3D printed Alexandria library soon


A Landmark Legal Shift Opens Pandora’s Box for DIY Guns

Five years ago, 25-year-old radical libertarian Cody Wilson stood on a remote central Texas gun range and pulled the trigger on the world’s first fully 3-D-printed gun. When, to his relief, his plastic invention fired a .380-caliber bullet into a berm of dirt without jamming or exploding in his hands, he drove back to Austin and uploaded the blueprints for the pistol to his website, Defcad.com.

He'd launched the site months earlier along with an anarchist video manifesto, declaring that gun control would never be the same in an era when anyone can download and print their own firearm with a few clicks. In the days after that first test-firing, his gun was downloaded more than 100,000 times. Wilson made the decision to go all in on the project, dropping out of law school at the University of Texas, as if to confirm his belief that technology supersedes law.

fixed your thread, do it properly next time.

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Other urls found in this thread:



It's only "worst loss" in a sense that at the time it was big deal, because most people didn't had education nor access to paper. Beyond the building itself, nothing of value was lost, as majority of the library was contemporary fiction in written form.

You cannot possibly be this retarded

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Fiction is of no value. All the actually important documents also existed elsewhere, mostly in Rome. How do you think we still know who Plato was or the contents of Cicero's speeches?

Not sure why I ever bother with retarded foreigners

Greek user, if I had 1/10th of what was in that library I'd be a very happy person.

This is just a joke about the "illiterate burger" stereotype, right?
Don't answer that.

Better article not written by a hysteronic sjw,


This seems to have implications for the 2A, specifically, that it prevents any repeal of the 1930's NFA on grounds that a weapon is of military value to the citizen militia.

fiction is of no value

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Stop making us look bad you nigger

correction: stop making us look worse than we already are


Nothing of value was lost. Literally. the burning of the great library of alexandria is mostly a talking point that hippies and faggots get mad over for no reason and without doing any research.

only reading non-fiction for starters

just kil me

I swear this is intentional at this point. OP is both a faggot and a fed who doesn't want people to know what happened.


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just call op pic rel and be done with it

just because op is a tard doesn't mean hes a fed, it just means hes a tard. Not all tards are feds, but all feds are tards.

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Are books weapons now?

You could throw them at someone I guess.

Uncultured swine, is that all your nation was/is worth? Reducing all your foundational myths to historical bullet-points?

Not all fiction is Sidney Sheldon, mass consumed paperback toilet paper you illiterate nigger. It showcases the life and sensibilities of people of a bygone era, and the spirit that they held in life. To deny that Rudyard Kipling didn't keep the fires of British Imperialism alive, or the Communist Manifesto in influencing proto-soyboys to engage in class warfare is beyond stupid.

I bet you thought the bots typing
weren't bots, but actual opinions

Of course it's the Hellene to bring this up. Probably burnt down because some Greek couldn't be damned to stop smoking while in a library.

>Mfw (((Gubmint))) lost.
Tell me gubmint gaygents how does it feel losing to a glorified NERF gun (and soon to be real guns)?

As an actual weapon I didn't find any murder cases where a book had been the weapon (admittedly it was a 5 minute search), but with that said the communist manifesto is a bonafide WMD.

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Thanks for fixing the OP.

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Something like this needed a proper post, needs maximum views.

I don't know rudyard kipling because i dont read fiction, but the communist manifesto, for all its many flaws, is not a work of fiction, it is a political opinion. It's slightly different.
from wikipedia page on non-fiction:

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Actually according to my buddies at FOSSCAD, Cody paid some of them to design the liberator. That said, these files are usually made in Solidworks, not Blender.

I didnt follow up on that lmao

the primary thing keeping britain alive during the late 1800's when kipling was allive was their manufacturing capacity and trade, not some faggot writer in india.

Fiction rarely has a meaningful impact on the course of history, with the exception being religion. (and japan, like 500 yrs of your history is devoted to the emperor fapping to tentacle porn and 3-line poems while his country was suduko-ing)

Is this some new dank kind of shitposting or is this user actually that fucking retarded?

That is a terribly fucking opinionated article, but

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Modern Greeks have no connection leafbro

Not to mention the thread is fucking derailed because of that faggot Hellenic-wannabe and a severely autistic ameriburger.

I made full screencaps of the articles for Zig Forums but the thread was ignored.

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Vodka-nigger, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Burger-nigger, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you Burgers? Jamestown was a mistake.

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┬┴┬┴┤⌐▀ ʖ▀)├┬┴┬┴ Hey, Aussiebro, you know the post you replied to? If you look hard enough on Jewgle images like I did, you'd know that what he posted was a 4chan meme, specifically from their /his/ board.

Even if you considered fiction valuable, there still was very little lost from alexandria. It was an amalgamation of works from all over the Mediterranean that were also in the city the writing originated from.

Nothing of value was lost because even the ancients knew the value of having a backup.

Alexandria actually was the backup, but the originals still existed. The only reason people still get uppity over it is because 'there might have been some awesome story/play about how greeks fuck each other in the ass then die 'tragically''

Wanna bitch about an actually important library getting burned down/destroyed? The house of wisdom had much more actually important works regarding medicine, physics, early chemistry from east asia, and the most advanced astronomy before the telescope. Luckily, all that information was also saved in various other libraries in europe.

charles II is one of the funniest men to read about ever

Is it Summer?

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The Twilight novels are on a similar level of political commentary to Karl Marx's novels.

Rudyard Kipling is so far ahead of Karl Marx that if you shredded the communist manifesto, pulped it up, and pressed it into blank hardcovers… they wouldn't be worthy enough to encase the words of Kipling.

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There is no such thing as an "original", the books were written on papyrus which lasts a few decades at most, they had to be rewritten every few years just as part of normal maintenance.

Also after the Arabs burned Alexandria, they went around the Mediterranean collecting books which weren't in the library and taking them to Baghdad, where most of the remaining books were destroyed.
The only books that survived were those that were friendly to Islam, those got translated into Arabic and stored in the greatest "muslim" library there (your shitty house of wisdom) but that was just a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of ancient knowledge that was stored in Alexandria.
Then a bunch of pissed off Mongols came down and butt raped Baghdad, throwing all their books into the river.

The burning of Alexandria is important because it is a SYMBOL of a chain of events started by Mohammed (piss be upon him) that destroyed humanity's connection to our greatest ancestral cultures.

Something Mud Slimes happily continue to do to this day

It's your nation's education system mate. You tell us.


Drop dead amerilard. Even if 80% was copies of fiction, the non-fiction was of incalculable value. What do you think a scroll detailing where some tribe got rock-oil for their lamps would be worth?
(Protip: we still call it rock-oil, we just use a bastardised latin form- petroleum.)

Or perhaps the lost knowledge of how the ancients invented electro-plating, lost to us until the 1800's.

Etc. etc…

Thank you based anons.

Petroleum? What the fuck is 'petroleum'? I think you mean gasoline.

As a choir boy who had to turn a number of his beautiful poems into songs, I can't believe faggots like you exist.

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Hapsburg spotted.

Cuckchan is shit but the user in that screencap isn't wrong

uneducated syrupnigger doesn't know exactly how much 2,000+ year old papyrus is still around today.(best example is the dead sea scrolls, but there are thousands more than that) The majority of what hasn't survived on papyrus was copied onto parchment many times.
Hero of Alexandria's works survived. An author who only lived in alexandria, before the destruction, yet the majority of his work survives.

it was actually rome(and an accident) but nice try
the arabs did their fair share of book-burning but the library of alexandria was already very gone by time time mohammed was born

they would have had to invent electricity first, for which there is literally a single piece of evidence. Also, wouldn't we have found something that's been electroplated if they knew how to?
By the way, the single piece of evidence was found outside Baghdad, not Alexandria. House of wisdom was more important.

somewhere around 2/3s of all visible stars have arab names for a reason m80
and you'll notice I used 'house of wisdom' and not 'islamic golden age' because they themselves admit that the majority of the scholars came from india and greece

I'm semi-serious. There were probably some valuable works lost when it was destroyed, but it's always greatly over-exaggerated and I'm fucking sick of idiots on the internet pretending to be intellectuals by getting mad over something that happened on accident 1800 years ago.

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Wherever it came from the information is accurate and relevant. I'll take quality posts no matter which arsehole they leaked out of.

It's summer

I appreciate you correcting my severely autistic countryman, but this isn't quite correct either. The originals were likely lost as well, true, but it's not because the papyrus just evaporated; stored properly papyrus can last a long time.

A good chunk of those are the result of translating some Greek discovery into Arabic, rather than a new discovery by an Arab.

The absolute state of American education


Despite earlier damage to the library, such as when part was burned after Julius Caesar set fire to ships in the harbour to repulse enemies who had cut off his forces, and other portions being damaged during retaliation against Jewish anti-Christian violence it's final destruction came in:
This was recorded by the Muslim historian Ibn Al-Qifti writing 500 years after the siege.

This event fits the islamic pattern of destroying other collections of "un-islamic" knowledge, such as:


Only niggers burn libraries, and only niggers rejoice when someone does so. You're a nigger.

Yes if you store it in an airtight vessel an emissions spectograph can read it 2000 years later. But that isn't the same as a book being used and read by people who didn't even have glasses.

Just fucking stop.

Why don't you google it you unevolved arab ape.

They state that "John the Grammarian" asked Amr to spare the library, and Amr contacted the caliph Umar for authorization. Umar replied that if the books agreed with the Quran they were redundant, and if they did not, then they were forbidden. Amr handed the books over to Alexandria's heated bath houses, where they were burned as fuel for six months.

Five contemporary sources, four of them Muslim disagree.

There were several times the library was partially destroyed by ACCIDENT, and repaired afterwards. Muslims were the last to destroy it, and on PURPOSE, after which it was never rebuilt.

Details on how we can make our own guns in Australia: 8ch.net/k/res/585880.html

Isn't the ATF not even legally recognized for what they do? I clearly remember an article on a ruling outright saying no.

Cody may be teasing a 3D printed gun today.

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The NRA is a propaganda and lobbying wing. That sort of thing is doggone expensive, but it's playing the George Soros game. Soros does it, because it works. Little by little.


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jej. Not yet. Aug 1st.

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What do you think this means?

Download a whole AR-15? Is he suggesting he's 3D-printed an entire fucking AR-15?

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Also, there's a VZ and an AR-10 on there.

Also a Beretta M9, a 10-22, and a 1911.

Also to be uploaded is the code for running the Ghost Gunner on 80% lowers, 223, but also 308. AND Ghost Gunner 2 will be coming out 8^)

The Wired article seems to hint at DD making exact 3D models/blueprints for every gun they can get their hands on, all measured to the smallest detail. Meant for archival and not 3D printing, outside of the Liberator. Others will upload more practical, 3D-printable models, I'm sure.

It's just a 3-D model? He does know those are worse'n useless without the tolerances and fits, right?

I can't imagine he would post plans with the purpose of machining without also talking to gunsmiths to learn how to best format those plans.

No, I believe the idea is that the 3d model serves as a blueprint for CNC machining parts, as well as a reference for new designs.

Oh hello, ASIO/SigINT guy.
Go away and stay gone please you nigger.

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Can I get the image that has the Liberator gun with weird fuzzy on the bottom you are supposed to crop to get the cad file or something?

So do you need a specific grade of 3D printer or will a $300 one from amazon work?

jesus christ user, it's like you didn't even bother to take your dad's dick out of your mouth and do the slightest modicum of research before posting.

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I would assume the material used would matter more than the printer itself

yes, and if you bothered to look at different printers, you'd know the cheap ones only work with shitty material, and have the accuracy and tolerances of a palsied deckhand. when you start spending more money, you get equipment that can handle more robust materials.

Do you expect to outfit an army with this shit? So you get two shots out of your Liberator instead of one. Is that worth spending a small fortune on? At that price point you're better off creating a proper machine shop.

it's less about getting longevity out of them, and more about it not exploding in your dumbass hand. but you should try it out. make sure to film it and post to liveleak.

There is currently no reason to spend thousands on a 3D printer when you could buy a Ghost Gunner with several partial lowers and parts kits or a small machine shop. This would create a gun that would blow all plastic shit out of the water in both performance and longevity. Only a complete and utter gun grab could take that advantage away, and that's more likely to happen to plastic guns than parts kits or partial lowers. Let's also not pretend like most of the practical 3D printed guns aren't dependent on a metal barrel and firing pin at the very least.

The plastic gun is not a practical means of armament. It is a symbolic statement, a rise in the low-water mark for the right to keep and bear arms. The fact that anyone could make and carry a rudimentary firearm with no experience and very little money is the whole purpose. All it takes is one shot to kill and it could come from anywhere. It is not designed to be an every day carry, it is designed to make tyrants think twice.

Yeah, I'm sure a single .380 round has the energy to do that.

a good 3D printer can easily be considered an investment or a business opportunity, but only if you buy one that can actually handle decent materials and aren't a complete mongoloid; its not "wasting money" in the slightest. how many times do i have to repeat this?

thanks for that stunning insight

again, i understand that. but if you're going to get a 3D printer, opting for a slightly more expensive one gives you SO MANY more options.

do you really want to take that chance? nothing like getting arrested for 1st degree murder after you've gotten your fucked up hand fixed at the hospital.

this tbqf.

Wednesday is the day! And here's a hint as to what:

And the other similar mysterious files are.

Sadly, it seems they haven't managed to 3D print a whole fucking AR.

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I'd be more impressed by this Ghost Gunner gizmo if it could make lowers and uppers starting from a 0% chunk of aluminium.

There's not that much point to it if you have to get a partial lower to begin with.

I'm still holding on to hope. Wonder what kind of printer is good. See you all in 3 days.

Just lowers. For the US.

Then similar, in other jurisdictions! Surely there are some parts easily come by, and others not, in other countries!

But of course, the Holy Grail is the whole fucking gun.

But I think that drones with rockets are formidable. Like as in a DJI-sized drone, with hobby store motors.

And all this bullshit about guns is so weird, since we all know the Manchester attack wasn't a gun.


They build something else. And you know what they build.

My opinion is that the semi-auto grenade launcher would be every soldier's primary weapon, inside of 2 years of WW III, probably sooner. There will always be value to 1 bullet 1 enemy, a fantastic economy, but it's as stupid a fantasy as marching into battle, lining up, in beautiful wool suits, to unleash volley fire without even taking cover yourself, as you receive fire. It's basically, "gee, wouldn't it be nice if it only cost 1 bullet per enemy soldier?" Yeah, it would. Even better if both sides agree to line up and get it over quick as possible, so the commanders can get back to their bragging and whoring.

So we need to be pushing destructive device licensing. I know, full 2A, no exceptions, except the exception is all those goddamn faggot kikes in the courts, which means you have to find strategies to expand not rights…

…rights don't exist…

…but to ease procurement, and reduce the political risk associated with possession (ie reduce it to near nil, by establishing easy cheap licensing).

OK, I'm downloading this one.

August 1st must be something special, though. Hopefully.

Confusion sets in. jej.

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The Shuty was designed by a guy with a $4,000 printer. That might be about the bottom end in terms of price.

Others may find this magazine of his most recent interview rather nice.

(trigger warning) magazine=clip

Attached: FascismDistributed.mp4 (754x470, 2.81M)

I love Cody Wilson, such a great guy.

Here's a link to the interview.

Checked, & you're right. I should have included the link.

shit yahoo source but couldn't find another article.
Washington state, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Oregon, Maryland and the District of Columbia said they would jointly sue the Trump administration for allowing the public to download blueprints for 3-D printable guns
If any of you fags get to wensday and it pops. DOWNLOAD it while I'm off innawoods.

double post for better source. BRB comitting Seppuku

where is the link to the download?

Not to be pedantic but I thought it was commonly accepted that what little petroleum that was used in ancient times was sourced from natural petroleum seeps. There are plenty of these natural "oil springs" found in various state and national parks in the US to serve as examples.



Additionally, apparently whale oil is way nicer, and probably would be pretty awesome for automobiles too, except there are nowhere near enough whales for it.

Magazines and newspapers make pretty good improvised weapons believe it or not.

It was actually used to lubricate cars until the late 70s (maybe earlier), at least in the USA. Obviously the ban on whaling put a stop to it.