Zig Forumsrusty /fa/ggot Thread

There's some heavy autism in this thread.

Because they're cheap, get the job done, and looking good wasn't a requirement when the committee approved them. Why else?

Really only special forces need camo. For everyone else, most of the value is symbolic. It's psychological trick to try and get peacetime base personnel to retain at least some discipline.

This is your brain on paranoid schizophrenia.


Attached: 0vvraksg7uy01.jpg (964x822, 119.24K)

Swastika was used as a symbol that was though to ward off (((evil spirits)))
Since now it's illegal they've changed to Edelweiss flower.

Attached: strzelcy podhalanscy 1936.jpg (735x450, 251.67K)



Too bad he's a cuckold faggot.

I still had a poncho like that in boot camp for the US one. After that I never seen it again. The 2nd pic, I seen pics of the boat cloak, but never seen one in real life.

Average Friday in the Marine Corps.

Attached: 6efa11bb[1].JPG (534x401, 40.08K)

I'm filled with sad laughter

Looks almost exactly like the Boy Scout uniform.

Do pelisses and coats worn as cloaks work?
This should be limited to non-commissioned officers and upwards, I think it just looks stupid when the rank-and-file has fancier aiguillettes than what generals wore back in the day.

Attached: Fejérváry_Géza_Ellinger.jpg (473x747 130.32 KB, 34.4K)