How effective would it be to have a sniper take loads of HGH and have him sneak around a treeline with a 20mm sniper rifle taking out humvees, mobile squads, light apcs and helicopters/drones?
Could a 20mm sniper be effective? In what scenario?
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Who cares, he's a grunt. Nobody cares about one grunt
Just break it down into two parts, you need a spotter anyway. Also the Steyr IWS is better, its lighter and lower caliber while penetrating more. Clearly speed is superior over caliber…..
But that being said upping the 15mm smoothbore of the IWS to 35mm smoothbore with depleted uranium KEW would be hilarious, since it can penetrate parts of MBTs even.
Taking out radar instalations
Checked, and here's my thought: anything that big, that loud, will telegraph its position pretty clearly. Anything needing that much firepower will have survivors equipped with decent IR cameras to sweep the hillside and find your smoking barrel.
Build a cheap version, it only needs to fire one round. Program an arduino or lookalike, and drag up enough of a camera to know when your intended target is under the crosshairs. Ideally for weight and cost, don't bother with stepper motors, just aim at the middle of the road, and flip the on switch.
Now, run like heck and set up another, preferably on another hill. Keep going until you run out of arduino knockoffs or cameras. One round each. Remote activation would be ideal.
Can be well melded with for KEM launches. Sure they paint a trail to where … you're not, anymore. But at mach 5 those puppies are hard to dodge.
Now you've got a full battalion of men and vehicles on lockdown, trying to find where you actually are. I'm going to recommend latex gloves and a hairnet when you carry this into position, unless you've built yourself a rotary cannon to meet them face to face once they do start moving again.
IE, you've already committed your soul to the snack bar and don't care to come back for seconds. Otherwise they'll spend the money on full-retard forensics to retrieve the DNA of the EEEDJOT what carried that mess up the side of a hill and programmed it to hate humvees.
He would be a very short shooter, probably not combat effective.
The maximum chamber pressure of 20x102mm 'Vulcan' is somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty one thousand pounds per square inch. Even the simplest possible gun, basically a breech cap threaded directly onto the ass end of the barrel, is still going to be expensive by virtue of the steel and heat treat needed. Kind of a waste for a disposable weapon; you'd be better off with unguided rockets.
What I would do is to procure a single shot anti-material rifle, an electric dirt bike (because silent), and ideally about five other guys with the same kit. Set up an ambush, take one shot, everyone flees in different directions.
Thanks Strelok, I needed that laugh.
The most practical use I can think of for a 20mm sniper is fucking up an airfield, a 2 or 3 man team could do a billion dollars damage in 20 minutes. The catch is they probably aren't getting out alive but some nations don't care about that.
Do we even need 20mm snipers though?
12.7x55mm and 12.7x99mm should be more than enough. All we need to do is to design new rounds for that caliber. Something with even more penetration or explosive tip.
Also some anons here mentioned that it would be too loud and the guys will sooner or later get killed. But what if they were to use something like a VKS? (The 12.7x55mm that I mentioned).
20mm AT rifles were a complete failure during WWII.
The only good AT rifle widely available are soviet 14.5mm which penetrates better than even modern 20mm because 20mm rounds were always meant for HE burst and have a relative low charge (and therefore speed) despite their weight, when a 14.5mm BS is a 30mm necked down with a 12.7mm tungsten carbide pill coated in incendiary material under a 14.5mm copper jacket with as much powder charge they dared to load it.
WWII 14.5mm AP will still likely still go through most APC's possibly even MRAPs at close range, NATO STANAG 4569 level IV plates are meant to resist 5 shots of (low load) 14.5mm B-32 steel core API at 200m and 0° (which the basic round in KPV belts and not really specialized AP ammo by soviet designation, soviet special 14.5mm AP ammo is BS, BS-41 for AT rifle, so basically it's just one burst of a KPV at a fair distance) and a lot of MRAP aren't actually rated level IV kinetic (but level IV explosive/level III kinetic, which is common small arms AP ammo).
China actually makes modern AP-T SLAP rounds for 14.5mm that are 25% faster and meaner than the original and can penetrate a 20mm armor plate at 60° at 1000m…
Please do tell me more
bump until frogbro tells me more juicy details about this chink superweapon
Well it's a tungsten carbide 45g dart that fly at 1250 m/s (yes those are meters not feet).
It's similar in concept to the US 12.7mm AP M903 but not exactly the same as it's fully jacketed instead of the semi-jacketed sabot the M903 use (which cause feeding issues in anything else than a M2).
dont believe his lies. nothing the Chinese, or any communist country for that matter, claim is even remotely true
They work pretty well for home defense.
You know that story's probably bullshit, right?
If such a thing exists, I've never been able to find one.
okay Jacques cheng, im sure chineese quantum super AP rounds will be the deathblow of the west
Frenchbro never suggested that. I, as well as many other Americans, would definately appreciate rounds that could penetrate common NG and police MRAPs. Even better if it could be used with existing .50BMG weapons. Cold dead hands and all that.
Wouldn't you get a better effect from a homebrew IED? A 20mm rifle would be an absolute bitch to carry, set up, and pack up (even with a well trained crew), and IEDs do have the advantage that you can set them up and leave them (under the watch of a trigger man if you want to reduce the odds of civilian casualties).
Mortars > AP rifles
It's more effective to go after softer targets than armor.
By that, I mean threaten the families of said NG and police to discourage them from coming to work.
But sometimes you want to hunt armor or moose you know. Not much difference between the two
This, you could disrupt the airport for more than a week if you do enough damage, the only problem would be getting a minimum of 2 20mm rifles, preferably with detachable magazines within 2km of a major airport with enough elevation to do significant damage to the tarmac. That being said, does anyone know the effect a 20mm bullet would have on tarmac?
I wasn't referring to 20mm rounds, but the 14.5mm rounds our resident baguette was talking about. IEDs and explosives in general can be hazardous to make from raw consumer available material in the sort of environment were talking about US civilian in his garage. In addition to that, the explosive itself won't be as powerful or reliable as commercial or military explosives, and there aren't too many places to freely test such a device before game day. A large amount of IEDs in the sandbox were made from old ordinance IIRC.
It would be far easier to develop a round that could be used either with existing weapons (.50BMG) or some other non DD weapon (no registration). US civilians have access to 20mm and up rounds. The problem is reliable, consistent explosives and fuzes. In the anti armor role, 20mm is weak, but 25mm and 30mm autocannon brass is common and can fit projectiles that will pierce most armor. But once again, obtaining and/or manufacturing said projectiles will be very difficult for the average civilian or team of civilians to pull off.
They do exist.
A 20mm round would make a pothole at best and ricochet off the tarmac doing nothing 90% of the time at that range and deflection. A plane would simply ignore the pothole as it passes over it because landing gear is made to take huge shocks. Even if it were a problem it takes one guy with a shovel full of hot asphalt to fill it. You would be a lot better off firing at exposed engines, radar equipment and other expensive things which is what you can already do with a .50 bmg. There is a reason why there are specific warheads for disabling runways.
Probably not so much damage to the Tarmac as much as damage to the aircraft themselves. Just a couple of rounds through the side of the engines of a parked jet and there you go.
Would getting close enough be a problem? Most airstrips aren't FRESH FRUITS tier with the planes all lined up on the tarmac for you.
It would do nothing to the concrete but a single HE into an engine will but a plane out of service for a few days.
IIRC the preferred method of dealing with runways today is to just drop a couple 2000 pound demolition bombs on them and cut the runway into several segments too short to take off from separated by massive craters, since damage from anti-runway cluster munitions isn't that difficult to repair either.
Mhh no.
Dude, just use a JDAM.
There is a reason for it, generally military runways are made of large concrete blocks so any damaged block can be quickly replaced. A JDAM is just going to damage a block or two and nothing more, a BLU-107 will go through the block and detonate under them fucking up the ground, now they need to fix the ground before they can replace the damaged blocks.
Clearly, the solution is to use a cruise missile that burries itself under the centre of the airfield and turns the whole complex into a single gigantic crater, with planes, grounds crews, facilities, et al.
So… A tactical nuke?
You don't have to go nuclear, I'm sure that you can load enough HE into an ICBM.
why waste money on that when Black Arrow/Black Spear rifle does the job perfectly?
This thread has got the creative juices flowing anons. Would it be possible to form 1 a 20mm, 25mm, or 30mm semiautocannon? Its technically a DD and not a machine gun if its semi auto.
Regular bombs don't do squat to military grades runways. Damage control crew can fix them in a few hours.
Destroying the underneath of the runway is the only way to do some lasting damage.
20mm anti-material rifles exist. I never said they didn't.
The greentext story states that the 20mm in question was a single shot upper for the M82A2. This is the claim that I'm calling bullshit on. If it does exist, then it's a one-off gunsmith's special that no one else on the Internet, excepting the claimant, has ever heard of or seen.
we even make our own tanks, artillery, anti-personel sniper rifles, AK's etc etc
Only tank in world that can accurately shoot targets while moving
Every single Western MBT can do that user. But I'm still mad that even Serbia of all countries can make their own shit while we buy overrated trash from NATO.
nope not all, all other tanks have to stop for a short time and shoot but M84 can shoot while moving without the need to stop at all.
I know that feel, Greek. Atleast we got pic related
5/8ths of fuck all honestly.
It would cause maintenance and refuelling to be a hazardous occupation with those 20mm slugs bouncing around the place though.
To kill a werewolf and dinosaurs of course.
AFAIK about Burger laws, a (reproduction) gatling gun is not an MG because it is hand-cranked.
Making one in 20mm+ should be doable.
Ooo, make one in 40mm. Perhaps 40x53mm using training or smoke ammo for pleb use. You might even be able to sell that to cops or the .mil as well.
You realise you can manufacture stuff like that if you have the know-how, right?
There was that guy made an AK in 7.62x25mm Tokarev, and I know that there's books out there detailing how to DIY a .50-cal upper for an AR, so why not a 20mm DIY upper for a Barrett?
What's so hard about it? Even BB can do it.
someone help me out real quick with this thought. In theory which projectile materials,projectile shape, case dimensions,case materials and everything else that goes into having an effective round would yield the best possible penetrative properties im thinking
what would be the best means for producing incredible amounts of velocity on a very heavy round is what it boils down to I suppose
You're forgetting the 1968 GCA which created the "destructive device" class, making everything over .50 other than "sporting purpose" shotguns because that would be the only thing to get retarded fucking fudds off of their lazy asses into NFA items.
You're talking out of your arse serbanon; the type 90 can shoot while on the move, while the type 10 can shoot while turning
Yeah, but my point is, it's still not legally an MG, so you can make your own by jumping through a couple of hoops. You couldn't if it was legally an MG, because of that gay 1986 law.
Anti material use is meh. Rifles are for killing people. 20mm is good for it in certain conditions. Mostly for the sniper harassment in teh static defense positions. HE bursting rounds have one interesting quality that was obvious in the sniper montages from the Middle East. They may shoot "around the corner". Solid round needs direct hit but target may be hidden but exposed from overhead or side and there is wall there. Bam! HE round goes into that wall and showers enemy watchman with fragments. Also wall part suited for such hit maybe much bigger that human torso and is much easier hit. Also games around portholes. With very high zoom optics (HD camcorders) it often can be spotted that there is some movement behind porthole covered with rags or camo net but again solid round is not very suited here as sniper doesn't know where exactly behind wall target is so it is big gamble to hit anything. But HE again? Goes into pothole. Bam! Ruins everyone's day in the room. (what? you dangled mannequin head on the stick to bait the sniper? jokes on you ) 20-23mm is unwieldy but in prolonged sieges around towns and building it is defiantly has some merit because of that.
XM25 was supposed to be high tech better version of such over the cover shooting gun but is dead now.
How long does it take to pour 11 feet² of quickcrete?
Half a day if you're lazy.
Make a small hole into the concrete slabs, make a huge one in the ground bellow = destabilize the whole runway making it unsafe for take off/landings (especially of cargo planes).
The USAF today use normal bombs because their plans is to seize the runways, poor some quickcrete and use them for themselves.
You dumb fuck, its like you want settling issues. That shit is solely for post work/anything not requiring actual form work
Hooktube is dead, it is the same as linking directly to Youtube now.
You should give us some restrictions, otherwise my answer is to strap a Falcon V behind a .22 Long Rifle bullet, and launch that at the target.
mfw the Falcon is an accessory
>Hooktube is dead, it is the same as linking directly to Youtube now.
When will jewtube just die already?