Hobo Revolution

Arming the Homeless
So this is by no means a serious thread, but rather a goofy what if type deal!

In the liberal shitholes of the West and East Coast, we have a combination of two equally shit things. Anti-Gunners and Homeless. In Seattle, it's gotten to the point where the city has slums filled with shacks and little houses that are used by hipsters to continue the proliferation of their cancerous beliefs.

But! What if we could arm and radicalize the homeless? Now, here's the thing: All of the weapons would be manufactured from resources that can be salvaged from foreclosed properties, dilapidated buildings, junk piles, ect. This means railroad spike knives, singleshot guns with armstrong power, ect. The ideal scenario is that all of these weapons would be produced within the homeless community, and the knowledge would be spread throughout said communities.

At the same time, Zig Forumsommandos will infiltrate these communities and begin radicalizing the local groups with ideas of how the Democrats and "progressives" in their cities have screwed them over, and destroyed their chances at the American dream. The 2nd phase would be stockpiling and arming these groups, as well as giving them the knowledge of small-game trapping and hunting for the likes of rat, pigeons, and fish.

And within the right political atmosphere, say when the fuck-offs in the city councils attempt to remove the homeless, you rally them into attacking a list of known anti-gun activist, commies, ect. These homeless would in turn become a well armed lynchmob that would begin an insurrection within the town, and the Zig Forumsommando would be able to leave before all of this occurs.

I know some people are gonna see this post as cringe, but take it as some form of thought experiment. What kind of weapons could be built within the shacks and little houses of the homeless?

So far, I'll list the following:

This thread is about Liberal Shithole: Hobo Warfare, and tactics/weapons which can be employed.

What kind of hobos do you have over there that it seems to be a viable idea for you? Here they are usually drug adicted shitheads or old alcoholists.

That's the point. They are drug addicts, most of which are trying to shift the blame for their problems onto other people. Not sure if you read about that one Zig Forums herbal warlock, but the guy would go into similar homeless areas, and would cure people of their addictions while converting them into NatSocs.

Do something similar, while also getting them to believe that the local city councils and anti-gunners are responsible for their problems.

I'm by no means a PR guy but do we really want men in filthy underwear chucking flaming barrels at people and shouting hale hortler?

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If the idea is to undermine a political cause, then yes

I think it would be amusing to watch mentally unstable people cause violent conflict in urban cities with DIY weapons, but I really don't think that's going to solve anything. They're not going to organize, they're not going to rationally pick targets that would advance any goals, they're just going to attack random people and get shot by cops. The homeless are not assassins for hire.

Oh, so you're retarded. Got it.

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Unless you have the kind of reclamation/rehabilitation outfit that would need a budget well into the hundreds of millions a year all you're going to get is a group of (reasonably) well armed drug addicts going on a crime spree to fund their next high. As fun as it would be to watch that unfurl live on camera I don't think that the average Zig Forumsack has the funding, skills, or drive to achieve more than mob. If any of you are secret billionaires then give it a shot (and post pics + vid) but if you are that rich you'll have more efficient ways to influence politics.

Simple or spiked clubs are easier to make than knives and don't require forging. They also don't need any skill or cohesive tactics like spears. It'd be easier and more effective for them to steal shotguns than make hand removers, although .22 zip guns might see some use. I don't know why the hell they'd be fucking about with air can bombs when they have plenty of empty bottles to make Molotovs with.
Think less fallout and more African Ethnic Cleansing Instance #127

Biological. Create literal 'untouchables'. Then set them loose to put their sticky hands on things. Take San Francisco as an example. There are 100, 000 poz and syringe filled gallons of shit per square mile in that city. All thanks to the homeless. Add some peculiar gut flora, fungi, plague and/or parasites to that and you'll end up with weird mutants that you normally only see in India. Or you'll get a strain of anthrax that spread poz. Then armed men in latex bodysuits and gas masks will take take a flamethrower to the city and you can start over in Portland.

This sounds more like a CIAnigger MKUltra thing to me.

While it sounds good on paper, we are talking about hobos. Chances are that some of them will drink all the acohol in the vicinity and huff anything coated in petrol/gasoline. I would far more sucessful if you gave them meth/bath salts and set them loose in some kind of hipster area, showered in gasoline and armed with makeshift spray flamethrower.

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You just made me realize that LA is India in the making.

im getting robocop 2 vibes.


It's HOBOS, not ABBOS.

It would lead to more totalitarian policing pretty swiftly. We might even see an autonomous police UGV hitting the streets in the urban battlefield that would occur. It probably wouldn't have a drug addict installed inside it, but once people noticed that it had engaged a larger number of black criminals than white criminals (due to the simple numbers it encounters) they would demand PC and progressive modifications to its programming.

Gotta admit that psyops is a beautiful thing though. If it works, we effectively cause a small insurrection inside every major city, with people that are armed with clubs, slamfire shotguns, and whatever else that isn't bolted down.

But chaos is fun. See my picture.

Another method of warfare would be spreading Hogweed, and arming said hobos with extracts of it in bottles. Shit is almost as bad as cleaning acids in terms of damage done, and could be used to strike a low-brow punch at people living in those shitholes.

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Most of the homeless in Los Angeles are drug addicts. or Blue Collar workers & Vets who lost their jobs to the illegal mexican invaders. The drug addicts would just sell whatever they could to buy drugs. The homeless blue collar workers & Vets would be who you want to radicalize.

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It'd help people realize the fragility of civilization.

If there was an air borne respiratory pathogen that could not be cured by antibiotics. If something like that started spreading among the homeless that would totally cripple big metropolitan cities world wide. It would spread like wild fire from the homeless in the densest parts of the cities. Cities would break down into chaos world wide.

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Basically what this user said. I like the idea of murderhobos killing urbanites in itself, but unless you have some form of 40k esque kind of fanatical religious cult that compels hobos to fight for you, you'r gonna need a lot of money to pull this plan through. Aside from that, the logistics of achieving a hobo uprising would be horrendous because you're dealing with a nationwide uprising, and because these are fucking hobos, not people remotely capable of coordinating shit.

Just leaving pipe guns around said hobo towns and let em figure out a use for them.

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That sounds like feral orks finding shootas from a previous waagh and figuring out how to use them.

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