm government forces. Delaying police choppers by a few hours doesn't really impact what happens beyond taking the town. Besides, if one airfield is down, the cops can call another from a different part of the state. That doesn't even begin to address national guard or other military choppers. Its better to have basic air defense, like a mounted machine gun, to ward off low flying aircraft than try to stop them from taking off.

As an aside, if one really wanted to stop them from flying, it would be easier to actually use artillery (mortars, rockets, hell cannons, etc) or penetrate the airfield and either destroy/disable the chopper or steal them. Most police choppers where I live are held at a small airport with minimal security. It would hypothetically be possible to steal the chopper if you had the training.


In Austria you can buy rifle, shotgun and ammo with no licence, for powder i don't know.


They can't search the whole fucking country, if you don't bury it on/near your property, or near anyplace your known to go why would they check there?
Also bury them vertically, smaller cross section for metal detectors, and scatter nails, nuts, bolts all over and above your cache for false positives. After digging up a dozen nails, maybe they give up and go home.

I dont know, but how a radar would spot a wooden chest lined with tinfoil buried underground?

They would run out of cops quickly if they tried going after people's guns.