RAF Centenary

Well for fags who were not aware it was the RAF centenary today and boy it was an embarassment.
To sum up the highlights
>Multiple references to (((Israel)))

Seriously though the constant shilling of the F-35 Merkel was what got me. There were (((suits))) saying how great it was and everytime there was a cut to another location picture of the F-35 shoved down your throat. It felt like a Lockheeb brochure than centenary event. There was one very interesting point though. Whenever an actual RAF pilot was interviewed they had nothing and I mean nothing to say about the F-35. Loads of praise for other aircraft past and present in particular the Tornado almost pleading with everyone to not let it go, but it looked like they were going to great lengths to deliberately avoid talking about the F-35.
Any thoughts for anyone that could stomach watching this?

Attached: The Entire RAF.jpg (720x405, 13.79K)

Cool webms and archives, OP

Just finished an hour ago user. Have to give it time for me to encode some. Though there's not really much worth webm'ing except the RAF personel marching in the shape of a benis.

Then why bother making a thread at all if you don't even have anything to show besides what you've said? That isn't enough to have a thread.

Seems to be enough for most of Zig Forums lately.

To be honest there isn't much to talk about other than laugh at shit. For whatever reason encoding has taken longer than usual and I have got a whole flight to chop up for planefaggots to cringe at what is left of the RAF. There was a good bit with an old pilot reminiscing of how many more planes they used to have which needs a teary eyed edit but I don't seem to have recorded that part properly.
The problem with a lot of the archives is they talk non-stop about "Le Royals" and absolutely fuck all about the centenary.

Attached: Only Modern Aircraft they Talked About.webm (540x304 13.13 MB, 2.41M)

Attached: The Absolute State of the RAF Pt1.webm (540x304, 11.57M)

Forgot to say split into 5 parts. Just for natural pauses. It's sad.

Attached: The Absolute State of the RAF Pt2.webm (540x304, 11.62M)

Reminder they are retiring the Tornado next year.

Attached: The Absolute State of the RAF Pt3.webm (540x304, 11.64M)

That should be it for planes. I'll dig around for the interviews that can be turn into something half worthwhile.

Attached: The Absolute State of the RAF Pt4.webm (540x304, 10.29M)

A hundred years of decline.
Oh yeah and they made a big deal about the parade being lead by a woman.

Attached: The Absolute State of the RAF Pt5.webm (540x304, 6.59M)

Well, what more can I say. I don't think I've ever read a person's chain of thoughts from their face more clearly than the Queen's in these videos. Really, it speaks volumes, but it basically boils down to this:
And then she looks around herself and:

I'm surprised not everyone started booing the second the french flag showed up.

Well her feet hurts
Her line is in a state
Charles is her son
The RAF spent their entire budget on 3 planes
Philip wasn't there
They got some woman to march men towards the palace in a benis formation.

Nobody said anything when Prince Harry wore the Iron Cross.

For the ultimate Zig Forumsringe you can suffer through this. No way I am converting one and half hours into webm.

He was merely pretending apparently.

Attached: absolutely nazi sympathizing.jpg (908x488, 840.11K)

Care to object to the krautfriends claim that it's the right thing to do?
As the OP of that thread I am a sucker for Tornado apologetics.

Why would anybody object? He's right.

Did you watch the Trooping of the Colour this year? They made a big deal about all the women they were interviewing and when they asked what kinda job they did all of them said a desk job, of them was in fucking marketing and wearing a fucking uniform with medals.

*one of them


There was a bit when he was headed into Westminster where he turned some of the guard into giggling schoolgirls. Probably filling in for the Duke of Edinburgh.

He said nothing wrong. The plane needs a replacement with the role it currently fills.

Pencil pushing is a dangerous job user.

Through adversities we'll conquer.
Blaze into the stars,
A trail of glory
We'll live on land and sea
'Til victory is won.
Men in blue skies are winging
In each heart one thought is ringing.
Fight for the right,
God is our might,
We shall be free.

I'll do my own air force show with firebombs over London

Is 100 the number of planes left?

Careful now

Attached: stones.PNG (552x647 123.67 KB, 52.22K)

It was like you could actually see her break, both as a woman and a monarch.

Oh, come on Frog! They even had the courtesy of showing your flag in it. I know being polite is not in your nature, but at least show them some respect.

You do know you're fully retiring Tornados next year and tranche 1 eurofighters in 2 (started in 2016)?
That's -53 Typhoons and -138 Tornados out of combat 286 planes.

Do the maths.

They better we're the ones ending doing up their air policing.

Wew lad.

Uhm… Can you lend us some airports at your north?

Attached: removal.jpg (425x329 438.95 KB, 82.66K)

Jesus Christ, I've seen a better show at Temora than what the RAF scraped together for the centenary.

Queens life must have been a series of ever increasing disappointments.

Man you brits can't catch a break these past couple of weeks. I hope it gets better.

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Less said about UK's maritime patrol the better.

There was a bit I was trying to record where they were talking to a Vet who took part at a previous centenary. Interviewers were making a big deal how many 100 planes were while he mentions how when he took part they had 140+ planes take oart and that was considered a small display.
Also if you think the state of the RAF is bad you should see the state of the Royal Navy. The Royal Fleet Review has been now indefinitely postponed due to a lack of naval ships. There was meant to be one 6 years ago but instead they had the Queen go on a riverboat down the Thames where previous Monarchs went out to inspect the fleet.

They were barely able to scrape together that many planes.

What's worse, having your country taken over and your family killed off over the course of a couple of years ala Tsar Nicholas, or having your country rotted away from the inside over the course of 9 decades of your life?

Both will end up with Communists taking over after their deaths and causing widespread misery for the next 70 years.