Is there any reason to still use a lever action rifle these days?
Is there any reason to still use a lever action rifle these days?
Yes, for fun
I honestly wouldn't call them obsolete.
They're handy, they're quick for a repeater, they cycle fuckoff-heavy hunting loads and ratshot with equal ease meaning you can shoot anything from black bear to squirrel with the same gun.
They're extremely fun. There are probably some practical reasons but I don't know them.
This. Semiautos are susceptible to feeding and mechanical failure due to differences in loadings. Manual actions usually have more robust actions and since its activated after the round fires, takes less stress overall as a result.
Have fun after your lever bends out of shape and wont let you lock the action anymore, Cletus.
Why do you faggots keep replying to these threads, which should be in the fucking Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Threads thread? Just report, hide, and ignore. Even an ounce of thought can keep a board NEET and tidy.
Lever actions hold the title of most stylish cycling operation ever conceived for a firearm. They're also fun.
break action has slower and more calm pace
Because there isn't any semi auto in my country that does 45-70, and 458 Winchester magnum is absurdly expensive for brass (~$120/50)whilst my guns brass is 65 for 50 and lasts twice as long.
They'r good guide guns. Five rounds of 45-70gov in a small package will stop a charging grizzly. Also cowboy.
No, just get a Bolt Action OP.
We call guns FUNS for a reason, kiddo. They're not just for war.
If you don't mind jizzing your pants when you fire then yes.
Most Australians can get a lever action, but they can't get a semiautomatic and pump-action rifles are for poofs. Otherwise, it's just LARPing as a cowboy.
Kill yourself my man
Yes, because fun guns are fun
What's wrong with TFB?
30 30
marlin is now okay
Zig Forums is a contrarian only zone.
For revolver cartridge reloaders, the non automatic rifle is very nice indeed. Auto loaders require some sort of power to cycle the weapon one way or another, too much power or too little out of spec will lead to reliability problems. The manual cycling gun has its advantages here and there, and it has its advantages here in spades.
With a manual rifle one can shoot light 38 Special all the way to hot 357 Magnum without adjusting anything for cycling. You can load any cartridge length you need, short, long OAL's are just fine. Even super long custom cartridges that can't even fit in the tube can be loaded manually into the breach. The flatter noses of many revolver bullets works just fine in a lever gun where it might cause trouble in an auto loader.
I suppose these same arguments can be used for bolt action, but there are more lever guns in these calibers than bolt. I think one thing as a lover of bolt actions is that the comb and build of lever guns tends to be "quick" and quite suitable for quick bringing to the shoulder for quick shots, one place the pistol caliber carbine has a place is short range small game shooting, and the quick, short nature of the lever gun is supurb for sticking in a truck or for a quiet walk around the woods or on the property. Some still use 30-30 in lever guns on deer to this day because they are good close range, quick to the shoulder rifles. They fill a niche out there.
Plus anyone who has shot PCC levers enjoys them. Probably the most well loved gun in my arsenal is the Winchester 94ae in 357 Magnum because it packs a lot of power with full power cartridges and has little recoil and blast in the full length barrel. Load up a whole pile of home cast bullets in light 38 Special and enjoy an afternoon of plinking in the backyard. it has its place.
extreme shilling for products. that one fat fuck named patrick had a vid about it. they were given shit to review that sucked bad, but TFB wanted him to make a good review of it. he didnt and they got rid of him, which really says a lot.
their videos are clickbait, brainless, and cookie cutter. they will lie on the behalf on companies if it means more shekels in their pockets. take the disastrous franklin armory reformation, they had a video where the rep was so bad it really showed how terrible this new product was, but they took it down to save face for franklin armory. memory holed too.
Why shit on the only demographic that is consistently pro-gun?
Because jews want all white people disarmed.
not really, but I always hated lever-action. The backwards hand-motion is awkward, and your caliber choice is limited. The only rifle rounds available are 30-30 and 45-70 these days, you can't even get 444 marlin anymore.
It's a "fun" gun and a novelty, but the lever gun's time has long since passed.
Do even into blr
Fun and hunting, to be honest I would only own stuff like lever guns if I lived in a free land. Since I don't I buy tacticool shit while always saying to myself "eh I will buy that next time"
Care to post it?
That video got memoryholed, but here's the one they did the day after for the same thing.
YES. It's probably my favorite gun I own right now.
Also the plastic german training ammo is hilariously fun for plinking.
I know! It's, like, 2018 you guys! We shouldn't be using these old, like, out-dated weapons!