Airstrip one nightmare

So I know everyone is creaming their panties over Tommy Robinson getting arrested but after looking into what happens to other groups he got iff light all things considered.

Honestly some terrifying shit.

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This being know, what is the legitimacy and plausibility of a revolution in the UK? How popular would it be? Where would revolutionarys find arms? Would Russia/China support it?

Sources for such claims would have been nice.

Irrelevant and none. They have virtually no guns, they are demoralized. They are, ultimately, at the mercy of their owners, the government and it's politicians.

Why would they waste money helping their enemy? It's no issue for them if UK slowly descents into lunacy, and it will be more bothersome for them if UK unfucks itself and anglos start looking after their own interests.

None whatsoever. I mean May is clearly cucking everyone and is going back on the Brexit but even then they're still don't do shit. I guess if we beat them Sunday in the World Cup maybe you will have some riots but that's about it.
It wouldn't be. Brits have always been against any form of conflict with authority. They would acclaim their paki, sikh and tranny cops shooting the last white youths of the country with both hands.
They wouldn't.
Maybe some discreet, deniable funding and support propaganda (so shit they're already doing).
But despite what the MSM (on both side) says nuclear powers don't support rebels in other nuclear power countries, unrest is fair game but the minute shit escalate is the minute people with brains step in to orders to stop.

There's a higher chance of getting struck by a comet in your backyard

More likely that there will be a part and parcel dirty bomb detonation.
interrupts people's cummies and fastfood bread and circuses
Albanian/Ukrainian smugglers.
for what purpose?

A full scale one? Doubt it, people are too lazy but hey anything could happen, I would suspect there might be low level insurgencies popping up in the next few years using stolen army weapons (a lot of the lads arrested as part of "far right terror cells" are army lads), would be banter tbh.

>>>Zig Forums

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>>>Zig Forums

Do you ever get tired doing this?

I don't go to that shithole either.

Stay in your containment board, new Persia

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Oh trust us, we know you don't
The absolute state of current year insults

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Try harder

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There's no hope for the Britbong, let them rot in their own shitbath and act smug that we're not jumping in with them.

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If the chances of a popular, freedom seeking rebellion are nil what about a statist or institutional coup?
For example, what if there were an unexpected electoral upset that actually threatened to reverse current political trends in the UK? Would or could the establishment have the balls and/or means to start the fire? What forces would be likely to participate and how?

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< "muh Zig Forums"
There's shitposting, and then there's retardation. You confused the two. Don't.

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No for pretty much all of them.

Pakistan is able to arm insurgents in Kashmir due to India focusing on retaliatory forces as opposed to Pakistan's asymmetric forces. Even if India had proof, Pakistan has made it clear that crossing the border is a big "no." If you're interested in the topic, I'd suggest Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era by Vipin Narang.

Given what said about most cells being former army, I'd say it's more likely than an uprising. Still almost non-existent, though.

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Britain is being punished by God on a national level for their national sin of allowing the Jews to establish the seat of International Jewry there, along with all the wars and atrocities they have committed against other white people. The System in Britain is a more severe iteration of Anarcho Tyranny, where being sent to prison for racism is a de facto death sentence as you'll be shoved in a cell full of arabs and negros, and an arab prison guard will drop the word that you're racist. I predict that Britain will be one of the first nations to collapse during the fall of Jewry. btw this belongs on Zig Forums

The Brits didn't have a choice, the Jewish parasite is merely throwing away the husk of the people they subverted. It will happen to America as well, even if it a century to accomplish. The only reason America isn't as far gone as them is that Americans are naturally stronger than Euro-peons, so even being a 56% white country we still manage to be less cucked than them. I don't want to see how retarded things will get if Great Shitain ever gets to 56%, I doubt the British people are strong enough to carry on in such an inhospitable condition.

What I mean by national punishment is that while the culpability for these things varies between each individual Brit, as a collective society they have committed these sins, so their nation as a whole is suffering the consequences. I'm not shittalking every British person, but Britain as an entity is doomed

Britain is not an entity, it's an artificial amalgamation of individuals. I'm not even particularly religious, but for you to say that God would condemn every person in a nation regardless of personal actions is against the principle of the Christianity. Methinks you're a tryhard larper, but I'll give you a (You) regardless.

I wouldn't be surprised if God reached his hand down and pushed the entire island back down into the sea

You literally have nothing to be smug about besides your guns. Enjoy being Israel's puppet though.

You fail to realise that the ability to carry on in inhospitable conditions is a markedly British trait.

"England is a beautiful nation, if only because it’s oppressive atmosphere of mediocrity, sterility and gentility provides the adverse conditions necessary for truly brilliant men to shine forth every now and then."

You're a country of cowards and losers. You voted for brexit, but now the ruling party is going to make you wish you remained. You can't say what you say even in the privacy of your home without the police getting involved, you lock up people for merely criticizing the government, the government doesn't recognize the god-given right of self-defense, you're welcoming invaders with open arms, meanwhile you ban people from entering your country for the wrong opinions, you can't go five-feet without a CCTV camera always watching, and even while watching your entire country crumble before your eyes, none of you do anything about it.
I have everything to be smug about, I can be smug knowing that I'm never forced to inhabit or step foot in a putrid fucking shithole like Britain. I await your country crashing with bated breath.

Reported :^)

I lock people up for criticising the government? No, I get locked up. I welcome invaders with open arms? No, the government does.
None of us do anything about it because we can't. Doing something about it is david vs goliath, but times one thousand.

You need to realise that the government and the people are not the same, you absolute mongrel.
Your country is crumbling same as ours and yet you imagine yourself to be on a golden throne overlooking a bunch of peasants; whilst both our nations have been infiltrated and (((manipulated))). You really are clueless, but I wouldn't expect anything other than ignorance from a 56% burger. Have fun speaking our language though.

Reporting this post too


Does this bother you? Tell me about it in a manner that is reportable. Enjoy your visit from the hate crimes division.

What bothers me is that you cannot seem to separate a government from the people it is failing to serve. What bothers me is Americans somehow thinking that Britain, their mother nation is cucked uniquely; rather than the same thing happening across the western world according to (((their))) plan.

When our country crashes so will yours. You're not safe from this and you do yourself no favours lambasting Britain from your polished, bloated turd of a country.

I'm not the guy arguing with you, dumbfuck. Look at the ids. Yuropoors, I swear to God.

Apologies for the 56%er. Some of them can't contain their autism. I hope you fine lads manage to escape your nanny state, you always have a home here in the U.S. God bless.

Thank you for being so polite, bless you.

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That's as good as Eric the legend

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I know you're memeing, but I'm going to hang you if you actually did that

Does the fate of a single bonganon really matter when the sun has set?…

>>>Zig Forums11847199

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I don't believe it for a second tbh, just reeks of propaganda to try to make us like sandnogs

I'm not even a bong, but I feel insulted by that.

Arabs write that sort of thing all the time! There was one that claimed Shakespeare was an arab, several about how Saddam's lineage goes back to Muhammed, one for Hitler, take your pick. Literally anyone of them who has enough literacy to write a book or an article, and has a pet crush on a historical figure writes pages upon pages about how his historical or political crush was an Arab, and if he's important enough, or if he likes him a bit too much he traces it back to Muhammed or a big Khalifa.

I am not even White and so do I.

Honestly, judges, police admins, and elected officials should be getting beat to death in the streets.

Well it's fucking weird to have Queens in the first place, so I guess that at some point the British monarchy (as most European monarchy) did marry Spanish princesses which themselves had marry Andalusian emirate dynasty at some point.
And since both mudslime and the throne of great Britain have the same weird rules on female descendants it's probably true.

Now this is what I call stretching

It's the same amount of stretching the house of Windsor practice to pretend they're kings of anything…
Most of the legitimate kings of France, England and the Emperor died a thousand years ago.

Time for Bobby to meet Luty.

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