Help Save us white man!
I for one consider this karma for Rhodesia. Africans can still enjoy communism while being ruled by theirs new Chinese masters.
Chinese reboot Apartheid colonialism in Africa
I hope Chinese people demand the interracial breeding to be illegal.
They nigger the niggers. They go back to china and leave the kid who is allergic to everything there
Serves them right. I hope the entire continent gets raped of its resources and turned into a giant ghost city.
Niggers are dumb animals and should be treated as such.
You mean there were strings attached to all that money China invested in Africa? They didn't make all those roads and ports out of the goodness of their hearts? How the fuck is this a revelation to anyone with half a brain cell in their cranium?
They don't have too. No Chink is ever gonna dirty his ancestors name by banging niggers no matter how thirsty he is.
They might impregnate black whores but the kids stay in africa…
There will not be a single ethnic african left after china is done.
And by the time they realize that, or stop denying it, it will be too late. The same will be true in many other countries and races.
I wonder… will the Chinese leave Africa once they have ripped everything of value out of it? Or will they want to keep it as a sphere of influence? If they abandon it, then I might be tempting to be a 21st century settler. Given enough settlers, Africa might become something of value again.
Well, at least now I have one reason on my why not to hate the chinks list. Hope they do a thorough job.
Why? What for? After it's been stripped out of all its resources, what's there left to exploit for a settler. Unless you're planning to import literally everything from elsewhere possibly from China herself, given that by then there'll probably be nothing left of the West, there'd be literally nothing to build a stable economy on, especially a settler one.
Good points. A shame to let the entire continent go to waste, but if there is nothing of value there. Perhaps I am just being nostalgic for the Africa that once was, before it all went to shit.
How about kosher farming for Greater Israel?
So there's a chance that the chink-negro mix will make Africa closer to something that could be considered somewhat human?
They might impregnate black whores but the kids stay in africa…
That's where the trouble begins. Half-breeds are (((their))) most powerful propaganda weapon when it comes to manipulating the natural course of race relations. They're used to play both sides at once by appealing to whichever half of their ancestry is most convenient in the moment. Also, in the case of mulatto half-breeds, their markedly superior intelligence and behavioral traits that result from the iniection of non-black genetics are exploited to color people's opinions of all blacks as similar to the mostly civilized hybrids.
Now, I'm not saying this will be an issue for a long time but it has always eventually led to racial disaster. It took a century for Australians to stop viewing abbos as literal wildlife and to begin pretending their human. That culture shift was carried exclusively on the backs of the abbo half breeds that resulted from a century of wilderness colonization. It took two centuries for Americans to begin to pretend its former slaves were in any way fit for their society and there are literally hundreds of household name examples whereby the American public was deceived of the true quality of blacks by propping up mulattos and quadroons as representatjve of the race.
The Chinese may be racist as fuck today, but they are no more racist than the average working class white man was a century ago. What's worse is their ant hive mentality makes them incredibly vulnerable to influence coming from the top echelons of society. If (((they))) weasel their way into China like they've been trying to, they'll have the ant people dancing to their tune in no time.
Oh they do user. Chink women are in short supply.
What boggles my mind is why anyone would want to sleep with a negress I mean, thinking 3DPD is sexy itself does boggle my mind, but these creatures even moreso. What is there attractive or even remotely feminine in a negress? They look like stumpy, lumpy tumours with arms and legs. I think a literal she-ape is more attractive than one of those abominations against man's sense of beauty and femininity. Why on earth would anyone want to sleep with them! Even in their mixed, Americanised state they are the most repulsive specimens of female among all the primates I can think of.
That’s highly possible considering China already ban literal gay shit on tv and the Internet. As much as Zig Forums hates it. China closer to a homogeneous ethnostate being a major power. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese outright genocide the blacks outta Africa.
Literally because there are so few women in China men have married retards and vegatative state women and there's still not enough.
You wish. There's a major CCP split right now and the person who won't do it is likely to win.
You've got it, nobody else seems to see it. The reason why whites must be destroyed is because we have always fought against Marxism. Consistently we have beat it and won. So we are to be destroyed. What was the real crime of Boers? Fighting communism, opposing communism in the neighboring countries. Why did Mandela and his murderous thugs take control? White vs black, or anti communist against communism? Rhodesia had to die, why, for niggers and niggerkind, or because one of the rebelling factions was, of course, Commie fuckers?
We see it clear as day, there is no more question anymore. When whites did anything, CAPITALIST whites did imperialism, it was called out as evil and wrong. When commies do it, its 100% A-O-fucking-Kay to do it. Commies oppress and oppose, commies commit apartheid and segregation, no word in the media, no outcry of injustice or "human rights". Only when capitalists do it. Only when western Europeans who oppose communism do it.
We are filled with enemies on the inside. No doubt about it.
Communism is just a codeword for Judaism btw.
Once niggers experience the horror that is the Chinese, they're going to wish they never got rid of the whitey. I think that, unlike the jews who make deals with the devil and sacrifice kids, the Chinese aren't even born with souls. They're just lifeless husks of meat who destroy everything around around them just because they were programmed to do it. I'm almost positive that the Chinese will destroy every living thing on Africa once they colonize it, the birds, niggers, animals, tree's and plants and such. Then once they're done killing all of those things they're going to cements the entirety of Africa to make way for a giant city filled with bug people. The only people who come close to how evil the jews are, are the Chinese. The only good thing is when the niggers start getting killed, but once they're done with that there is only one way to make sure they don't spread into Africa and destroy it.
Communism is like a loser conman who sells a bad product/service and always fails in the end, but always seems to actually make sales by taking desperate measures. He gets people to buy his snake oil, only for the oil to kill the customer, but he indeed sells the shit to them.
The snake oil always fails, but the sales pitch still seems to work.
Know what the Chinese eat. They probably eat black babies thinking it would cure Impotence.
They'd exterminate every African on Earth if they were convinced that charbroiled negro penis was an ancient Chinese cure for impotency, cancer and general malaise.
Someone meme it into reality?
Maybe that's it boys. One of us who looks a little bit more Chinkified needs to become Dr. Phu Que Phag, master of the Chinese dark arts, who knows of a cure for headaches, toothaches, fever, impotency, baldness, fatigue, hangover, gout, and indigestion made form ground up groid parts. We'll just let the poachers finish this problem for us.
We should probably try to convince them that Jew noses ward off poverty spirits while we're at it.
TCM only uses parts from rare animals, sorry
what. the. fuck.
Not a fan of Chinese food?
So, albino blacks then? Those are already being hunted for their meat, it's all about the newcomers adopting the local customs.
If your wondering. This is why the world has SARS now.
Nah, lemme just write it in classical chinese and everyone will go insane over it! Someone just add this to you your most reliable nigger picture and some soup with a phallic looking soup object.
Translation: The compilation of medical materials notes: "(Enunch) Zheng He, who many times has sailed foreign seas, Notes a tree in Malindi. Rough height is above five feet. If so, it should form a person (人) word shape. Between the intersection lies two circular egg like objects. Saw off, twist to extract liquid, after many days (drying) splice them into (salmami slices is the only english analogy), eat to prolong longevity and fertility. Near top of the same tree, there is a pricessless object. Must be dug out from surrounding area. It forms a cylindrical shape like the leaves of a certain willow tree. Rough on outside, smouth with liquid on inside. Boil with water and cow gallbladder, can cure cold diseases (flu,colds, lack of circulation,etc.)
They got rid of them once. But then a stupid ROC diplomat played good goy
So Chinese are actually Americans?
Americans destroy everything because their greatest ally Israel tells them to, that's different.
Most Americans are racial garbage so there's no difference. Just drop a bunch of nukes on the US and be done with it.
Everyone is an American while also not being an American.
Remember that anyone who isn't you or your buddies is an American and therefore an enemy.
I should probably consider my buddies American since some of them are a bit swarthy and that could mean they are American despite not being American.
I thought of something.
Therefore Africa is technically America. Not like there's much of a difference between the two anyway.
Only whites and chinamen know how to get them anyways.
you guys are missing out on the big picture.
Whatever, I'd rather live under Chinese Socialist Values™
Where ugly things in media are considered an insult to intelligence, and niggers are banned.
There are more niggers in China than Poland.
Be careful of what you wish for.
There's more Chinese in Poland than niggers.
Though Vietnamese are the highest Asian minority group, 30, which is around the actual jew statistic including concealed ones.
Still 90% of chinese bend over for the government to fuck them in the ass cause thats how it's been since the idea of a unified Chinese state existed.
It shouldn't be too hard to tame them. Probably easier than niggers
Wew. Just keep telling yourself that while the CCP chairman rapes your wife and throws you in the gulag.
Reminder that China was the #1 enemy in the bush war
The best outcome is for the niggers to starve. Having the chinks take over parts of Africa is a bad idea. Especially since most africans literally walk on fucking gold.
Yeah, no, retards have said the same shit about mixing Europeans with niggers and South American natives and all that resulted in is mestizos that manage to out-barbarian Arabs, and a bunch of mentally deranged self-hating mulattos that fucking despise their European ancestry and wish nothing but harm towards anyone lighter in complexion than a turd.
Now imagine the horrific consequences of mixing apes with ant people who already don't place that much value on life in general.
Chink men are banging nigresses left and right.
The only way China is communist today is that you can't own land in the country, only lease it.
Is there a worse subspecies than a chink African? Chink abo?
If the chinkfrican mix doesn't breed as much as normal chinks do I'll be fine with it. A lot of the children have no fathers because the chink men often leave after the work is done.
I for one welcome my Chinese overlords
In the current year, Africans breed a fuckload more than chinks do. With all the foreign aid going into Africa, the death rate is dropping. Mumbo might have had 10 kids and 4 might have survived, now it's closer to 8 surviving and growing up to head west.
Ok, and you keep telling yourself how great amerigan (((gabidalizm))) is while private doctor shekelberg charges you to mutilate your wife son's dick and she no-fault divorces you.