2nd SCOTUS Justice Announcement

9PM Eastern; 3 hours, 15 minutes from now.
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I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M.

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Hopefully it's Hardiman, the (as Washington Compost calls him) "Second Amendment extremist". Barrett lack of time on bench makes me a bit leary of her, but that would resolve itself by the time the next appointment opens up.

Itll have to be a centrist, likely a pro NRA cuck.

While Trump himself seems to swing that way (unfortunately), Gorsuch has been doing pretty well as a justice so far. Hopefully his second pick will be similar.

Didn't know they called him that, that's good. I'm hoping Kethledge, he's basically another Gorsuch. We don't need anymore Catholics in the court so fuck Barrett.

Barrett seems to be out. NBC claims she has been spotted at home in Indiana.

That's reassuring, quads can't lie either.

Now CNN is claiming Kethledge is also at home. Better not be Kavanaugh.

Son of a bitch. It's going to fucking be Kavanaugh isn't it

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couldn't care less about bench time. The real mark against Barrett is that she adopted two nigger kids from Haiti, which means she absolutely will cuck on immigration.

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What's wrong with Kavanaugh? Other than Hardiman was called a "Second Amendment Extremist," apparently.

Literally in the OP

He went out of his way to say machine guns aren't protected by the second amendment. Worse, the way he says it he thinks non-"sporting purpose" firearms aren't either.

He's the cuckservative pick. Sure he won't outright support bans on weapons, but he's not going to fight for removing unconstitutional bans on weapons like Hardiman probably would.

Thank you. I didn't think to check that link. My bad.

ah jesus fuck me running sideways, why fucking why must we endure this shit?
Ted Cruz should have been nominated. Trump's probably still pizzed off at Ted's bantz, orange moron.

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Cruz's idea of "protecting the second amendment" is de-privatizing medical records and giving the ATF a shitload of money with no strings attached.

Should've went for the principled conservative. Though he wouldn't have beaten Shillary, lets be honest.

goddamn, well fuck Cruz then. Is there anyone that won't fuck us over?

true, for some reason people in general these days find the super religious to be weirdo's.

Constitution Party? American Freedom Party? Too bad they'll never get even Green Party numbers.

I think it may be time to revolt.

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For anyone that wants it.

It's Kavanaugh

Fucking knew it, fucking cheeto man fucking up again. I knew he'd pick the fucking cuckservative choice.

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…well, fuck. Kavanaugh it is.


He did fine with Gorsuch. Better than fine, considering the options available. What the fuck is this shit?

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Probably afraid of the backlash if he nominated another person along the lines of Scalia or Gorsuch. Retard doesn't understand that it doesn't matter who you pick, they'll attack him either way, might as well go full right wing instead of another Kennedy.

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No, it's just a cuckservative picking a cuckservative.

Call your senators and make sure they oppose him

Well where the FUCK was this cuckoldry on the campaign trail?! The man's entire bid for the Presidency was built around inviting controversy and ignoring the backlash, and most of it seemed deliberate. This is the same man who went onto national television and said "let's suspend all Muslims entering the country." Not "the radical ones," not "ISIS," not "terrorists," "Muslims." And for all his many, many, faults, Trump is not a stupid man–if Michael Moore can scrape enough brain cells to notice the cause and effect than so can Trump. No, what's happening here is that Trump is allowing his socialite daughter, her neocon (((husband))), and his cuckservative cabinet to whisper into his ear.

Mind you, don't mistake the above as some kind of deflection of blame. It was Trump's choice to give these people positions in the White House and his choice to listen to their advice; any bad decisions he makes from their influence are still entirely his fault.

And on top of all this he's on the old side at 53.

I hope he does better when ginsberg shits the bed

You're still missing the obvious truth of the matter. His campaign was built that way with no intention of following through. It's not the influence of his family, or his cabinet, or anything else stopping him from implemented what he promised. He recognized exactly what you said, that running a campaign like he did was a ticket to the White House, and he took the opportunity, regardless of what his actual intended policies were.
I expected this from the start. I figured at most he'd build a flimsy wall since it was such a symbol of his campaign, but that he'd otherwise be just another cuckservative doing nothing of note. Ironically, that got me decried a Trump fanatic, since just as I thought the hype among the chesscucks was misplaced, so too did I think the hysteria from the Left was an overreaction. But to tell them that is tantamount to throwing a Roman salute.

The fools on Zig Forums thought that even if he turned out to be a liar (back before such sentiment was bannable, of course) then the Left would look like idiots for the drama. But what's really happened is that his mediocre policies are still perceived as the Rightest of the Right, so even mere right-leaning centrists like me are "as bad as Trump", and completely de-legitimized. The only things he does that are actually extreme seem designed to be complete disasters; the current debacle with the separated families would be, if it were genuine, one of the stupidest moves I have ever seen a politician make, which is why I doubt it's genuine coming from someone savvy enough to run the campaign he did. It accomplishes absolutely NOTHING except give the Left the best supply of propaganda they could ever ask for, and it will hang over anti-immigration movements for decades.

Thinking Trump planned to follow through with his campaign is as bad as thinking the British government ever intended to make a genuine effort for Brexit. And we know how that's turning out at the moment.

He likely will considering this is a pretty obvious ploy to make the democrats feel moderately confident and thus kill their turnout for the midterms.the correct time to place a militant 2A friendly judge would with a third appointment occurring after the midterms when there's absolutely nothing to stop it.
Then there's also the Reagan stuff he's been saying lately and the fact that a press conference involving the independent investigator working the Seth Rich murder case is the very next day. This is Trump playing political poker.

As to Kavanaugh himself, I think the doomsayers ITT are blowing things out of proportion. Kavanaugh doesn't favor any bans and will likely not only grant cert but err on the 2A friendly side if/when an AWB case comes to SCOTUS. It's also possible that the extant 2A justices may bring him around on Hughes.

These things are an overall win for us.

Can you give us a source on that?

Please immediately kill yourself.

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In as said.

blumpf is finished!!!

I've considered this point, but it begs the question: Why? Why spend billions of dollars on campaigning, suspend any involvement in your private business, and open yourself up to endless criticism just to pass some basic-bitch neocon policies? Allowing your reputation and legacy to take this permanent hit only makes sense if you have a vision you want to pass (and if you read Art of the Deal and some of his other publications it's clear he's been thinking about the shit he says on the campaign trail for quite a while). Making this big of a personal sacrifice just to do a 180 and become a generic, unmemorable cuckservative seems….off, especially when you consider the Art of the Deal was published in 1987 and his other books in the early 2000s. If it weren't for these factors I'd agree with you, but because they are present I think it's more likely that he's chosen to listen to the wrong people.

N-no, it's not chess it's "poker"! It's totally different!

Specifically, on top of the full auto thing in particular, the problem is that he appears to entirely accept the idea that gun bans should be based on what is "traditional", which pretty obviously will get translated to Fuddery sooner or later. It is a very short step from saying machine guns can be banned because they aren't "traditional" to saying that "assault style" guns aren't traditional either and are fair game.

Nope. Not 4D chess. It's just a normal gambit that can still backfire.
Maybe you should try actually reading what people say before chimping out like a nigger.

You sure you quoted the right person?

Yeah, he even said "hunting" in the statement along with
I find this disturbing.

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It's supremely ironic that Mr. Warpath doesn't understand that these days you basically have to shill the other side to death with extremism after extremism.

Friendo, the democrats are far beyond being even capable of "moderate confidence," they are in a pure, non-stop meltdown runaway train. Trump could have nominated Walt Disney himself or George Lucas and they would have read Nazism into it.
It doens't fucking matter at this point, you always selected the hardest, more extreme son of a bitch there is.

Why is Zig Forums mad?
Kavanaugh is against any assault weapons ban.

Reminder that chesscucks screeching 4D chess rhetoric don't actually care about gun rights, and more than likely don't even own anything more than a fudd tier durr rifle (if even that)

Reminder that the constitution is a living document and that it had no intention of allowing assault rifles when muskets were around. =D

Because he's pro Hughes amendment and his anti-AWB argument is Fudd-tier and could easily be construed as a pro-AWB argument in 20 years or so by a team of dedicated lawyers.

Because Trump is making an inferior choice out of what has been presented.

He presented a kike, a nonwhite, a woman, and Kavanaugh. I fail to see how this is a bad choice among those 4.

And which one of those is Hardiman supposed to be?


I don't know and frankly don't care. Trump could have picked the jew and I wouldn't give many shits about it.
This country is on the way out. One side is well prepared. The other side is pic related.

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What did the Cruz Missile say?

jesus fucking christ

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HItler was right

Some of them have been 'training'

"Hey, let's threaten our political adversaries who are, on average, more experienced with firearms and have more firearms with this video that shows how inept we are!"

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There are 3 barriers relevant to the scenario being talked about. 2 major ones, one minor one.
The minor one is being prepared to fire a gun.

The first major one is firing it at something living.
The second major one is firing it at a living human.

That last one, kinda hard to do for normies. Though the ironic thing is that normies have no problem pointing a loaded weapon in any direction regardless of who/what it's pointing at.

Wow, some beaners and suburban shitlibs LARPing as being white working class rural people. This "militia" popped up two years ago after BLM burned itself out. Meanwhile, you have both far-right and constitutional militias that have been around for close to 20-30 years at least. The key difference is that one is (((comped))) and the others aren't.

They know that if they bite off more than they can chew, their handlers will call in professional help.


But, but, they are in league with the JUGGALOS now! They will become so powerful with their new allies! They are becoming so respectable and presentable soon they might become mainstream!

So now that Zion Don picked an anti-gun judge, where is our resident question mark flagged cuck motherfucker?

He's not anti-gun, he's just not Scalia tier of pro-gun. To simplify, he's not going to call the 86 ban or the NFA unconstitutional, but he's not going to call random "assault weapon" bans constitutional either. Middle of the road bleh tier pick. Not like those fuckers in the Supreme Court listen to gun cases anyways.

Citation needed.

That's called "being anti-gun". We had a chance to finally start winning some gun rights battles but the status quo had to keep going to continue the slow erosion our rights.

To us yes, to the average person no. You are being melodramatic.

SCOTUS was 6/9 cucktholics 3/9 kikes before kennedy retired, now it will still be like that. both of ZOG Emperor's picks are cucktholics, he won't pick a native WASP endorsed by GOA 'cause he's a fucking faggot

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literally a fucking good goy potato nigger born in D.C.

Why is there so many fucking Cucktholics in SCOTUS? What the fuck is up with that shit?

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'cause they're golden goys, tons of the jews' gentile servants are racial catholics. this country should be run by racial protestants of Anglo-Saxon and north German descent smh

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Not even North Germans, just Anglo-Saxons. We founded the fucking country, we should run it.

Divide and conquer tbh.


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Divide and conquer, see how Germany has its catholic and protestant base, yet the catholic is more rural and right-wing.

the part of Germany that is most anti-xeno and in touch with its NatSoc past is the former GDR. southern Germany is cuckservative

Bavaria & Swabia are still whiter.

Is he a jew?

Is there a single judge who is against Hughes amendment?

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Its bret kavanaugh, he is 5 out of 11 on the Scalia scale. Just slightly left of centre.

Predicted it up here.

Theres a strategy behind this pick. If the democrats confirm it, they will lose senate seats in the midterms from their own base. If the republicans reject him, they will gain seats in the midterms, as their base does not like Brett.

1. Hardiman worked for Ayuda (probono legal work for illegal aliens) helping spics avoid deportation and ruled against deportation in his career as a judge. Literally every other judge in consideration (except perhaps mike lee) had tremendous weakness or intention to screw us on immigration.

Read from page 36 niggas:

Kavanaugh says that intermediate scrutiny was an incorrect choice and that he was bound (as a circuit, not supreme court judge) to follow the precedential tests which were text, history, and tradition (as in heller). He then says that if this were a constitutional question (I.e. If he were on the supreme court) that strict scrutiny is mandated because any ban or registration is equivalent to banning a class of speech. (pages 75 and 76)
"In sum, our task as a lower court here is narrow and constrained by precedent. We need not squint to divine some hidden meaning from Heller about what tests to apply."
He literally insinuates that a higher court ought to rewrite the whole thing.

I have been pretty distrustful of the trump administration but this is the first good news in some time that we aren't going to have a judicial amnesty and it certainly seems like Kavanaugh doesn't buy the miller "common use" bullshit when put in a context that he does not have to follow it.

Bullshit gooky.
The amount of foreigners in both states is around 10% and they're second and third highest in absolute numbers after NRW (which is an absolute shithole and Turkish colony).
They may talk a lot but in the end they'll choose to line their pockets instead.

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this is the incorrect explanation because there is absolutely no way that he of all people doesnt understand this better than anyone else by now. his iq is more than 80 and it's not like he's been in a coma for the past three years

The liberals have gotten smart enough that they brand the people they see as less threatening "far right" or "extremist" so that the reactionary people on the right will then have a higher opinion of that person.
See: Media vilification of kirstjen nielsen despite her tepid performance in actually enforcing the law

Or: If the nytimes said dogshit gave you cancer, the boomers would eat it.

Mindestens nicht Berliner :^)

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Trumpstein fucks us again

Anglo Saxon Catholic here. I've noticed a lot of Anglo Protestant have become apathetic/lack conviction in the same way that a lot of Anglo Catholic have become good goys. You guys just gave up a lot sooner. At least our lawyers fought the jews on pornography distribution.

What a shock.

Zig Forums already damage controlling trump on many boards as we speak.

That's nothing.

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Would Clint Eastwood be like a t-Rex to them?

Interestingly enough the GOA is speaking out in favor of Kavanaugh

I'm pretty sure Hardiman is the Jew. Kethlidge is a shit skinned spic and is the most likely one to support undermining any closed border policies, the woman adopted kids from haiti and is a complete loon who is part of a cult. Kavanaugh is a "I am the status quo" cuckservative.

Anglo-Saxon Catholics are better than most, for sure better than the fucking Mediterraneans.

yeah GOA sent an email saying how Potatoaugh is such an improvement over Kennedy and that the left is freaking out, etc. etc.

Supposedly Hardiman is for shitskin immigration so maybe he wouldn't have been a good pick, even if it's better on guns

Disney hates kikes, so they wouldn't be too off.

This is actually a complete meme. One of Walt's butthurt employees was leading a strike and started spreading rumors that Disney was a horrible anti-semite, oy vey, you better support this strike goy. And the myth has stuck around to this day. Although I wouldn't mind if it were true, best not to spread misinfo.

Hardiman would vote for birthright citizenship

Hahaha have you ever even been to Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg, gook? München is Full of niggers and Arabs. Sure rural Bavaria is mostly German but rural Schleswig-Holstein is much more so.

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GOA sent me an email effusively endorsing Brett, maybe we're wrong?