Zig Forums what would a civil war in modern day India even look like? I have a feeling it will make most African conflicts look like the gulf war. India hasn’t collapsed yet it already look like a bigger shithole than Venezuela. Keep in mind even without the Pakistan backed jihadist. India still turns a blind eye to cannibal cults kidnapping children for ritual rapes and human sacrifices.
Indian civil war
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There are far more than 1 billion Indians. If only 10% of them were to die, which is not too unreasonable for a prolonged civil war, it would be the greatest conflict of all time, with over 100.000.000 (100 million) dead.
The amount of refugees would make modern day Africa and Syria look like some civil defense exercise.
The mass starvation would make Stalingrad in January '43 look like a major logistics hub of the Wehrmacht.
The urban warfare would make Aleppo in 2016 look like a prime real estate investment area.
The amount of combatants would make the battle of Moscow look like a minor encounter between reconnaissance forces.
The aftermath will make Versailles look like the peace treaty of Pope Benedict XV.
The amount of arms and ammunition imported into India would make the wartime production of France and Britain during WWI look like some kid collecting brass and selling it to his friends at school.
It would be the greatest conflict humanity has ever seen. Ave nex alea.
This is beautiful and disgusting in so many ways that it both should happen and should never happen all at the same time.
Imagine a full scale total war between China and India
How many big name/memorable battles will there be? What particular regions might see the most fucked up shit/largest battles? What particular groups hate each other while also having some pretty good strength so they don't just blow over from a mouse fart? Will we see Rwanda tier shit popping up like 5-10 at a time?
How can one make it happen.
I wasn't expecting to get an erection when I came into this thread.
This sounds like warhammer fantasy made real.
I was. I've been wanting to see India leveled flat ever since i got my first pajeet scam caller.
Thats enough people to put roughly 50 men on *every square mile* assuming 25% of the population rebels.
An indian civil war in 2018 would make africa look like a fucking kindergarten.
It would be comparable to the entire european theatre of ww2 imo. Less strategic bombing, but the same amount of fighting and much more death. There won't be any grand military maneuvers, even if one side gets their shit together and attempts it, because there's simply not enough space to do anything without the other side knowing; and not in the normal way a civil war has that effect, with plainclothes insurgents/informants passing info; you would run into uniformed enemies/regulars as well.
God i want this to happen so bad
Besides the jihadis, India also already has a maoist insurgency and separatist rebels. These are all tiny conflicts right now but if one picked up and caused the government to weaken then the other ones could escalate as well. It would probably be like the other curry civil war in Sri Lanka but with way more groups fighting each other and on a never before seen scale like said.
you forget user that india is quite similar to africa, that being that every inch of india is not only a different ethnic group but also a religious group and kingdom.
Back in the day there were dickloads of tiny nations before being gradually devoured by the many empires, not to mention all the indian religions that are still around today.
Were going to see such serious shit that its neighbours are going to openly bow out of the conflict, even pakistan and china wont touch the meatgrinder at their borders.
OP is that you
My dick is so hard diamonds are soft as four ply toilet paper.
A civil war on Indian soil is highly unlikely, since the people got a different mentality than other places. The idea of India as a nation is not new, even though it actually consists of a number of smaller countries that historically were kingdoms and such. The Indians refer to their country as Bharat, which is featured in the prominent work Mahabharata (the great Indian war), a vast literaric work of over 200.000 verses.
Beyond the political dimension, the Indian people are united through what is commonly referred to as "Hinduism", though that term barely describes the complexity of their world view. In Hindu cosmology the creator (Mahavishnu aka. Krishna) lies dreaming up infinite worlds (multiverses so to speak) which are then fashioned by a creator (Brahma), a position that can be achieved by any Jiva (living entity) inside those worlds. These worlds come into existance and are annihilated in a regular cycle. All living beings, as well as all things inside those worlds, are extensions of Krishna and he experiences those multiverses (Brahmandas) through the senses of all living entities. This is important to note, since it lays the foundation for Hindu thought: that all of creation is part and property of the same creator, so any kind of border or differentiating identity is nonsense, since it's all part of Krishna anyways.
This much all Hindus agree, although the label "Hindu" does not appropriately describe their individual views. The cosmos being inhabited by countless Devas (heavenly beings), Hindus worship different of those. Some worship Shiva, the destoryer, others Brahma, Ganesha, Sarasvati, Kali, etc. but all agree on those basic concepts mentioned before. Through religious service and devotion they try to attain a life on other worlds (lokas) in the cosmos. Some Hindu delineations explicitly state that "begging" for liberation from the misery of our world (Bhuloka = Earth) is a waste of time and that only science and technology will deliver you elsewhere (go, NASA).
Beyond that, different Devas have historically acclaimed guardianship of countries, such as the white Tara who protects Nepal. If any major conflict were to arrive in India, a repetition of the events in the Mahabharata is likely to occur (human armies on the ground, heavenly armies up above). In such a conflict any aggressor who violates the property of some authority would face a harsh fate. There have been some minor incidents in the past where US navy fleets were getting BTFO'ed or groups of tanks molten into shit, but they're pressing their luck lately with all those wars in the Middle East, killing off Semites left and right.
As for a war between China and India, this, too, is highly unlikely. China has been ramping up the construction of monuments all over the country, with Buddhist shrines and temples housing ancient relicts. There are some quite magnificient buildings finished and in progress, so I doubt they'll shit where they eat (Buddhist Devas are identical to the Hindu Devas, they share a lot of views cosmologically).
It would look like a feud for designated streets.
Lots of brown material getting shot with potato-launchers.
Wow he wrote it in arial font?
The fuck out of here.
Be a jew
Consult your local Jewish Temple.
He probably didn't and while your point is somewhat badly made, I took the time to check the quote myself, since I wasn't sure where I got it from. It turns out there is in fact no source for it and it is probably not authentic.
The very same person did however state a couple of things that go in the same direction and prove the utter disregard many Europeans had for foreign literature and culture, which they often failed to translate and understand correctly in the first place.
It would be beautiful. Mountain infantry clashing in the Himalayas, Arjuns and MBT2000s rolling into each other in the Gobi desert. Chinese J-20s and Indian Bahadur interceptors picking each other off in the clouds. Eventually one of them is going to fire off a nuke or three (my money's on the Indians, particularly when Pakistan starts supporting China).
What are we looking at in terms of civilian casualties?
Probably more Indians (Chinese population is heavily focused on their coastline, on the other side of the country). But if they actually got into a proper war then I'd be amazed if the civilian casualties were anywhere below the hundred million mark.
For reference, I knew I had this saved somewhere.
All it needs to be perfect is a couple of stray nukes taking out Jerusalem and Mecca respectively.
I like it. I honestly do like the sound of it, especially now that everyone has videocameras with them. How can we, the small people try to encourage either one of these to happen?
Only Europeans have the capability of total war. Everyone else is mediocre at best, including the mongols
Bahadurs are interdictors, not interceptors, and pretty shitty ones too.
India is home to hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups, the north of India is largely influenced by Nepalese Buddhism and Sikh, both being famed throughout history until today for being excellent warriors. The British Armed Forces use Gurkhas to this very day, they are selected from the young villagers of the harsh mountain ranges in that area.
But don't let me burst your "hurr durr shitting street" bubble.
also how much do you bet that the average Western PMC group would roflstomp them in the field
I'd bet a lot. The reason Gurkhas are in the British Armed Forces is because the British Empire fucked up so badly against those SOBs that they offered them immunity from colonization in return for recruiting them into their Armed Forces. These guys live in the mountains all their youth, the best are selected for training and some pass. These guys know only hardship and I'll bet my ass they are capable of messing up burger-fed roid-raging PMCs that are only in for the money and violence any day.
Gurkhas aren't even indian, and these fuckers are overrated anyhow.
Send any well-trained infantries against these monkies and they are gonna foil.
They're Nepalese, as I stated. Thanks for reading what I write.
Says who? You? Oh, then it must be right.
Same applies. Thanks for your expert assessment, Mr. Blister.
Their experiences in WW2, where they fought against the fallscrimjaegers and was about equal.
The thing is infantries need support, without support infantries are just gonna be walking coffins.
The indians are shit tier at logistics.
There is no "Indians". Same as Afghanistan, India is split up in regions with hundreds of people, which often are divided by language (of which dozens major ones exist). How a conflict would play out in any of these regions is severely dependent on the geography, people and season there. Ever heard of the monsoon? Good luck fighting with roads literally becoming rivers.
As for northern India, the Sikh and Nepalese influence there makes those people a whole different kind than other places, their military tradition goes back way over 200 years. But hey, let's ignore that and just label every person in a people state "Indian" with no regards to their way of life and military qualification and mindset. Yeah, that'll work.
Nah, fuck off buddy.
I'm talking about the street shitters.
There are plenty of fucking indians around.
Still the same goddamn shittiers, you would know if you realize the indian gurkha is shit.
The british gurkha are great because they are trained well by the brits, not because they are gurkhas.
Half of Apefreaka is uninhabitable desert though.
Whatever Mig derivative India's using for interceptors then.
I'm amazed there are kommandos who know this little about the Gurkhas & Sikhs, while people can turn them into a meme their record is as good as it is for a reason. There are a great many street shitters in India, but they aren't among them.
A waste of trips and final proof your bs isn't even worth replying to anymore. Go troll someone else.
I can't believe no one posted this yet.
I present to you, the great poo wars.
By extremely simplified order of air-to-air capabilities
MiG-21 244
HAL TejaS 31 on order[5]
Mirage 2000 41
MiG-29SMT 66
MiG-29K 45
Sukhoi Su-30 233 Total 272 on order[8]
Rafale 36 on order
The last 3 are genuine 4.5+ gen fighters, the Tejas is technically one but asa low cost locally made light multi role fighter its roughly better than glorified combat trainers like the T-50.
No you kraut, most of Africa is savannah and it actually has very fertile soil; how else do you think it was that exported Rhodesian crops fed most of the continent? Barring the wildlife, Africa is very hospitable and resource-rich, and the fact that it's still such a shithole in spite of this is a testament to how hard nigs gonna nig.
Why did Mother Nature create niggers? For what purpose?
I never said that you retarded mutt, lern2read.
The Rafale is a decent aircraft for a french design, and Migs are at least not 'too' shitty.
Yin and yang.
You got to have a little bit (more like too much) dark in your life to appreciate the light.
If the pajeets have a civil war, will I stop getting calls from Rajesh at Microsoft about how I have problem with four (4) virus on computer that please to be can only be fix with give him credit card number?
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
No, you'll get ghostly calls from microsoft with a lot of static
Like this except of "This is the End" you'll hear,