The Brass Jew

Every god damn range within ~50 miles of me doesn't allow reloads and claims ownership of all spent brass. Their ROs will kvetch to no end if I so much as pick up a handful of brass to take home. I wan't to get into reloading, but under these circumstances I don't know if it's worth getting the equipment. How do you guys get around this shit? I know they can't tell if you have reloads with FMJ projectiles but I wanna cast my own god damn it.

Also reloading thread, what equipment should I be looking into and which handbooks are the best?

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leave a bad review and never go back. im serious.
those dumbfucks? they can't reload worth shit. or even worst, they won't allow you to shoot reloads but sell reloads at their own range. really makes you think.
dont shoot at gay faggot ranges like that.

The most popular ones don't care and I'd have to drive nearly 2 hours one way to go to a better range. Even the fucking clubs pull this shit.

Install brass-catcher, ignore kvetching.

And yes, as said, give them bad reviews on their website, etc. Hit them in the wallet where it hurts.

Certain calibers still have factory cowboy loads or other lead bullets, but mainstream I don't know how you would do it, unless "factory reloads" are OK, there are some places that still might sell loaded ammunition with lead bullets on the cheap, or just buy factory coated if that is still a thing. Sounds like you have a big problem just using your cast reloads, and no way to save money if they keep your brass. Keep looking for a new place to shoot? Do revolver people have this problem, do the RO rip the spent cases out of their hands if they dump them into their hands or into a box?

As for reloading, start small, get a classic RCBS Rockchucker single stage and learn the basics, don't "upgrade" to turret or progressive until you master the basic skills. Get a good old fashioned beam balance to measure powder, don't rely on digital only, but having a backup digital you reference with your beam balance could be useful. Powder trickler is a must. An adjustable powder dispenser might be a useful thing, but when you are learning a Lee set of powder scoops TOPPED OFF WITH THE POWDER TRICKLER TO PROPER WEIGHT OF CHARGE is a good way to start and nice to have when working up various loads. Redding might have the best dies, but RCBS is probably just as good, Lee will work fine even, but RCBS has a superior locking nut, well worth the extra bucks when buying something for a lifetime.

Case trimmer is essential for rifle reloading, thus a set of calipers for measurement. Micrometer is helpful when casting bullets to see if the bullets are undersized. Case check gauges are a great idea, especially with rimless handguns that headspace on the neck, too little crimp or too much crimp will affect chambering, one can do the "plunk" test with the barrel, but a good case gauge is a good investment, saves a lot of headache.

For bullet casting, a cheap Lee electric pot will do for learning, but later on a pricier RCBS really does make things better. You can start out with cheap Lee aluminum molds, many will swear by them, but they are much more difficult to use and don't seem to cast consistent bullets. An expensive Lyman, or if you have money to bleed SAECO, will offer better performance and easier use. A bullet resizer/lubricator is also a must to true up bullets to uniformity and easiest way to apply lubrication. Any of the models will do.

As for literature, buy a Loadbook, these type of books can be bought cheaper on Amazon and gun stores, they are the most comprehensive source for each caliber you reload for, at least load wise. Buying a good Lyman big book is a must, they go into the details of reloading and the nuisances that are very important. For cast bullets, the Lyman 4th Edition is fine, and many older light loads can be found in earlier editions of Lymna's cast bullet books, but will also be found in the LoadBook data if you buy them.

I suggest the LoadBooks because most newer reloading books are about halfways pure dogshit because they list a tiny handful of bullets, this is heavily in part due to influence from the bullet makers to push certain designs in some cases. The other problem of buying many other reloading books is they only have loads for their own bullets, or only SOME of their bullets.

Above all reach out to other casters and relaoders.

Do what the SDF does and install a brass catcher or get a battle buddy to catch brass for you.

The SDF does this because it's bound to the same gay gun laws that civilians are bound to. Spent casings are considered a part of a "Firearm" and thus restricted for some retarded reason; fuck the gay polly fucks.

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Or you could use this and not care about brass forever.

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Shoot Berdan-primed ammo only :^)

I thought ranges brass jewed so they could make reloads to sell to shooters?

Also a lot of ranges ban steel cases because they can't reload it. They can't outright say it's because they're being brass jews so they say stupid shit like

Start buying steel cased ammo and painting it to look like brass.

Also why do people go to ranges? I don't see the appeal when you can just go on your own property or an acquaintance's

Not everybody is that lucky. Also, even if you have land, a proper backstop is either a happy accident of geography, or the result of a bunch of expensive earthmoving.

Also, forgot to mention, OP needs to look for conservation clubs or gun clubs with their own ranges; basically anything that isn't for-profit enterprise. They tend to be much less kiked.

Jap-user, I realize this is off topic, but I have a dire question for you:
Can you provide any info on the gasmasks in use by the Japanese government?
I find info on this (and listings of it) to be exceptionally rare.
Further, would you be able to comment on the recent execution of Shoko Asahara?

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Shoko Asahara was a good Zig Forumsommando, just trying to kickstart WWIII, manufacture WMDs and become a Buddhist god-emperor. He didn't do anything wrong, except for killing our sheep. That was totally uncalled for.

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They managed to manufacture one.
He struck a symbolic target.
They received some basic training and were sent to Russia for further training.

He was just trying to turn his blindness around.

This x1000. Use multiple accounts through multiple IPs across a few months on Yelp, Google reviews and maybe another review method. It's what I would do if some fags told me I couldn't pick up my own property.

I'd love to go to a range where they try to pull shit like this and just call the cops on the RO for assault/theft. That is if I had time and money to sue them after.

I'm poor, and I don't know anyone with any land to legally shoot on, much less anyone who also supplies steel targets and a 1km range.

How about you just go out on the wilderness and shoot instead of a gay shooting range.

You'd need to care about (((brass industry))) goons assassinating you for cutting into their profits

Or move to Detroit, the entire city is a shooting range

Or use brass plated steel (but only the kind you can't reload).

Buy one or two boxes of ammo from their range and keep the box in your bag. If you do start reloading ammo and they don't allow it, when they ask to see your ammo, pull out one of those boxes. I do that at a place that doesn't allow steel core ammo. When they ask to check my ammo, I pull out one box on non-steel core and keep one in my bag in the event they ask to see another box. Then I just shoot the steel core ammo. It's really gay especially since they don't even sell ammo at that place and the nearest place that sells ammo are two Walmarts ~20 mins away in either direction.

Doing that with steel-core is a dick move though, if it's not an outdoor range. Those backstops can only handle so much.

go to an outdoor range that isn't kiked.
I have to drive about 40 minutes to get to a good outdoor range where I'm at because all the city ranges are kikes, but that's how it is.
Fuck the kike ranges, let them starve and deal with retarded niggers.

I'm not familiar with US law but is that even legal?

Who knows, but they get away with it. What are you going to do, hire a lawyer over a couple dollars worth of brass? If you force the issue, they'll ask you to leave / call the cops to throw you out / refuse to do business with you.

I'd say its perfectly legal. When you choose to go to a range and abide by their rules its part of the implied contract that you abide by their rules as part of the interaction. Don't like it? Fucking leave. Caveat emptor and all that, your only real right as a consumer in this case is to refuse to do business with them.

wow. my local range gets shitty if you DON'T collect your brass. but its a free publicly owned range so there's nobody to clean it up. just one bored ass off duty ranger getting p/t pay to make sure noones a complete ass.

neck yourself immediately

"The market" as you put it is just a collection of exchanges (or lack thereof). Saying someone is "sucking the market's dick" is nonsensical because everyone is a full and equal participant in the market, whether he acknowledges it or not. You can't avoid participating in the market, even if you refuse to buy from anyone, refuse to sell anything, refuse any kind of interaction whatsoever, you're still a participant in the market because, by removing your own assets and services from circulation, you are affecting how the rest of the market operates.
"The Market" is nothing more than a series of interactions. It is not a concrete 'thing.' It is not alive. It does not have intentions, either good or bad. Ascribing malicious intent to "the market" because it's easier to pretend the economy is some kind of scheming devil than to admit you don't know how it works is beyond retarded; it's nigger-tier logic on par with setting the sights on an AK to max elevation because the bigger numbers will make your bullets fly farther. You neck yourself, illiterate commie.



It is an outdoor range near an active landfill, so they can get litteral tons of dirt dirt cheap. (Don't worry, I'll use my steel-core on my skull for saying that.)

Also, how fucking ADD do you have to be to consider half a paragraph to be a wall of text? Lay off the kikebook and read a book, nigger.

Watch that double edged sword of yours, its awfully sharp

We're hitting levels of boomer that shouldn't even be possibly.

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I'm actually more of a feudal minded, more towards merctantilistic than anything else, but part of that great power and authority is tempered by the knowledge you should use your ability to regulate trade carefully. There's keeping things flowing and healthy in the economy and then there is basically controlling free property to the point you kill the real middle class and stifle production and innovation.

Telling ranges how to operate and pay for themselves can be a tricky business. Next thing you know you ban certain practices like brass keeping by the ranges and the prices go up for membership/usage. Next thing you know you legislate a few other things that bug you. Next thing you know instead of shitty brass catching ranges that you hate there are NO ranges at all.


If they have a rule about "if it lands on the ground it's theirs" then just put one of those nets on your gun that catches spent ammunition and watch them cry.

This is also a good option. Fuck up their shit when a window licker tries to reload steel cases.

Just keep in mind that leaving bad reviews is a game of patience. I know I've relied on bad reviews to avoid bad companies before, and I'm sure others do too. Make sure your reviews aren't one-liners as people will ignore those as fake, but don't go over like 4-8 sentences either or no one will read it.

With what? 3d printed, stove top chemical engineered plastic caseless telescoped?

It's legal. If you have a brass-catcher it's illegal for them to take it from you, but they can always deny you service if they know you have one. If they have a policy of "if it lands on the ground it's ours" then there's not much you can do from a legal standpoint since you agreed to the policy by paying them cash/going onto their range knowing that rule. In theory you could fight it in court, but it would be a massive legal stink you're not guaranteed to win, and if you do win it, you can expect that no range in a 100 mile radius is going to let you in/you'll probably be on a blacklist shared by the ranges whether those are legal or not. The issue is that shooting is already a niche sport and always under attack, so everyone's lawyered up in the professional industry, and it's a tight-knit group that keeps out what the industry considers "trouble makers" via word-of-mouth so you can't prove the blacklists are real.

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So it's jews, got it.

This ain't my first rodeo

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>the (((invisible))) hand
>the (((austrian))) school

Considering the Invisible Hand has nothing to do with the Austrian school, you're just further exposing yourself as an illiterate commie who thinks money works through sorcery.

Your market is just another social construct, sorry that you feel you're special.


reloading equipment, rockchucker is fine for rifle but dont piss about with a single stage for a handgun ffs lol

Wow, what a faggot lol

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Look at the Marxist. Look at him and laugh.

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Inb4 epic memeneaux meme

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And right on cue trannypol comes in to shit up the thread.

Just use a brass catcher and tell them to fuck off.

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If they claim ownership of brass, they're shit, and you should never go to those places. Brass can be as much as a dollar a round, depending on what you shoot.

But, then, I don't go to ranges myself. I tend to either shoot in my back yard, or my freinds' yard.
Does mean I don't shoot as often as I'd like, though.

Personally, I like two or three paragraphs. One'll be read by short-attentioned people, but people who're thinking "maybe it's not that bad" will read a tad longer, to find the exact issue.

So what if there's a range really close to where I live that doesn't do this brasskike shit, but requires you to sign up with the NRA to become a member?
It's cheap as fuck and they've got loads of lanes to boot, but I really don't want to give money to a traitor organization.
The nearest decent range that doesn't brasskike or make you give money to the traitors is more than two hours away.

Also, like a tard you aren't considering the long-run implications of a move like this: customers move away from Citi and towards payment processors that don't alienate their customers.

This is true, but we might be missing a greater point here: Does the range listed in OP actually claim ownership of brass? It could be that they don't want people crawling around on the floor chasing casings on a live-fire range, and OP is misinterpreting that as "you don't own your brass."

I'd ask them if the GOA works, and if that doesn't, do it, as if nothing else, the NRA at least occasionally does something.

Contact the range owner and politely (that's key here, don't sperg) explain why you have reservations about supporting the NRA. Ask if you can show membership of the GOA, or better yet a local gun rights organization, as an alternative. Chances are that the range does this because they're just misinformed as to what the NRA does or doesn't do, and they genuinely believe they're restricting their clientele to pro-2A only; I doubt their intention is to give money to traitors.

Are you 70 years old? If not, you're fucking pathetically retarded.

My sides

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I never sperg IRL, but I'm not particularly charismatic either.
I'll give it a try though, they seemed like alright people when my friend took me there as a guest, unlike the fudd tier cucks that run half the other ranges nearby.

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I though you couldn't reload rimfires?

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Theoretically you can, but it's a royal pain in the ass and there's really no reason to.