Arming the Homeless
So this is by no means a serious thread, but rather a goofy what if type deal!
In the liberal shitholes of the West and East Coast, we have a combination of two equally shit things. Anti-Gunners and Homeless. In Seattle, it's gotten to the point where the city has slums filled with shacks and little houses that are used by hipsters to continue the proliferation of their cancerous beliefs.
But! What if we could arm and radicalize the homeless? Now, here's the thing: All of the weapons would be manufactured from resources that can be salvaged from foreclosed properties, dilapidated buildings, junk piles, ect. This means railroad spike knives, singleshot guns with armstrong power, ect. The ideal scenario is that all of these weapons would be produced within the homeless community, and the knowledge would be spread throughout said communities.
At the same time, Zig Forumsommandos will infiltrate these communities and begin radicalizing the local groups with ideas of how the Democrats and "progressives" in their cities have screwed them over, and destroyed their chances at the American dream. The 2nd phase would be stockpiling and arming these groups, as well as giving them the knowledge of small-game trapping and hunting for the likes of rat, pigeons, and fish.
And within the right political atmosphere, say when the fuck-offs in the city councils attempt to remove the homeless, you rally them into attacking a list of known anti-gun activist, commies, ect. These homeless would in turn become a well armed lynchmob that would begin an insurrection within the town, and the Zig Forumsommando would be able to leave before all of this occurs.
I know some people are gonna see this post as cringe, but take it as some form of thought experiment. What kind of weapons could be built within the shacks and little houses of the homeless?
So far, I'll list the following:
This thread is about Liberal Shithole: Hobo Warfare, and tactics/weapons which can be employed.