Bad Zig Forums memes

Zig Forums is one big meme and you should all feel bad for creating such a shitty and annoying "culture" over the years on 4chan and Zig Forums.

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Feel free to leave then karl.

They're called funs for a reason.

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Strongly agree on those. The rest, no.

Roughly 75% of those have little to do with Zig Forums, as opposed to major segments of gun owner communities, of which Zig Forums occupies. Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

Thread was made by another salty Zig Forums faggot.

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Every time I see this picture I reflect back on my childhood/teens and feel grateful that, for all my faults, I never descended that low.

I think this thread has shown that not only can /leftytrannies/ not meme, they don't really know what a meme is.

The picture even worse when you know the context. The forced boomer meme was being spammed on Cuckchan was from a honeypot group full of kids from SRS. They accidentally dox themselves when they tried to spam the shit here. Theirs moms approve of what they are doing too. As much shit Mark gets on /v/. He keeps away forced memes like soyboy which was 4chan mods approve marketing shilling for Sony. You think it pure Coincidence Cuckchan /v/ only ban soyboy memes after it backfired on them with soy of war?

I'll rape your little boypussy OP, just like in the old days

Mehmet, no raping! Mehmet, no raping!

There are literal faggots on this board who sodomize themselves thinking about bestiality.
Pretending to be degenerate has resulted in actual degenerates feeling welcome.

SCAR owner detected.

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But they aren't fun, they are forced memes made by sweaty neckbeards that own a AR-15 with 30 pounds of scopes and grips and lasers.
Zig Forums is the worst board on any chan it's in. You guys suck.

No, you should feel bad for forcing all those shitty memes.
Every one i listed is popular on Zig Forums and is spammed all the time. Fuck you.

I'm a no fun allowed person, beuase those memes aren't funny at all.
They are forced so much.

Then why are you here? You think some faggot telling us we're shit will make every Strelok stop posting here or make us immediately change our culture by making a shitpost? Clearly you don't, so you come to shit up (what you already consider a shit board) even more by telling us we're shit. In which case you need to sit down and have a serious discussion with your loved ones >impying about the option of euthanization.

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Go back to 4cuck please.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.

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I don't know waht's worse, this thread, or the fact that your fuckers bumped it.

It's this thread.

What’s the differences between /fur/ and /furry/?

ry :^)
