Cool thread but anything >-3 is nothing, you can get by without wearing glasses at all. I'm -5 and literally can't see my dick without.
Well, Lasik. But I think AF for instance requires pilots to do PRK, no lasik, and apparently the PRK has to be done by them after enlisting not on your own.
Most jobs in the military are allowed to wear glasses anyway. And PRK nor Lasik won't fix your weird night vision thing, which would probably disqualify from SF. They're a simple adjustment to your lens to move the focal plane closer to your retina, not a magic +1 PER upgrade. Your night vision issue is caused by either complex abnormalities (some kind of astigmatism?) or some neurological problem, fucking with your lens won't fix it.
It's not really that bad once you grow out of being a neurotic teenage drama queen. Meanwhile, attractive people are getting lensless glasses because it's considered even more attractive. It's not the 80s anymore bud, thick framed nerd glasses are cool now.
Let me stick my fingers in my eyes twice a day, every day. What a great idea!
I've worn both contacts and glasses for many years. I can safely tell you it makes no difference whatsoever (except when you need to wear sunglasses or special eye protection). You'll be the same autist no matter what you wear.
Bullshit, contacts are a huge hassle compared to glasses.
Are you retarded? The "permanent" lenses come in two flavors: Weekly (shit) and monthly (really shit). Either kind is only recommended for use for 1 month, you can stretch it to 2-3 months but it fucks your eyes pretty badly. Either kind will go bad in 1-2 years even in original sterile sealed packaging. Good luck making those last through SHTF. Good luck sticking your finger in your eye all the time and not getting eye infections when you don't even have toilet paper to wipe the shit from your ass. Good luck with +50% weakness to pocket sand. Good luck swimming. Good luck with getting contacts knocked out from any fighting or violent tumbling.
Meanwhile you could just keep a few spare pairs of glasses and learn to grind your own lenses, something people were able to do since thousands of years ago.
You got any solid data go ahead and post it, otherwise you're the meme.
Lasik is considered slightly less risky and easier than PRK. The PRK is only really preferred for exceptional cases like people ineligible for Lasik or athletes/pilots due to the supposed flap coming undone. But I haven't seen any actual evidence of the latter yet.