Off to a great start lads:
NATO Summit 2018
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It's 4D chess to uncuck germans.
AFD surge inbound.
Where should Germany gets its energy? From the US with its fictional fleet of LNG tankers at a huge mark up? From some israeli pipeline they've been trying, and failing, to secure through terrorist proxies? You can really see the skeevy kike hands up Trump's ass whenever this topic comes up.
German and European reliance on Russian gas is a relevant point. Russia has already stopped exporting energy to Europe when the Kremlin dislikes a decision they've made. That makes Russian energy/gas, particularly Gazprom (which might as well be state owned) a strategic peacetime weapon of the Russian state. I know that we're going to see the Putinaboos crawling out of the woodwork here, but while the Soviet Union might have failed Russia is still a strategic competitor and should be treated as such.
Nuclear power plants and coal liquifidation. Europe could be completely independent from the rest of the world if it invested in coal liquifidation, as it can turn abundant and otherwise low quality lignite into liquid fuel.
Luckily we have all the greens to save us from the horros of nuclear power plants and coal mines :^)
If it were up to the Greens the Sun and they'd wonder why they'd be having power cuts and eating moss for dinner
That never happened though, kikemerica shill.
Russia literally borders Ukraine, are you implying Russian troops don't have the freedom to move inside their own country?
The only time Russia ever stopped exporting gas to Europe is when Ukraine refused to pay for the gas they were taking. Most of the pipelines from Russia to Germany go through Ukraine, therefore Ukraine controlled the supply and was skimming billions of dollars worth of gas off the top.
The fuck out of here big black cock shill.
You do know that 'Putin senpai' will never notice you, don't you? Even if he did he'd probably be repelled. No Gazprom shares for you.
Nuclear energy.
Energy indepedence is the goal.
Russia has 1/60th the government budget of the countries you're fellating.
Is anyone expected to believe Russian propaganda budget is managing to outbid NATO propaganda budget for trolls and shills on the internet?
This. For any given resource that a country depends on, they have two options:
1) Secure their own supply of that resource.
2) Stop depending on that resource.
Any country that cannot do either of these things is little more than a vassal state to whoever is providing them with the resource they need. Energy is a resource like any other, and countries that cannot meet their own needs do not get to decide their own fate.
From the solar and wind :^)
It's not that you're a dedicated troll, it's that you're a russiaboo who believes in muh based putin who will save yurop from degeneracy.
Daily reminder Germany imports more energy than it produces, period. Not just from Russia but from France's nuclear teat too.
You're the only one sucking on anything, leaf. You have no argument other than your own indignation and projection. Go back to playing the Red Army Choir and wonder if it would be OK to ignore your doctors warnings about using vodka as lube.
lol damn bong that was a pretty good smoke.
to be fair, Russia is nowhere near as degenerate as America, which has been anally exploring Europe's rectum since 1945.
the pun as intended kek
It legit is a huge part of their budget.
Complete bullshit the whole country is full of prostitues drug addicts and Muzzies you just ideolize it because they are still mostly hwhite.
It's relevant point because there is NO ALTERNATIVE to sucking Putin cock (or WW3).
Where is Europe supposed to find energy if we don't have Russian gas?
Because that's the thing. Russia has basically all the customer they want (worse they will soon have more demands than they have gas).
Russia can chose to blockade Europe and sell to China/India/Japan (and all the pipeline construction work and new fields are SOLELY aimed that way… Putin has already planned his next move).
Green energy is a joke, Nuclear is a big no no from brainwashed populations, the North Sea is empty, Algeria is Moscow's puppet (thanks to the usual suspects) and sell it's LNG to who Moscow and Beijing decides, Iran ain't happening and that's it, that's all the major gas producers (the US isn't, the US barely produce more than what they need, certainly not enough to cover European consumption).
Europe only move is to bend over and take it or you know, to have a constructive relation with Russia instead of perpetually antagonistic one EXCLUSIVELY because Putin fucked over Rothschild take over of the resources of it's country, but it's a bit late for that.
You could just tell your Greens to go fuck themselves and develop the One True Alternative Energy Source – nuclear.
You're like the people who say that China is going to start WW3 over tariffs. Russia isn't going to start WW3 over some gas deals.
Given that Russia is already selling to them, I doubt that the extra demand from selling a bit more to China would make up for the fall off in demand from losing all of Europe.
I just ran some figures. Apparently Europe is projected to import an average of 390 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year, of which 40% will be from Russia. That makes an average of just under 160 billion cubic meters a year from Russia. Converted to a daily rate in cubic feet per day, that's about 15 billion cubic feet per day. Currently, America produces just over 100 billion cubic feet per day. So, to completely supplant Russian production, America would have to increase production by less than 15%.
Currently, a large amount of potential production in America is sitting unused after the fracking boom, because during said boom production quickly exceeded domestic consumption levels and America did not have the infrastructure to export large quantities of natural gas, as we had not been natural gas exporters. As a result, this excess production would have been wasted as there was nowhere for it to go, and so much of it was shut down. So, America has a large amount of natural gas production capacity that is currently sitting unused because we have nowhere to send it. However, if export infrastructure is built (which is currently happening with additional Sabine Pass and Cove Point facilities being brought online due to foreign demand), I see no reason why this currently unutilized capacity cannot be brought back online. Given that America would only have to increase natural gas production by a few percent to put a significant dent in Russian natural gas imports to the EU, and less than 15% to completely supplant them, I see no reason why America cannot, in the long term, reduce Russia's role or even outright replace Russia as Europe's gas supplier.
Here's the video of the whole thing.
There's an ocean in the way.
Land pipelines to Russia are a lot easier, cheaper, and safer to build and repair than anything that could move the gas transatlantic.
Green (wind, solar, tidal etc) energy would be wonderful, if it produced about 10 times the power for half the current cost - maybe it'll be useful in a century or so but probably not. Fission reactors are the only way to go until we can get Fusion power off the drawing board. If you meet a retarded, brainwashed, lefty who can only equate 'nuclear' with 'bomb' and 'scary' then try calling it fission power (it sounds less threatening, and that's the only thing they care about), then remind them that it's basically carbon free. If that doesn't work tell them that buying the Uranium would be good for the economies of African countries. I have absolutely no idea if that's even vaguely true - but it's a hell of a trump card, as the average lefty knows less about African economies than I do and won't dare argue against it due to their fear of being called racist.
According to figures from 2017, imported American natural gas costs just over $5 per million BTU, whereas Russian costs just under $5 per million BTU. Given that the American export is still low-volume and therefore more expensive and is already not significantly more expensive, it seems that American natural gas exports can be competitive compared to Russian exports.
As far as volume goes, America is currently constructing facilities to be able to export about 10 billion cubic feet per day by 2020, up from less than 1 billion cubic feet per day in 2016. If we can keep that up and get it into the low 20s of billion cubic feet per day range, we'll have the export capacity to put a major dent into Russian exports.
To be sure, we do have the ability to keep Europe from freezing should Russia decide to throw a bitch fit. Although given how pants on head retarded Europe is it might be best to just leave them.
They just criticize their own leadership, nice!
Trump suggested NATO countries double their defense spending goal
Well, you guys elected him.
Europe and the US won't adopt nuclear until they are entirely forced to do so. For several reasons. It's stupid but there's not much that can be done about it at the present time.
Ok england
Major reason being nuclear fuel is fucking expensive and a functioning fission reactor is a gigantic liability.
Of course it's dangerous for your nation of FAS sufferers.
Do you want to share with the anons here the long list of screwups needed to blow up reactor 4 or do I?
Technically that was Ukraine. More proof that Ukrainians are incompetent.
The fuck are you talking about, I never said anything like that.
Is it that different from us? They have RT, just try to name all the international media organizations owned by CIA.
Who said Russia is starting it?
I have utterly no doubt that every politician in NATO is trying to push Russia just as Germany was pushed, so we can declared war to them in self-defense to an aggression we totally didn't provoked.
Ukraine is 1939 Poland already.
Those numbers are way of.
1st the US demand is at least 1/3 what's produced (and it will only grow as you close down nuclear and coal plants as part of agenda 2020).
2nd there is a (voluntary) blur on European imports due to Norway (which is a European country, is fully part of the European Economic Area but isn't in the EU). Russian export towards the European Economic Area is 193.9 billion cubic meters, Norwegian exports to the EU is 140B (going toward 120B they've long since past peak production) add Algeria to the mix, remove the non-EU countries and Russia only provides "40% of the gas to the EU". But in fact Russia export twice what the US produce and soon will be twice what Norway produces and importation from outside the EEA are something like 60% Russia, 20% Algeria (aka Russia BFF), 10% Qatar (which is more and more on Russia/China/Iran side, thanks Obama), 10% various sources.
3rd European energy imports are over 60% Russian on a good day (70% on a bad one), because we import most of our gas from them… but also most of our oil, uranium and coal.
Even if the US were to magically supply Europe for all the gas Russia provides, they would still provides 35 to 40% of energy.
There is a reason why it's GEOpolitics. There are geographical imperatives to international relation that simply cannot be dismissed. Else you wake up with "Józef Beck syndrome" (aka pissing off all your neighbors by the vague promise of assistance far-flung of foreign powers).
Russia is the closest source of vast natural resources, Europe needs those natural resources.
We have to take it from them.
And given the amount of nukes they got, we can't steal them so we have to pay them for it.
That's simply a fact.
Maybe in the fucking 50s.
this is not an energy question, this is a politics question.
The leftists want countries to be relied on each other, that's why they put this nuclear is bad meme.
We need remove leftists, take back countries, educate people on nuclear plants and install them.
Never rely on anyone else.
The underspoken important point is that it contradicts the foundation and purpose of NATO. If Germany is confortable with Russia (i.e. The former Soviet Union) there is no reason to have a NATO. The Cold War is dead and buried, and the ideology of Russia is shifting for the positive and Germany for the neagitive. The United States and Germany obviously doesn't need each other anymore. The United States will likely move the miltary out, withdraw all nuclear assets, and sell their military bases.
Besides, Merkel will likely support the new EU occupation army instead. I certianlly didn't forget about that.
The Economic landscape has changed, and the assetment value of defense has certainly gone down, as there will not be any overt wars anytime soon. I must note Europe Agenda 2020, Europe will be handicaping itself economically through useless feel-good "climate change" policies that will be a drop in the buket compared to India and China's output of pollution, and unsubstainable social policies due to unsubstainable population growth (you know whom). A certain perspective I have is that since Europe is gonna attempt tochoke itself to death, the United States, China, India, and Russia, as well the entirety of Asia Minor, and Northern Africa might as well come help.
The EU army is going to be clusterfuck considering the current leadership.
There's nothing worse than having an army with a French General leading Italian troops, supported by Rumanian logistics, fed by German chefs.
It has to do with jack, it has to do with the military being ruled by leftist anti-war cucks, and they all sing the same tunes.
Funniest things I've found about The Narrative over this whole thing is the blatant contradiction between these two
That even so-called experts lap up and parrot The Narrative without any questioning over its sanity in formerly prestigious shows like Ykkösaamu is complete failure of journalism. Truly we in west live in post-truth era.
What's truth been replaced with?
Germans had functional nuclear plants, but they shut them all down because they're germans(and muh fukushima), and therefore complete fucking retards.
I would be quite a bit happier if no-one helped european nations and just let the whole shitshow collapse. The sooner the better. All we can hope at this time is that this all comes crashing down and we can get rid of democracy, and thus strip the means for european peoples to commit their own collective suicide.
And the normies just blindly believe whatever the fuck media tells them to believe without questioning it. This is starting to look like Soviet Union
They shut it down literally due to eco-terrorists.
Don't be an idiot. Nuclear reactors are expensive. Fuel costs amount to a rounding error.
Daily reminder that his is a big fat lie and Germany is a major exporter of energy in Europe to other European countries, it supports France during the Winter when the nuclear plants can't produce enough energy once all the french men turn on their electric heater.
That used to be true. However decades of underinvestment in french power production and countless political delay in replacing aging reactors by new ones (and considerably safer ones) has inverted the trend (due to German new gas power plant).
Frankly at this point it's clear high level sabotage /treason, France has probably the safest and cleanest nuclear power technology on the fucking planet, yet no one want to fit the bill to replace the older plants that are a safe design but are getting so old a severe incident is bound to happen in the end.
Which is exactly what whoever is behind this shit (it use to be Russia BTW… It might still be) is waiting to kill nuclear power in Europe.
b-b-b-but muh fukushima and chernobyl and hiroshima…!
The Narrative combined with American liberal hysteria that's leaking to Europe bigly. Nobody on the left cares about truth anymore, doesn't even want to know it.
Mate don't get me started on that. When you explain to normies that exactly as much people died in Toulouse when the AZF chemical plant blew up in 2001 than in Chernobyl you get some of the biggest mental confusion I've ever seen.
All big industrial installation are fucking dangerous, most chemical/fertilizer/hydrocarbon plants are just as dangerous as nuclear facilities, some of them can release clouds that will rain shit that melt people faces off for weeks and stay in the ground forever!
You think people in Toulouse greater area aren't getting cancers from all the tons of fucking cyanide that was released?
Nobody gives a fuck.
Mention nuclear power: programming takes over.
just like your planes the nuclear plants can be remotely shut down and broken by russian hackers
Don't forget the part where normies blank out and shut down the moment you even attempt to explain to them that both fukushima and Chernobyl were freak accidents that required multiple levels of failure in safety and emergency management procedures.
But apparently literally everything that could go wrong going wrong is still a case to be made for nuclear power being "too dangerous"
Didn't the German "ecologic" solution was to stop sending their nuclear waste to France because of some arcane, incomprehensible reason?
It's pretty sad that a relatively clean energy source is getting sandbagged by what's essentially bad PR. The idea of having nuclear reactors here was thrown around a lot but it's always
At least I guess they have a point with us being a pretty seismic country. Hysteria about another Fukushima is at least somewhat grounded on some sort of reality (even though the tsunami destroyed way more than the reactor failing, but fuck it).
I guess the only solution would be Fusion Reactors, but the word is still out if an efficient version of those is possible. At least it'd be a more constructive use for all that Lithium we have lying around.
Only if you build it Ivan.
Thse are only 200 years away, and have been for a century.
I think a Kraut once posted about it in detail in some other thread, the jist of it being, IIRC, that their Green party basically forced a bunch of legislation that made disposal of toxic waste by any method ever devised by man pretty much impossible, complicated and cost prihibitive on the one hand, while making their use without kosher disposal plans illegal on the other. As it relates to your specific question, I think it's not much of a matter of French disposal methods being non-kosher, but rather that it makes transporting the waste to France pretty much impossible by any means other than teleportation.
But yeah, better ask an actual Kraut.
In my memory it's because the watermelons were attacking the trains almost constantly to the point people ending up dead was beginning to be inevitable.
What's with retarded Westerner's and their hysteria towards Russia?
It's because the US has been trying to kill Russian with sanctions ever since they killed the USSR with sanctions. A superpower can't do superpower stuff proxy wars, funding terrorist ect. if they don't have any money.
They try to sell it to the public as "if Russia is an economic power it's WW3" but the reality is doing superpower stuff is easier when their isn't competition. Hell if the USSR hadn't failed they would probably be leading space industry as the Americans still buy 20yo Russian engines today because they are more efficient than anything the US has made in the two decades since.
Think of it as owning a hotdog stand and throwing dead rats under the competitions stand but on a global scale.
If you can't blame your faults on an outsider, that means the only one at fault is yourself. And that's bad because people would get pissed at their own government and we can't have that, now can we?
What's with retarded Greekniggers and their inability to fiat currency correctly?
It's because we are westerners too.
To make you mad
I'm just going to leave this here
Nice to see the Russian propaganda block in action. The Russians collapsed in on themselves, all of this "the west crashed the Soviets" is pure bullshit. To paraphrase the Montreal Screwjob, "The US didn't screw the Soviets, the Soviets screwed the Soviets".
Things have changed, but they never change. The Russians are more free market, but then again they were abandoning their march towards communism in the 1950's after the glorious death of one of the greatest villains of all time, scumbag Stalin. Yes, the Chinese are moving towards free markets and towards state capitalism instead of absolute central control, communism is dying everywhere. But the Russians are still a superpower, China is too, and the whole old bloc is still there save for the Warsaw Pact being freed of oppression. But they are still seeing themselves as enemies of the west and visa versa, and this nonsense of undermining each other and puffing themselves up is still as strong as ever, it appears.
If one looks at things from the outside, you see too major blocs fighting each other on a continuing soft war, both have severe economic long term issues with their policies, both are weak in the long run, attempts have been made to create peace through economic interdependence which later leads to economic soft warfare (which is going on both ways, not just against muh Soviets who really collapsed from their own weakness) and both are continually trying to win you over with propaganda all the time.
In any case the main point I'm trying to make is anyone who tells you the west collapsed the USSR or that the Soviets could have survived any longer than they did is shovel feeding you horseshit, pure horseshit. The end for them was coming long before the final end, they were always backwards, and the change from communism towards a different state allowed them to correct many mistakes.
The blocs will either continue to coexist peacefully and actually work together, which will probably be the most certain outcome. The "hysteria" over Russia is part myth but also part very true, remember they are still rivals at best. They will prop themselves up with lies to the west like how the west lies to its own people, as Orwell said correctly everything since 1936 is propaganda. Never forget they are willing to lie to you to win you over against your own people. Even if you hate the current western system remember the Russians and the eastern bloc aren't saints who live in utopia, that the imperfections of the current dying western model does not make the other bloc perfect.
Communism killed the USSR, if anything Western influence through stolen technology kept the country on life-support for longer than it should have been. And it's difficult to believe that the US/NATO is actively trying to kill Russia through economics, if only because that presupposes believing that NATO is capable of long-term planning. Russia is just a convenient scapegoat for Western leaders to point their fingers at to justify giving themselves more power.
Pick one.
Yes. Communism tends to do that.
Which would explain why the managed to keep up with, and in points surpass, the West's technological development and made the rest of the world collectively shit our pants for half a century.
> But they are still seeing themselves as enemies of the west and visa versa
That chinks maybe, but Russia even made attempts to approach the West only to be met with (((unwarranted aggression))) and downright threats to their geopolitical status, for example with the Caucaso-European ABM-shield.
Yes but after being constantly being demonized as tyrannical commies for a century the eastern bloc sure made some significant progress in diplomacy while the Western powers, both the JewS.A. and the Jewropean Union, managed to create a shitloads of enemies and present themselves as fully blown imperialist dicks and Machiavellian despots to third parties and their own residents in a single decade of global hegemony, thanks to pandering to Israel, (((reconstruction companies))) and the (((World Bank))) while kikes deflected the blame to supposed oil-mongering and supposed "nationalistic" elitism further harming with slander the West's warranted bad image with self-blame.
I don't really disagree but to tbf without the US giving them a run for their very few money in the armament course, they would probably manage to last much longer, to their own detriment, and without any need to further advance technologically they would be able to spare some pennies to the proletariat for their "real communism this time" image.
I think russian suspicion is well founded considering the history of that nation and it's predecessors. If you're a warhammer 40k fag, just replace the word "Imperium" with "Rus" and you basically end up with the history of Russia set in sci-fi setting.
Large scale democratic system does that well enough without any assistance from the outside.
Get the fuck out.
Jewish banking oligarchs in the west were one of the major reasons why the soviet union could exist for so long in the first place. This kept jews in power in both east and west, plus it created a great scary villain for the military-industrial complex and banks to make gigantic profits.
Oh cry some more, serf.
whats up with these NATOshills coming from god knows where to shitpost, its like they are organizing on some honeypot
France already has loads of nuclear plants and Germany buys energy off France when the wind isnt blowing hard enough and when its blowing too strongly for their turdbines to function.
>…if only because that presupposes believing NATO is capable of long-term planning
Honestly NATO should disband and create a international sterilisation welfare to reduce the population so there will be fewer wars and refugees. I am so sick of this bullshits. We are supposed to be out in the space and colonise the planets because it is what the white people do.
No need to waste our money. Get rid of the other kind of welfare, and any population problem that exists will sort itself out soon enough.
At this point that'll be Chinese who genetically engineer themselves to become White after genociding all niggers with traditional chinese safety protocols and plastic rice pellets
Why don't we just build a transatlantic Pipeline from the USA to Europe?
This is just America wanting Europe to buy oil and gas from them instead of Russia.
They can get fucked, honestly. I don't want the prices to go up, they're already too high.
USA gas is expensive so Europeans don't buy it. If USA want them to buy their gas then they need to figure out to drive the price down.
VPN or immigrant?
Or Abo?
sage for double post
I am deaf aussie.
Why is energy such a big deal? Can't germany, Czech republic, Poland and all the other assorted EU countries just go nuclear? France did decades ago, what's the problem?
I only asked because your grammar seems like it’s from someone who’s native language is not any western language and is only partially fluent in English. I assumed you were an Asian immigrant. I don’t really see how being deaf could make you screw up your native language so badly though.
Have you tried reading the thread?
double post again. Oh god I hope I’m not turning into that Greek user that makes one post for each reply.
I am well aware of that and that is the reason why I told anons in other boards that it's my second language so they don't comment on my poor English skills.
Saged for being irrelevant.
Didn’t mean to offend you ausie.
Nah I am not offended at all mate.
Anyway Trump should leave Europe alone because it is nothing to do with USA nor Russia. Jews wanted to provoke another war. That's the reason.
It is clear to see.